{Divine Light Language Encoding}
We are the Angels of many principalities, opening up the doorway for Divine Mother and Father God to enter into your hearts.
Allow their essence to come into you through your breath. Feel it, my children. Feel it! Allow the expression of your own Angelic self to be fully manifested within your physical existence. Be this Angelic self, as it will assist you through the trials and the challenges you are experiencing presently. It is a beautiful time, even though it is a tremendous time for each of you personally. You are creating, some not just on the Earth, where it is needed.
Bless yourself in this moment, as we bless you in the Light that you are.
I AM that I AM!
I AM the Divine Mother and the Divine Father God as the Cosmic Great Central Sun.
Greetings, My Children,
Just as Yamteleus has said, we are so happy to be with each of you through this venue once again even though we are with you all the time.
What is it that still needs to be purged out of your system?
In the process of understanding resurrection in the physical essence, it takes great courage to go deep within yourself and not allow the physical self to take over the needs of the body. There are many lessons to be learned as you are going through this process. It occurs on many different levels.
I will use Michael and Meleriessee as an example. They are purging through their Physical Bodies, as their Etheric Bodies are bringing forth remembrances of the conditions they had been in previously. It has been very extreme, as they have to feel that debris physically. It causes the body to not be able to perform, as it was able to before.
Your situation may be different. You may be experiencing from your Emotional Body. When your Emotional Body is challenged, what happens is remembrances of timelines come up; of not being strong enough, not being loved enough, or loving yourself enough. They come into fruition through the physical essence and into your own Emotional Body.
The Mental Body then represents the thoughts, the mental activity that seems like it just does not want to stop. None of these is more important than the other. Within the lower initiations, the Emotional and the Mental Bodies can truly be active to the degree that it causes such frustration, moments of lack of understanding within yourself, so that you still think you are that old person. In the Physical Body, purging of diseases and illnesses that have been within that Etheric Body is quite different, as you have to stop. You have to stop and you have to relax.
It pushes you not to push yourself in a way that you have before. With the Emotional and Mental Bodies it can be more challenging, as you may still go about your day as if nothing happened. Thus, it is all about awareness and whom you are in the present conditioning. Everyone must go through these phases.
This is why the Emotional and Mental Bodies are actualized more in the lower initiations. You cannot get to the 4th initiation without purging these elements. If you do, then you are not ready to hold it. This is what happens when people fall back in their initiations. It is not failure. It is just not being ready for the big show.
These are elements to consider within yourself. If you as an initiate on the lower levels, find yourself going through physical conditions through the process, you can tune into your Etheric Body and find out what timeline is coming forth. In most cases, if the Physical Body is being affected by a cold, by a bronchial condition, or by stomach conditions, it is usually because your Chakras have not cleared and it is from this lifetime.
You have to clear all of the dis–eases from this lifetime first, before you get into that etheric structure. When you hit the higher initiations and you go through these processes, which Mel and Mike have probably done many times before, they have a gift to be able to tune into that essence and understand what is happening. It is from old timelines and it is usually from timelines that need to be acknowledged, which are the good elements within those timelines. In order to accept the positive qualities of those timelines, you must purge the negative qualities.
Yes, it can be pretty debilitating. No matter which body or which system you are working with. This is all part of the resurrection energies. It is preparing you for the Wesak energies in the next month. If you are going through intense purging within yourself and you are able to acknowledge that purging, you are able to accept it, transform it, and walk through the Doorway of Restoration; then your experience for Wesak is going to be so much better than you could ever imagine.
That is the beauty of it. Wesak takes every initiate onto a higher level within themselves and their sub-initiations. Yet, if you just push things away and do not allow yourself to look at them, then you will have more situations occur within your Four Body System as Wesak comes forward. As we know, this is a very powerful time.
What we want for each of you this evening is to allow this to happen. Allow yourself to be restored.
What happens in the Emotional Body is that you become too emotional and you cannot stop crying. You may be upset with yourself.
Within the Mental Body, you cannot stop the chatter, the talk, “Why this and why that? Why can I not to it this way? Why has it not changed yet?”
These are all parts of the Mental Body, of the lower self activating. What you want is to bring in the higher bodies to assist you in this process. The beauty of it is when your body is depleted, this is what you are doing during your sleep. You are receiving the healing that you need, especially when you intend to do so.
If you are working through your Emotional Body and your Mental Body, you need to do the same before you go to sleep in order to work on those issues.
The Masters will assist you to do so.
Let us all surrender in this moment. Go into the core of your heart. Receive the beautiful essence from your Higher Self. Feel his or her essence fully within you, coming into the Thymus Gland and expanding into the Heart.
We all know everyone has a LOTUS HEART. How often do you connect with it? This is a very important function.
The Lotus Heart is so much prevalent within the Full Body System. When you do not connect to the Lotus Heart, you are not connecting to your full self. You are only connecting to your physical self. Healing has to bring all parts together. You have heard the words of Dr. Stone about your missing puzzle pieces. This is part of that equation. When parts of your-self are missing, there is no wholeness.
How do we go about it?
You do not go about it by trying to find a piece of your Mental Body, a piece of your Physical Body. You go about it by allowing your Higher Essence, your Higher Self with your I AM Presence to come fully within your Heart.
You are not going to be able to hold it there for a long time, as you are not in the space to be able to do so. If you were in a monastery and you were on top of a mountain, somewhere where there was nothing but silence, you could do so. However, you still live in the 3rd dimensional world. Taking these moments within your day is, therefore, essential. If you are not learning this through the PROCESS OF RESURRECTION, you will need to learn how to access it.
This is what is happening upon the Earth. People cannot exist as they have previously. It must flow. Let us now go into that Lotus Heart. Feel the colors of the Pink. There is more within that Heart, such as Green; which represents the Chakra color.
What colors do you like?
Bring them into your Lotus Heart. It is a small bud first, but then it slowly opens up. As you breathe deeper, you allow your Higher Self to come more fully within your Heart Center. Expand upon that. Expand upon the energies. As you do so, the Lotus Heart goes to the rest of your bodies. It expands out of your physical self. It moves into the Etheric, the Emotional and the Mental Body, so that you can become your Higher Self. Feel the beautiful Rays of God that are within this temple, flowing within. Each of us opens our Lotus Heart, with us as Divine Mother and Father God also. We can reflect that essence unto you through this work.
As we breathe deeper, feel the pain subside. Feel the aspect of your Higher Self telling you that it is all part of the divine plan becoming more integrated with your Higher Beingness. With each breath, you feel like you are going deeper and deeper. Beautiful petals are opening up into many different colors; White, Silver, Orange, Pink, Violet, Crystalline. There is a vibrancy of Light.
Whatever it is you need to receive in these moments, allow it to come into you.
The petals are now moving. They are opening, flowing and circling in whatever direction you see them coming. You feel the openness occurring for you. Surrender to all possibilities for them to be received. First in your Heart, and then expand it out into the rest of you. We, as the Divine Mother and Father God bring forth this invocation to assist.
In the Divine Light that I AM, I bring forth my Lotus Heart unto my physical self. At first, it is a small bud. The deeper I breathe, the expansion occurs. I feel it going to all parts of my physical structure. It moves into my Etheric Body. The tips of the petals help to release elements that are within the etheric system, which need to be resurrected. The petals become larger, as they are flowing through the Etheric Body. Now visualize it outside of your body. I now go into the Emotional Body. I now see the petals spinning into my emotional thoughts and feelings. My Heart Essence is patient, kind, serene.
The petals now move into my Mental Body. I feel my thoughts now drifting away. I know that when it is time to think, I feel the illumination of my higher mind. I feel the love of my Higher Heart. These essences now combine within me, as I am becoming a new Being of Light. I have been restored to what I desire in my next level of experience, my next step within my initiations, my-self, my heart, my love, I feel it permeating through all parts of myself.
I allow it to go into my physical structure, into my muscles, the tenants, the organs, the sinus cavities, the brainwaves, down the spinal column. It is in every part of my beingness. The feeling levels in this moment within my Etheric Body are smooth. There is no pointed scissors. There is just a moment of relaxation.
Now my Emotional and my Mental Body come together. I AM my Feminine Divine. I AM my Masculine Divine. My Four Body System now becomes one Body of Light. I feel this essence within my Heart Center. It expands and expands. I breathe deeply to bring in this essence.
{Divine Light Language Encoding}
Go deeper within yourself now.
Within your consciousness, what does it feel like?
It should have shifted. The elements of going through this process can no longer be there within this frequency of Light you have received. Breathe deeply into your Lotus Heart. It is so beautiful to see that the entire temple is filled with Lotus Hearts. Souls upon souls are activating from that space.
It is our pleasure to share this essence of your Divine Beingness with you. It is such a pleasure for us.
Bless yourself now, for stepping into a new doorway of restoring this love from the challenges you have experienced before. It is a blessing unto your physical self, as all bodies come into alignment. It is a Divine Moment of Creation.
We walk with you, my children. We walk with you through every storm, through every rainbow. We never leave your side. Remember this as you breathe into your Lotus Heart for it to expand through your entire being.
I AM that I AM that I AM.
I AM the Divine Mother and the Divine Father of the Cosmic Great Central Sun at your service.
Many blessings and love.
Cosmic Oneness is combined with our weekly call, “The Clarion Temple of Oneness,” which is held on Monday evenings. Individuals are encouraged to join the live call for a small fee at Walking Terra Christa.com, http://walkingterrachrista.com/classes/clarion-temple/ due to the attunements that are given not only by the Cosmic Great Central Sun but a guest speaker each week from the Spiritual Hierarchy. You may also purchase the MP3 download of any of our calls.
You may join our monthly membership program. Please see details via http://walkingterrachrista.com/students/.
©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery http://walkingterrachrista.com/ by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.
If you like this article please do the creation of the New Earth a favor and SHARE it | Make sure to connect with us in these ways:
EMAIL SUBSCRIBE: http://eepurl.com/lJKNr
YOUTUBE SUBSCRIBE: http://www.youtube.com/user/heliohah111
FOLLOW: http://twitter.com/WalkingTerra
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We are the Angels of many principalities, opening up the doorway for Divine Mother and Father God to enter into your hearts.
Allow their essence to come into you through your breath. Feel it, my children. Feel it! Allow the expression of your own Angelic self to be fully manifested within your physical existence. Be this Angelic self, as it will assist you through the trials and the challenges you are experiencing presently. It is a beautiful time, even though it is a tremendous time for each of you personally. You are creating, some not just on the Earth, where it is needed.
Bless yourself in this moment, as we bless you in the Light that you are.
I AM that I AM!
I AM the Divine Mother and the Divine Father God as the Cosmic Great Central Sun.
Greetings, My Children,
Just as Yamteleus has said, we are so happy to be with each of you through this venue once again even though we are with you all the time.
What is it that still needs to be purged out of your system?
In the process of understanding resurrection in the physical essence, it takes great courage to go deep within yourself and not allow the physical self to take over the needs of the body. There are many lessons to be learned as you are going through this process. It occurs on many different levels.
I will use Michael and Meleriessee as an example. They are purging through their Physical Bodies, as their Etheric Bodies are bringing forth remembrances of the conditions they had been in previously. It has been very extreme, as they have to feel that debris physically. It causes the body to not be able to perform, as it was able to before.
Your situation may be different. You may be experiencing from your Emotional Body. When your Emotional Body is challenged, what happens is remembrances of timelines come up; of not being strong enough, not being loved enough, or loving yourself enough. They come into fruition through the physical essence and into your own Emotional Body.
The Mental Body then represents the thoughts, the mental activity that seems like it just does not want to stop. None of these is more important than the other. Within the lower initiations, the Emotional and the Mental Bodies can truly be active to the degree that it causes such frustration, moments of lack of understanding within yourself, so that you still think you are that old person. In the Physical Body, purging of diseases and illnesses that have been within that Etheric Body is quite different, as you have to stop. You have to stop and you have to relax.
It pushes you not to push yourself in a way that you have before. With the Emotional and Mental Bodies it can be more challenging, as you may still go about your day as if nothing happened. Thus, it is all about awareness and whom you are in the present conditioning. Everyone must go through these phases.
This is why the Emotional and Mental Bodies are actualized more in the lower initiations. You cannot get to the 4th initiation without purging these elements. If you do, then you are not ready to hold it. This is what happens when people fall back in their initiations. It is not failure. It is just not being ready for the big show.
These are elements to consider within yourself. If you as an initiate on the lower levels, find yourself going through physical conditions through the process, you can tune into your Etheric Body and find out what timeline is coming forth. In most cases, if the Physical Body is being affected by a cold, by a bronchial condition, or by stomach conditions, it is usually because your Chakras have not cleared and it is from this lifetime.
You have to clear all of the dis–eases from this lifetime first, before you get into that etheric structure. When you hit the higher initiations and you go through these processes, which Mel and Mike have probably done many times before, they have a gift to be able to tune into that essence and understand what is happening. It is from old timelines and it is usually from timelines that need to be acknowledged, which are the good elements within those timelines. In order to accept the positive qualities of those timelines, you must purge the negative qualities.
Yes, it can be pretty debilitating. No matter which body or which system you are working with. This is all part of the resurrection energies. It is preparing you for the Wesak energies in the next month. If you are going through intense purging within yourself and you are able to acknowledge that purging, you are able to accept it, transform it, and walk through the Doorway of Restoration; then your experience for Wesak is going to be so much better than you could ever imagine.
That is the beauty of it. Wesak takes every initiate onto a higher level within themselves and their sub-initiations. Yet, if you just push things away and do not allow yourself to look at them, then you will have more situations occur within your Four Body System as Wesak comes forward. As we know, this is a very powerful time.
What we want for each of you this evening is to allow this to happen. Allow yourself to be restored.
What happens in the Emotional Body is that you become too emotional and you cannot stop crying. You may be upset with yourself.
Within the Mental Body, you cannot stop the chatter, the talk, “Why this and why that? Why can I not to it this way? Why has it not changed yet?”
These are all parts of the Mental Body, of the lower self activating. What you want is to bring in the higher bodies to assist you in this process. The beauty of it is when your body is depleted, this is what you are doing during your sleep. You are receiving the healing that you need, especially when you intend to do so.
If you are working through your Emotional Body and your Mental Body, you need to do the same before you go to sleep in order to work on those issues.
The Masters will assist you to do so.
Let us all surrender in this moment. Go into the core of your heart. Receive the beautiful essence from your Higher Self. Feel his or her essence fully within you, coming into the Thymus Gland and expanding into the Heart.
We all know everyone has a LOTUS HEART. How often do you connect with it? This is a very important function.
The Lotus Heart is so much prevalent within the Full Body System. When you do not connect to the Lotus Heart, you are not connecting to your full self. You are only connecting to your physical self. Healing has to bring all parts together. You have heard the words of Dr. Stone about your missing puzzle pieces. This is part of that equation. When parts of your-self are missing, there is no wholeness.
How do we go about it?
You do not go about it by trying to find a piece of your Mental Body, a piece of your Physical Body. You go about it by allowing your Higher Essence, your Higher Self with your I AM Presence to come fully within your Heart.
You are not going to be able to hold it there for a long time, as you are not in the space to be able to do so. If you were in a monastery and you were on top of a mountain, somewhere where there was nothing but silence, you could do so. However, you still live in the 3rd dimensional world. Taking these moments within your day is, therefore, essential. If you are not learning this through the PROCESS OF RESURRECTION, you will need to learn how to access it.
This is what is happening upon the Earth. People cannot exist as they have previously. It must flow. Let us now go into that Lotus Heart. Feel the colors of the Pink. There is more within that Heart, such as Green; which represents the Chakra color.
What colors do you like?
Bring them into your Lotus Heart. It is a small bud first, but then it slowly opens up. As you breathe deeper, you allow your Higher Self to come more fully within your Heart Center. Expand upon that. Expand upon the energies. As you do so, the Lotus Heart goes to the rest of your bodies. It expands out of your physical self. It moves into the Etheric, the Emotional and the Mental Body, so that you can become your Higher Self. Feel the beautiful Rays of God that are within this temple, flowing within. Each of us opens our Lotus Heart, with us as Divine Mother and Father God also. We can reflect that essence unto you through this work.
As we breathe deeper, feel the pain subside. Feel the aspect of your Higher Self telling you that it is all part of the divine plan becoming more integrated with your Higher Beingness. With each breath, you feel like you are going deeper and deeper. Beautiful petals are opening up into many different colors; White, Silver, Orange, Pink, Violet, Crystalline. There is a vibrancy of Light.
Whatever it is you need to receive in these moments, allow it to come into you.
The petals are now moving. They are opening, flowing and circling in whatever direction you see them coming. You feel the openness occurring for you. Surrender to all possibilities for them to be received. First in your Heart, and then expand it out into the rest of you. We, as the Divine Mother and Father God bring forth this invocation to assist.
In the Divine Light that I AM, I bring forth my Lotus Heart unto my physical self. At first, it is a small bud. The deeper I breathe, the expansion occurs. I feel it going to all parts of my physical structure. It moves into my Etheric Body. The tips of the petals help to release elements that are within the etheric system, which need to be resurrected. The petals become larger, as they are flowing through the Etheric Body. Now visualize it outside of your body. I now go into the Emotional Body. I now see the petals spinning into my emotional thoughts and feelings. My Heart Essence is patient, kind, serene.
The petals now move into my Mental Body. I feel my thoughts now drifting away. I know that when it is time to think, I feel the illumination of my higher mind. I feel the love of my Higher Heart. These essences now combine within me, as I am becoming a new Being of Light. I have been restored to what I desire in my next level of experience, my next step within my initiations, my-self, my heart, my love, I feel it permeating through all parts of myself.
I allow it to go into my physical structure, into my muscles, the tenants, the organs, the sinus cavities, the brainwaves, down the spinal column. It is in every part of my beingness. The feeling levels in this moment within my Etheric Body are smooth. There is no pointed scissors. There is just a moment of relaxation.
Now my Emotional and my Mental Body come together. I AM my Feminine Divine. I AM my Masculine Divine. My Four Body System now becomes one Body of Light. I feel this essence within my Heart Center. It expands and expands. I breathe deeply to bring in this essence.
{Divine Light Language Encoding}
Go deeper within yourself now.
Within your consciousness, what does it feel like?
It should have shifted. The elements of going through this process can no longer be there within this frequency of Light you have received. Breathe deeply into your Lotus Heart. It is so beautiful to see that the entire temple is filled with Lotus Hearts. Souls upon souls are activating from that space.
It is our pleasure to share this essence of your Divine Beingness with you. It is such a pleasure for us.
Bless yourself now, for stepping into a new doorway of restoring this love from the challenges you have experienced before. It is a blessing unto your physical self, as all bodies come into alignment. It is a Divine Moment of Creation.
We walk with you, my children. We walk with you through every storm, through every rainbow. We never leave your side. Remember this as you breathe into your Lotus Heart for it to expand through your entire being.
I AM that I AM that I AM.
I AM the Divine Mother and the Divine Father of the Cosmic Great Central Sun at your service.
Many blessings and love.
Cosmic Oneness is combined with our weekly call, “The Clarion Temple of Oneness,” which is held on Monday evenings. Individuals are encouraged to join the live call for a small fee at Walking Terra Christa.com, http://walkingterrachrista.com/classes/clarion-temple/ due to the attunements that are given not only by the Cosmic Great Central Sun but a guest speaker each week from the Spiritual Hierarchy. You may also purchase the MP3 download of any of our calls.
You may join our monthly membership program. Please see details via http://walkingterrachrista.com/students/.
©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery http://walkingterrachrista.com/ by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.
If you like this article please do the creation of the New Earth a favor and SHARE it | Make sure to connect with us in these ways:
EMAIL SUBSCRIBE: http://eepurl.com/lJKNr
YOUTUBE SUBSCRIBE: http://www.youtube.com/user/heliohah111
FOLLOW: http://twitter.com/WalkingTerra
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