sábado, mayo 30, 2020
Judith Kusel - Rebirth - May 29, 2020
I don't know if you have noticed how things are happening on all levels now, and now the shift is busy shifting people in immensely powerful ways.
Our souls are speaking to us. Our higher Soul Self is busy making its presence felt more and more, as a transcendence is happening, and we start seeing, hearing and being, what we could not access before.
This multi-dimensional shift is truly bringing amazing awakening, and dormant soul gifts and abilities are now being activated.
Go deeply into your heart and soul and listen deep within. The shift is not so much happening in outside world, as it is happening within you.
Turn within.
Seek answers within.
Such is the awakening call.
It is all happening!
And in the coming weeks even more so!
Judith Kusel
Publicado por
Ángeles de Crystal

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Judith Kusel,
Reporte de Energías