Dear Ones, what we want you to understand is that ultimately all movement is forward movement. If someone is moving forward mindfully that is forward movement. If someone is moving in a direction that is not for their highest good, they will eventually get so uncomfortable it will become impossible to stay the same and they will surrender which will result in accelerated forward movement.
You are all exploring endlessly, finding energetic matches to who you really are, and also re-directing by experiencing what does not match who you really are and how you wish to express yourself. The beautiful thing is the more conscious you become, the more you will choose to surrender and flow by listening to the guidance of your soul rather than expanding through the catalyst of extreme discomfort.
But one thing is for sure – if you are in the body, on the planet, you are growing. You get to decide your preferred method of how you do it. If you understand each and every soul knows exactly what it is doing to best facilitate that growth, you will see all methods deserve your compassion and respect. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young