Well, in actuality the “new world consciousness” officially entered in September when that insane wave of transformational energy hit the planet in the midst of an eclipse cycle, the equinox, AND the final blood moon in the highly prophesied tetrad.
The difference is that now we are moving into participation with it.
That gargantuan download of divine light was so far reaching it has literally taken months to sort thru the rubble from the explosions it set off in our DNA. Those explosions served to shake loose so much expired content from within our ancient human lineage for the purpose of transmuting/transcending our limited genetics in order to move fully into the sovereignty of our divinity, our star genetics.
The Pleiadians share that for many, this is now a reality (!) and as a result we are moving into what they call a brand new life program, one that is malleable and very responsive to the way that we, as conscious creators, participate with it. This new life program is ALIVE with consciousness, and responds (favorably) to those with commensurate-level consciousness.
It’s no longer about “fitting into” this world, but about standing out.
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The coming weeks represent this first new chapter as new humans in the sense that we are now beginning to rewrite our scripts from a place of pure truth. This whole year in fact could be considered an entire rewrite program, one that will present us with opportunity after opportunity to move into new life experiences without our past hindrances attached…weighing us down…holding us back.
As always, that choice is continuously ours to make…in every moment now.
We are pivoting from 8 concentrated and intensive years of inner excavation and transformation to an entirely new life, as new humans, in a new world…this will obviously take some time-space to recreate ourselves and rebuild the rest of our continually transforming lives based on our new, true coordinates. Coming full circle this (universal 9) year, we will engage with new, unexplored aspects of ourSelves but we will also begin to return to/reconnect with those things we love, only from a place of cosmic expansion…of owning ourSelves and knowing our true worth.
In the last report, we were told that we would undergo a comprehensive recalibration (during Mercury’s retrograde cycle) that would lead to a more permanent reconnection to the higher (GOD) mind. That upgrade is officially complete tho will be calibrating from this change for the entire year ahead, if not longer.
In a sense, we will still be required to clear..but, because of the recent and radical mental upgrade we just endured this will be on a whole new level, with a new level consciousness and brand new perspective. Aka, the process will be unlike anything we have experienced to date.
The new human 5.0 has a new, unlimited capacity hard drive, new RAM, a new OS and new system applications that are no longer compatible with our old equipment and processor, so all year long we will be required to take pertinent steps to clean out any remaining past patterns by reprogramming/repaving new neural pathways with new choices and actions that align with new life experience…that of our deepest desires and most cherished, heartfelt dreams. (NOTE: in some cases this uplevel in consciousness may have resulted in a very literal need for a computer upgrade…ie, a hard drive crash, operating system failure.)
Our entire communication system…how we perceive, parlay and interact with the world hologram…is reassembling itself to reflect our new, higher consciousness and so a lot, if not everything, will change.
Already we can see life shifting to reflect these changes thru a universal sorting system where those things that are no longer in resonance with the new consciousness are rapidly falling away, being rerouted while simultaneously new openings are appearing to replace the outdated. Relationships are ending, new ones forming, old ones reestablishing…groups of souls are leaving the physical world…some people are suddenly and unexpectedly relocating…old business ventures and/or careers coming to a close…new partnerships and purposes developing…the list goes on.
We are all emptying out in one way or another before we fill ourselves up with brand new life. This is manifesting in a myriad of ways, the most common of which may translate as a major dip in vitality, finances, clarity and/or creativity… even an early “spring cleaning” in which you feel a compelling urge to let go of stuff/clear space in order to organize and prepare for the coming infusion of new energy.
As we clear the clutter and reorient to our new selves and lives, you may also be suddenly noticing new, more limitless thought processes based in solid self LOVE, reverence even, and the ability to stand in your light/speak your truth without a glitch. This is one of the definite perks of the new processor, what the star beings call our “GOD processor”….the part of us that KNOWS our worth, without question, and is able to communicate that with unwavering confidence.
This budding ability, along with many others, provides us with the basis by which each of us will be able to ‘BE the revelation’ this year…to participate with, and ultimately excel in, the new world consciousness.
This is our game now, time to PLAY….human. [section protected: to read FULL report & comments see membership OPTIONS & PRICING or purchase single report below]
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