sábado, enero 16, 2016

James Tyberonn - Arcángel Metatrón - Puntos De Infinito El Señor Miguel y la Dama de los Lagos

Saludos, Maestros Yo soy Metatrón, Ángel de Luz. Se une a mí Tyberonn del Servicio Cristalino, y los saludamos en un vector de amor incondicional.

Y entonces hablaremos de la frecuencia vibratoria exquisita y de la asombrosa grandiosidad visual del Portal del Vórtice de Miguel en Banff. Ahora bien, existen muchos aspectos singulares y no reconocidos en la región de los parques nacionales de Banff y Yoho en las montañas, ríos, valles y aguas verdaderamente espectaculares de esta cadena montañosa singular de Canadá occidental. Debido a sus anomalías gravitacionales, su tectónica, su equilibrio electromagnético, su mineralogía y su ubicación de latitud y longitud, existen campos plásmicos benévolos que permiten una interfaz más tangible con los reinos divinos.

Emmanuel Dagher ~ The Year of Miracles - January 2016

My soul friend,

Happy New Year! Before we catch up on the blessings 2016 has in store, let’s reflect a moment on the gifts the past year brought us.

What a ride 2015 took us on! If the highs and lows felt extreme for you, know that you are not alone.

If I could sum up this past year in two words, they would be “awakening” and “abundance.”

When most of us think of these two words, we often associate them with fluffy new age concepts that may seem out of reach for most people.

viernes, enero 15, 2016

Karen Downing - Question Everything - 15 January, 2016

One of the questions I am often asked is, “Do you ever question how you get your information?” My answer. Yes. In fact, I feel that taking regular time to question the process of your intuition keeps you in check, out of the Ego, and even more importantly, away from the influence of malevolent beings.
This is not a question of protection. If you wish to be protected, and ask for protection, you are protected. But, what if you have been unknowingly asking for protection from beings who have not been honest with you? How do you learn to discern the difference between your Higher Self and the Ego? Between malevolent beings, here to disempower, and benevolent beings, here to assist?

Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden - Becoming One in the Golden City of Shamballa – Decree - Jan 15, 2016

The Golden Earth City of Shamballa is within the 5th Dimensional Earth which we call Terra Christa. It represents the 16th Ray “Magnetism Created to Reflect the One Universal Being.”

The special city of light, “Shamballa” is located over Maccu Picchu along with an Inner Earth City below Machu Picchu. Machu Picchu is situated above a loop of the Urubamba River, which surrounds the site on three sides, with cliffs dropping vertically for 450 metres (1,480 ft) to the river at their base. The area is subject to morning mists rising from the river. (Wikipedia.com)

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - 2016 and All Her Gifts - 15 January, 2016

As the celestial leylines within and without, above and below, re-adjust themselves for incoming landings of illumination, all will feel strewn about and discombobulated by an unexpected mischievous dust devil of interference. Bumps and grinds during these sky-lined events may shake up the human linear patterns of thinking just long enough for some enlightment to get thru. Like one that is drenched by an unexpected spring shower, there is no way to avoid complete saturation, with or without cosmic umbrella. A deep healing is occurring with or without your permission.
The cells of Earth have their encoded orders and know what to do; they march forward at a steady pace never missing a beat. Each pain within your body is a cry for help, a stuck fear, trauma or memory, literally a pain from the past. 2016 is about ‘promises and completion’, Cosmic and Personal completion. Humanity is asked nicely to enter the next level of love, of heart, of soul and service to the Universe.

Natalie Glasson - Archangel Michael - Bursting Your Perspective Bubble - 15th January 2016

Sacred School of OmNa
With great volumes of love anchoring into your world from such sources as Venus, many powerful awakenings are dawning. Love has the power to clear out old stagnant energies as well as all forms of resistance to acceptance of the Creator. While love supports cleansing and purification within your being, love also
encourages empowerment and manifestation of your dreams and soul aligned desires.

Steve Rother - El Grupo - Llenando la vacante de luz - Un tiempo de ESPERANZA - 16 de diciembre de 2015

Un saludo a todos, yo soy Elrah del Servicio Rítmico.

Quise participar un momento porque también estoy celebrando un cumpleaños. En realidad, celebro mi cumpleaños todos los meses, pero no se lo he dicho a nadie porque ustedes no cuentan con suficientes números para llegar a la sumatoria de mi cumpleaños. No, ya superamos la marca de los 200.000 y, a partir de ahí, tendemos a olvidarlo. Sin embargo, quise celebrarlo con todos ustedes porque comprenden lo que está sucediendo en el Planeta Tierra y que se está volviendo hermoso.

Diane Canfield - Ascension Update~Current Energies Flowing IN - January 15, 2016

Light Pillars – Light Map In The Sky Taken by Mia Heikkilä on January 12, 2016 @ Kauttua, Eura, Finland

Ascension Update~Current Energies Flowing IN

By Diane Canfield

Today we are experienced extreme crown chakra activations which changes and transforms our DNA through upgrades to our LIGHT BODY. You may experience tingles and the feeling of helmet head, which is pressure around all sides of the head. I came up with this term a year or so ago to describe the feeling that happens when the Ascension waves come in and what it feels like around the head with crown chakra activations.

Dr. Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - Unconditionally Love Yourself ~ Second Chakra

Meditation for Chakra Two

As I focus on my second chakra between my waist and the base of my spine, I feel a rush of emotion from a long forgotten childhood and early life. I embrace these emotions with the power of my Unconditional Love.

With the power of my Unconditional Love, I can Unconditionally Forgive myself for whatever I thought I might have done wrong. I can also Unconditionally Accept that I wrote those episodes of life into my birth plan.

James Tyberonn - Arcángel Metatron - 2016 - Una Visión General Metatrónica

¡Saludos, Maestros! Yo soy Metatrón, Ángel de Luz, y se une a mí en esta sesión Tyberonn del Servicio Cristalino. Nos han pedido en esta reunión discutir el año que viene, Año 4 de la Nueva Tierra, que es 2016 en la cronología lineal.

Deseamos insertar aquí que lo que ofrecemos en este mensaje son probabilidades y potenciales, basados en las corrientes de realidades probables dentro del formato y la influencia de las gravedades astronómicas y los campos de pensamiento masivos de la humanidad. Seamos claros: nadie, ningún grupo angélico, ni canalizador, ni individuo, puede predecir exacta y plenamente el futuro, y aclaramos que no es esa nuestra intención. Ciertamente, por definición de las leyes que rigen en el reino de la dualidad 3D, el futuro siempre es fluido. El reino de la 3D está gobernado por el libre albedrío, y entonces la manifestación de realidad resultante no está fija en términos absolutos en ningún nivel individual.

Dana Mrkich - Energía del 2016: Conciencia en Acción - 8 de Enero 2016

Traducción: Fara González

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Terminamos el 2015 en el cual muchas personas tuvieron momentos difíciles, incluyendo mi familia. Accidentes potenciales o reales que pudiesen haber terminado peor solamente por pocos segundos de diferencia. Al final, percibí que aquí estábamos en esta realidad donde todo funcionaba bien, pero que había una realidad paralela muy diferente que había sido desviada y en la cual nuestra vida hubiese cambiado drásticamente.

Esto me puso a pensar. ¿Cuántas veces nos ha ocurrido esto como colectivo en el Planeta Tierra? Más específicamente, ¿cuántas veces ha ocurrido en años recientes particularmente con respecto al ‘Cambio’? Miramos alrededor y pensamos que las cosas pudiesen estar mucho mejor, pero cuando experimentamos algo cercano a un accidente vemos que las cosas pudiesen haber sido mucho peores al punto de desconectarnos, de terminar el juego aquí.

Mike Quinsey - 15th. January 2016

Events are moving on very quickly and pressure is being put on those who are expected to announce Disclosure, to go ahead without delay. President Putin is the one who is applying the pressure and is currently leading the action to get results as soon as possible. Meanwhile the Earth is now operating within an energy shield that is maintaining protection against outside interference. You may be assured that your future is in the hands of those who wield immense power for the success of the Light. The dark Ones are naturally aware that they are powerless to achieve their aims to bring about another World War. So you may go about your day knowing that the future of the Earth and Humanity is in safe hands. Powerful Light forces await their call to bring about a greater awareness, and lead you to an understanding of your true history. One revelation that will bring you great relief concerns the latent power of each Being of Light. You have been led to believe that you are powerless, when in fact your potential is unlimited. With it comes the responsibility to use it wisely, and as time progresses you will receive ample guidance and instructions in this respect.

jueves, enero 14, 2016

The Virus Of Religion: An Ancient War On Human Consciousness - January 14, 2016


14th January 2016
By Karlos Kukuburra
Guest Writer for Wake Up World

So you thought you wanted enlightenment? Thought that life would be all peachy and smooth sailing when the veils of illusion were lifted? Those who have become ‘dis-illusioned’ — and haven’t slid back into denial after seeing what was on the other side, or run in the opposite direction with their first taste of ‘enlightenment’ — realize that waking up is hard work!

So what is behind these veils of constructed reality, one might ask? To put it in succinct terms, what lies behind the social conditioning is this: “That our society is the product of an extraterrestrial race that moves and breathes — and even breeds — beneath the surface of all of human history.”

Rev. Terri Newlon - Djwhal Khul - Violet Flame Aquarian Transformation - Jan 14, 2016

Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.

One moment here. If you’re practicing channeling you know that you can come in kind of light and sink down a little bit deeper so I’m going to be sinking down a little bit deeper here. Alright good.

Alright. Violet Flame is what I am going to work with now. Just really sort of seeing the entire body engulfed in violet flame and then if you would please as well see the planet engulfed in violet flame.


VIDEO (recommended!)


Naturally we don't speak the word but express through signs and sound.

But for those who don't have access to these we may speak through a human tongue.

We are from the highest realms of light and ecstasy, healing and upliftment for the human race and all that is ready to walk the path of the new Divine Creation to expanded visions of realities of perfection.

Marlene Swetlishoff - ARCHANGEL GABRIEL - January 14, 2015


Note from the Scribe:  This concludes the Archangel Gabriel discourses on the 144 Divine Qualities of Love. Blessings and Love to all!
January 14, 2015
Beloved Ones,
Let us have discourse on the quality of love known as omnipotence. Omnipotence means having unlimited and all sufficient power. This all sufficiency of the divine makes it unnecessary for the divine to look for a renewal of strength elsewhere, for the divine is the source of it. This is the omnipotent power lying hidden within each human that can help them rise to higher and better things. There are enormous resources of information, guidance and support that are freely available through one’s connection to the divine within them. The divine gave humanity free will to enable them to have the experience of duality so that through this experience they can make free will choice to voluntarily reunite with the divine. When they surrender their human will to the omnipotent will of the divine, they are opened to a life of love and boundless power. As they experience life, they build their character and find within themselves that wondrous divine self which is their true self. The true objective of life on Earth is that all souls may attain wisdom through experience. This cannot be accomplished by giving in to the difficulties presented in life, but only in overcoming them.

Nancy Tate - Wake up Call: St. Germain, January 14, 16

I am here to day to begin a final stage of bringing all of the funds to the surface. That is to say that there will be an upturning of the funds to the proper fields, and from there they will be brought forward in the freedom of no obstructions. I am St. Germain, and I am in the wake of being able to take the prime betrayers of trust from earth to another place where they can live out their actions and be able to come to the realization of how they have been manipulated into believing that they are on their destined track.

miércoles, enero 13, 2016

Suzanne Lie - Gaia's Story - 1-13-16


For the Unconditional Love Chakra #2 meditation, please click here.


My Dearest Partners in Ascension, 

First, allow me to answer a question that I have been asked by many of my awakened ones. This question is, “How can I best serve the process of planetary ascension?” My first response is—patiently.

I know that patience is not a common trait in today’s modern world. The rush and competition of daily life, hurry up, get-there-first and do-it-now overshadows my planetary ideal of calm patience. Patience is so vital because the hurry-scurry of working hard to get ahead lowers your resonance to survival consciousness.

Just as rushing is a human trait, patience is a planetary trait. Do you think that I could have created mighty oceans, vast prairies, high mountain ranges, and huge forests without patience? Humanity thinks in terms of days and years, whereas I think in terms of centuries and millennia.

Christine Day - Message From the Pleiadians January 2016 - January 13, 2016

Beloved ones we greet you,

Congratulations! This sacred time of this New Year is the turning point for planet Earth. The entire Universal community is celebrating this ‘happening’ of sacred openings making it possible for you to move back to a place of conscious reconnection, of remembering your place of Truth.

We, within the Universal community all await your return to your place within this Collective Consciousness.

Kryon channeled by Lee Carroll - The Dysfunction of Darkness - 14 November, 2015

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. The channel today has many energies, and there is much unspoken that will be said through that which is called "The Third Language". The channel we give you today is for everyone. It's for everyone listening, everyone who might be reading, and available for many years to come.

We are in Peru, at the end of the Human adventure called The Kundalini Tour. The Kundalini adventure was named as a metaphor of an attribute of the Human body. It represents the birth of a new consciousness on the planet and the procreation of newness in all things. The birth of a child is so special, and it is seen as a beginning, not an end. Birth is not seen as something dramatic and sad. Because of the potential that is there, new life is celebrated on the planet. That is the metaphor of the name.

James Tyberonn - Archangel Metatron - Points of Infinity Lord Michael & The Lady of the Lakes

Greetings Masters, I am Metatron, Angelic of Light. I am joined by Tyberonn of Crystalline Service and we greet you in a vector of unconditional love.
And so we return to speak of the exquisite vibrational frequency & stunning visual grandeur of the Michael Vortexial Portal in Banff. Now, there are many unique and unrecognized aspects to the areas of Banff and Yoho National Parks in the truly spectacular mountains, rivers, valleys & waters of this unique columnar of western Canada. Because of its gravitational anomalies, tectonics, electromagnetic balance, mineralogy and latitudinal- longitudinal placement there are rare benevolent plasmic fields that allow for a more tangible interface with the divine realms.

Lapis Linguis - The Forbidden Stone of Mastery Vision - James Tyberonn

Selacia - Energy Update for Mid-January 2016 - January 13, 2016

There are some lighter energies in the air as we head into mid-January. It's always helpful to know such trends so you can take advantage of them. While we're still in the wild ride of ups-and-downs experienced in 2015 and the Mercury Retrograde continues until January 25, other energetic factors can help boost your mood and your productivity. In this article I describe how to take advantage of this.
Update Your View of 2016
Sometimes when a year begins with a Mercury Retrograde and its inherent delays, there's a tendency to get bogged down in details and forget the big picture. If this has happened to you, or you are simply not your typical new year joyful self, read on.

Jahn J Kassl - ON GOD’S WINGS, ASANA MAHATARI - January 13, 2016

Message from the Light Reading  
on December 18th, 2015 in Vienna

Photography © 2014 Jens Schnabel, Munich 

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
Translated by Franz

God is with us!
I am ASANA MAHATARI, those, who know me, 
also know me as Master ST. GERMAIN.
I am That I Am. I am now amongst you!
Thinking of God
Do you know why the life of many human Beings looks like 
a roller coaster? Days, hours and moments that heights and 
depths characterize? Do you know why it is so difficult for many 
human Beings to stand in the center, to remain in their center 
and center there? The answer is simple: 
Most human Beings think too little about God. 
All thoughts should always circle around God and have 
God in the center. A fulfilled and balanced life can unfold 
out of this centered position. 

Ron Head - Unconscious Beliefs - Jan 13, 2016

We will speak today of unconscious beliefs. In our last message we used the words deserve and worthy. We used the word unworthy. This was in the context of a discourse on the illusion of separation. We would like to expand on those terms today.

We understand, and we stated that mankind is in the process of bringing the illusion of separation to an end. Seen from your vantage point, it will be obvious that everyone is not at the same point in the process. And the ideas of unworthiness and being undeserving are an unconscious anchor holding many in place where they are. As is the idea that it is not possible to be at one with the divine. There are even those, and not a few, who would be afraid to achieve that oneness. So we have here a few serious things to discuss.

martes, enero 12, 2016

Benjamín Fulford - 12-01-16. El sistema financiero y mafioso jázaro bajo ataque sistemático mientras se desarrolla la revolución mundial

12 Jan

Fuente y comentarios en inglés: http://benjaminfulford.net/2016/01/05/a-concerted-push-is-under-way-to-end-khazarian-mafia-rule-this-year/

Múltiples fuentes de agencias gubernamentales confirman que la caída récord en la mayoría de los mercados bursátiles del mundo durante la primera semana del año era sólo el comienzo de un ataque sistemático para desmantelar el sistema financiero basado en la esclavitud de la deuda babilónica de la mafia jázara. Se espera que la mayoría índices bursátiles caigan de un 50 a un 60% antes de que acabe esta campaña, según un alto funcionario del Banco Asiático de Desarrollo, fuentes del Pentágono y un agente de la CIA involucrado en la operación que llevó a la quiebra a la Unión Soviética.

El ataque tienen como objetivo conseguir la bancarrota a los grandes bancos de la mafia jázara que han estado detrás de muchos de los problemas del mundo. Como resultado, los jázaros se están quedando sin opciones, mientras colapsan los precios del petróleo, se les corta el dinero de la droga y se detiene la manipulación de los mercados de valores.

Jennifer Hoffman - The Power In the Space In Between - 12 January, 2016

If you feel like your life has been ‘on hold’ for a long time, and many of us do, once the energy starts moving, as it is now, it brings a rush of action and activity. We have so much to catch up on and so much lost ground to recover that we set lots of powerful intentions to move the energy and our lives forward. And then we wait in joyful anticipation and as time passes and nothing seems to happen, we lose hope. Here we go again, we think, more delays and more limitations. But we’re in the ‘in between space’, that middle ground between intention and outcome, where can create new pathways and energetically multi-task, holding our intention while we also stay open to different outcomes. It’s a very powerful place to be because all of our power is in the ‘space in between’ and it is what we do in this in between space that keeps the energy flowing.
Patience is where our will meets divine timing and we don’t like to wait, especially if we need something right away. If we don’t see pretty quick results we get perturbed, annoyed, and impatient. But the waiting period is where all of the potential gathers, and so does our energy. And there are two ways to look at the situation, with impatience or with optimism. Impatience leads to second guessing ourselves and the universe, believing we’re doing something wrong, and then we step onto the path of fear that our necessary and desired outcomes won’t happen. Optimism, another choice, keeps us on track and encourages us to keep the energy flowing by maintaining our intention and channeling energy into opening new portals of possibility. We can use our energy to be impatient and block the flow, or we can encourage the flow by staying with our intention and seeing what else is happening.
We have made so many changes in the past few years and have done so much work on ourselves that many new and different kinds of  potentials are possible. But we don’t know what they are because we can only ask for what we think is possible, available, and accessible. A vast field of potential lies beyond our mind’s knowing, one that we have yet to explore and those potentials become possible in the ‘in between’ space, as long as we don’t judge how long it’s all taking to happen.
The energy begins flowing in the direction of our intention the moment we make it. Then the miracles begin to happen as the energy expands and other things become possible too. But if we get impatient, think that nothing is happening, and start judging the process, the energy stops flowing. What if that space in between was where all of our different,  unexpected, unanticipated, and miraculous outcomes are becoming possible? It’s an opportunity to multi-task our energy, holding our intention while we are also anticipating the best and highest outcomes that may be just beyond what we’re looking at. We get impatient because what we want is important, or it’s an emergency, or we feel that we have already been waiting for a long time just to get to this point.
It doesn’t take ‘time’ for our outcomes to manifest, it is a process of alignment and integration. We’re aligned with new potentials now, but we can’t know that until we start creating new things. Receiving is the second step of the manifestation process, and it’s the one we think we have to ‘wait’ for, but we don’t. We just have to know that outcomes reflect our energy and our highest potential, which is often the thing we don’t know is possible. Think of something you want and what you believe can happen. What else is possible that you haven’t asked for yet or don’t think is possible? What is the miracle, the outcome you think is impossible but would be the best one for you? That’s what happens in the space ‘in between’ asking and receiving, and it’s the point of greatest power.
When we are intentionally optimistic and creatively active, expecting the very best of all possible outcomes, we empower our intentions with the belief and faith in our own abilities. We’re the architects of our realities which may sound like a  lot of new age talk but it’s true. If we don’t start the energy moving in the area of our intentions and keep it moving, it gets stuck and then we feel like we’re waiting. But if we use that time we spend in our personal waiting room, the ‘space in between’, we can explore new potentials and allow possibilities greater than we can imagine to become possible and then energetically multi-task to allow our highest outcomes to become the reality that we truly desire.
Copyright (c) 2016 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved.  You may quote, translate, reprint or refer to this message if you mention the author name and include a working link to http://enlighteninglife.com

Celia Fenn - 2016: La Encarnación de la Maestría Multidimensional: El Año del Completamiento y la Transición - 10 de enero 2016

"Tierra Ancestral" por Iluka Designs www.facebook.com/NathansArtPageO/?fref=ts

2016: La Encarnación de la Maestría Multidimensional:
El Año del Completamiento y la Transición

Traducción: Fara González

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Amada Familia de Luz, les damos la bienvenida a un Nuevo Año en su calendario terrestre. Será un año en el cual a ustedes se les ofrecerá la oportunidad de completar su actual proceso de Ascensión y Despertar, y de transitar plenamente hacia la Maestría Multidimensional en su vida.

El 2015 fue un año de desafíos, a medida que los procesos de despertar y de ascensión ganaban en impulso. En el 2016 completarán un período de transición de cuatro años que comenzó en el 2012. En este período, la Tierra estaba totalmente anclada en la Quinta Dimensión y los Guerreros de la Luz y los Mostradores de Caminos comenzaron el proceso de avance hacia la plena expresión Multidimensional en la Tierra.

Sheldan Nidle - January 12, 2016

13 Caban, 10 Chen, 12 Manik

Dratzo! Many expected operations were delayed by overly cautious and unnecessary security developments. Those who temporarily control these funds are deeply worried and hence have reverted to a process, which allows them to work initially at a snail’s pace. This diverted operation has slowed the deliveries and altered when these monies are to be delivered. It is now at a pace more deliberate than we were initially given. Again, these funds are in the hands of those who feel more comfortable with a tempo that is filled with a series of special checks at each stage of this operation. This employs a special way to secretly move vast sums across borders. It is our belief that this slower process is doing two things. First, it has greatly slowed a number of future announcements that are to signal the start of new governance and those that are to begin a global currency reset. Second, it has slowed down the preliminary schedule for mass arrests and for the rechartering of the world’s fraudulent banking system.

John Smallman - Saul - Forgiveness is release! - 01/12/2016

The world, the illusory world in which humanity is dreaming a story that no longer appeals to it, appears to be descending into chaos.  What is happening is that you are becoming aware of the insanity of your so-called civilized lives as you burn through the planets non-renewable energy resources at a speed that is terrifying.  Your life styles, while seemingly moderate in their needs and expenditures, are at risk, and the chances that your children and grand children will be able to enjoy anything like a similar standard of living look increasingly unlikely.  You appear to be caught between a rock and a hard place as you so often euphemistically describe what appear to be insurmountable difficulties.

lunes, enero 11, 2016

Lisa Transcendence Brown - 1/11/16 Newsletter & Quantum Conversations Replay Link

We pass through this activation day of 111, while experiencing fluxing energies as the new higher gridwork anchors in, it's strange as I observe it, it's fluid and constantly moving, which is much different than before. It's as if there are no grids at all. While we are usually anchoring in, this time is different thus far. This time we are free floating with no tether and nothing to anchor. It's as if everything has opened wide up now. I guess we shall see, as every moment is a surprise now! If we didn't see solid form, we would not believe anything was solid in these frequencies here.

Barbara Marciniak -The Pleiadians 6/20/15 - Ireland Workshop

Méline Portia Lafont - Reminder and Reflection of the Moment from the Tsolians -January 11, 2016

Picture credit: Dark_matter_stride_by_tchaikovsky

Note from Méline: This is a message that may have to been read a few times to truly absorb this in our being. If you find it too hard to take in or understand, I advice to let it be for a while until you are ready to grasp this better on another now moment. Who are the Tsolians? see their first two messages here: http://pleiadedolphininfos.blogspot.be/search/label/Tsolians

It is time that we speak and elaborate more, further and deeper on the truth of your existence. We do not speak about the human existence but of that of your Spirit, which you call Essence, Self or Higher Self. Existence is a word on its own, unique in its way and so broad in its meaning. It consists of all that IS and simultaneously it can be a unique and single word on its own.

Benjamin Fulford Update - Khazarian financial system and Mafiosi under systematic attack as world revolution unfolds - January 11, 2016

The record drop in most world stock markets for the first week of a year was just the beginning of a systematic attack to dismantle the Khazarian mafia’s Babylonian debt slavery based financial system, multiple government agency sources confirm. Most stock market indexes are expected to fall by 60 to 50% before this campaign ends, according to a a senior official at the Asian Development Bank, Pentagon sources and a CIA agent involved in the operation that bankrupted the Soviet Union.

Brenda Hoffman - Earth Dreams Require Dedicated Self-love - Jan 11, 2016

Dear Ones,

So it is that you are preparing to open your beings to the next transition phase. Many of you worry that you have not yet created your earth security dream. You will. For it is time to move on.

Such is not to belittle your earth security dream, but instead to inform you that you have moved beyond earth in so many ways. You will inform yourself of that truth once you celebrate your earth graduation with the creation of your earth security dream.

Rev. Christine Meleriessee - Arriving into 2016 - Jan 11, 2016

As the energies are settling into the New Year, we are confronted with the changes that will occur in a planetary and universal level. With the continuation of the lunation cycles, we are now experiencing the New Moon Energies in Capricorn.

The New Moon arrived on January 9th, 2016 at 5:30 PM Pacific, 8:30 PM Eastern, and January 10th at 01:30 Universal Time Zone.

It is a perfect time to have the reflection of this new moon as it represents the characteristics of preparing for our future. It is a time to fully look back on what we did not achieve in 2015 so that we can concentrate on what needs to be worked upon by attaining the goals that we desire to create in our lives.

SELF-DISCIPLINE ~ is the key word of this New Moon.

domingo, enero 10, 2016

Shanta Gabriel - Archangel Gabriel - Inspiration for the Week - Being Grateful for Where You Are - January 10, 2016

The Gabriel Message card for this week:

All that you have learned and all that has happened to you brought you to where you are now. Be grateful.
In an interesting demonstration of Angelic intervention, this card was chosen after my asking for the perfect message for all concerned and also one that I had not done before. After I received this card, I remembered that two people I respect had given me the same compliment about my work the day before. I had forgotten they even said it. This did not allow me to fully receive their compliments into my consciousness so I could acknowledge myself for how far I have come. I realized in that moment how important my ability to receive would be in 2016.
As much as we were hoping for a jack rabbit start to 2016, it feels like we are somewhat coerced by retrograde planets to review our lives and integrate our past into our present in harmonious ways.
The 12 Holy Nights gave us an opportunity to go back through 2015 and gather information, remembering the sometimes vague activities and feelings of a year that was often challenging and tumultuous.
Doing this integration before setting the new intentions for 2016 was an interesting process for me. I did have to admit at the end that I learned a tremendous amount and grew as a human blending divinity into manifest form within me during the last year.
This year it is my intention to relax and breathe more deeply while I learn to receive from Life. I know that I can expand into this receptivity with the support of the Angelic Dimensions. I look forward to experiencing the new levels of Harmony and Beauty that are available to us all in this new year. Archangel Gabriel is telling me that 2016 is a year rich in Inspiration. I love that idea and have agreed to spend more time receiving from the deep well of guidance that we all have available for us in this precious time.
It feels so expansive when I am inspired, as though anything is possible. Inspiration opens my mind and heart. It also raises my vibrational frequencies so I have an expanded perspective on my life and feel much lighter. I can also listen more deeply to my Higher Self, and feel more willing to do that. When I take this sacred time regularly, there is clarity about when to take action in all areas of my life. I feel like I really need the nourishment of Inspiration every day. Without inspiration, my intention for 2016 is to wait before I go into action.
This is such a powerful teaching for living in 5D for me. This process brings in a beautiful element of the Sacred Feminine when I wait for guidance to be received before I bring action to life. My Soul's voice active within my Higher Self communicates through my heart. When I pay attention to this voice, my heart's intelligence speaks with greater authority, and I am able to hear its wisdom with more clarity. My heart inspires me into action, and I now allow myself the space to receive in order to experience the Divine Timing inherent in this process.
Here is my prayer for the New Year:
Divine Presence,

Thank you for bringing me through this past year with such Grace and Love. Please help me to integrate all that I learned within my being so I can use the lessons to empower my life in 2016. I know that even when I am not actively paying attention, you are working with me, and guiding my way, and I AM Grateful.

I willingly commit to listening to my Soul's voice with greater dedication. I ask my Higher Self to help me pay attention to the guidance that is being offered from Source. Help me to remember that I need to slow down to receive the wisdom within me.

I AM now creating space within me to receive in a greater way ~ receiving your guidance, receiving more love, and receiving all the support that is available to me in all areas of my life. I recognize clearly that I AM never alone. Help me to be more aware and perceive the presence of my support system on Earth as it is in Heaven.

For my life and all that I have learned, I am grateful and blessed. And so it is.
The Gabriel Messages #56
All that you have learned and all that has happened to you brought you to where you are now. Be grateful.
Dear One,
You have come to a time when acknowledgment of yourself is necessary. There needs to be a truce between the warring factions of your mind. One part of you is diligently watching to make sure that you never make a mistake. When you inevitably do, it leaps to chastise and remind you about all the ways you are wrong. This judgmental mind is never happy with your progress. Nothing you do could ever be good enough. It is relentless in its pursuit of your wrongness. It is time to tell this part of your mind to take a vacation. It needs to lose itself in the beauty of nature, and leave the rest of you alone.
You are on this earth plane to learn. Making mistakes is one way that people learn lessons. It is impossible to do things right and perfectly every time. The Divine Presence does not expect this of you. What is necessary is that you follow your heart and your inner guidance. There is much wisdom within you. But it is often like a small voice calling in the wilderness, drowned out by critical and judgmental thoughts. Yet it is listening to this quieter voice that would most serve you in your life. This voice is telling you that you are a child of a loving God, and that there is nothing you can do which could stop the flow of Infinite Love.
There is also society's voice that demands you live up to certain expectations. When you are in alignment with your Higher Self, there is a flow of love-filled energy that allows you to step into a way of being which is totally connected to the Divine Power within and around you. This energy is inviting you to be rather than do. You are being asked to let go of the confining armor of society's expectations and of your judgmental mind that has been conditioned by it. You are being asked to look with compassion upon yourself, and to notice the many things you are learning at this time. It is a powerful time on Earth when, although there is great suffering and fear, there are also incredible opportunities to break through into great love and peace.
What you see in the world is colored by how you see yourself. Can you see that, in the past, you took the steps that seemed appropriate for you at the time? Do you notice that there were times when your heart told you to make a certain choice, but for various reasons, you did not follow your intuition? All these experiences have assisted you in learning lessons necessary for your growth. It is time to totally forgive yourself for behaving in ways you judge as wrong or bad. You would have made different choices had you known better, but you acted from your awareness at that time. Forgive yourself and get on with your life. Do not waste any more precious time in self-criticism. You are making choices in this moment to create your future. All that you have is this moment. Let the past go, and do not fear the future. Know that you are exactly where you need to be for your perfect lessons in life. It is up to you to lift the mantle of judgment and allow yourself to grow into who you would most like to be.
Imagine acting in ways that bring you joy. Imagine your world surrounded in love. Know that you are a good, honest and caring person and give yourself the loving respect you deserve. Your imagination can set a powerful intention for your life when you use it to visualize a new and more harmonious way to be. When you set an intention, all the forces of the universe align themselves to manifest that which you visualize. It is wise to be careful how you use this powerful tool. You do receive whatever you focus on, if your focus and desire are strong enough. It is a Universal Law.
Remember to be grateful for your life. It is an incredible gift to be in a physical body. With this body you can do so many things to enjoy this world of beauty. Be grateful for all that you are learning now, even if, at times, it feels uncomfortable. Be grateful for all that you have, even if it does not seem to be enough.  Gratitude awakens your mind to the greater truth within all things, and lifts your spirit into appreciation and joy.
So remember your message from Archangel Gabriel today:
All that you have learned and all that has happened to you brought you to where you are now. Be grateful.

Marlene Swetlishoff - Mensaje Semanal del Maestro Ascendido Hilarión - Del 10 al 17 de enero, 2016

Traducción: Esther Abreu

Parte 2 (Continuación del mensaje de la semana anterior- 03 al 10 de enero, 2016)


Ustedes se preguntan qué se puede hacer para promover el despertar de la humanidad y su posterior ascensión en medio del aparente caos de nuestros tiempos actuales:

"La Divinidad, el Universo, tiene una manera de ordenar las cosas, reestructurar el proceso del tiempo mismo con el fin de asegurarse de que todo continúe fluyendo como debe ser. Como resultado de esto, nada está realmente fuera de sincronía, la Divinidad recicla oportunidad, trae cosas a la manifestación que asegurarán que todo tiene un propósito, sirve una función, tiene una perspectiva más elevada, un poder superior, un mayor uso y ese es el caso aquí.

Ron Head ~ Separation – The Council - Jan 10, 2016

The Council

As you move through this time, we will occasionally address topics that many of you will need to resolve. You are well aware that you seem to live in separation from our dimensions. You certainly are aware that you seem to live in separation from divinity. And there is much to discuss regarding that misconception.

However, at this time we would speak of an issue that is closely related to, and in many ways stems from, that apparent separateness. The subject we will speak of today is abandonment. We will not say that many of you suffer from issues around the feeling of abandonment. We will say that, to some degree, it is an issue for all of you unless you have discovered it and cleared it already.

Celia Fenn - AA Michael - 2016: The Year of Completion and Transition - 10 January, 2016

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The Embodiment of Multi-Dimensional Mastery
Beloved Family of Light, we welcome you to a New Year in your Earth calendar. It will be a year in which you will be offered the opportunity to complete your current Ascension and Awakening processes, and to fully transition to Multi-Dimensional Mastery in your life.
2015 was a challenging year, as the awakening and ascension processes gathered momentum. In 2016 you will complete a four year transitional period that began in 2012. In this period, the Earth was fully anchored in the Fifth Dimension, and the Light Warriors and Way Showers began the process of stepping into full Multi-Dimensional expression on Earth.

John Smallman - Jesus - In 2016 all the major causes of human misery will end. - January 10, 2016

The New Year of 2016 has started well. Much of importance is happening in preparation for the events ahead, which will unfold quite dramatically and spontaneously as the Love that so many are now holding and extending to all of humanity brings about the enormous changes necessary for the endemic suffering and poverty of the vast majority on earth to be fully relieved. In 2016 all the major causes of human misery will end. The New Golden Age for humanity has arrived and the first signs, like the first green shoots signaling the arrival of spring after a harsh winter, are about to appear. Do not allow the negative energies that arise when you see and hear news of intense suffering to drain and exhaust you as you offer love and compassion to those so effected. This occurs whenever you choose to enter into their pain. Why would you choose to enter into another’s pain? Perhaps because you feel somewhat responsible for it? Every human on Earth is following a path chosen with great wisdom and foresight before incarnating. Every single human is precisely where they intended to be as a result of pre-natal choices.

Obviously, for many, these choices have led to intense pain and suffering, but what they are doing, what they have chosen to do – even though awareness of that choice has for the most part been forgotten – is assisting in humanity’s awakening by helping to clear the deep negativity that has built up over the eons so that Love may flow in and bring Light to the dark that has become heavily established in various areas of the world.

In time, in the illusion, there have, over the eons, been many technologically advanced societies on Earth, societies that became so ego-driven and power hungry that they totally forgot their divine origins – all sentient beings were created in Love by God, and so Love remains their true nature – as they played the game of separation from God. As humans, severely limited by the “rules of the game,” they allowed their hearts to close thus hiding from themselves their true nature, and instead developed great (within the pre-set limitations of their human bodies) intelligence that they further developed in order to “win” the game of separation from other like-minded humans. This intelligence – more really a set of very limiting but powerful skills – was used to build nations, cultures, armies, and the necessary weapons to enable them to impose their will on others, by focusing intently on the “so-called” dark or shadow side of their human natures.

Humanity is now collectively working to reach a balance between the dark and the enlightened sides of its nature so that the two sides may become integrated, whereupon the heart will open, or the veil that has hidden the Light will dissolve and the creative abilities of the dark side, overwhelmed and unconditionally accepted by Love, will cease playing the unreal game of separation.

When the game is terminated by humanity’s collective choice, and the opposing sides of your individual human natures combine and integrate, enormous creative abilities and competences will arise enabling you to cooperate in a wondrous state of harmony and very quickly heal all the damage that has occurred over the eons.

Separation is a state of disharmony where the yin and yang have moved away from their state of union, have become extremely confused, and have then chosen to see each other as ferocious enemies. This has been pointed out by many sages and wise ones over the eons, and finally the realization of what this means is becoming apparent as the human collective seeks to move lovingly together as recognition of the Oneness of all becomes inescapably apparent.

The divine Reality is the state of Oneness in which all that God creates has its endless and eternal existence. There is no alternate reality or place where, for instance, evil exists. There is only God.

Evil is unreal. However, in the illusion you are playing a game with many facets, and evil is one of those facets. It seems very powerful, but that is only because you fear it. When you open your hearts to the divine field of Love in which you are eternally enveloped fear dissolves. When fear dissolves so does conflict which is but a reaction to fear. It is like waking from a nightmare which is unreal, while in the moment it seems very real, and recognizing it for what it was, whereupon it dissolves and fades from memory (unless you write it down immediately) along with the fear that it engendered.

Humanity’s awakening is the same but on an extremely large scale, and when it is complete there will be no more nightmares to frighten you. The Reality of Love will envelop you in overwhelming joy and the unreality of all your worries, anxieties, and fears then becomes unmistakable as they all fade and are forever lost because they never were.

You are eternal divine beings, infinitely loved by God, the Source of All, and you live – now, in this only moment – in permanent joy. However, by choosing to build and engage with the illusion to attempt to experience a reality separate from Source, you shut out Love by veiling yourselves in an unreal state of darkness and fear. It could best be likened to a small child hiding in a dark closet and terrifying itself even though there is nothing terrifying in there with it. All that frightens you is unreal!

It is unreal because it was unreal when you made it. You made it to play a temporary but frightening game of being separate from Source. But you can never be separate from Source. That is impossible because Source is All that exists.

However over the illusory eons that you have been playing this game its apparent reality has intensified right up until this moment in humanity’s spiritual evolution – where spiritual evolution is merely your path to awakening – where you find yourselves no longer willing to undergo the pain and suffering that the game continuously provides. Thus you have, finally, chosen collectively to awaken.

All you need do is open to whatever arises in your lives and realize that that is the path you have chosen to follow to your awakening, and that because your awakening is both your will and God’s then your resounding success is divinely guaranteed and consequently absolutely inevitable. Go within daily, to your holy and sacred altar where the Light of God’s Love burns constantly, and ask for help to awaken, and you will be inundated with help instantly. If you allow it, then you will feel that divine field of Love enveloping and embracing you.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

Marlene Swetlishoff - HILARION - January 10-17, 2016

Part 2 (Cont’d from last week)

You ask what can be done to further the awakening of humanity and their subsequent Ascension in the midst of the seeming chaos of our current times:

“The Divine, the Universe, has a way of reordering things, restructuring the process of time itself in order to ensure that everything continues to flow as it is meant to. As a result of this, nothing is ever truly out of sync, the Divine recycles opportunity, brings things into manifestation that will ensure that everything serves a purpose, serves a function, has a higher perspective, a higher power, a higher use and this is the case here.

Marilyn Rafaelle - Arcturian Group - January 10, 2016

We of the Arcturian Group wish to speak to the idea of newness. Everything ordinary seems to be quickly flowing into some form of newness (different) which is causing many to fear the loss of what can be called their "comfort zone". Over time even the most unpleasant circumstances of daily living become comfortable through familiarity. Many are simply tired and find it easier to continue doing what they have always done in the way they have always done them. Fear of newness can be very subtle. It does not announce itself directly, but more often comes simply as a sense of dissatisfaction and resistance.

sábado, enero 09, 2016

Brenda Hoffman - Las Nuevas Frecuencias Están Esperando - 4 de Enero 2016

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo



Queremos abordar la angustia de quienes todavía no han creado su sueño de la Tierra. Ustedes lo harán – no solamente porque quieren, sino porque es tiempo de avanzar más allá de la tierra en las habilidades e intereses de ustedes.

Así es que crearán su sueño en el futuro cercano. Esta profecía indicaba la creación de su sueño de la tierra en o cerca del final del 2015. Y así es y ustedes lo harán.

Ya saben que no están solos porque nosotros, desde otras frecuencias, somos plenamente capaces de sintonizarnos con la frecuencia de ustedes a voluntad. Lo hemos hecho durante eones.

Barbara Marciniak -The Pleiadians 11/23/14 On The Verge Of Viral Awakening

Alcyon Pléyades 34-1ª: Hombres robóticos, cíborgs-supersoldados, gigantes antiguos Nefilim

Blossom Goodchild - Jan 9th. 2016.

Hello! Wondering if you are there today, as I have tried twice before this week and … nothing! Nada! Anyone about?

Dearest Blossom, Dearest Souls who walk upon the Earth plane at this time in the Glory of themselves. We are indeed with you … sharing Energy this day and more than happy to do so.

People write in asking me to ask you all sorts of ‘controversial’ things. Yet, as we have discussed, these topics are not really ‘your bag!’ I do feel however, we could do with a change of approach in this New Year. A new way of ‘deliverance’. Sort of like a revamping … if you get my drift and yet, I have no idea how this would/could take place … and I have a feeling, nor have you! And that is probably why we didn’t connect the other times I have tried this year. Your thoughts?

Lee Harris - Pronóstico de Energía de Enero 2016 – SÉ AUDAZ - COMPROMÉTETE CON LA AUTO-HONESTIDAD, LA SIMPLICIDAD Y LA PRESENCIA - 5 de Enero 2016

Traducción: Marcela Borean
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Lo que sigue es transcripto y editado del video mensaje hablado de Lee.

¿Qué resuena contigo este mes? Vamos a saberlo en los comentarios que siguen...

Hola a todos y bienvenidos al Pronóstico de Energía para Enero de 2016. Llegamos al 2016, y lo hicimos a través del 2015. Así que por favor únanse a mi tomando una respiración para simplemente estar presentes...

Y ahora una respiración para incorporar y soltar el 2015.

Y ahora una respiración para invitar al 2016 a ingresar.

Uno de los grandes temas para el 2016 será la audacia. Esto era algo que continuaba viniendo a mí una y otra vez mientras me estaba sintonizando hoy en un mensaje para ustedes. El tema de la audacia se mostrará mucho en el año 2016, y esto significa que tú personalmente tendrás tanto la capacidad como las lecciones de crecimiento para ayudarte a ser más audaz en tu vida - más audaz en tu manera de vivir y en tu forma de estar presente como un ser consciente, en pleno funcionamiento.

Selacia - Sean lo Mejor de Sí Mismos en el 2016 - 4 de Enero 2016

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Quizás más que ningún otro año a la fecha, en el 2016 tienen una oportunidad de ser lo mejor de sí mismos. En este artículo, explico lo que esto significa y brindo una semblanza de las energías y tendencias del año. La mención de estos no es al azar, sino un ejercicio para ayudarlos a conectar los puntos de su viaje de experiencia personal impactado por fuerzas externas.

Justo ahora están probablemente listos para algo nuevo y para tener un empujón cósmico que los lleve más allá de los desafíos del pasado año y hacia una experiencia más alegre. Con seguridad, el 2015 no fue fácil. La incertidumbre y la complejidad rodearon a las metas y proyectos – hasta las cosas simples en su vida cotidiana se pueden haber afectado.

viernes, enero 08, 2016

Dana Mrkich - 2016 Energy: Consciousness in Action - January 8, 2016

We ended 2015 with lots of people experiencing some major sliding doors moments, our family included. Potential or actual accidents that could have ended up much worse but for a few centimetres or seconds. In the aftermath of those events, I was so aware that here we were in this reality where everything worked out okay, but there was a very different parallel reality that had been averted where life was drastically changed.
This got me thinking. How many times has this happened for us as a collective here on Planet Earth? More specifically, how many times has it happened in recent years with particular regard to the ‘Shift’? We look around and think things could be a lot better, but when you experience a near-miss you realise things could be a lot worse to the point of it being lights out, game over (when it comes to life here).

Valerie Donner ~ A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council - January 8, 2016

Greetings I am Mira. I am working now with the Earth Council to assist with the ascension of the earth and life on the earth.

You are progressing well with your ascension. Energetically you are advancing into higher consciousness. Your vibrations are rising. You are in full swing with your ascension.

We are pleased to announce this because we know that you are working diligently amongst many obstacles. We observe the hardships and the turmoil that you are currently wading through on the earth. At this moment many of you are clearing out your final issues that have held you back for eons of time. Each realization and healing counts because this is a step by step process.

Natalie Glasson - New You by Archangel Metatron - 8th January 2016

 Sacred School of OmNa

As the Earth enters into a new cycle/year major shifts of love are being instigated and taking place in this moment. The Earth and humanity are beginning a long awaited alignment with the planet Venus throughout 2016. Venus is known as the planet of love and so a union between the Earth and Venus is and will take place in order to support the Earth in more fully anchoring in to the Era of Love. Thus allowing the Earth to accept her natural vibration while equalling the love frequency created and maintained upon Venus.

Suzanne Lie - Unconditional Love Part 2-A Force of Movement by the Arcturians - 1-8-16

Unconditional Love

Part 2

The Arcturians

Unconditional love is a force of movement. It is not a form of physical movement, as physical movement is restricted to the third dimensional realms of reality. The fifth dimensional force of movement is associated with unconditional love. “How can that be?” you ask. To answer that question we will define “movement” via the different dimensions.

3D Movement = Movement through time and space via the physical body that you are wearing. Your third dimensional consciousness is aware that your surroundings have changed from place to place. Also it takes time to move from one space to another. You usually resonate to a beta wave state of consciousness during your third dimensional journey across physical time and space.

4D Movement = Movement through time/space of the astral world. Fourth dimensional “time” is much faster than third dimensional time. You could have what appears to be long astral journal, or dream, and return to your physical consciousness to determine that it has only taken a few minutes of your 3D “time.” You are usually in an alpha wave state of consciousness during your fourth dimensional journey through astral time and space.

Mike Quinsey - 8thJanuary 2016

Dear Ones, 
Take a deep breath and prepare for many changes that are waiting to come out. On face value it may seem that some are destructive where your present systems are concerned. However, all actions should be viewed with the greater picture in mind, as you are starting a period of multiple changes. At each stage you will naturally view them according to their immediate effect. However if you could see the result in the long term, you would appreciate how each happening is part of the whole process of change. Most of you already know that the events that are happening, are for your release from the hold the dark Forces have over you. Mother Earth is already making changes for that reason and she will “shake” the dark Ones with her actions. At times depending on where you are on Earth matters will seem to be a threat to you, but remember that changes to the surface of the Earth are inevitable as the cleansing takes place. Be assured that the Galactic Federation will be active at such times, and if necessary will remove you if you are in danger of being seriously affected. Try not to fear the changes as you will not be directly affected unless it is for karmic reasons. It is often difficult for us to intervene in such circumstances, but given the authority to assist you, we can re-locate you until the danger to you has passed. It is recorded in your history where many civilisations have simply disappeared without trace.

Unconditionally Love Yourself ~ First Chakra ~ Dr. Suzanne Lie & the Arcturians