We pass through this activation day of 111, while experiencing fluxing energies as the new higher gridwork anchors in, it's strange as I observe it, it's fluid and constantly moving, which is much different than before. It's as if there are no grids at all. While we are usually anchoring in, this time is different thus far. This time we are free floating with no tether and nothing to anchor. It's as if everything has opened wide up now. I guess we shall see, as every moment is a surprise now! If we didn't see solid form, we would not believe anything was solid in these frequencies here.
These galactic/cosmic/planetary/moon frequencies are much different than anything we've experienced before. I'll be sharing more as we go, for it's definitely bound to be an interesting and amazing experience for sure!
For now, I wish to send my love to you. To honor you for your dedication and focus too. As alternate realities open up and the realities of these new frequencies become visible in every moment now, interesting is a daily word now.
Many continue to pull back and focus their energy more than ever before. Other are finally getting out there and experiencing awesomeness, many are experiencing chaos as old energies clear and physical realities align to these higher bandwidths, physical Crystalline LightBodies awaken and upgrade at an exponential rate and expanded consciousness is required to navigate.
So. open your hearts, open your minds, relax your muscles/body/brain... observe yourself in every moment, be sure to play and take plenty of you time, as we increase galactic light upgrades in every moment, shifting shifting shifting, reshaping, reforming, and moving into new territory in every moment now.
For those who missed Season 8 launch of the new Quantum Conversations with Lauren Galey, we were live for 2:22 (gotta love it!) sharing as much as we could. We talked about embodiment, the bizarre, the opposite of human, the purposes of many things, how to understand from different dimensions, the evolution of the Crystalline Star-LightBody and so very much more. I'm honored to have shared with everyone today!
Here's the replay page to listen.
We come through a very important passage and we move further into the beyond. What comes next is different for each of us. Our own holograms to experience through our own consciousness and intentional transmissions from within. Collective/mass awakenings occur in every moment now. Confusion and desperation is a part of this process that is important. Coming together as love is how all is resolved. Anything less will cause each to travel a path of experiences in order to understand.
Challenge your mind in every moment, expect the highest vibrational reality possible in every moment too. As you master the moment, all becomes so much easier here. Then it's just being, allowing and doing all from within. Your beliefs and energy create realities here. Your awareness and intentional action are how you activate different timelines and realities now. Get your sleep to clear timelines, upgrade your physical structure and prepare for surprises in every moment!
I love you. Have a beautiful week and I'm soooo excited for connecting with so many in all of the live events these few weeks! Busy is an understatement! Keep honoring you! BE the Light. You are a Crystal Grid Keeper, Light Pillar and more!
~ Mahalo Nui Loa from Kauai ♥