jueves, abril 16, 2015

Neale Donald Walsch - How do we speak “as God”? -

How do we speak “as God”?

My dear friends...

I remember that a few days after Communion with God -- a book written entirely from God's point of view in a first-person voice -- hit the bookstores, reporters began calling me for interviews, and many of them led with the same question:

How can you claim to be speaking in the first person voice of God? Isn't that just a bit presumptuous?

It's a fair question. While I am not the first person to have produced such a book (far from it, in fact), inquiring minds still want to know: how can I -- or for that matter, anyone -- dare to place words in God's mouth in this way?

The first thing I answer when asked this question is that I am not placing words in God's mouth. God is placing words in mine.

Furthermore, God is doing the same thing with all of us. I am not the only person on the planet speaking God's words.   All of us are in Communion with God all of the time.

Nancy Tate - Wake up Call: St. Germain, April 16, 2015

I come to you this day in the energy of the trueness of life on planet earth. I am going to tell you more of what is coming and what will be in the works. First I will share with you something that is taking place as I speak in the annals of history, for it is already history having taken place yesterday in the cellars of the United States of America. I am St. Germain, and I speak of the cellars of the United Nations.
I was called to be with them as they disbursed the gold that has been in storage for centuries in these cellars I speak of. It was the ones from the United Nations who called me and instructed me to go with them into the storage facilities and bear witness to their disbursements.

Brenda Hoffman - ¿Estás en un Vacío? - 13 de Abril 2015

Por Brenda Hoffman


13 de Abril 2015

Traducción: Fara González

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo


Abordemos sus sentimientos de desesperanza, de no ser suficientes; de “¿adonde están mis recompensas”?

Han recibido recompensas en muchas formas a través de este proceso, pero ciertamente no en línea con los riesgos que han asumido para ser el nuevo ustedes. Sufrieron soledad física, emocional y espiritual, temor y enojo. Limpiaron y despejaron. Fueron golpeados por energías universales. Hicieron ese canto y ese mantra dictados por otros o por ustedes mismos. Y sin embargo esperan que algo grande les pruebe que todo merecía el esfuerzo.

Muchos aducen que reciben recompensas desde el interior de su ser –y es así. Pero su aspecto físico está en un entorno 3D/4D aunque la Nueva Tierra y el nuevo ustedes no lo estén.


Healing due to God's Grace
channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz 
Today I lead human Beings back to the power of 
distinction, so that you may clearly, courageously 
and self-evidently walk back on your path to the Source.
It is the time of clarity and every human Being, 
who connects with his innermost, will in the future 
be oriented, remain oriented and no more lose the 
trace back to himself. Scattered doubt, fear programming 
and implants, which make human Beings insecure, will now 
be destroyed for all those, who determine this for themselves 
from the bottom of their hearts. The energies of the old world
are still effective, while the new world unveils more and more 
and some human Beings, who walk on the path of Light, are 
subjected to these energies without protection. I say to you:
Whoever assigns the heavenly powers with the redemption 
of outside programming, for those these are being removed.
Therefore here and now I call upon human Beings, as soon 
as you perceive in yourself indisposition and/or foreign 
occupation, to call the heavenly powers of Light.

Questions for Jim - How Do You Deal with Manipulative People?


Precious hearts, I invite you to listen to the Elders April transmission ~ Enjoy ~ Blessings and much Love ~ Emoticono heart
Through Anrita Melchizedek
Mp3 Recording www.pleiadianlight.net/free-downloads
You Tube video http://youtu.be/oUtmr1PL7M8
Transcribe http://www.pleiadianlight.net/12-pyramids-of-light-april-2…/
The Atlantean Pyramid creates the illusion of realities in time on the Earth plane.
The soul who oversees this pyramid goes by the frequency, Arlis-Cochizel.
In the temple of the crystals the goddess sits,
she whose consciousness creates all and everything from within.
Through this crystal matrix a race of evolved humans was born.
And when it was time for those souls to once again submerge in the
sea of creation to evolve into a new experience,
the crystals would echo the harmonics and the souls would remember and align for transition.
The Atlantean Pyramid has great mythology about an ancient time
when man used his gift of intuition and worked with spirit.
It tells of priests and priestesses who used massive crystals and walked with giants and strange creatures on the surface of the planet.
This pyramid tells of I, Thoth, known as Thoth the Atlantean, or Tehuti,
who ruled the land of Atlantis for thousands of years known there by many names and descriptions.
It is written that before the great civilization of Atlantis fell,
I went with my consort and our high priests and priestesses
in great spaceships, to create a new home and a new civilization.

Benjamín Fulford - 14-04-15. El Ex director de Inteligencia Nacional estadounidense, Dennis Blair, trabaja para mafiosos japoneses

14 abr
Fuente y comentarios en inglés: http://benjaminfulford.net/2015/04/15/former-us-director-of-national-intelligence-dennis-blair-works-for-japanese-gangsters/#comments
China vs US currency war
A veces hay que ver las cosas para creerlas. Tengo la tarjeta de visita de Dennis Blair, ex Director Nacional de Inteligencia (que supervisaba todas las agencias de inteligencia de Estados Unidos) y ex Comandante en Jefe de las Fuerzas del Pacífico de Estados Unidos. Dice que ahora es Presidente del Consejo y Director General de la Fundación Sasakawa para la Paz en EE.UU.. En otras palabras, que él trabaja para Yohei Sasagawa, un hombre del que múltiples fuentes de las mafias Yakuza  japonesas han dicho a este escritor que es un compañero gángster. Aquí hay un enlace a un informe desclasificado de la CIA sobre su padre, Ryoichi Sasagawa:
Aquí hay una cita de un libro bien documentado sobre la Yakuza.
Así que ahí lo tienen, altos mandos de EEUU que se retiran en las tapaderas de la Yakuza. Blair daba una charla en el Club de Corresponsales Extranjeros de Japón, donde obedientemente desplegó la línea actual del partido de Washington DC para la prensa de propaganda corporativa. A este escritor le fue negado en repetidas ocasiones la oportunidad de hacer una pregunta a Blair, así que pondremos la pregunta aquí:

Benjamin Fulford - April 14, 2015: Former US Director of National Intelligence Dennis Blair works for Japanese gangsters

Sometimes you have to see things to believe them. Today, I got the name card of Dennis Blair, former US Director of National Intelligence (overseeing all US intelligence agencies) and former Commander in Chief of US Pacific Forces. It says he is now Chairman of the Board and CEO of the Sasakawa Peace Foundation USA. In other words, he works for Yohei Sasagawa, a man multiple Japanese Yakuza gangster sources have told this writer is a fellow gangster. Here is a link to a declassified CIA report about his father Ryoichi Sasagawa:

Here is a quote from a well-researched book about the Yakuza


So there you have it, US top brass retiring into Yakuza fronts. Blair was speaking at the Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan where he dutifully rolled out the current Washington D.C. party line for the corporate propaganda press. This writer was repeatedly denied an opportunity to ask Blair a question so we will post our question here:

Marlene Swetlishoff - Archangel Gabriel - April 16, 2015

April 16, 2015
Beloved Ones,
Let us have discourse on the quality of love known as respect. One shows respect for self and others by speaking and acting with courtesy, honor and dignity in every situation. The more that one understands about one’s own self, the more one begins to see and appreciate how truly unique and worthy they are, which leads to a healthy respect for one’s self and for others. This helps the individual to fulfill their personal potential, talents and abilities. It requires an individual to accept self as they are in the moment while they continue to work on becoming the person they have always dreamt of becoming. One works each day on building their self esteem and self respect by thinking good thoughts about themselves, smiling often, and maintaining a physical appearance that reinforces their positive self confidence. They are pleased with their everyday life and all that it offers to them and maintain the confidence that something good is coming to them. They maintain their own standards and work on achieving the goals that they desire to achieve. They strive to succeed at doing what they want to do instead of following a path that others have already taken. They constantly work at achieving that which makes them happy, that which fills them with passion, enthusiasm and inspiration; with that which gives them zest, vitality, self empowerment and self respect.

Saint Germain’s Message Carla Thompson - April 16, 2015

Here is a wonderfully clear personal message for me that I have channelled from the Ascended Master Saint Germain.  Even though it is a personal message, we all know that it is only an example of what all other light workers shall also experience now that we are moving so rapidly through these open energetic gateways.  
Saint Germain even directly addresses all light workers in this message and there is no mistake that everyone who is reading this now will be opened to experiencing new aspects of soul recognition. My personal impression from this visit yesterday (April 14th) is that he would like his teachings to be reframed from a new perspective, a non-religious perspective, in order that our atheist and secular society will be able to relate and integrate the idea of Soul Essence, and that this will come in the form of a new book that I will personally write.

Full Disclosure Hon Paul T Hellyer

miércoles, abril 15, 2015

Steve Rother - The Blending of Dimensional Realities ~ The Orthogonal Matrix - April 15, 2015

Greetings from Home.

The Clearing of the Veil

Such a joy, this day. This day is so special because, dear ones, this is the now moment in all dimensions. This is the beautiful part of what we will share with you today as we take you through this journey. You see, dear ones, there are things taking place on your planet now which are very exciting to you because you are starting to understand your own reality and use it positively to create everything that you wish to create from this point forward. So, you are in the now moment at the present. That is perfect because only from there you can access positive, negative, past, future and all the rest of it to really ground yourself in the moment. The beautiful thing that is taking place and that you may or may not have noticed, is the unfolding and the clearing of the veil. It is happening in many ways and it is happening for each individual slightly differently. Each person will experience it in a slightly different way and that is as it should be. You, too, will start to experience this in different ways. Let us explain some of the ways that the entire collective of humanity is actually experiencing this clearing of the veil.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - El Alma Antigua Introducción - Bali, Indonesia, 29 de Marzo de 2015


Desgrabación y traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro


Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

La canalización es un proceso interesante, uno que mi socio no comprendía cuando empezó; ahora sí lo entiende. Se hace a un lado, y el secreto de esto, como en los que sanan y leen, es el mismo. Es que el ser humano puede quitarse todos sus filtros por un momento y dejar llegar las palabras, las palabras de los conceptos que sienten desde el otro lado del velo, traídos a través de la pineal. Queridos, hay un período de ajuste, siempre lo hay, para el cerebro humano de quienes escuchan y se sientan ante mí. En algún nivel tienen que comprender lo que está sucediendo.

Algunos no creen que sea real; algunos creen que es real pero no creen que venga del otro lado, dicen que es la perspectiva del Yo Superior del humano. ¿Qué les han dicho sus maestros sobre esto? Quiero que piensen qué les dijeron sus maestros, y luego quiero que, con toda honestidad, lo pongan a un lado por un momento.


April 15, 2015
We are truly in uncharted waters and we are in the midst of the most powerful influx of Light Humanity is capable of receiving. The Company of Heaven revealed that this greatly accelerated influx of God’s Light will continue to build in momentum day-by-day as we God Victoriously accomplish the unfolding Divine Plan for 2015.
This unprecedented influx of Light is exponentially increasing the Divine Alchemy that is taking place within Humanity’s physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies. This physical transformation involves changing our Earthly Bodies, at a cellular level, from carbon-based planetary bodies into 5th-Dimensional Crystalline-based Solar Light Bodies.  
People everywhere are experiencing this influx of Light in a multitude of ways. Every 24-hour period, the I AM Presence of each person is striving to assimilate into his or her Earthly Bodies the maximum Light those vehicles can withstand. The Company of Heaven said that there are a few people who are moving through this challenging transformational process fairly easily, but that is the exception to the rule. They say that the vast majority of people are experiencing all kinds of stress in both their physical and emotional bodies. This phenomenon is causing a lot of confusion, as well as some intense physical pain, emotional upheaval, genuine fatigue, and general discomfort. 

Nueva Conciencia _ AudioLibro _ FAMILIA DE LUZ

martes, abril 14, 2015


Message from the Light Reading 
on Marc 27th, 2015 in Vienna
channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

„Project Earth“ is finished! 

I am Archangel Gabriel,

I am God’s Strength and Heaven’s Power,
which today announces the end of “Project Earth” 
to mankind! This is the end of the “game of duality”, 
the end of the polar reality, wherein the Light has 
cast long and dark shadows. This great and unique 
project of the Creation history is finished 
and the harvest time on all levels has begun. 

Everything that you perceive, that you can see 
and recognize, in this world today, are measures, 
which directly go along with the dissolution of this 

Brenda Hoffman - Tu eres la Estrella Protagonista de Ti - 6 de Abril 2015


6 de Abril 2015

Traducción: Marcela Borean
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Queridos míos,

Muchos de ustedes temen no haber abordado “apropiadamente” las energías recientes. Quizás estaban ocupados con la preparación 3D del feriado o tuvieron otros temas que parecieron más importantes que otra explosión de energía. No importa.

Las energías no regresan a los Universos si no fueron experimentadas en el tiempo designado. Así como faltar a un servicio de Navidad o de otra práctica religiosa no exigirá que abandones ese grupo religioso. Tu religión continuará desarrollándose, ya sea que participes en cada servicio o no. Lo mismo sucede con las energías que ahora están y seguirán golpeando a la tierra.

Gerrit Gielen - Trabajando con Vidas Paralelas


Traducción: Fara González

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Cuando hacen una elección importante en su vida realmente están eligiendo entre dos futuros posibles. Tan pronto hacen la elección, se desvanece un futuro posible, cierto? ¿O existe también ese futuro alternativo en un mundo paralelo y se experimenta y vive a través de otra parte de ustedes? De acuerdo con la teoría de “los muchos mundos” en la física cada vez que se presenta un momento de elección, ocurre una fractura en el universo, las diversas posibilidades existen en mundos paralelos. ¿Cuál es espiritualmente el significado de los mundos paralelos y cómo podemos experimentar este significado en nuestras vidas cotidianas? Esa es la cuestión central de este artículo.

Sheldan Nidle's Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy - April 14, 2015


Many groups, who are long associated with our efforts to free and heal you of the oppression of your dark masters, have worked a most appreciated wonder! 

from Planetary Activation Organization

Ummac Dan ~ Galactic Federation Symbol For The Sirian Star System
13 Kan, 2 Kank’in, 11 Ik
Selamat Jarin! We come once again with very good news! Those who are working with our associates in the fields of banking and money report that a number of vital funds are now being released. These various preliminary fundings are to make the scheduling of a number of prosperity programs viable. Thus, we are further along on the road to getting the prosperity funds released, and with that, reasons for the rise of new governance. All of this is just additional proof that you are finally to receive a large prosperity package in the coming weeks. In fact, these events are as well to bring all of us closer to disclosure. We have never been as close to the point where disclosure is to happen. Our fleet has carefully monitored Gaia for over two decades. She is going through an extinction cycle for large numbers of plants and animals. Her various environments continue to be ravished by the dark cabal and their many henchmen. This is why Gaia has increased a number of responses to this continued destruction to her ecosystems. We strongly advise that those so responsible cease and desist from these vile acts. Gaia is prepared to defend these endangered environments.


Brenda Hoffman – Are You In A Void? – 14 April 2015

 cart_headerLife Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photo

Dear Ones,
Let us address your feelings of despair; of not enough; of “where are my rewards?”
You have received rewards in many ways throughout this process, but certainly not in line with the risks you have taken to become new you. You endured physical, emotional and spiritual loneliness, fear and anger. You cleansed and cleaned. You were pummeled by Universal energies. You did this chant and that mantra as dictated by others or yourself. And yet you wait for something big to prove to yourself that all was worth the effort.
Many claim you receive rewards from within your being – and so you do. But your physicality is in a 3D/4D environment even though New Earth and new you are not.
Such is so because your being is experiencing a division between worlds that you cannot necessarily explain with chants, meditations or words.
You have a sense of “Is that all there is?” Surely there must be some sign for you believe you would not have struggled and diverted your being for this sense of nothingness. A void that feels as if your 3D world is fairly meaningless and your New Earth, new you is but a dream.

lunes, abril 13, 2015

Archangel Michael channeled by Meredith Murphy - The Universe Wants to Play - 13 April, 2015

Hello Dear Ones,
Are you flying high? Are you soaring to new views? Are these elevated vibrations sinking into your way of being? Are you noticing your own energy feels so much better?
That's really just more of you being here, you know. It's not US. It's just more and more of YOU. And what makes you more you, is your openness and your alignment. Your permission. Your gradual building of your energy field.
It is a powerful thing to contact your own fullness, your own higher vibrational energies. It is a powerful thing in human form to open to your own, higher vibration fields and USE this connection to build your presence. How very smart of you! How very wonderful for everything that is that you have come forth in this way at this time. Don't you know, beloveds, the Universe wants to play with you!

Archangel Gabriel channeled by Shanta Gabriel - 13 April, 2015

Inspiration for the Week - Picture Wings of Angels Enfolding You in Light

The Gabriel Message card for this week:
Call on us often and picture the Wings of Angels enfolding you in Light.
It takes practice to remember to call the Angels into our life as the first resort and not the last. When we do ask for their assistance the Angels are there, sometimes dramatically, but often very subtly.
When I get very quiet and tune into my most still place, I can actually feel myself wrapped in wings of Light. I like the sensation very much as it melts my heart and helps me know I am not alone in the situation.
I have gotten into the habit of calling on the Angelic Dimensions for every area of my life. They have been powerful partners in an often difficult path this lifetime.

Ron Head - Become excited at the possibilities that approach you now.- The Council - April 13, 2015

untitledThe Council
We are showing you a picture which includes images of several of what you call extreme sports. Many of you seem to enjoy having your adrenaline flood through you. Since you don’t seem to have any saber toothed tigers to run from, you have taken to jumping from high places or plummeting down mountain sides.
When you stand upon that cliff or at the start of that ski run, you are very much in a place equivalent to humanity’s position in its evolution at this time. The difference is that much of what you are now to experience will seem to happen at a pace that will have you saying, as usual, “Nothing is happening”. We have spoken of this before.
However, this will not always be the case. And for your screaming enjoyment we offer you now the beginning of change that may have you breathless at times. Remember, you have asked for this, “Bring it on” being one of your favorite phrases. You may use that less often in the future. But we are not wanting to frighten you at all. We actually want you to become excited at the possibilities that approach you now.

Selacia - Prepárense para la Luna Nueva del 18 de Abril - 13 de Abril 2015

13 de Abril 2015

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo


Prepárense ahora para la Luna Nueva del18 de abril, una ventana de energía para crear un nuevo comienzo en su vida avanzando hacia un nivel expandido de conciencia superior. Hagan el proceso simple que les recomiendo aquí para que se puedan beneficiar plenamente.

Como este ciclo trata de nuevos comienzos, consideren situaciones claves que quieren comenzar por vez primera o escenarios que necesitan refrescamiento.

Seguramente incluirán a otras personas, siendo las relaciones el frente y el centro para cualquiera en el sendero espiritual.

Selacia – Prepare For April 18 New Moon – 13 April 2014

Selaciaby Selacia
Prepare now for the April 18 New Moon, an energy window for creating a new beginning in your life and moving into an expanded level of higher consciousness. Do the simple process I recommend here so you can be resourced to benefit fully.
Since this cycle is about new starts, consider key situations you want to either begin for the first time or scenarios that need a refresh.
Most likely, these will involve other people, relationships now being front and center for anyone on the spiritual path.

And specifically related to other people, consider how you manage your own power when you are with others. Power issues are universal right now – everyone is dealing with them. Get in touch with yours now ahead of Saturday.

Blossom Goodchild – 13 April 2015

bloss arizona biggerHi there. Here we are once again. I always look forward to these times.
Indeed, it is the pleasure of us all to communicate in this way.
You may be aware that I desire to ask a question on behalf of a scientist who is so keen to have his answer for his research. It is regarding the document we spoke of weeks ago and the Truth as to whether or not our reality as we know it is being restricted/bound or confined to an artificially created “bubble” inside  of the greater unrestricted universe that houses it?
We shall address this matter in this way. Of course your Earth plane is residing within/upon Energy. For EVERYTHING as you know, is of this. As to it being ‘confined’ … we would say ‘Yes, it is.’ Yet, not in a way that restricts. I.e. caught in a bubble.

domingo, abril 12, 2015

Aisha North - An update on the energies - April 12, 2015

Beloved family of light!
I have not been given any words this time, just a message to share this image with all of you:
Aisha North series 6 - 1
With all my love – always

Christine Day - Pleiadian Broadcast April 2015

Marilyn Raffaele – The Arcturian Group – 12 April 2015

marilynraffaeleAPRIL 12, 2015
Welcome to spring dear ones, how quickly this year seems to be moving along. Time as you have always known it is now different because as your energy is lifting and evolving so are all the qualities of the third dimension lifting and evolving. Time is simply a measure necessary while living in the third dimension.
We wish to discuss the energy of conflict. Conflict is the manifestation of duality/separation consciousness . Everyone seeks the experience of completeness and wholeness as well as to be loved because it is the only reality, the real you, the essence of every living thing. However, those who do not understand this yearning, interpret it in ways that make sense according to their three dimensional belief system. “If I act a certain way, dress a certain way. look a certain way, make a lot of money, then I will be loved and loveable. “

sábado, abril 11, 2015

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Retiro de Gaia Nº 3 - En la Roca - Ulluru, Australia, 26 de marzo de 2015


Desgrabación y traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Aquí es apropiado recibir los mensajes de la Creación. Pero antes de decir algo, y antes de entregarles algo, pedimos permiso. Hay unos pocos lugares en el planeta donde mi socio al sentarse a canalizar debe tener el acuerdo con la tierra y con los ancestros de la tierra y de los dueños de la tierra para poder canalizar.

Y cuando decimos "los dueños de la tierra" no es lo que tiene dueño a la manera occidental. Ellos son dueños de la tierra porque ellos son la tierra y fueron creados con la tierra y la tierra es suya. Y la tierra lo sabe y cuida de ellos de acuerdo a eso.

Mi socio habla del hecho de que ciertas áreas energéticas suelen crear problemas técnicos. Eso demuestra la energía que hay aquí. También les muestra que el deseo de lo que está aquí, que ustedes llaman el polvo de la Tierra, o la Roca ante ustedes, tiene energía, tiene propósito.

As Clarity comes in on all perspectives ~ April 11, 2015 ~ by Méline Portia Lafont

The Lunar Eclipse Portal and Blood Moon has been intense so far. A real emotional roller coaster filled with happy, beautiful things as well as with sorrow. It started out for me personally, with some serious and profound tangible shifts in my physical vessel and all my energy fields being upgraded as to their speed of spinning. Which instigated a vibrational expansion in those areas. I wrote this brief explanation and personal sharing to my good friend and soul Brother Bill Ballard a few days ago:
“so much body changes and energy fields are spinning at a much faster pace. I love this shift! the only thing is that I AM SOOOO exhausted over nothing! But body is coping well, emotional body is being triggered for sure and old decisions which have been made previously are being affirmed and clear as to why they were made. There is no way of being in that old place anymore; it is just not possible as your body reacts to this very clearly. I love how I am starting to feel every cell of my body spinning and vibrating at times. Kind of a buzzing experience and having goosebumps all over. The ascension chakra is very open and pulsating big time. On we go!!!!”

ALIEN RACES: The Complete Manifest Part I


channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

Trust your intuition of the first moment!


Beloved Ones!

Vibration is always perceived on the inside of a human Being. 
Inside of a human Being are all receptors, which very clearly 
recognize a situation or can instantaneously look through 
human Beings in their actual intentions.

Intuition of the first Moment 

Thereby the first moment of an encounter or during 
the perception of a situation is decisive, because in 
this first unfeigned instance the human spirit can 
perceive without influence and the human soul can 
make the necessary distinctions. As soon as a situation 
has been explained, described or been weighed, the 
influence begins and the initially clear view begins to 
become turbid.

Alcyon Pléyades 26-2ª: MK Ultra en Hollywood, Manipulación subliminal y accidentes

Ann Albers - Unconditional Love from Heaven - April 11, 2015

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Most of you can barely comprehend the love we have for you in the heavens. You have learned about conditional love, love based on merit, or earning approval, but our love has nothing to do with these things. We love you because we know who you are in your deepest and truest being.

When you think you've make a "mistake," we know you have an opportunity for growth. You made a choice that led to an undesirable outcome and now you can create differently. When you are less than loving we know you're frustrated because you don't yet know how to be loving in certain situations. We can see only truth dear ones. We look beneath the surface and see the beautiful light and innocence in your hearts, always trying to emerge.

Patricia Diane Cota-Robles - Where We Go From Here? - Era of Peace - April 11, 2015

We have just been through an Eclipse Series that bathed the Earth and all her Life with the most intensified influx of Light Humanity has ever experienced. What does that mean for each of us individually and where do we go from here?

Well, the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth have affirmed that we are truly in uncharted waters. For the very first time since we fell into the abyss of separation and duality aeons ago and lost Christ Consciousness, which is the enlightened state of awareness we were invested with by our Father-Mother God at our inception, Humanity en masse is in a position to RETURN TO CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS. This means we are now vibrating at a frequency of Light that will allow us to actually reverse the adverse effects of our fall from Grace and reclaim our Divine Birthright as Christ Conscious Sons and Daughters of God. This is a critical step in our Ascension process and it is something that every man, woman, and child must accomplish in order to fulfill this facet of the unfolding Divine Plan. This is true whether or not a person acknowledges or comprehends this profound Truth.

Natalie Glasson – The Shift Of The Mental Body By The Celestial White Beings – 11 April 2015

natalie glassonGreat magnificent and celestial beings of light upon the Earth, we honour you for the pathway of beauty you are accepting at this time of ascension. Beauty is your pathway, beauty is your embodiment, beauty is your experience, and this is your truth. Where there is the presence of the Creator there is beauty, like love beauty is an essence of the Creator, an energy which describes and depicts the Creator. One of the greatest gifts upon the Earth and within your ascension process is the ability to recognise and experience the beauty of the Creator within your own being, within all and everything. If you can alter the perspective of your mind to allow yourself to know and believe there is an energy of the Creator depicted as true beauty and this is present always, even in the harshest of environments or situations, then you are allowing yourself to tap into the divine flow and essence of the Creator. Such an experience is to recognise the Creator, to open yourself up to experience the Creator and to embody the Creator.  To acknowledge the beauty of the Creator in everyone and everything especially yourself is to access a pure experience of the Creator. This is a very pure and true pathway to recognising that you are seamlessly joined as one with all that is the Creator.

Sandra Walter – Revelation And The Reframing Of Realities – 11 April 2015

Forgotten ScrollBlessings Beloved Light Tribe,
Thank you for your patience with my absence during the Gateway. Substantial shifts have occurred, the New Light level is dramatic, and it increases with each Divine breath. Beloveds, we have entered one of the most powerful passages in our transformation.
I AM sure many of you are on board and experiencing the great lifting of Souls already. There are many revelations to share over the next few weeks, including the new energy field alignments. My goodness what a remarkable experience, we are so blessed! For those experiencing difficulty, know that we are holding a huge space for you to step into. Lightservers, we have five months of intense focus upon us.

Judith Kusel - Twin Flame Love: Seeking the Mystical Path as a higher way of commitment and deeper love in Highest Service to the Divine. - April 11, 2015

The soul itself, when created as 12 flames first and foremost has been created to reflect a Divine Attribute back to the Divine.  Therefore the soul experiences this attribute or the essence, or value trait of the Divine in all its forms and expressions:  – the shadow, the light, so that the Divine can experience this through his/her Creations.
In the very beginning of time, when the first volunteer settlements occurred on the SURFACE of the planet (the inner Earth civilization AGARTHA, existed long before the outer crust of the earth was formed as a satellite civilization from the Intergalactic Fleet), there came a time when it was felt that there was a need to use the twin flames to uplift and to like co-create with the earth’s energetic fields and the cosmic Super-consciousness energy fields.
In this regard there was a specific call for specific twin flames, in a specific milieu.  Most of these had been involved with the planet from the very beginning, as scientists aboard the great Mother ships, and also because there a great love had been born for the planet.  They were then first and foremost involved on a VOLUNTEER basis, and then secondly to do SPECIFIC work.

Brenda Hoffman - Limpia Tus Creencias de Creación de 3D - 30 de Marzo 2015

30 de Marzo 2015

Traducción: Marcela Borean
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Queridos míos,

Ustedes creen que se merecen más, que el Universo los ha abandonado, que la manifestación es un cuento de hadas. Tal no es su verdad - es meramente lo que han creído que es verdad por eones.

Debe haber una hada madrina para algunos - aquellos que son ricos, hermosos, habilidosos o cualquier designación que tu determinas que indica que son mejores o que tienen más suerte que tú.

A pesar de que se sentían cómodos con el dolor en el corazón; eso nunca va a suceder; los otros son mejores que tú, tu ahora estás enfrentando estas creencias. Porque para amarse verdaderamente a sí mismos - como era real antes de su entrada a la tierra en esta vida - deben reconocer las creencias que indican de tantas maneras que eres menos digno o experto que casi todos los demás.

viernes, abril 10, 2015

Omnec Onec Vortrag / Lecture, Berlin 2003 ~ The Unknown History of our Solar System

SaLuSa - 10 April 2015

From our perspective time is moving so much quicker than you experience. So whilst you have been without our messages for what seems some time, to us it is just a fleeting moment. Over a long period you have read or heard of many experiences where people have been out of the body and been “away” for days, to return and find that only a short time has elapsed. Sometimes it has only been a matter of hours or minutes as opposed to days. In such circumstances you begin to understand that everything is in the Now. You are learning that time is not constant, and it will become more apparent as you move away from Earth, into the higher vibrations.

These are times when you must keep a very open mind, as more surprises are waiting to be discovered. Things are not necessarily as you have been taught, and perhaps one of the hardest facts to accept is that you can travel faster than the speed of Light. There is much to learn that will come to you when you become fully fledged as a Galactic Being. At this time your consciousness is opening up and your vibrations are increasing, and you are on the way to returning to levels that you are in reality already familiar with. From here-on it is a matter of re-learning what you have forgotten and that will not be difficult as you will be getting much help. As we have told you previously, you are much greater than you imagine and in essence you are Gods in the making. However, there is a long way to go before you reach such a pinnacle of growth.


Alcyon Pléyades 26-3ª: Ovnis Protectores. Estación Espacial Internacional. Chemtrails

Rev. Christine Meleriessee - Walking Through the Doorway of Restoration - Apr 10, 2015

 Lotus flower_800x534This written transmission of the Cosmic Great Central Sun of the Divine Mother and Father God was shared Live in the Clarion Temple of Oneness on Monday, April 6th, 2015.
{Divine Light Language Encoding}
We are the Angels of many principalities, opening up the doorway for Divine Mother and Father God to enter into your hearts.
Allow their essence to come into you through your breath. Feel it, my children. Feel it! Allow the expression of your own Angelic self to be fully manifested within your physical existence. Be this Angelic self, as it will assist you through the trials and the challenges you are experiencing presently. It is a beautiful time, even though it is a tremendous time for each of you personally. You are creating, some not just on the Earth, where it is needed.
Bless yourself in this moment, as we bless you in the Light that you are.
I AM that I AM!
I AM the Divine Mother and the Divine Father God as the Cosmic Great Central Sun.
Greetings, My Children,
Just as Yamteleus has said, we are so happy to be with each of you through this venue once again even though we are with you all the time.

250-Million-Year-Old Stone With Microchip Print Discovered

Looks like researchers from Russia have found a 250 million year old microchip
by Ancient Code

Researchers have made another incredible discovery in Labinsk, Russia. According to scholars this discovery marks the beginning of a completely new history, one that many ancient alien theorists have been talking about for years.

The object that researchers have found is believed to be some sort of ancient microchip and according to researchers, this ancient microchips dates back millions of years.

After countless tests, researchers have come to the conclusion that this antique piece was used as some sort of microchip in ancient times.

The problem is its age, according to tests, the artifact is believed to be between 225 and 250 million years old.

Some researchers believe that the dating of the artifact is not entirely accurate given the fact that you cannot date rock, and the tests were based on traces of organic material found around the mystery “chip”.

The million dollar question is, who and what used a microchip that dates back 250 million years? Is there a possibility that this is in fact the remains of ancient technology? Technology that belonged to a highly advanced civilization that inhabited Earth millions of years ago?

Related: Top 20 Still Unanswered Forbidden-History Questions

Dolores Cannon: Communicating from Beyond the Veil. - April 10, 2015


April 10, 2015
 Dolores Cannon passed away just about six months ago, on October 19, 2014.
Since that time those that knew and loved her, those who practice her method of consciousness exploration and healing and even some people who never even heard of Dolores Cannon at all have been receiving messages and communication from her via intuition, dreams, regression sessions and visions.
Tonight on Julia Cannon’s The Metaphysical Hour Radio Show, we will be telling some of these stories and inviting those that knew her, her practitioners and the public to call in and tell their own stories!
I have been blessed to receive extraordinary information from Dolores myself and have had clients who have been the messenger or voice for her. I have also had dozens of very vivid dream communications and intuition hits.
None of this surprises me nor those who knew her. Dolores perfected the whole idea of communicating across time and space!

The Secret Covenant: The Elite’s Manual For Global Enslavement

jueves, abril 09, 2015

UFO in Kolomna, Russia - March 23 2015

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Retiro de Gaia Nº 3 - Canalización de la Noche - Ulluru, Australia, 26 de marzo de 2015


Desgrabación y traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro

(el audio registra 2 minutos de sonido de un instrumento musical)

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Lo diré otra vez: Yo sé dónde estoy. En estos tres días se han entregado cosas profundas; si se consideran los tres anteriores, más aún. Y así, muchos de ustedes bajaron a este lugar sin saber realmente qué sucedería. Algunos tenían sus propios songlines, sus propias historias. En algún nivel, ustedes trajeron para la tierra, y la tierra trae para ustedes.

Y en ello, ustedes esperarían que en algún lugar habría una energía simultánea, una cooperación, una confluencia, en que la tierra les hablaría y ustedes podrían hablarle. Y digo que ustedes esperarían eso porque es un deseo grande, cuando se considera la enormidad de lo que está aquí. Ha transcurrido el tiempo, la pureza que ha sido desarrollada por aquellos que conservaron pura a la tierra.

Omnec Onec: Interview between Robert Potter and Anja Schaefer

Kara Schallock - Integrando el Ciclo de Eclipses - 6 de Abril 2015


6 de Abril 2015

Traducción: Marcela Borean
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo


Estamos en la fase de integrar el Ciclo de Eclipses reciente. A medida que avanzamos alejándonos de esta energía, podemos comenzar a ver desde y hacia donde nos movimos. Tanto ha sido transformado, ya sea que haya sido consciente o inconsciente. La energía de Llama Violeta nos ha sido regalada desde nuestro Sol Galáctico Fuente y ha tocado a todo el mundo. Esta Flama Divina se movió a través de y transformó a todo lo que estaba listo para ser transformado. Para aquellos que aun no están despiertos, puede que ellos no se hayan dado cuenta de lo que estaba sucediendo y por eso se resistieron mucho, lo cual creó gran dolor dentro de ellos, ya que resistir cualquier cosa resulta en una escisión interna y simplemente no es placentera; bloquea el Flujo.

Canalización conjunta: Kryon por Lee Carroll. Divino Femenino y Masculino por Peggy Phoenix Dubro.- Ulluru, Australia, 24 a 26 de Marzo de 2015

Ulluru, Australia, 24 a 26 de Marzo de 2015

Lee :

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Nos detenemos a honrar a quienes están en el salón; por el viaje, por la dificultad que requiere en tres dimensiones, reunir los recursos, el tiempo, la energía, y "el reloj". También por haber un propósito singular en el salón. Lo hay; verdaderamente nadie está aquí por azar; tuvo que haber un plan. En tanto hay otros lugares del planeta donde hubieran decidido un día antes que vendrían, no fue así esta vez. Eso significa que hay aquí una energía específica de propósito: querían estar aquí. Entonces, en esta introducción muy breve les digo: si este es su caso, si no vienen sólo para echar un vistazo, ¿será momento de abrir la caja de aceptabilidad? ¿Qué recibirán hoy que no esperaban? ¿Habrá una barrera de poder creer sólo hasta cierto grado? ¿O puede ser que haya más? De eso se trata este día: de abrirse a cosas que no esperan.

Marlene Swetlishoff - Archangel Gabriel - April 9, 2015

April 9, 2015
Beloved Ones,
Let us have discourse on the quality of love known as receptivity. There is always much activity that is occurring within one’s self. There are feelings, desires, one’s intuitive senses and a desire for inner peace. It is important for each individual to make the commitment to take some time every day to pray, daydream, meditate, contemplate, experience and get to know what they are feeling.  Listening daily to self is how one develops a receptive state of mind. This receptive and open state of mind allows one to enjoy hearing the birds chirping, to taste delicious food, to smell the flowers, and to feel the gentle wind across one’s face. Through this receptivity, one enjoys many other important and meaningful details of life and living that they could miss otherwise. Tuning into one’s senses reanimates the world around them. The open and receptive heart supports the ability to be in the world from a place of one’s largeness as a soul in every day life. An open and receptive heart is necessary to raise the spiritual vibration for evolution. When one’s heart is open, there is a deeper capacity to manifest greater good in the world around them. An open and receptive heart is one that is without limitation, it is the doorway to deeper spiritual connection and loving service.

Nancy Tate - Wake up Call: St. Germain, April 09, 15

I am here today to bring you some news. I am going to keep it short and sweet and incomplete because of the secrecy that must be accomplished for the time being. It is vital that what I'm to share with you comes to the public eye and is noted as the opening to what will be spread over the wires in the coming times.
I am St. Germain, and I bring you some news about your present president. He is working for the energies that will release you all from the vestiges that you have been under for so long. He has volunteered to step in and present the opening message to the country and the rest of the world. There will be a variance of news items that will seem to be in order for the freedom of the country, and as they come forth, they will bring some forms of disarray to the people. They will feel that there is a disruption in the way they will be living and yet they will also feel that there is a coming release of all of the bondage that has been in place for so long.

Patricia Cota-Robles – Where Do We Go From Here? – 9 April 2015

patriciacotaroblesApril 7, 2015
We have just been through an Eclipse Series that bathed the Earth and all her Life with the most intensified influx of Light Humanity has ever experienced. What does that mean for each of us individually and where do we go from here?
Well, the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth have affirmed that we are truly in uncharted waters. For the very first time since we fell into the abyss of separation and duality aeons ago and lost Christ Consciousness, which is the enlightened state of awareness we were invested with by our Father-Mother God at our inception, Humanity en masse is in a position to RETURN TO CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS. This means we are now vibrating at a frequency of Light that will allow us to actually reverse the adverse effects of our fall from Grace and reclaim our Divine Birthright as Christ Conscious Sons and Daughters of God. This is a critical step in our Ascension process and it is something that every man, woman, and child must accomplish in order to fulfill this facet of the unfolding Divine Plan. This is true whether or not a person acknowledges or comprehends this profound Truth.


channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz 

I enunciate peace to the world.
I enunciate freedom to mankind.
I enunciate healing for every entity. 

The last days of mankind have begun and 
the prophesies for this time are being fulfilled.
The liberation and the return of mankind into the
Light occur in these days. The uplifting of the 
whole world becomes visible; eyes see what 
was hidden so far.

miércoles, abril 08, 2015

Lady Master Quan Yin: You Are Well on your Way to Greater Peace and Harmony in the World ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ April 8, 2015

LadyMasterQuanYin2Received with Gratitude, April 8, 2015

Hello dearest ones. I AM Quan Yin. Today I come through to speak of the Purification process you have all been going through, bringing more Love, Harmony and Peace to the World.
This purification process has many levels and nuances. It is, first of all, comprised of the clearing and cleansing you have all been going through, and made more possible with the Love energy you have anchored and solidified within your very being and thus the world.
It is also an outpouring and culmination of the levels you have all raised yourselves up to in your climb up the ladder of Ascension. It is a coming home to the essence of what you have always been, the clearing away of all impediments to that glowing essence which is at the core of your being and is your birthright … Coming around to your True Divine Self once again.
I have said that it (this purification process) has many levels. But also, it may present at times in ways you may interpret as negativity. For it is in the process of observing and clearing the negativity that purification abounds. And a necessary step in the process.
And thus, it is much easier to grasp and incorporate and integrate the divine aspect of Purity in a more sustaining level.

Georgi Stankov - Energy Update After the Blood Moon Portal – April 8, 2015

Georgi Stankov, April 8, 2015
This will be a very difficult energy report to write as I intend to address energetic phenomena that are virtually impossible to wrap in human words. And where to begin with?
Well, the first two days after the blood moon portal, April 5th and 6th, were one of the worst days in cleansing I have experienced in the last 15 years. Honestly, I thought we had left behind us this kind of unpleasant experiences. Each day began with a nasty, unpredictable episode, a trigger event that unleashed the classical alchemical reaction in both, Carla and myself, which is always associated with global cleansing and transmutation of negative fear-based patterns of the collective.
This time we were hit by the collective angst of total impoverishment and lack of money. This is not at all surprising given the fact that all the banks in the West have now tightened the cash flow for the average people and have cancelled most of their credit lines. The reason for this is the total illiquidity of all western banks that are now crashing under their gargantuan debt based on bad loans. Unless this uppermost mother planet ascends to the new 4D worlds before the Big financial crash comes, which I personally doubt, we may experience very soon the sudden death of all financial institutions – a sudden infarct that will paralyze the Western societies and obliterate the usual way of life we all have been accustomed to.

James Tyberonn - The Crystal Vortex of Arkansas & A New Perspective on Crystals & Gems