martes, mayo 26, 2020
Aisha North - A short update on the energies - May 26, 2020
A short update on the energies
The subtleness of the information
constantly interacting with your field
is a gentle reminder to stay alert
to the tiniest of shifts in your perception.
Change does not always come
in the grandiose manner one would expect.
Rather, it is a case of minuscule movements
that often go unnoticed by the untrained eye.
But to those willing to see,
the rapidly unfolding shift
is a constant source of delight and awe.
It is a never ending supply of miracles,
fueling your own embodiment
of this total rewrite of human history.
So keep your ear to the ground
and your eyes wide open,
lest you should lose your forward momentum
in these precious times.
Publicado por
Ángeles de Crystal

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Aisha North,
Reporte de Energías