martes, mayo 26, 2020
Judith Kusel - You are literally CREATING YOUR OWN WORLD - May 26, 2020
As the Higher Mind gets more and more activated as we go through the immensely powerful dimensional shifts, we need to become aware of our thoughts and what we think. This includes self-talk, and how we interact thoughtlessly, mindlessly without being consciously aware.
Every single thought you think, especially when combined with the feelings, is now manifesting into form almost instantly!
For when feeling is infused into the thought, through the emotional center, then that adds power to whatever one is manifesting into form and being!
Why? The immensely powerful Energy fields created in the 5D and the 7th, which is now manifesting and even higher, every thought and feeling you project out, is read as energy frequency. Thus you will attract that which is in the frequency band in which you project your thoughts and feelings into! Read that again!
You are literally CREATING YOUR OWN WORLD, you own reality by the thoughts you think and the feelings you have!
If you think negative thoughts and then amplify this by fear-energy, that is exactly what you will manifest more of in your life right now!
Become aware! Become alert!
Become aware that when you constantly allow the media or the outside world to override your thoughts and feed your mind with stories, you are not empowering yourself!
It is the still mind that truly sees and hears and the higher mind is directly linked to the Heart and Soul. It listens deeply to what the heart and soul intuitively knows and then moves into highest harmony and balance with it!
Monitor your thinking and feelings and what you are projecting out into the massive energy fields - for indeed, you are attracting into your life, exactly what you think (and more importantly fear as well!)
Indeed, as someone said to me the other day, this is the Armageddon of the mind that we are in now!
The higher the vibrational frequency of the dimension planet earth is operating in, the more instantly every thought manifests into form!
Seek rather to be careful what you think.
I always teach my students, what when thoughts start churning and or when you realize what you are thinking, then stop the bus right there! Call in Archangel Jophiel and his twin flame Archangel Christine and ask them to clear your mind, clear your thoughts and the space in and around you. Then consciously choose to think uplifting, inspiring and life enhancing thoughts!
Or you can think of a white board. Take an eraser and wipe out every word or thought. Consciously do this until the white board is crystal clear and shiny.
There are immense soul lessons here in higher mastery and manifestation for those who truly seek to live and operate in the higher dimensions and step into a much higher way of life and living.
Judith Kusel
Publicado por
Ángeles de Crystal

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