lunes, mayo 25, 2020
L'Aura Pleiadian - Awakening from The Old World - May 25, 2020
Awakening from The Old World
There are many people who act as if they are robots. Being run through the old program does that, as the blueprint and its related patterns, demands death and rebirth, to awaken.
Although this may sound like the twilight zone. There are beings that are void of emotion and void of the ability to connect consciously with others and with themselves.
Repetitive modes; part of the programming of mass consciousness, is prevalent on Earth, even to this day, through people.
Void of heart consciousness; the seemingly heartless ways live through the vibration of beings, not aware of their eternal nature/God Self.
The move from the head to the heart, is a natural one, although very difficult for most, because of the previous 3D programming and attachments/habits.
Human beings; designed and created to ASCEND into the higher levels AS being conscious Eternal Beings here through form ~ is the LOVE that is desired and mastery to the highest levels of being.
As our PRESENCE, we are our literally our center and Heart; which flows as the love, the Glory and the Light, which is available to ALL NOW.
As you master form and enter your heart more and more, we bless you and fill you with the DIVINE KNOWING, that you ARE a Divine Cosmic Being. Here to ascend, here to love and simply BE, the eternal light that you are.
This is your mastery and your ascension. WE are with you through this as we were in the beginning and before time.
All old outmoded programming is releasing itself now.
As you move to your heart and open to your Eternal Cosmic God Self, now, we activate more and more of your glory. To be here NOW as your mastery in form.
We are The Divine Council of Overseers initiating all through love.
L'Aura Pleiadian
Publicado por
Ángeles de Crystal

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