lunes, mayo 25, 2020
Brenda Hoffman - You’re Your Fairy Godmother - May 25, 2020
Dear Ones,
Your life is changing in ways you did not expect, especially after COVID-19 became part of your world.
You no longer feel the need to follow the dictates of others. For others are displaying actions and patterns that fall throughout the spectrum from belief in oneself to conspiracy theories that someone or something is about to take over their life.
Of course, those who believe they are puppets of others will find reasons to justify their stance. Just as those who feel they are the masters of their life will discover such is true. You have all heard the phrase, “Beliefs create your reality.” A statement more accurate than you can imagine.
For thoughts are energy streams that encourage or even force the creation of that which you believe.
So it is many of you have lived through times that dramatized what you believed from love to fear.
You are now deciding that you wish to create what is right for you, whether it is part of mainstream beliefs or not.
Such a statement does not seem that radical unless you break it down. Until now, most of your thoughts and actions were filtered through your 3D shoulds and beliefs. Because you are creating new beliefs, your world is shifting accordingly. Think of having a magic wand that creates what you wish.
So it is, your focus, your stream of thought, creates what you wish.
Your fairytales were examples of what was possible and what was to come.
If you wish to examine an attribute such as fear or abuse, that attribute will be proudly displayed in all areas of your life. And if you wish to explore love or self-creation, such is what you will experience. You have had that magic wand throughout all your earth lives – without believing such is true.
You, a powerful earth angel, were never without the skills to create the life you wished. You once wanted to fully explore fear – and so you did. Fear is an old lesson that is becoming more boring by the day. Just as was prophesied. For once you declare you no longer wish to explore fear – and live as if fear were no longer part of your world – such will be created.
You are a creator. What do you wish to create? The same 3D fear lessons or new love and joy? It is your choice. But the boredom you are likely feeling is much less about self-quarantine than it is about continuing to live your life in fear.
Does that mean you should or should not self-quarantine? That is your choice. Just as is true for living in fear or love and joy. Which of those choices seems the most difficult to achieve and, therefore, the most interesting and exciting?
So it is you are tired of the fear lessons you have explored for eons.
Pull out your magic wand, which has always been part of you. For your wand is merely your beliefs and expectations. If you expect to live in joy, you will. And if you do not, you will not.
Perhaps many of you feel you have covered this subject ad nauseam. And so you have, for eons.
Allow yourself to know that your fear lessons are over. You have passed your fear level of expertise. It is time for a new lesson plan. Just as you explored fear in all it’s many aspects, it is time to explore love and joy. Start with loving yourself enough to know you can create any environment you wish – even in this global time of the virus.
You do not need to explain your choices and actions to anyone. For this is your life. Not your spouse’s, parent’s, friend’s, or your children’s life. There are no explanations required.
In truth, your need to explain your actions to anyone indicates you continue to live in society’s grip. You know what you need and when you need it. You know what kind of life you wish to live – now live it.
Does that mean you will function as you did before COVID-19? Yes. Does that mean you will use this time of self-quarantine to outline within your being how you wish to live for the remainder of this lifetime? Yes. Does that mean you will live in fear if that’s what you want? Yes.
You are the master, the fairy godmother of you. Allow that thought to rumble throughout your being. And then, instead of pretending that others are directing your life as you have for eons, create the life you want now. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.
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