So, how is everyone doing? Can you believe we’re nearly halfway through 2020? Can you believe we’ve got to get through the second half of 2020, which includes the broken USA presidential election business and all that that will bring? And during the continued global pandemic, increasing economic collapse and who knows what else? Attempted coup by anyone at this point, barefaced dictatorship nation or _________ fill in the frantic, insane patriarchal blank. You can’t see me, well some of you can, but I’m rolling my eyes and shaking my head in genuine burned-out disgust. How time flies when you’re having so much _________ fill in the often hellacious shift blank. Have you mastered the ability to walk on water yet? To rise above the 2020 chaotic emotional waters of the physical level shift, Separation of Worlds, end of the end times, patriarchy devouring itself on camera every day, plus the abundant egos loudly proclaiming their different versions of reality?
Since January 2020 I’ve been, at one level of my being and external physical reality, downright burned-out and disgusted by most everything and everyone. One side effect of my insistence on retaining as much conscious awareness from birth as I could without it breaking me. I opted to retain conscious awareness from birth about what I Volunteered to incarnate into in this life, why and what I’d need to do while here. It was a situation of consciously remembering more than most Volunteers and risk the unpleasant side effects of that, or incarnate with full or partial amnesia and risk the unpleasant side effects of that. To me the latter was too risky for this important time and life of ascension so I insisted on being consciously aware of as much as I could and not have that break me in this Volunteer life. That’s had it’s downside too however. Couple that with the January 12, 2020 Saturn Pluto Capricorn conjunction shift point and the first half of 2020 has been as different for me as the start of the Ascension Process and Phase 1 was in 1999!
At another level of my being and internal and external energetic and physical reality, I am NEW and improved more and more each day. This extreme increase of old lower insanity and collapsing everything happening simultaneously to my personal Phase 2 level of Embodiment is… is… is hilarious, debilitating, obnoxious, cosmically schizophrenic-like, repulsive, thoroughly interesting, divinely perfect, horribly stupid and ridiculous but I repeat, divinely perfect.
Because BOTH things are happening simultaneously, and now in Phase 2 at much higher levels of the entire Process, I have the right–as do you–to state without judgement or ridicule from anyone that the collapse and demise of the old patriarchal Team Dark world and our personal, individual latter stage Embodiment Process is BOTH a giant pain in the ass and perfectly magnificent beyond anything. Talk about a transition!
There are many ascension teachers/writers who continue in Phase 2 to try and push people who’ve been living the Ascension Process to believe they need to group together physically and etherically. Like they’re not capable of Consciously Creating anything unless there are as many of us as possible grouped together all hard at Work focusing on something ascension related. I understand the reasons for this belief and needed beginner team effort however many are beyond that level and have been for years or decades.
I’m going to list some of my Soul Contracted education and assistance periods from my life to help make the point I’m intending about the Phase 2 2020 Embodiment Process.

Older Volunteers, it’s so easy to now see how incredibly timed and specific our ascension lives have been because we’ve been on a very tight timeline from birth. Every detail was meticulously pre-planned and contracted before our births because once we hit incarnate physical Earth bodies and lives, many of us (not all but many) were On the Ascension Clock from birth.
My main three contracted ET family and friends were with me from birth until my physical Ascension Process started at age 47 at the beginning of 1999. About a year or so before this I was acutely aware all three of them were slowly and intentionally retreating from me. I put off asking them why they were leaving me for as long as I could, but when I finally did ask they immediately told me why they would never, for any reason whatsoever, interfere with my personal, individual Volunteer Denise Ascension Process. They helped me get to that point which was what all of us had contracted for. But, just like my main Guide, they too were only contracted to guide me, re-teach, remind and prepare me for what I could not entirely fathom the physical level Ascension Process would actually be for me, my physical body and all else when it began in the physical dimension February 1999.
My main Guide assigned to me from about age five until age 29 was then permanently gone. My from birth until age 47 start of my physical Ascension Process beloved three ET beings from three different dimensions and systems were next to leave. Since the start of my physical level, Phase 1 Ascension Process in 1999, I have been increasingly on my own with the Ascension and Embodiment Processes.
I’m not saying I don’t have occasional contact with other dimensional beings, ETs, Lightbeings, Angelics and such because I continue to since 1999. What I don’t have are ETs or beings or Angelics or Masters etc. whispering in my ear constantly, telling me what to do or not do, where to go, what to say or not say, what to write about or not write about and so on. I continue to have multidimensional contact yes, but I have not had Guides or other-dimensionals ETs or beings etc. directing me. There are many reasons for this, some just to show that you don’t need all that etheric high drama and entertaining energetic theatrics even though they’re profitable selling features for some ascension and conspiracy teachers and validation for the people who follow them that cannot discern if any of it is actually true or not. For me it’s always been, assist me up to a certain point then step away so I can Embody in and through this Denise self and body on my own thank-you-very-much. It’s about the end result, not the flashy phenomena before it in my opinion.
If you are living the Embodiment Process then you should have discovered that the Phase 2 higher level of it is very much connected to Source’s divine Cease & Desist Order that went out globally January 2020. Personally I want all my energy, focus and dedication spent on my own Embodiment Process in 2020 Phase 2. The best way I can help others and make their ascension faster and easier is for me to get my final phase Embodiment Process seriously ON in 2020 Phase 2! Crystals don’t cut it for me. Sacred sites don’t cut it for me. Ringing bells, singing bowls, burning incense, sage, sitting with others meditating, praying etc. doesn’t cut it for me. Attending spiritual, ascension, ET, UFO or any other such type events or lectures don’t and never in my life have cut it for me. I do not and never have attended such things ever. I AM here to do exactly what I have been since birth and before that as well.
More Is Less, Less Is More

I have always written about ascension related things I’ve personally experienced, and multiple times at that. What I haven’t shared up until now, and I’m doing so now because it is Phase 2 and rapidly getting much more obvious to many finally, is that my higher dimensional contacts have steadily reduced since 1999, not increased since 1999. This was hard for me at first because I’ve lived my life from birth with amazing positive etheric beings always nearby so to have that end when it seemed like I would need them even more was both difficult and more isolating than living the Ascension Process was!
I have had a whole lot of Master Hotei moments of him showing up in my higher awareness and just raising one eyebrow at me over a specific question I asked of my Higher Self/Selves/Soul/Source. That one raised eyebrow from Master Hotei was my answer, and it was a giant, screaming one at that. Other times since 1999 it would be only a smallish smile on his face, never telepathed words or suggestions, only visual clues on his face to let me know I was heard and given an answer loud and clear. Other times I had certain Angelic beings do this same type of communicating with me when I’d asked a specific question. Suddenly there would be an Angelic face in my mind’s eye with a tiny grin, a loving smile, a slow cat-like eye blink letting me know so, so much without anything having been said or telepathiclly spoken. In other words, the occasional communications I’ve gotten since 1999 from some of my old nonphysical buddies have been less and less which in itself spoke tons of valuable information about my current state and level within the Embodiment Process.
What I want you to know, to recognize when it starts happening to you, is that when your old much-loved nonphysical Guides, ETs buddies and family, your old Ascended Master Teachers and other Others stop coming to visit you, KNOW that it is because you are getting increasingly close to Embodiment yourself and no longer need them outright, certainly no longer need them in those old lower ways and levels of development you used to. You have evolved and changed and continue to which means your contacts are too and that is a huge positive even though at first you probably miss them terribly. Keep Embodying, keep moving yourself up those energy stair-steps and pay attention to how your personal multidimensional ascension related entourage continues disappearing. Less of them means more of you/You/YOU are Embodying in and through the physical incarnate you. Why would you need more of them when you continue to Embody more and more of YOU, your Higher Self/Selves/Soul/Source consciously through your physical body and self now? Answer. A gentle smile, a raised eyebrow, a slow loving Angelic eye blink.
Now you know why your special crew is or has been retreating from you over the years. Now you know why certain of your personal old beloved spiritual tools of the trade and other much loved old gadgets and habits no longer Work for you, no longer cut it for you, no longer satisfy you like they used to. You have evolved beyond them, you have outgrown them and they are glad and proud you have because they know they’ve done their jobs perfectly.
Know too that Embodiers are themselves NEW Codes.
May 29, 2020
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