Radiating in ALL moments is the pure perfect love that is multidimensional in nature and is the enteral purity of The Divine God Self.
In this the Heart rays know the love as the total wholeness of being in harmony and bliss.
Moment to moment ALL THAT IS ~ is this flow of the eternal love now.
No age, no time, no space no distance exists in this FLOW.
FULLY present as THE DIIVNE Being, graduation through form as The Ascended MASTER enters the NEW Earth as the ONE being, fully present NOW.
This love SCHOOL through creation on VENUS and other worlds knows no limitation.
AS the full development of the Divine God Self is fully underway in the process of your UNION to what IS ~ already.
The safeguarding of the process is the Beloved Heart Union with The Divine Self.
Fully prepared before time, as if unfolding through so called time now.
Divinity knows of no limitation.
It is the thoughtless flow of pure Being that is The Ascended Master.
With the embodiment of the VENUS Love Self, with The Divine Council of Overseers, through the pure Divine Plan OF ALL THAT IS. We activate your DNA for this the full BEING of the DIVINE God Self on Earth through form. Through all who live through their heart, NOW.