viernes, abril 24, 2015

Archangel Michael channeled by Meredith Murphy - Using Awareness to Create More Freedom - April 24, 2015

Hello Beautiful Souls,
There is great enthusiasm in your non-physical family of light, for the potential for divine embodiment is expanding. It is such a great pleasure to connect in this way. To know you and to participate in this amazing experience you are creating and drawing forth into form, which is, the leading edge of life on Earth.
We in the non-physical, we the Council of the Golden Dawn Temple, we the Angelic, we the Ascended Masters, we your friends in the non-physical, we love this collaboration with you. We are focused upon the perpetual unfolding of Earth and we are invested in this in a profound and substantial way, even if we are not there with you in form, and so we wish to convey to you today, how powerful your choices are, how important your choices are, and how wonderful your freedom is.
It is an amazing thing to be in a realm such as you find yourself and to have the capacity for freedom. Of course the use of this capacity can be impaired by many things.

jueves, abril 23, 2015

HUGE UFO Armada - Galactic Fleet Arrival of the Sun, April 22 - 23, 2015

Benjamin Fulford - April 20, 2015: US Corporate government goes bankrupt on April 17th, refuses to acknowledge

The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION based in the Washington D.C. extra-territorial enclave inside the Republic of the United States of America failed to make a payment on March 31st and was given until April 17th to come up with the goods but was unable to, according to Chinese government and CIA sources. For that reason the US corporate government has gone bankrupt, the sources say. However, the folk in Washington do not plan to go quietly and are still fighting to survive.

This can be confirmed in the corporate propaganda and government news wires around the world in reports about the Washington IMF/World Bank meetings that ran from April 16-18. The news reports to the general public do not mention the word bankruptcy but rather say things like 19 out of the 20 so-called G20 countries are angry that the US will not give up its veto over the World Bank and IMF. In other words the US government has been publicly repudiated by leaders of 19 out of the 20 top economies.

The current US situation reminds of an old joke my mother told me about a woman watching a military parade and shouting proudly “look my son is the only one marching in step.”

Underneath the surface too, there is a lot of spy movie type subterfuge going on involving high denomination bonds, identity theft, murder and secret negotiations as various players jockey for position in the emerging new financial system.

Marlene Swetlishoff/ - Archangel Gabriel - April 23, 2015

Beloved Ones,
Let us have discourse on the quality of love known as sovereignty. This quality gives one the ability to connect and utilize the absolute internal power that is their innate birthright.  They are connected within to a quiet, simple place where they know that they are enough just as they are in this moment, that they are beautiful and worthy, that they no longer have a need to justify their personal existence in this world to themselves or anyone else. As each individual brings balance of the divine masculine and feminine within them, they become more loving and compassionate with themselves and all others. They become passionately engaged with their true authentic selves and in the expressing of this truth in the world around them.  They begin to bring more meaning and depth to all aspects of their lives, their work, their relationships and their vision of the future. They are more consciously aware of their inner beauty and strength, and of the profound circle of love and support of family and friends. They see the world as a safe, secure and loving place where they are deeply supported and empowered to be the best that they can be. They step into the power and radiating imperatives of their own inner sovereignty.


Kryon por Lee Carroll - El Regreso de los Maestros Introducción - Estambul, Turquía, domingo 12 de abril de 2015

Desgrabación y traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Quienes puedan estar escuchando mi voz más tarde no saben qué enseñanza se ha dado recién. Es una idea profunda de que el individuo puede ser capaz de controlar su propia vida. No sólo de sí mismos sino tal vez de la sincronicidad de lo que le sucede. Es una idea acelerada, parte de la nueva energía. Sin embargo, algunos de los que escuchan esto y de los presentes en el salón han estado usando estos principios toda su vida.

Quiero felicitar a los que están aquí y los que escuchan, por trabajar con estos conceptos avanzados durante tanto tiempo. El sanador sabe exactamente que no sana: que cambia la energía de modo que el que está frente a él pueda sanarse a sí mismo. Entonces, comprende que la consciencia del ser humano puede sanar la propia vida. Podría decirse que los sanadores, por lo tanto, son especialistas en creencia (se ríe). Es más grande que eso; es más complejo.

Master Lanto: Shine Your Radiance ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda - April 23, 2015

Master LantoReceived April 22, 2015

Greetings, I AM Master Lanto, greeting you from afar, yet right next to you in your field of Light if you allow me.
I wish to speak to you about Radiance. Radiance is comprised of many things. Exalt within your own Radiance, for it is the spark that drives your Soul. It is YOU in your essential form. It is All-That-Is.
You are awash in your own Radiance when you bow to yourself and accept all that is YOU in its purest form: LOVE. Loving yourself and accepting yourself is key, as you well know. But do you live it day in and day out — Moment by Moment….In the NOW?
Every flaw, every obstacle, every struggle, every seeming impediment of your Happiness, is indeed only LOVE attempting to take hold on a deeper level of YOU.

Clés des Pléiades pour la Bibliothèque vivante 1/3 FR

Clés des Pléiades pour la Bibliothèque vivante 2/3 FR

Clés des Pléiades pour la Bibliothèque vivante 3/3 ANNONCE

Clés des Pléiades pour la Bibliothèque vivante 3/3 FR

Sandra Walter - Divine Delineation and the SUNrise within - Apr 23, 2015

the animation of Stardust,
the Krysthl garden in bloom,
and the Divine wisdom interface.
And So Are You.

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe,
As odd as it may seem to experience separation on the way to Unity consciousness, we do have a large portion of the collective experiencing heightened states of Source consciousness which are brand new. It feels remarkable and requires great inner strength. Our Higher Teams ask that all Lightservers experiencing the new perception, Christ consciousness embodiment and multidimensional merge sequences connect in this Divine mission via the higher planes of consciousness. Unify in your Mastery, beloveds. Be a pure conduit and interface for the Higher Self and Higher realms to flow and thread the Crystalline consciousness into this realm. It does take a good deal of focus.

Jennifer Hoffman - Forgiveness without Regret - April 23, 2015

I was thinking about forgiveness today and what a difficult subject it can be to talk about, consider, and take action on. What we think we have to forgive is usually something that is hard to let go of, people can do terrible things to each other and there are things that we think are unforgiveable, if we look at forgiveness as a pardon or absolution, as if what they did was not important or didn’t matter to us.
Because it does matter, a lot.
The things we think we should or must forgive are those things whose memory stays with us for a long time. We remember the hurt that others do us and no matter how long ago it happened, the memory can evoke feelings that hurt as much today as they did when the situation happened.
But that’s not looking at forgiveness the ‘right’ way because aside from the emotions that we harbor around these situations there is another, more powerful way to look at forgiveness and that is from an energetic standpoint. You see, forgiveness is, first and foremost, all about energy. Sure there are a lot of emotions around it but it allows us to disconnect from these emotions because it releases the energetic hold they have on us.

miércoles, abril 22, 2015

Selacia - Cruz Re-Visitada – Tomando el Pulso - 20 de Abril 2015

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Esta semana marca un año desde la Gran Cruz, un momento único de giro cuando las fuerzas cósmicas catalizaron un despertar acelerado a lo largo del planeta. Con numerosos baches energéticos desde entonces, y la Nueva Luna reciente expansiva, el pasado abril puede parecer un recuerdo lejano. Hay un propósito no obstante, para re-visitar esto y tener un panorama mayor de donde estamos.

Jennifer Hoffman - Ser y Hacer – Pereza y Ocio? - 13 de Abril 2015

Traducción: Fara González

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Tuve uno de mis días menos productivos en esta pasada semana, un día que comenzó con un arranque tardío, cuyo punto culminante fueron dos siestas y algunas conversaciones telefónicas no planificadas. Al final del día, cuando miré mi lista de cosas por hacer noté que había poco marcado como hecho. Tuve un momento de arrepentimiento seguido de una comprensión de algo más, que ‘ser’ era todo lo que necesitaba hacer y podría ponerme al día luego. Sea lo que estuviese haciendo, aunque pensé que no estaba haciendo nada, era exactamente lo correcto para ese momento. No era perezosa ni estaba ociosa, estaba participando en trabajos que no requerían la aplicación de mi cuerpo físico para nada.

The Venusians ~ Love Portal ~ Channeled by Méline Portia Lafont April 22, 2015

Thank you Karl M. for this picture

Blessings, we are the Venusians. We come in Spirit to you onto this world of Matter to provide assistance in this dance of radiance and subliminal perceptions. We are here because we love you all and because we perceive some changes in the attitudes and the thoughtforms of mankind. Mankind is becoming aware of their own natural perceptions and what they hold as a mirror of Truth to themselves. Mankind is therefore becoming stronger in their own beliefs and what they are inclined to see as their Truth and destiny.

Mahala – Empower Yourself, Empower Our World – 22 April 2015

MahalaBy Mahala, on April 21st, 2015
Guest article by Mona @
Recently many people have been asking me about how these changes can work when they feel lost, or stuck. I say that you really are not lost, or stuck, even though it feels like that! Truthfully, you are in transition and as with any shift, even with diets, we hit a plateau. In the world of internal change, this can feel stuck or lost. Recognizing anything is called an “A-HA” moment. When we recognize an internal sadness or discomfort, we can begin to see that it’s time for change. It’s important to feel what we are experiencing. That alone can change the old cellular patterns just by acknowledging that you’re ready to move forward, and sometimes that comes with the sensation of feeling alone, lost, stuck, unaccepted, disappointed with life, not understood, etc. If we are able to shift the perspectives as we feel these emotion, we will feel the internal support that will get us through these ominous times.

Sarah Varcas - Sobre la Vida después de la Cuadratura Urano/Plutón - 20 de Abril 2015 20 de Abril 2015

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Eligiendo el Borde del Barranco

Urano y Plutón han recibido mucha atención desde el 2012 cuando comenzaron a formar su dilatada cuadratura que ahora se disuelve en la historia. El impacto de esta cuadratura, que ha sacudido la vida de innumerables personas, ha sido imposible de ignorar. Para muchos, mirar atrás a la vida antes del 2012 es como mirar a una persona diferente, casi irreconocible en algunos casos. Tanto ha cambiado, dentro y fuera que la noción de renacimiento total no es una descripción muy drástica de los eventos de años recientes. Muchas personas han sido sacudidas a despertar por esta cuadratura, forzadas a confrontarse a sí mismas y a sus vidas, las consecuencias de elecciones hechas previamente y el impacto de vivir una medio-vida en las sombras de la posibilidad durante mucho tiempo. Ha sido un tiempo de trauma y éxtasis, desafío y liberación. Pocos han quedado incólumes. La iniciación a la Era de Acuario ha comenzado realmente.

Geoffrey Hoppe - ¿Hipnosis O Elección? - Abril 2015

Artículo de la Revista Shaumbra Abril 2015

Traducción Héctor Santos Ramallo

En el reciente taller de Consciousness Unleashed en Medellín, Colombia, Adamus habló largo y tendido acerca de la hipnosis. La mente humana está sujeta a muchos niveles diferentes de sugestión hipnótica, dijo, que va desde anuncios de televisión, la energía e información de Internet y de nuestras familias y otras personas.

También habló de hipnotismo deliberado, malicioso, utilizó como ejemplo el vuelo MH370 del Malasia Air de cómo se puede utilizar para dirigirse a grupos o personas específicas. Si recuerdan, el vuelo MH370 desapareció sobre el Océano Índico hace más de un año. Aún no se ha encontrado rastro. Autoridades y expertos en aviación no tienen ninguna información sobre lo que causó que este gran avión Boeing 777 haya desaparecido.

Many Dimensional Metaphors and Contradictions

I am the Spirit, the Blessing, the sound of Shekinah
‘I am that which dwells in the house of Light’.
I come on the winds of time to allow you entrance into knowledge that goes beyond human memory. Within the being known as the Holy Spirit, there are many dimensional metaphors and contradictions. There are many doorways, and inter-dimensional places that humanity can enter thru to see with a more divine vision.  Many believe that the Holy Spirit is but one being but that is not truth.
Each of you holds within you the personal breath of God. You each live within the out-breath of God. God breathed you into existence. With The first breath that a baby takes, the Holy Spirit enters the child in fullness. The Holy Spirit does not dwell within the fetus during gestation. it waits until full physical form has been issued. The Holy Spirit is the silent witness to all you say and think and do on your earth walk.  Look at its presence as a recorder of events, one who documents, a silent witness..
The Holy Spirit energy is an imprint, an encoding that is held by each individual on their journey through life. On the death of the individual, the last out- breath, the Holy Spirit is released back to Source. It is a separate and different being than the spirit of the individual, but often when death occurs they leave as a two-fold light. At the point of release God inhales you back into original light original blueprint.
As the universe inhales you a little more each day, you are cleansed, refreshed and released of toxins, angers, blocks and memories that no longer serve your soul’s evolution and purpose. When you sleep your spirit exits the body and the physical biological unit is left to fend for itself with the help of a few large angelic beings. The spirit is connected by a chord of light and can always come back during any emergency. When you leave in spirit, when you slumber, no matter what time of day you move eloquently and easily and effortlessly onto the higher realms where you exist simultaneously. Even during the day you tarry off to the higher realms via the vehicle of daydreaming.
The universe is cleansing many layers of your being, loosening and redistributing blocks so that can easily be dismissed.  In other words, all that is solid and shadowy within you is breathed loving and exquisitely by the prime creator back into itself.
There are many parts of you that have gathered together as a depository. They migrate to a magnetic point in your physical body. From this magnetic point, they will exit and be sent to Prime Creator. Not only will this be experienced within the physical body, but it will also be experienced within the planetary body.
The Creator is taking the thickness of the energies and birthing new baby universes.  The atomic structure of light shifts in nature.  the universe is taking the quantum debris of man, the thickest and darkest of stuff and bringing it home to the light. Recycling it and allowing it to re-form into pure universal life force.
There will be some cosmic coagulation within your body as the psychic and emotional debris is released. You may have pains that come and go in the body, memories in the heart, heavy dense emotions. the very fabric of you and all that you have been through time as well as all Mother Earth has endured, will be birthed into beautiful blueprints of baby light looking to be birthed in another part of the cosmos.  It takes more molecules to create anger, than it does a joy. It takes more molecules to hold disease within a body than it does to hold love. All that is holy is very light and non-fattening.
I ask you to allow the Creator to breathe you in deeply. Feel yourself being lifted by this holy breath. Allow the out breath to bring you into the expansion that you so seek. Feel the presence of the holy ones as they stand by your side. You will be alleviated of what has stuck to your soul. use your inhale and exhale with power of attorney.   I am Shekinah, I leave on the winds of time.
Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - PO box 217 - Dandridge, Tennessee 37725-0217 -

April 22,Happy Earth Day! To All Childrens of The Earth!

Lauren C. Gorgo - Time to reBuild: accessing your blueprint - April 22, 2015

We have officially returned from our first eclipse voyage of the year, and with our soul’s way more intact than when we embarked upon this substantial soul-retrieving odyssey in late March…all innocent and wide eyed 8O .
Regardless of where you find yourself at this moment, I am pretty certain that you are exiting in a very different state than you entered…even if you are not fully aware of it yet.  Realistically speaking, we are moving into a whole. new. human. experience. and so we all need a minute to get our bearings and reorient to new life…this birthing was a b-i-g-g-y.

martes, abril 21, 2015


Crop Circles 2015 - Macmillian Way, Nr Tarlton, Gloucestershire, UK - 19th april 2015 - UFO 2015 UK

Sheldan Nidle's Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy - Apr 21, 2015


It is essential that you stay positive despite the constant feeling within you that either nothing is changing or else that somehow the coming social, economic or monetary changes cannot possibly happen. Overcome this disbelief...

from Planetary Activation Organization

Ummac Dan ~ Galactic Federation Symbol For The Sirian Star System

7 Batz, 9 Kank’in, 11 Ik

Selamat Jarin! We come at this time to inform you about what is currently happening in your reality. The dark oligarchy that is running your world is fading. Yet it still maintains points of power, which it is using to delay the transition to a new reality. The vital key to this is to manipulate the exchange of monies from one international bank to another. A consortium of several governments and a collection of preselected private banks mostly control this process. By narrowing what is acceptable, this consortium can delay or even prevent what can pass through this critical gateway.

Benjamín Fulford - 20-04-2015. El Gobierno Corporativo de El EE.UU. se declara en quiebra el 17 de abril, aunque se niega a reconocerlo

20-04-2015. El Gobierno Corporativo de El EE.UU. se declara en quiebra el 17 de abril, aunque se niega a reconocerlo

21 abr
Fuente y comentarios en inglés:
Según dicen fuentes del gobierno chino y de la CIA, LA CORPORACIÓN DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS DE AMERICA con base en el enclave extraterritorial de Washington DC, dentro de la República de los Estados Unidos de América, no pudo hacer un pago el 31 de marzo y se le dio hasta 17 de abril para que aportara los bienes, pero no pudo. Por esa razón el gobierno
corporativo de los Estados Unidos ha ido a la quiebra. Sin embargo, la gente en Washington no tiene pensado irse en silencio y sigue luchando para sobrevivir.
Esto se puede confirmar en la propaganda corporativa y en los titulares de las noticias del gobierno en artículos por todo el mundo, sobre las reuniones en Washington del FMI / Banco Mundial, que tuvieron lugar desde el 16 hasta el 18 de abril. Los informes de noticias para el público en general no mencionan la palabra quiebra, sino que dicen cosas como que 19 de los 20 países del llamado G20 están enfadados con los EE.UU. porque no renuncia a su derecho de veto sobre el Banco Mundial y el FMI. En otras palabras, el gobierno de Estados Unidos ha sido repudiado públicamente por los líderes de 19 de las 20 principales economías.

Barbara Hand Clow on Ancient Cataclysms April 2015

Selacia – Grand Cross Revisited – Taking The Pulse – 21 April 2015

SelaciaThis week marks a year since the Grand Cross, a rare pivotal moment when cosmic forces catalyzed an accelerated awakening across the planet. With numerous energy bumps since then, and the recent expansive New Moon, last April may seem like a distant memory. There is purpose, however, for revisiting this and having the larger picture of where we are.

Taking the Pulse
Life today is so fast and changeable; it’s easy to get caught up in the moment and lose sight of the long view. What’s needed is to regularly take the pulse of our progress. As we do, we can appreciate positive changes and identify incremental shifts that will take longer to fully manifest.


lunes, abril 20, 2015

Archangel Gabriel channeled by Shanta Gabriel - Inspiration for the Week - Allow Yourself to Love and Be Loved - April 19, 2015

The Gabriel Message card for this week:
One way to Balance within is to allow yourself to Love and Be Loved.
In the midst of strong and powerful currents of energy we are experiencing, Balance has become one of the most sought-after experiences.
This card is reminding me that allowing myself to receive love is just as important as giving it. Love comes in many forms. How many times do I shy away from a sincere compliment? What about those times when, for varying reasons, my receiving channels are closed to those who want to support me?
Often I find it so much easier to give love to others than allow myself to receive it. But this card makes me question that practice. If I am more focused on giving, doesn't that block the flow of receiving? And when I start to think of all the other places that I might be shut down to receiving, such as to the flow of finances or creativity, it becomes a much bigger deal than turning aside a compliment that was well-meant. I cannot afford to block the flow of supportive energy toward me.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - La Historia Desconocida Introducción - Estambul, Turquía, sábado 11 de abril de 2015

Desgrabación y traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Sé dónde estoy. Queridos, lo que ustedes hacen no es un misterio para el Espíritu. No es un misterio a dónde me ha traído hoy mi socio. Y aquí hay tanto. ¡Hay tanto! No sólo en este salón. Esta misma noche les contaré de la profundidad; las cosas profundas que siento aquí. Quiero que realmente sepan lo que está pasando, ahora mismo.

Quiero su atención. El Espíritu los conoce. Escuchen, el incrédulo y el creyente: ambos son igualmente amados por Dios. No importa por qué crees estar aquí; en este momento mismo lo estás. Tienes la capacidad para el discernimiento divino, querido. Tienes la capacidad de saber si esto es real o no. ¿Cuántas veces he dicho esto? En la mayor parte de tu mundo, esto no puede suceder. Un hombre se sienta en una silla y dice mensajes de la Fuente Central. Y dirás: "Es una actuación, esto no es real, está simulando." Diré esto otra vez: es la realidad en la que creciste. No se juzga que sientas de este modo: ésta es tu realidad. Muchos te han dicho que no puede ser así. Entonces, ¿por qué ahora - ¡ahora! - no descartas todo ese entrenamiento, toda esa historia, y decides? ¡Tú! Tú tienes un aparato de discernir, dentro de ti. ¿Lo crees? Te pregunto: ¿Crees en Dios? Lo que sea, quien quiera que sea, un creador; si la respuesta es sí, ya es un paso. Ahora tienes que decidir: ¿Puede el Creador del Universo hablar contigo o no? ¿Tendría sentido que hayas sido creado a imagen del Espíritu y que el Espíritu te ignore por siempre? ¿Qué clase de amor es ese?

Neale Donald Walsch - What if, we could...- March 20, 2015

My dear friends...

A few days ago I found myself in an airport.

There were a few of us in our traveling party, and at the airport we were talking about age...and how fast the years go by.  It all came up because there was a perfectly adorable little girl in line in front of us -- she couldn't have been more than two-and-a-half or three -- and everybody in the area was totally, completely, and utterly charmed by her. There were smiles all around as she went about the business of being a free and beautiful child of God.

I wondered, why can't we all be like that? Why can't we all be free children of God -- and act like it -- all during the day? Well, of course, we can. The question is, 'why don't we?'  I think that we're afraid. We're afraid of what people might think, and we may be even more afraid of what we might do.

Ever think about that? How would you behave if you thought you could get away with anything, if you thought you would get a "pass" from everyone around you because you were just so innocent and so cute? What is "innocence," anyway? And what is "cuteness"?

From A-Z – Alien Species Active in Earth’s Evolution

ET A-Z Listing compiled from many sources. There are just over 10,000,000 worlds in this universe with similar humanities to our own, this is but a few races who are or have been involved with our life wave for some reason.


Arcturus is one of the most advanced extraterrestrial civilizations in our galaxy. It is a fifth dimensional civilization which, in reality, is like a prototype for Earth’s future.
Its energy works with humanity as an emotional mental and spiritual healer. It is also an energy gateway through which humans pass during death and rebirth. It functions as a way station for nonphysical consciousness to become accustomed to physicality.
The book, “The Keys of Enoch” has described it as the mid-way station or programming center used by the physical brotherhoods in our local universe, to govern the many rounds of experiments with physicals on our end of the galaxy. Their total focus in every aspect of their society to the path of God realization.
The Arcturians teach that the most fundamental ingredient for living in the fifth dimension is love. They teach that negativity, fear and guilt must be overcome and be exchanged for love and light.
Arcturus is the brightest star in the Bootes constellation, which is approximately 36 light years from earth. The Arcturians work in very close connection with the Ascended Masters whom they refer to as the brotherhood of the all. They also work very closely with what they refer to as The Galactic Command.

Archangel Uriel channeled by Jennifer Hoffman - Make a Leap of Faith - April 20, 2015

It's mid month and we're all spinning a bit right now. After this weekend's new moon and the energy activity so far, we're either numb or hiding, maybe both. I have noticed that when there is a lot of energy movement I spend a lot of time home and I don't do it on purpose. Even if I have things planned, something will come up that either makes me late or that I have to stay home for. I am not being antisocial, nor do I have a phobia. When there is so much energy moving, the best, safest, and most secure place for me to be is in my own energetic space.

Have you ever been out around a lot of people when so much energy is shifting and at some point, all you want to do is go home? It doesn't matter how many more things you need to do, or who you're with, you want to go home. That's because your energy space is  the most grounded for you right now and as paradigms shift, as they are now, we tolerate the  movement more easily when we are in a space that feels safe to us. Paradigm shifts are separations in the energy fields that feel familiar to us and that can make us feel very vulnerable, so we want to be in a safe place so we can contemplate our next moves.

Blossom Goodchild – 20 April 2015

bloss arizona biggerHello! I am wondering what today’s wisdom has to offer us? Whatever it is I am sure it shall be Divinely given and uplift and inspire all. Many thanks.
The warmest of greetings to you also. We intend always, to interact in such a way that does this very thing! Regarding choice material for this communication today … we are aware that you are always seeking for the Highest Good of all … and to bring forth that which assists in the growth of One’s knowledge.
More and more are realising the responsibility of self. More and more are understanding that should their desire be to find total fulfilment … it is only glimpsed when the awareness of soulself activity allows the Truth that lies within … to display itself outwardly.
What would you say exactly IS soulself activity?

Sarah Varcas - Choosing the Cliff-Edge - Apr 20, 2015

Uranus and Pluto have received a lot of air time since 2012 when they began to form their lengthy square that is currently fading into history. The impact of this square, which has shaken up countless peoples’ lives, has been impossible to ignore. For many, looking back to life pre 2012 is like watching a different person, barely recognisable in some cases. So much has changed, within and without, that the notion of total rebirth is not too drastic a description of the events of recent years. Many people have been shaken awake by this square, forced to confront themselves and their lives, the consequences of choices previously made and the impact of living a half-life in the shadows of possibility for so long. It has been a time of both trauma and ecstasy, challenge and liberation. Few have been left untouched. The initiation into the Aquarian Age has well and truly begun.

domingo, abril 19, 2015


Arcturian Energetic Weather Report #3
Your ARE a Stream of Consciousness

Transmission form The Arcturians and Galactic Family
The energetic weather report is “hot” and “cloudy.” By “hot” we mean that many new developments are “heating up” to the “boiling point,” in which they will be revealed. It is “cloudy” because there is still a great deal of TRUTH that is hidden behind the clouds of illusion. Most of you, our volunteers to take earth vessels, have taken quite a few lifelong assignments on the 3D Matrix of Gaia.
Some of you can remember many of those embodiments, which allows you to better release the clouds of illusion. Many of you are not, yet, aware of your other incarnations, but as your consciousness expands to resonate primarily to the fourth dimension, you will begin to remember that DEATH is one of greatest illusions on Earth.
Much like a hermit crab on the ocean floor, you need to “take a new shell” to continue your LIVES -long missions. Therefore, “death” simply means that your 3D shell no longer serves your needs, and you will need to release that shell to find a new one. Many of our brave volunteers have spent many eons on the “Wheel of birth/death” between 3D to 4D to 3D to 4D.

Gerrit Gielen - Si Creamos Nuestra Propia Realidad, Entonces Por Qué Envejecemos? -

por Gerrit Gielen

Traducción: Fara González

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Dentro de los círculos espirituales, el poder del pensamiento positivo parece indiscutible, casi sacrosanto, y hasta se nos dice que creamos nuestra propia realidad. Los autores que escriben sobre este tema nos prometen los resultados más milagrosos. Se nos dice que al pensar pensamientos correctos y al repetir afirmaciones lo suficiente podemos crear lo que queramos en nuestro futuro y hasta transformar eventos negativos y traumáticos de nuestro pasado a positivo. Haber des-creado el trauma significa que seguimos con nuestra vida como si el evento negativo no hubiese ocurrido.

Marlene Swetlishoff - Mensaje Semanal del Maestro Ascendido Hilarión - Del 19 al 26 de Abril, 2015

Traducción: Esther Abreu


Desde tiempos inmemoriales, cada uno de ustedes han visitado y revisitado su hermoso planeta a través de una sucesión de encarnaciones desde el mundo del espíritu en la forma humana. Sus corazones están entrelazados con el de la Tierra y ustedes tratan de traerle sanidad y restauración a ella de cualquier manera que como individuos pueden, pero lo que pueden no saber o tener en cuenta, es el impacto que sus esfuerzos ejercen en el campo de la conciencia, que es como un entramado gigante, una red y reserva de energía que se ha acumulado a lo largo de las edades, a partir del aporte de cada uno sobre el planeta. Esta es la piscina de energía que se está limpiando en un proceso que ahora impacta a cada uno, pero muy especialmente a aquellos entre ustedes que son sensibles a la energía. Cuando encuentren que las emociones brotan de su interior, tengan en cuenta que es el campo colectivo en el que están inmersos. Envíen amor a la tierra cuando eso ocurra, porque esta actividad ayuda a disipar las viejas energías que ahora están siendo liberadas; y luego desapéguense suavemente de ellas pensando en algo hermoso que la Tierra ofrece para que todos lo disfruten.

Marlene Swetlishoff - Hilarion - April 19-26, 2015

April 19-26, 2015
Beloved Ones,
Since time immemorial, each of you have visited and revisited your beautiful planet through a succession of incarnations from the world of spirit into human form. Your hearts are entwined with that of the Earth and you seek to bring healing and restoration to her in any way that you as one individual can, but what you may not know or be aware of, is the impact your efforts make on the field of consciousness that is like a giant web, a network and reservoir of energy that has accumulated throughout the ages from the input of everyone upon the planet. This is the pool of energy that is now being cleansed in a process which now impacts everyone but most especially those who are the energy sensitive amongst you. When you find that emotions well up from within you, be aware that it is the collective field that you are tapping into. Send love to the Earth when this occurs, for this activity helps to dissipate the old energies that are now being released; and then gently detach from it by thinking of something beautiful that the Earth provides for all to enjoy.

sábado, abril 18, 2015

Barbara Marciniak - Audio Libro - Tierra - Las Claves Pleyadianas de la Biblioteca Viviente

Nancy Tate - Wake up Call: Porda, April 18, 2015

I am here this morning to tell you of a new development in the RV and the premier funds for the people. It is a time for all of you to assure yourselves that it will be coming at a time when it is perfect for all of those who have the quality of the earth and themselves in mind. There is one feature of these funds that is endearing to all of the universe and it is that it will be in tune with what will be coming in the years ahead, and further on, that will come from the lessons that these times are giving you. There is plenty of time for them to materialize into the benefits that are in store for you. First it is imperative that the ones who will be distributing are in a place in which there will be no interference. This is that time my dear ones. This is the time that we have seen the various facets of the distribution being set into place with no possibility of interference.

Ann Albers – Messages From Ann And The Angels – 18 April 2015

My dear friends, we love you so very much,
Celebrate! You are growing! There is fantastically powerful energy on the earth right now. Tap in, tune in, and focus on that which you love. Better yet strive to focus on love no matter what the situation you find yourself in.
Think of the most difficult person in your life. What can you love about them? Maybe you can love the fact that they have taught you to embrace greater boundaries, or learn new levels of discernment. Maybe they have inadvertently taught you to listen to yourself more kindly rather than blindly listening to others, or to trust yourself and your own feelings rather than blindly trusting others. Maybe they have caused you to reach deep inside and find new levels of patience, tolerance, and compassion – whether for them or for yourself. No matter how “awful” you feel this person is, you can find something to love there if you truly try. You can, if you choose, imagine the spark of Divine light within them, no matter how small and hidden, and acknowledge that they come from the very same source that you do.

Natalie Glasson – Back to Archive – Your Resonance With The Earth By Archangel Sandalphon – 18 April 2015

‘The world is shifting beyond your recognition,’ this is a statement that I wish to share with you and for you to recognise within your perspective. It is not for you to understand the shifts taking place upon the Earth, maybe not even to recognise them, more importantly to recognise how the shifts in the world influence you within your being. When I speak of the world I am referring to the world of your perspectives rather than the Earth itself.  The world you recognise is the world of your perspectives, a creation born from that which you wish to hold within your being, to resonate with and recognise as yourself. The Earth is in tune with your perspectives, co-creating with you in order to manifest your beliefs and perspectives from within your being into your reality.

Maryann Rada - Renegade Throughts – The Game Is About to Change – 2-2-15

The Game Is About To Change
Is there enough time to do the things your soul set out for you when you first decided to enter into the game of life on Earth? Or will the system implode and take with it the semblance of reality you have come to know and, to varying extents, love? Only if you decide to let go of some of the ideas you have accumulated about who you are and what you’re about. You see, every one of you has a role to fulfill and to tell you the truth, many of you have forgotten the main point of your journey here. Despite your high attainments in consciousness, awareness, interdimensional telekinesis of thoughtforms, and what have you, you have perhaps lost the thread on the sole purpose of your soul plan: Find love everywhere and beam it back to source. If you can still find time to do that, you’ve got it made. No other deadlines need apply.

Lena Stevens - ACTUALIZACION DE LUNA NUEVA - 18 de Abril de 2015 - 17 de Abril 2015
17 de Abril 2015
Traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Queridos Amigos,

La Luna Nueva es el sábado 18 de abril a las 12:56 p.m. (Horario de las montañas)

Es un tiempo fogoso, muy orientado hacia la acción, algo inquieto, y nos convoca a dar nuestro próximo paso, cualquiera sea éste, con poder y energía. Asegúrense de no enfocarse tanto en lo que se va de su vida, a menos que estén haciendo un verdadero proceso de terminación. Enfóquese, en cambio, en lo nuevo que se manifiesta y arráiguenlo de algún modo.

En el norte de Nuevo México crece un roble de hoja caduca que retiene sus hojas secas hasta que en la primavera las hojas nuevas las expulsan con su crecimiento. Siempre recurro a esa imagen para ilustrar cómo el poner energía en el crecimiento nuevo expulsará automáticamente lo viejo sin esfuerzo.

Rev. Irma Kaye Sawyer - Clima Cósmico - Reporte de la Luna Nueva del 18 de Abril - 15 de Abril 2015

15 de Abril 2015

Traducción: Marcela Borean
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Hola amigos. Bueno, simplemente tengo que compartir cuanto estoy AMANDO las energías de la Luna Nueva entrante. Una vez que se metan en mi reporte verán por qué. Para aquellos que han venido siguiendo nuestros reportes por la página de Facebook “Cosmic Weather” me han escuchado hablar acerca de los desafíos y oportunidades de la actual puerta estelar/ actualización vibracional del “Dragón” por las últimas tres semanas. Ciertamente a la altura de su nombre y reputación. Incluso un Dragón (de madera) como yo se ha estado sintiendo un poco chamuscado en los bordes en algunos momentos, pero estoy mejor por ello. Incluso si no sientes identificado después de esta lectura, estoy bastante segura que con el tiempo verás que tú también. También me dio mucho alimento interesante para reflexionar para mi próximo libro. Las luces eran muy brillantes y las sombras profundas en el portal Piscis / Aries. Yo no lo describiría como un viaje de Alicia por la madriguera del conejo, sino más como el territorio de algunos clásicos de alta extrañeza de Hunter S. Thompson y el Dr. Gonzo (*). No todo el mundo tuvo ese tipo de experiencia, pero yo diría que para la mayoría de la gente sería aplicable.

viernes, abril 17, 2015

Méline Portia Lafont – Reminder And Reflection Of The Moment From Goddess Isis – 17 April 2015
This planetary Ascension is on the point of full embodiment of Ascension, meaning that each and everyone on this Earth will and is being instigated with the true energies of the Divine Goddess creation, the Divine Feminine within you all. There is a Cosmic Source within your own awareness and Being as well as in this Universe of your Solar plane.This Cosmic Source is called the Eye of Isis and it has come into your planetary awareness as well as in your own awareness through consciousness. It is shining on your Earth, since the Early year 2006 and has been following a linear time-line path of nearly 1 million of Earthly years before it could come into your awareness again and share its Cosmic Divine pulses and energies.
 My eye functions as a Cosmic Gate and instigator for so many things on your beloved planet and reality. It highlights all events and truth upon this planetary level, it instigates the Divine spark within you and assists in the expansion of your Solar Cosmic Christ as well as your I AM. When its Light shines upon your Earthly planes, a true transformation began to take place within your own realities.
 A lot of Earthly changes have taken place since then, and now as Earth’s plane becomes more enlightened by the Eye of my Presence, the effect becomes even bigger and more tangible. It is this effect from the Goddess Divine energies, which enlighten the truth onto this planet, that instigates so much energies to erupt. It highlights the confusion within oneself more so as to transmute into clarity, knowing and your truth. It is here to show everything that you have forgotten about, that is being denied or feared, it is the Light that brings you everything you have been seeking for.. and that is all within you.

Mahala – Alison McCabe : Hygeia – 17 April 2015



On April 4th, during the time of the Full Moon / Lunar Eclipse, we passed through a new energetic doorway and felt an immediate shift in the energy. It felt like a heavy blanket of fog had been suddenly removed, to reveal a sparkling new landscape. This energetic doorway was a significant marker of NO DOWN, NO RETURN. Even though we may not have been able to see this energetic doorway, we strongly felt it.

Through this open doorway is a greatly expanded vista with a sharper focus and brighter, more vibrant colors. Everything tingles with enhanced Trueness. Once we step into this expanded area of our New Landscape, large portions of our old landscape and old lives naturally fall away.

We have reached a new stage of our impending Convergence. Although the Convergence won't take place until the end of June, we are already receiving promptings from our Heart's Knowingness about it. Many of us are feeling the call of the Convergence and don't quite know what it is yet.

Lena Stevens - New Moon Update 4-18-15 - April 17, 2015

Dear Friends,

The New Moon is Saturday April 18 at 12:56 PM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT).

It is fiery time, very action oriented, a bit restless, and calls us to move into our next step, whatever that is, with power and energy. Make sure not to focus so much on what is leaving your life unless you are doing a real completion process. Focus instead on the new that is manifesting and anchor it in some way.
There is a deciduous oak tree that grows in Northern New Mexico that holds on to its dead leaves until spring when the new leaves push the dead ones out with their growth. I always hold on to that image as it illustrates how putting energy into the new growth will automatically and without effort push out the old.
Watch for impulsive reactions on this day especially if they are negative ones that may pull you into argument or conflict. Refocus as quickly as possible on the passion of creating  your next step and planting the seeds of your creative ideas. If you are around others during this time intend that it will be nothing but a very supportive experience.

Kara Schallock - La Luna Nueva… Anclando más Nuevo - 17 de Abril 2015

por Kara Schallock
17 de Abril 2015

Traducción: Marcela Borean
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

En realidad estamos todavía en la energía del ciclo de Eclipses. Aunque las cosas se han suavizado un poco, seguimos en contacto con todo lo que no es Amor. Esta energía ha sido especialmente poderosa en las relaciones de todo tipo, en la auto-estima y en la conciencia de Abundancia/carencia. Han estado regresando cuestiones y esto nos comunica que no todo se ha despejado ya.

SaLuSa - April 17, 2015

Dear Ones, the Light is growing much more quickly, and all credit to those of you who are steadfast and true to your life plan. You may not necessarily know for certain how well you are following it, but there is a “feeling” of deep satisfaction in all that you do. In any event along with your Guides, we help keep you on your true path and assist where we can. The net result of all of your dedication is that you are able to keep on going forward without being distracted from your path. The rewards for doing so are many and one day in the not too distant future, you will truly become aware of how much your contribution has achieved. It is not to do with quantity but quality, and every one of you in your own way helps to maintain the Light upon Earth. You are in fact privileged to be chosen for such tasks, as many souls have volunteered to do such work. However, not everyone is necessarily chosen for this particular period of action. This is the time that you have been working towards over many lives, and already some can “feel” the changes that have taken place as the negative energies have less affect.

Christine Meleriessee - Surrender and Believe in Your-Self – Lord Melchizedek - Apr 17, 2015

rays of god droplets_800_533This is the transcription of the LIVE call within the Clarion Temple of Oneness with Lord Melchizedek on April 6th, 2015.

It is with great pleasure that I come this evening.
I AM Lord Melchizedek at your service.
What an auspicious time for me to arise, after the resurrection of the Christ and now moving into the Wesak energies. It is my divine expression to be with each of you and assist you in each moment whether that moment is confliction or happiness. It is my desire to work with each of you individually and assist you in this process you are going through.
The Earth is changing rapidly. So are you. Think about how deep you would be going without these high accelerations. Would you be able to push yourself through these moments within your initiation process; without the powerful Eclipses, Equinoxes, Full Moons, New Moons and the alignment of the planets? That is a very important question. Many of you have been doing this for quite a while.
The importance of your pathway is how deep are you willing to go?

Brenda Hoffman -Are Your Dreams of 3D? - April 17, 2015

cart_headerLife Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photo

Dear Ones,
You have transitioned far beyond Old Age you. Yet, you remain within the confines of many 3D actions and reactions. You work, pay bills and so many other pieces that have little to do with new you. At least how you now define new you.
Many of you expect to travel through dimensions, frequencies and time with little regard for daily 3D necessities such as jobs or paying bills. And that, earth and you will transition so rapidly your unpleasant activities will disappear overnight. While such is possible, your reality is that you are not of the heavens, you are of earth.
For some, that last statement seems harsh. You are tired of your day-to-day routine. You want some excitement, some extreme joy in your life. Such does not seem possible if you need to shop for groceries or interact with those who make you uncomfortable.

Kara Schallock - The New Moon...anchoring more New - April 17, 2015

We are actually still in the energy of the Eclipse Cycle. While things have mellowed a bit, we continue to be in touch with all that is not Love. This energy has been especially powerful in relationships of all kinds, self-worth and Abundance/lack consciousness. There have been returning issues and this communicates to us that all has not been cleared.

If there are relationships that still are of the old, or parts of them that bring up old issues, then address what is being shown to you and choose to release it. Release especially old emotions and old stories that are mirrored to you by others. You may choose to let the relationship completely go or you may choose to let go of the deeper issues and remain in the relationship. Whatever pushes a button is calling you to release the underlying emotion, if not the entire relationship. Releasing the underlying issues/emotions can bring the relationship to a new Intimacy.

jueves, abril 16, 2015

Pleiadian Channeler Barbara Marciniak Conference 1/3

Pleiadian Channeler Barbara Marciniak Conference 2/3

Pleiadian Channeler Barbara Marciniak Conference 3/3

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - EL DESPERTAR CUÁNTICO - Abril 2015

Un pensamiento, una forma de vida, un sitio Web y un boletín electrónico global

Únanse a nosotros en

ABRIL 2015

Número 194

Creado, canalizado, escrito, publicado y registrado con Amor

por Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Este boletín está guiado por el Espíritu y circula desde 1986 con amor y dedicación a la Luz.

Llega a millones de dedicados Trabajadores de Luz Planetarios. Uno a uno, luz a luz, se alumbra a sí mismo hasta su culminación de ahí en más. Cualquier imperfección ortográfica o gramatical realza su belleza y singularidad.

El Despertar Cuántico es traducido con amor al español por Susy Peralta de Argentina desde hace años. Gracias, querida dama de luz.


*** De su anfitriona de luz

*** Yo soy el espíritu, la bendición, el sonido de Shekinah

*** Hijas de las codificaciones sagradas

*** Orden Sagrada de la Magdalena

*** Ustedes entran en un tiempo prometido


Mientras movemos nuestros muy pateados traseros cósmicos lejos de los eclipses y el portal 4-4, nos examinamos exhaustivamente viendo un profundo cambio que no se puede mencionar ni explicar. Una vez más, no somos los que fuimos y no somos aquellos en los que nos estamos convirtiendo. Como quien cambia de forma, estamos atrapados a medio camino entre la espada y la pared. ¿Cómo es posible que uno esté tan solo y sin embargo conectado con todo en el universo?

La energía del 4-4 llegó como una tormenta filosa como navaja que cortó directamente a través de toda y cualquier ilusión y percepción. Se extendió como una serpiente enojada a través de todas las tierras y los pueblos que iban a cambiar y permitió la limpieza y apertura de todo lo que era santo y estaba completo.