viernes, mayo 29, 2020
Lauren C. Gorgo - Enlightenment & The New Earth Server - May 29, 2020
After months of preparation, we are soon to transition from this universal 9 month to the universal ONE month of June where we will all be met with our first steps into completely unchartered territory. The anticipation is growing within, yet we are also having to be especially vigilant thru the end of these completion energies…of clearing, closure & lower timeline/template dissolution…before we can actively launch into the new beginnings of 2020.
Until now, reemergence has been happening in waves as society incrementally busts out of its communal chrysalis…but next month, as most stringent of orders lift, the mass collective will be faced with the real reality of a post-pandemic world, just as those of the ascending collective will be faced with the real reality of the New World.
We are emerging together, as ONE, yet in vastly different (parallel) realities on the same planet, and inside an extremely sacred Trinity of eclipses to boot. Eclipses are powerful reality generators in general, but for those prepared (trinitized), this triad reads like stepping out of the cocoon and straight into a time machine…set to the coordinates of our future/enlightened Self.
Adding to the trippiness of the absolute unknown in every area of the social world…our new (zero-point) normal…we also have an incredible Gemini season on tap. The recent (5/22) new moon of which initiated a start-your-engines moment, firing up what will become an incredible month of ongoing diamond/solar lightbody activations. These incoming energies are the ultra-pure, diamond-crystalline codes/frequencies needed to heal and awaken our crystalline DNA so we can activate and embody our Original Diamond Sun DNA Template.
Moving into the June side of Gemini, axis-shifting revelations will continue to unfold as we navigate the ascent into a new level of crystal/christed consciousness. The onslaught of personal/ancestral truths and higher levels of clarity have already been illuminating so many blindspots, bringing puzzle pieces together at record speeds…enlightening us to the totality of our life in duality→ the identity we held, why, and what it’s all been for. The revelations have been staggering, but also crucial to disentangling from that life, unhooking from the conditioning of the expired template.
We are discovering in real-time how these dis-closures bring the much-needed closure to our karmic contracts/agreements and simultaneously open the doorway to divinity from within our very own Temple. As these truths become known to us, we are being set FREE…link by link we are liberated from the chains of our ancient lineages, dissolving those timelines from within our DNA, returning our body consciousness to zero-point so we can finally bring our fleshy suits over the 🌈 bridge to join us in the nirvanic realms.
As the lower human template expires and we officially lay that life to rest, we also have a fortuitous opportunity to completely incinerate the past via the Holy Fire of the approaching Pentecost on May 31st, the very last day of this (9) month. This completes our three-year cycle of integrating the Cosmic Mother principle via the descent of the Holy Spirit that officially began in June of 2017 (just prior to the widespread #metoo movement in October of that same year).
That the Pentecost is kicking off this sacred Trinity of eclipses feels like a divine dispensation…setting the tone/holding the space for the Trinity of GOD consciousness to be made (hu)manifest…and of course, right as we approach the summer solstice (in the north) when the life force and creativity of nature climax on Earth.
To that end (literally)⇾ a vigil, a ceremony, an offering, a farewell to “the human condition” may call to you during this time asking you to leave the accumulation of your past (lives) on the sacrificial altar, and to surrender the entirety of your first life mission with unconditional LOVE…forgiveness & forbearance, maybe even gratitude & grace…before we jump into the Great Space Coaster for the ride of a thousand lifetimes. 🎢🛸
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Lauren C. Gorgo,
Reporte de Energías