jueves, noviembre 19, 2015

Benjamin Fulford - November 16, 2015: Paris psy-ops is part of ongoing moves towards world government

The giant psychological warfare operation, where “ISIS terrorists” allegedly killed over a hundred people in Paris, on Friday the 13th, November, 2015, was just part of ongoing horse trading towards a world government.

To understand this, let us look at some key events surrounding the events in Paris.

First of all, the fact that thousands of witnesses all carrying video phones were unable to record the events of that day alone proves it was just a massive propaganda event, NSA and other sources agree. In addition, all 8 security camera feeds to the areas where the supposed massacres took place had been shut off, implying high level cooperation from the French security police, CIA sources say.

Next, let us look at what has resulted from this event. France has implemented martial law and closed its borders. This is classic Gladio strategy whereby a manufactured terror incident is used to implement a military government.

Rananda Kumara - “ THE LORDS OF LIGHT” - October 30, 2015

Lady Pallas Athena
One who descends from 6D to work in the 5D ships of the GFL (Galactic Federation Of Light) as a personal counselor to the crew members, is accorded the honorary title;- “Lord” or “Lady”.
A “Lord” in the Higher Realm is one who is an honored and greatly respected teacher. In the ships they are regarded as honored guests. They are not part of the ship’s crew, and don’t have to wear the silvery jump suits that are ship’s uniform. They are allowed to wear their own robes, with insignia or embroidery denoting their lineage. They are allocated a spacious “compartment” (apartment) close to the Command Post, where they and their Mate, if they have one, have a private garden, private bathing facilities, and an integral food preparation area. The higher one’s status, the closer one’s compartment is to the Command Post. (We would call it “The Bridge”) It is in this area of the ship that the Top Commander and Sub-Commanders also have their compartments.

Magenta Pixie - Events of Fear and Tragedy (The Disclosure Timeline)

Alien Mysteries: First Photo Of Alien Species. The Dragon Particle. -Alien-

NEW Earth Existence: Everything is an activation of knowledge - WE go through the Heart

Rev. Terri Newlon - Djwhal Khul - Nov 19, 2015

Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.

Alright. Because the mind chatter is very busy focused on terrorists, terrorism, religious wars and financial troubles, I’m going to address something I think can give you a way of working with the worldly events.

We also have what I would call a lot of cosmic dust or debris, much like when you look through a ray of sunshine you see a lot of dust flying around in the room. It is like that energetically and physically in the cosmos and those particles actually cause more agitation and also an underlying insecurity or a sense of safety being threatened.

Dana Mrkich - Un Día para Levantarse - 15 de Noviembre 2015

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Días como estos nos muestran muy claramente algunas cosas.

Vemos que la mayoría de las personas responden con profunda empatía y fuerte emoción cuando escuchan sobre eventos trágicos. Esta es la belleza de nuestra humanidad. Sentimos pena ante el pensamiento de lo que otros han sufrido. Sentimos temor ante la idea de que nos suceda a nosotros o a nuestros seres queridos. Nos sentimos enojados porque alguien, cualquiera, piense que está bien tomar la vida del otro. Sentimos una conexión con quienes no conocemos. Sentimos nuestra humanidad más profundamente que nunca en estos días.

Jordan Maxwell On Paris Attacks, Friday 13th, The Knights Templar and More!

Celia Fenn - Arcángel Miguel - La Unión Sagrada y el Corazón Divino: 11/11/8 - 6 de Noviembre 2015

Traducción: Fara González

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Amada Familia de Luz, las energías se aceleran a medida que ustedes avanzan hacia la Puerta Estelar del 11/11 el 11 de noviembre. Este será un momento poderoso en su Transformación de la Nueva tierra, un momento en el cual las energías de la Unión Sagrada y el Corazón divino se unen para iniciar y activar la Nueva Creación en su Tierra. También será un momento en el cual su Cuerpo Multidimensional estará listo para activar la Plantilla de su nuevo Cuerpo 5D dentro de sus Anteproyectos Celulares.

La Unión Sagrada: El Cielo y la Tierra y el Corazón Divino

En este momento en su año, el Sol/Solaris y el Sistema de la Estrella Azul de Sirio, se unen como “Dos Soles” en su vecindad galáctica en la Galaxia de la Rosa Dorada (La Vía Láctea). Ellos entran en una Alineación Geométrica Sagrada conocida como la “Vésica Piscis”. Es aquí donde dos “esferas” de energía se unen y crean un espacio de “siembra” útil de nuevas ideas y nuevas energías y nuevas formas.

miércoles, noviembre 18, 2015

Missing piece in the ancestry puzzle' of Europeans Found

Selacia - Procesando el Shock - Consejos para Responder a Eventos Como los Ataques de París - 17 Noviembre 2015

Traducción: Fara González

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

¿Cómo procesan la infinidad de eventos violentos como los sucedidos en París la última semana y en otros sitios? ¿Cómo ponen en perspectiva cosas tan horribles que parecen interminables en todo el planeta – a la vez que tienen que sufrir sus propias crisis personales? En este artículo presento algunos remedios espiritualmente anclados para enfrentar nuestra avalancha de crisis permanente

Jennifer Hoffman - Creer Sin Ver es Creer - 9 de Noviembre 2015

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Si vieran las decenas de videos que surgieron después que millones de personas vieron las extrañas luces azules y verdes sobre Los Ángeles y la mayor parte del Oeste de los Estados Unidos, no estamos solos. Internet estaba zumbando respecto a la posible aparición de extraterrestres y naves espaciales. Quizás esto era lo que era pero podemos quedar descorazonados si esperamos ‘ver’ extraterrestres y seres espaciales porque no podemos ver entidades de dimensiones superiores o multidimensionales en la forma en que vemos las cosas en nuestro mundo cotidiano, y las veremos cuando ya no necesitemos ‘verlas’. Esto no es solamente asunto de fe y confianza, se trata de percepción y aceptación, sabiendo sin necesidad de pruebas – es la vida sin las rueditas de entrenamiento, otro aspecto de nuestra ascensión. ¿Estamos listos para dejar atrás nuestro pasado 3D y avanzar hacia el mundo 5D de paz con intención, alegría, amor y expansión?-

martes, noviembre 17, 2015

Sheldan Nidle - November 17, 2015

9 Imix, 14 Xul, 12 Manik

Selamat Balik! The message remains positive! Your new reality is slowly manifesting. Those who rule the dark on this globe are truly in a state of extreme worry as the things they helped to create are fading into the dustbins of history. While these denizens of the dark realm slowly see that their time has come, they nevertheless remain defiant. Across this globe, there are actions of quiet desperation happening. These so-called terrorist attacks and telecommunications tie-ups are just part of the degree of desperation that is currently permeating the dark oligarchs. Like many other operations, these are as well to fail. The Light in its numerous parts holds the upper hand and these brave ones are succeeding in readying the means to spread prosperity, reveal a new monetary and financial system as well as create new governance for all. We are as well preparing the steps required to bring disclosure to a decades old official cover-up. This process is to bring you a whole slew of presently well-hidden technologies. Humanity has had the privilege of men like Tesla to encourage the start of this new age!

Judith Dagley - About Fear and Violence- From the Frequency Technicians of Sirius - 11.17.2015

Greetings. We are the Frequency Technicians of Sirius, transmitting our message in one collective voice from within the vast orchestra of the celestial team through the consciousness of the embodied earth member you know as Judith.

Did you get all that?

If not, we suggest you go back and take it in again.

Anrita Melchizedek - Elders Transmission ~ November 2015

The Elders November Transmission ~ The Mayan Pyramid of Light

You Tube video https://youtu.be/LlvwESCYS7I

Mp3 download www.pleiadianlight.net/free-downloads

The Mayan Pyramid is in the Grid of Time and Synchronicity.

The Keeper of the Pyramid is Quetzalcoatl.

Within the pyramid, timepieces and symbols are

created in accordance with the Laws of Creation.
They are carried throughout the matrix combining
all wisdom and knowledge within their design.

They fit together as the gears of synchronicity forming

the totality of human experience.

In dreamtime and meditation one moves within the matrix

attracting the keys that synchronize with all needed experiences.

And Quetzalcoatl created encoded keys within his timepieces

to guide the souls into higher consciousness.

He placed his keys within the matrix to

be found by those who were chosen,
so they may teach humanity about the
changes that occur at the end of a cycle.

And the two souls who assist Quetzalcoatl,
operate and maintain the keys,
as they will be found and the information unlocked.

Join me now within the halls of this pyramid as there

are keys that will return you to your natural state of being.

You will recognize your keys of Light,
they will open your soul and your consciousness.

Quetzalcoatl Returns …


Magenta Pixie - Dreamwalkers and Dreamweavers (Alchemy of the Dream)

Benjamín Fulford - 16-11-15. La “operación psicológica” de París es parte de los movimientos en curso hacia un gobierno mundial

17 Nov

(Nota de Victoria: traducción: En su libro “El sionismo en la época de los dictadores”, escribe que en 1933 “el barón Von Maldenstein, emisario del govierno nazi fue a Palestina acompañado de Kurt Tochler, del ejecutivo sionista alemán. Para conmemorar la expedición Goebbles mandó acuñar una moneda: por un lado tenía la cruz gamada y por otro la estrella de David”.)


Fuente y comentarios en inglés: http://benjaminfulford.net/2015/11/17/paris-psy-ops-is-part-of-ongoing-moves-towards-world-government/#comments

La gigantesca operación de guerra psicológica en la que “los terroristas de ISIS” presuntamente mataron a más de cien personas en París el viernes 13 de noviembre de 2015 era sólo una parte de las negociaciones en curso hacia un gobierno mundial.

Para entender esto, echemos un vistazo a algunos eventos clave en torno a los acontecimientos de París.

lunes, noviembre 16, 2015

Jennifer Hoffman - Reality Lights and Bites - November 16, 2015

All realities are now up for grabs, like the old sales at Filene’s Basement in New York. You grabbed what looked good and tried it on later, as there was no time to ponder your choice. If you didn’t pick something up, someone else would. While it isn’t as chaotic as Filene’s was back in the day, everything is moving faster now and we don’t have time to agonize over whether we are choosing the right thing (there is no ‘right’ thing), we just have to choose something. Like a game of musical chairs, we can sit in the first available seat. And that may be a ‘light’ choice that feels great or it may bite us because it’s not the right size. Right now the best thing we can do is choose in the moment and manage our expectations of reality, ascension, and higher dimensions because that’s what is biting us the most.

Selacia's article: Processing Shock - Tips for Responding to Events like Paris Attacks - Nov 16, 2015

Processing Shock

- Tips for Responding to Events like the Paris Attacks -
by Selacia
How do you process the plethora of violent events like happened last week in Paris and elsewhere? How do you put perspective on such horrific things that seem to be endless across the planet - at the same time you have your own personal series of crises to move through? In this article I address some spiritually grounded remedies for coping with our ongoing avalanche of crisis.

Suzanne Lie - Looking Back Into Your Future--Arcturians and Galactic Family 11-16-15

Looking Back Into Your Future
Arcturians and Galactic Family

We are here now, within your Portal of Light that is within YOU. We, your higher dimensional expressions of SELF have come into your awareness, into your consciousness and into your daily life.

Therefore, we—the members of your Multidimensional SELF—see what you see, hear what you hear, touch what you touch and smell what you smell. We think what you think, feel what you feel and know what you know.

We, the members of your Multidimensional SELF, have made this decision to join you in this manner so that we can personally escort you into the higher frequency of your consciousness, your perceptions, across the “threshold of illusion” and into your fifth dimensional SELF.

Your fifth dimensional self resonates to a Lightbody, so you cannot wear that form while grounded in the physical world. However, you can feel that body of light stirring within the Kundalini force that is awakening and beginning its journey up your spinal column.

Marlene Swetlishoff - Arcángel Gabriel - Noviembre 12, 2015

Tengamos una charla sobre la cualidad del amor conocida como lo ilimitado. El amor divino es el amor sin límites, es un amor que no conoce límites. En el núcleo de cada individuo hay una chispa de divinidad que es su verdadera esencia. A través de esta chispa divina, cada individuo está conectado con todo en el universo.
Ellos, como un alma, son una expresión de lo divino sin límites y sin fin. Cuando una persona escucha la voz apacible y delicada que lo guía desde su interior, la inspira a imaginar una versión ampliada de la vida que en realidad, espera vivir. Están conectados a través de su propia chispa de divinidad a la naturaleza de lo divino y de sus recursos sin límites y sin límites del amor, de sabiduría, de fuerza, de paz, de alegría y de compasión. Es un contacto directo y personal que está siempre disponible cuando lo necesitan.
El sentido de inmensidad de lo divino es un sentimiento de amor incondicional y protección que alberga cada individuo. Es sentir algo más allá de los sentidos normales de uno cuando experimentan las maravillas de la naturaleza y su inmensidad. Es un regalo reconocible y apreciado de la gracia que les viene en momentos especiales de una sincronicidad inesperada. Es sentir una sensación de alegría, asombro y admiración, gratitud y humildad que viene en un momento profundo y fugaz. Cuando reconocen la presencia y el amor de lo divino dentro de ellos, su vida y su mundo adquieren una luminosidad y claridad espiritual que ilumina su vida y las vidas de quienes les rodean con significado y propósito adicional.

Anna Merkaba - The Cosmic update – Current State of Consciousness on GAIA. Pegasus. - November 16, 2015


Through the infiltration of light forces upon the planetary system of GAIA and her satellite planets within the Milky Way galaxy, the energetic upliftment within the structural components of your understanding of time and space have succinctly added a new paradoxal amplification of cognitive collective objectives.

A new reality transfiguration of the outdated patterns of thinking and outdated patterns of benevolent co-creation with the divine intentions, has been reestablished and a new link to the divinity of the self, built upon the myriad magnetic strips of land which are in concurrent position with the transfiguration of the outdated models of BEing.


channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz 

What must happen so that Mother Earth heals and the 
hearts of human Beings are restored to health? 

The Revolution of Peace. 


Beloved Ones, Children of the One God, you, 
who give this world a new countenance.
Why does a large part of this mankind head toward 
a great conflict, toward a great war, toward great 
unrest and upheavals?

Fran Zepeda - Ascended Lady Master Pallas Athena: Begin in the Now - Nov 16, 2015

Pallas Athena (Received November 15, 2015):

Begin in the Now, begin in Pure Source Consciousness, be Present in the Now, be your True Divine Self Now. It (Your True Divine Self) is forever eternal and present. Acknowledge it now, beloveds.

Greetings, I AM Pallas Athena, coming to you in Pure Source Consciousness.

I speak from your core, beloveds. The core that is you. Speak from your core now. Live from your core now. Be your true core now…your Pure Love Consciousness, your Pure Christ Consciousness, your Pure Love Essence. Your Compassionate Presence. Knowing All and Being All. You are One with All.

Marilyn Rafaelle - MENSAJE DEL GRUPO ARCTURIANO - El “futuro” está aquí - Nov 15, 2015


Queridos Amigos, observamos ahora a muchos llenos de Luz y esperanza a pesar de las apariencias externas.
El “futuro” está aquí y todo está procediendo de acuerdo al plano.
Permitan el proceso, lo cual significa un dejar ir de la resistencia remanente y de los conceptos con respecto a lo que “debería” estar pasando o cuando o cómo “necesitan” suceder. Continúen simplemente manteniendo la Luz queridos, porque están creando un mundo nuevo.

Brenda Hoffman - You’re Redoing Your Fears With New Outcomes - Nov 16, 2015

Dear Ones,

Even though you have internalized joy and moved beyond 3D, you continue to foster fears of yesterday, to hold on to a seemingly never-ending panic of what will probably happen given your earth history.
Your 3D fears have increased 3D lifetime after 3D lifetime. Providing you with a safety net of sorts – “If this happens, surely this will follow.” A safety-net of fear. To waylay fears of the unknown, you created a framework of fear.

Christine Day - Message From the Pleiadians November 2015 - Monday, November 16, 2015

Beloved ones we greet you,

The winds of change continue to flow onto your earth plane. We call each one of you forward at this time to move with this flow of your destiny energy. Allow this sacred flow to take you, to move you where you need to be in order to meet your destiny path. For that is your ‘next step’ forward. It is your time to let go and allow yourself to be placed in the correct position for you to receive what is rightful yours.

Dolores Cannon: Conversations with Nostradamus Part 1


Alien Anomalies (UFO) on NASA satellite images LASCO C2 - November 15, 2015

domingo, noviembre 15, 2015

Dana Mrkich - A Day To Get Up - 15 November, 2015

Days like these show us some things very clearly.
We can see that most people respond with deep empathy and strong emotion when hearing about tragic events. This is the beauty of our humanity. We feel sadness at the thought of what others have gone through. We feel fear at the thought of it happening to us or our loved ones. We feel angry that someone, anyone, thinks it is okay to take someone else's life. We feel a connection with those we don't know. We feel our humanity more sharply on these days than on other, more ordinary days.

Sandra Walter ~ Vivid Awareness: Ease and Grace - Nov 15, 2015

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe,

The experience of the merge sequences in this New Light intensify, especially during Gateway passages. November 16-18 and 23-28 are our Gatekeeper focus; join us with an open heart and clear intentions for more light, love and peace.

The Higher realms noted something unique would occur on the 13th. As with all of these dates and influxes, I remain humbled by what unfolds when higher vibrational light comes in. I feel the Light Tribe response to the latest global violence indicates a Shift in the higher vibrational collective consciousness. Negative programs have lost their influence on the High-Vibe Tribe, and the larger collective is reflecting this. Divine neutrality is about neutralizing the effect of the illusion on our consciousness, both personally and globally. With that skill in heart, the outer expression of love intensifies, becomes the new norm. Love is stepping up, in spite of lesser agendas. Photonic light and the Shift ensure we get whatever is needed to collectively move us into our hearts, to empower ourselves and the collective. Some flail like cornered wildcats, pressed to the limit by the impending light which promises their extinction. Some call forth the new paradigm in their actions, words, heart and energy fields. It tests the faith and patience of many a Master to know, observe, wayshow and participate in the acceleration simultaneously.

Marilyn Raffaele ~ The Arcturian Group ~ Nov 15, 2015

Dear friends, we observe many now filled with Light and hope in spite of outer appearances. The "future" is here and all is proceeding according to plan. Allow the process, which means a letting go of remaining resistance and concepts regarding what "should" be happening or when and how it "needs" to happen. Simply continue to hold the Light dear ones, for you are creating a new world.

All who are ready, are beginning to have higher dimensional insights and experiences. Obsolete concepts and beliefs carried through lifetimes are undergoing radical evaluation by many and are being recognized as representing outgrown states of consciousness. Some things will be permanently eliminated, while others will simply begin to manifest in higher forms.

Marlene Swetlishoff - Mensaje Semanal del Maestro Ascendido Hilarión - Del 15 al 22 de noviembre, 2015

por Marlene Swetlishoff

Traducción: Esther Abreu


Este es un tiempo de oración sin cesar (NT: La canalizadora conecta aquí a un enlace a su página Web donde publica un Decreto a la Llama Violeta por el Maestro Hilarión​, tomado de una pagina externa​. La traducción de este Decreto se incluye al final de este mensaje). Cada persona en la Tierra necesita alinearse a la Fuente y saber quién es - un niño de la Divinidad. Tienen que asumir una posición en sus mentes y corazones sobre lo que es bueno y correcto, seguir la regla de oro. Cada vez que aquellos que no siguen estos preceptos básicos de la ley universal crean estragos y caos por sí mismo, es responsabilidad de cada individuo mostrar las más altas cualidades que son capaces de defender. Cada uno de ustedes que tiene el corazón lleno de amor hace más para sostener y mantener el equilibrio en este planeta más allá de lo que nunca puedan conocer. No se desanimen, porque ustedes tienen la fuerza en su interior para ser tan fuerte como los tiempos en que se encuentran y es importante que ejerciten este atributo para mantener su equilibrio.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Tour Kundalini 2015 - La Paz, Bolivia, Noviembre de 2015

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Para aquellos que solamente están escuchando, estoy en Bolivia; la ciudad es La Paz. Hoy hablo para quienes están aquí presentes. Quienes están escuchando puede que no comprendan algunas de las cosas que se presentan. Dicho esto, hagamos un momento de pausa. Queridos, quiero que sientan en este salón la energía de lo que está sucediendo. Escuchen: es la primera vez que puedo hablarles personalmente. Yo sé quién está aquí. Dejemos en claro ya mismo algunas cosas. No es accidental que estén en este salón, que oigan este mensaje, que sientan esta energía de amor para ustedes. ¿Alguna vez estuvieron solos, miraron las estrellas y preguntaron: Dios realmente me conoce?



Mis leales Ascendentes,

Yo Soy su Madre Tierra. Los miembros de mi Reino Elemental son Seres de energía poderosa quienes constantemente me asisten para crear y mantener mi forma física. Las expresiones de frecuencia superior del Reino Elemental, que ustedes conocen como Tierra, Aire, Fuego y Agua, son los Elohim, quienes son los creadores y los soportes de mi forma tridimensional.

Los Elohim residen en las dimensiones octavas hasta la duodécima guiando sus asistentes en el Reino Dévico que resuena desde la quinta a la octava dimensión. Los Devas reciben el "Ideal Divino" de los Elohim y transfieren estas Cualidades Divinas al Reino Elemental.

Marlene Swetlishoff - Hilarion - November 15-22, 2015

Beloved Ones,
This is a time of prayer without ceasing. Each person on Earth needs to align to Source and know who they are – a child of the Divine. They need to take a stand in their minds and hearts for that which is good and right, to follow the golden rule. Each time those who do not follow these basic precepts of universal law create havoc and mayhem for its own sake, it is incumbent upon each individual to show the highest qualities they are capable of upholding. Each of you whose hearts are filled with love do more to sustain and maintain the balance on this planet than you can ever know. Do not become discouraged, for you have the strength within you to be as strong as the times you are in call for and it is important that you exercise this attribute by maintaining your equilibrium.

Lee Harris - Deja que el amor te reordene: Actualizando tu vida de adentro hacia fuera - 1 de Noviembre 2015

Pronóstico de Energías para Noviembre del 2015
por Lee Harris

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

(Transcrito y editado a partir del mensaje de video hablado de Lee)

Hola a todos y bienvenidos al Pronóstico de Energías para noviembre del 2015

Estamos aquí hoy en el Arbolario en el Parque Golden Gate en San Francisco, en el jardín japonés. Si están en el área de San Francisco o vienen de visita, vengan aquí y vean este lugar. Es extraordinario y hay tantos espacios de naturaleza pacíficos e increíbles – pensé que sería el lugar perfecto para filmar el pronóstico de este mes.

Como siempre comenzaremos respirando un momento. Así que tomemos una respiración y liberemos…y tomemos otra y liberemos eso.

Anomalies & UFOs near the Sun - 13th and November 14, 2015

sábado, noviembre 14, 2015

Suzanne Lie - Straight Talk on Ascension --Sue Lie 11-14-15

Straight Talk on Ascension ~ Episode #1

Dr. Suzanne Lie

Many of us are having a lot of unique situations and the energy feels very different. Those of us who have been on the path for a long time know that this energy is a part of the path. We also know that it is the difficult part because it is where we are moving into brand new territory that we have never experienced before.

This new territory feels like it is “the next step,” but we do not have a clue how to navigate through this frequency of reality. However, we do know that we need to call in our higher multidimensional self and connect with the component of our SELF who is able to assist us in the manner that we can best accept.

Shanta Gabriel ~ AA Gabriel ~ It's safe to let your Light shine! - Nov 14, 2015

It's safe to let your Light shine!

Dear One,

At the very heart of you is the pure light of God. This light has the ability to change your thinking and change your outer world. It is a light which, like a flame when fanned, can fill every cell, every fiber of your being and transform you. Fanning this flame means giving the light within you a time of focused attention.

Your imagination holds the key to transforming your life. What you believe can be achieved. Even before you believe something is true, you can allow the possibility to be there and imagine it to be true. Wherever you focus your attention, your life-force energy will follow.

Caroline Oceana Ryan ~ A Message to Lightworkers - November 14, 2015

The latest guidance for Lightworkers, from our friends, the fifth and sixth dimensional Galactic and Angelic beings known as the Collective:

Greetings, friends! We are glad to have this chance to speak with you again today.
We are aware that you are in mourning for those lost in the terrible events in Paris yesterday.

It is not only a time of sadness and shock. In the old, third dimensional way, it is also a time of blame, of fear, of jumping to conclusions with little concern for the accuracy of those judgments.

And you will find that though the mainstream news and governments are continuing to protect the true culprits, whether willingly or out of fear for their own lives, as they must continue in their role as spokespersons for your planet’s dark hats, you know in your hearts that this situation is not a simple question of “You see? We were right! Don’t let those Syrian refugees in—some of them are terrorists!”


Hola, soy un portavoz en la Nueva Tierra. Tenemos un acuerdo aquí que cuando sea que un nuevo Ser aparezca, paramos lo que estamos haciendo para ofrecer asistencia. Digo "Ser" en vez de "persona" porque las formas de vida no humanas están entrando también en esta frecuencia superior de la versión de la Tierra.

De hecho, muchos de los animales y plantas que se han "extinguido" en la Matriz de la Tierra están vivos y bien en la Nueva Tierra. Ya que toda la vida aquí es consciente y capaz de comunicarse con otras formas de vida, nosotros somos capaces de ayudar a las plantas, animales y elementales, así como a los humanos.

John Smallman - Saul -To awaken is to know yourself - 11/14/2015

Judgment has been an ingrained habit within humanity for eons which has generated an intense need to be right and to judge others wrong. However, over the last few decades, an awareness has been growing that judgment does not work, and many are attempting to release themselves from making judgments. Obviously discernment is needed in your lives as you deal with the issues with which your human state constantly presents you, but you need to discern the difference between the two. Judgment is making someone, including yourself, right or wrong, whereas discernment looks at an issue to see if more information can be found, or to find an alternative approach which can clarify it.

Selacia - Once energías de la semana del 11 - 8 Noviembre 2015

- Comienza un tiempo poderoso para nuevos comienzos y mega cambios -

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora


Esta semana es un tiempo muy poderoso para nuevos comienzos y mega cambios en su vida. Con la luna nueva de Escorpio el 11/11, manténganse presentes con respecto a lo que están creando y establezcan algunas intenciones personales audaces relacionadas con lo que quieren experimentar, ser y hacer a continuación.

RT - Paris attack TIMELINE: Suicide bombers, blasts, shootouts

Oremos por nuestros hermanos en Francia
Resumen ataques

viernes, noviembre 13, 2015

Lisa Transcendence Brown - WE are Hybrids, Evolving Genetically and Physically Beyond Human, as WE Embody Light


Typical humans will not understand, or believe, our current evolution that we are living and existing as now. The awakened being, continually becoming aware that there are changes going on inside, on a bio-molecular and sub-atomic level, begins to understand, seeing first in the sleep/close-eyed state or through what is perceived as other dimensions. This is your knowledge emerging and presenting so that you can stretch your mind to comprehend through your heart. Grasping "concepts" is what the human mind does. We are here to BE the proof and to be visible now.

Natalie Glasson ~ Reflections of the Creator by Goddess Moon - 13th November 2015

Immense pure love flows from my being and consciousness into all aspects of the Earth. The Earth and yourself are designed to reflect the love I share with you back into the universe of the Creator to distribute love far and wide. You may absorb and draw my love deep into your being in any moment, day or night. My love is free flowing always requiring movement and greater projection. When you connect into my energies you will discover your light shifts become more flowing with the ability to be enhanced and reflected to wherever needed and required. We become one, a mirror of each other and a reminder of the Creator when we connect in unison and acceptance.


channeled by Jahn J Kassl

translated by Franz

God’s arrival is near, the return of human Beings in eternity fulfills itself. The great circle completes in the oneness of all Life and many human Beings return to the Source.


The time wherein your light-filled intentions work out

has come and when they can be realized.

Light-filled and love-filled doings, actions, which occur in harmony with the divine assignments, manifest now the new reality. And therefore be aware that the old world dissolves with increasing velocity in front of you and you will experience the end.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - El Futuro Del Adn - Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1º de agosto de 2015

Saludos, queridos, yo soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Mi socio se aparta, como debe ser, para que se dé un mensaje como este. Sabe cómo es esto y lo ha hecho muchas veces. Él está en un lugar - si quieren llamarlo así - desde el que escucha como están escuchando ustedes: Sin embargo, tiene distracciones, que no son las de ustedes, y ya habló antes de eso.

Ahora él no está hablando. Hablo yo, y nuevamente decimos que deben percibir esto con claridad para poder reconocer lo que se dice. Hablo de cosas que están más allá de su conocimiento, y hablo de la energía real de este planeta, que ahora mismo es física. Hemos hablado de Física extraña muchas veces, pero no lo haremos hoy. En cambio, hablaremos de las cosas físicas, tridimensionales, que los afectan a través de una fuente multidimensional que está cambiando lo que conocen y comprenden.

New Planet, Largest Pulsar Ever | S0 News Nov.13.2015

Mike Quinsey - Channeling HS - November 13, 2015

Dear Friends,

Some of you will not have read that since I stopped channelling SaLuSa events have moved on quite quickly, and that I have since received a message from St. Germain through Nancy Tate asking me to channel direct from my Higher Self. I had not tried this previously, but decided to give it a try, and the message I have received is as follows:

13th. November 2015. Mike Quinsey.

Nothing will happen now that will prevent the outcome being victory for the Light. The dark Ones are being held in check with their power having been largely diminished. It will not be too long before they will be restrained and unable to continue with their plan for the imprisonment of the souls on Earth. As you may have noted, just recently many positive actions taken by the forces of Light are taking place all over the world. So much so that the Light is now the dominant force upon Earth, and revealing many of the secrets that the dark Ones would rather you did not know.

Jim Self - Questions for Jim - Difference in Self, Soul, Overself, Christed Self, and Spirit

Judith Kusel - The Magdalene and the higher Mysteries of Initiation - November 13, 2015

Mary Magdalene is perhaps the most discussed woman in that she has been recorded in the past and present as both sinner and saint. The underlying reason for the continued fascination with the Magdalene, is that she in so many ways epitomizes what women, as a collective have had to go through within Atlantis and then in the aftermath of Atlantis. She stands for what has been rejected and suppressed, as well as that which has been resurrected and brought into the openness and Light she deserves to stand for.

She, in a sense is that Mystery which embraces all of life, and perhaps more than we realize the fact that with the fall came the judgments, the labeling, and therefore then most often the persecution of what one does not understand, because one is of a lower vibration, and cannot comprehend the higher pathways and calling in life.

jueves, noviembre 12, 2015

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - 11.11 - Nov 10, 2015

A medida que las energías 11:11 entran en alineación el 11 de noviembre de 2015, permitan que los purgue de lo que ha estado solidificado y bloqueado. Todo el cielo conocido y desconocido entra a través de este Portal 11:11. Alinéense con todo lo que saben que es el amor. Una inundación del corazón les permite elevarse por encima de las orillas emocionales anteriores y los percebes del pasado. Zarpen hacia un corazón que esté libre de escombros, libre de las definiciones del pasado.

First Source Transmission (Multi subtitles) - My Central Purpose




Nosotras las Ondinas, los Elementales del Agua, estamos felices de hablar con nuestros humanos. Nosotras decimos "nuestros" humanos porque nuestro elemento de agua llena tanto de su envase terrestre. Sabemos que nuestro trabajo es muy importante, ya que el agua es la fuente más grande en el cuerpo de Gaia. No obstante, muchos humanos no se dan cuenta de esto, porque si lo hicieran, se habrían asegurado de que permaneciera clara y fresca.

Una vez, nuestros grandes océanos y cursos de agua eran claros y prístinos. Había suficiente vida dentro de nuestras aguas para alimentar a la humanidad y a otros animales y se habrían dejado aún suficientes criaturas del agua para procrear.

Healing music - 432HZ DNA REPAIR MODE [ 40 mins ]

Marlene Swetlishoff - Archangel Gabriel - Nov 12, 2015

Beloved Ones,

Let us have discourse on the quality of love known as boundless. Divine love is boundless love, it is a love that knows no limits. At the core of each individual is a spark of divinity which is their true essence. Through this divine spark, each individual is connected to everything in the universe. They, as a soul, are a boundless and endless expression of the divine. When an individual listens to the still small voice that guides them from within, it inspires them to envision an expanded version of the life they are truly meant to be living. They are connected through their own spark of divinity to the nature of the divine and its boundless and limitless resources of love, wisdom, strength, peace, joy, and compassion. It is a direct and personal contact that is always available when they need it. The sense of the divine’s boundlessness is a feeling of unconditional love and protection that shelters each individual. It is feeling something beyond one’s normal senses when they experience the wonders of nature and its boundlessness. It is a recognizable and appreciative gift of grace that comes to them in special moments of unexpected synchronicity. It is feeling a sense of joy, awe and wonder, gratitude and humility that comes in a profound and fleeting moment. When they recognize the presence and love of the divine within them, their life and their world takes on a luminosity and spiritual clarity that lights up their life and the lives of those around them with added meaning and purpose.

Jonathan Goldman - Merkaba of Sound - Jonathan Goldman with visuals by Davin Infinity

Wing Makers - I AM WE ARE - YO SOY SOMOS

miércoles, noviembre 11, 2015

Terri Newlon - Djwhal Khul - Nov 11, 2015

Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.

Alright. Certainly have been a lot of internet challenges and smart phone challenges, satellite, anything controlled by satellite, a lot of interference. And it equates to the same in the astral field or the aura and now we’re going to be having Venus joining Mars in Libra.

Suzanne Lie - Welcome To The NOW ~ 11-11-15

Suzanne Lie

Are you ready to be a leader? We are here to assist you to recognize, recover, and activate the mission for which you took in this incarnation. The first sign that you are ready to be a leader is that you begin to “remember your mission.”

In fact, you realize your mission from deep inside your own self, you begin to surrender to the concept, hope, dedication and knowing that you came into your earth vessel to fulfill the mission that you wrote before you took this incarnation.