Hello friends. If you’re feel a bit of a cosmic
hangover/comedown thing, you’re right on cue. With earthquakes and a
large volcanic eruption last week it hasn’t been an easy time for Gaia,
or for us. Empath/Sensitives may be especially challenged right now.
Ground, Clear, Breathe and Center. Repeat as needed.
I’ve got a picture of the phone here as it’s a big theme this week, but you probably won’t be feeling it today (Monday) with that long, moon void in Leo that either wants to goof off or take a big cat nap. A slow start to the week is to be expected after the energetic jolts we’ve been through. Tonight the moon moves into Virgo which will get productivity going again.
There are so many squares, quincunxes and other aspects this week it would give you cosmic whiplash to hear about all of them, so as per usual I will give you the “Cliff Notes” version. The main themes for the week (leading to the Full Moon) next weekend are TRUST and lISTENING. As in, what voice are we going to listen to in fear vs. trust. With Chiron (the wounded healer) in the mix along with Saturn, that would explain many of us not feeling at the top of our game right now.
Thankfully this too shall pass. However it’s always a good time to check up on just WHAT REALLY IS bugging us right now. Some times we get to busy and preoccupied to notice.
Just like last week, one of the power days of the week is WEDNESDAY which brings Neptune in to help us align to higher ideals and voices within. Thursday through Saturday we’ve got continued movement on the road to the FULL MOON and also a Mercury-Saturn square on Sunday which can definitely create a serious, inwardly focused tone. The shadow of this energy is a self-absorption in one’s own thoughts and doubts, so obviously being wrapped up in positive thoughts would be favored here. If that isn’t possible, it’s a good time to NOT take yourself too seriously. Sounds like some good timing on the rock show I’m going to attend on Saturday night.
Communications of all types including written and spoken can also
reflect this. If you need to have a “state of the union” chat with
someone, I wouldn’t recommend next weekend.
The Full Moon in Scorpio is the “Wesak” moon which celebrates the birth of the Buddha. This is a highly spiritual and powerful moon and is one of my very favorites. The Sabian Symbol for this Full Moon is, “Telephone lineman at work establishing new connections.” This also aligns nicely with a lot of information I’ve been receiving for my new work, “The Aquarian Empath, Part II.” The bottom line is this: if we can steer clear of pessimism and self-absorption and align with higher spiritual vibrations and ideals we will be sitting pretty. Be sure to check this site of the Cosmic Weather page for the Full Moon report to be posted on 5/1.
Have a great week ahead friends! Please do keep a good thought and love in your hearts for our Nepalese brothers and sisters. Thank you.
© Irma Kaye Sawyer 2011-2015. Please feel free to share these
messages as you are guided with author and copyright information
included. Thank you.
I’ve got a picture of the phone here as it’s a big theme this week, but you probably won’t be feeling it today (Monday) with that long, moon void in Leo that either wants to goof off or take a big cat nap. A slow start to the week is to be expected after the energetic jolts we’ve been through. Tonight the moon moves into Virgo which will get productivity going again.
There are so many squares, quincunxes and other aspects this week it would give you cosmic whiplash to hear about all of them, so as per usual I will give you the “Cliff Notes” version. The main themes for the week (leading to the Full Moon) next weekend are TRUST and lISTENING. As in, what voice are we going to listen to in fear vs. trust. With Chiron (the wounded healer) in the mix along with Saturn, that would explain many of us not feeling at the top of our game right now.
Thankfully this too shall pass. However it’s always a good time to check up on just WHAT REALLY IS bugging us right now. Some times we get to busy and preoccupied to notice.
Just like last week, one of the power days of the week is WEDNESDAY which brings Neptune in to help us align to higher ideals and voices within. Thursday through Saturday we’ve got continued movement on the road to the FULL MOON and also a Mercury-Saturn square on Sunday which can definitely create a serious, inwardly focused tone. The shadow of this energy is a self-absorption in one’s own thoughts and doubts, so obviously being wrapped up in positive thoughts would be favored here. If that isn’t possible, it’s a good time to NOT take yourself too seriously. Sounds like some good timing on the rock show I’m going to attend on Saturday night.
The Full Moon in Scorpio is the “Wesak” moon which celebrates the birth of the Buddha. This is a highly spiritual and powerful moon and is one of my very favorites. The Sabian Symbol for this Full Moon is, “Telephone lineman at work establishing new connections.” This also aligns nicely with a lot of information I’ve been receiving for my new work, “The Aquarian Empath, Part II.” The bottom line is this: if we can steer clear of pessimism and self-absorption and align with higher spiritual vibrations and ideals we will be sitting pretty. Be sure to check this site of the Cosmic Weather page for the Full Moon report to be posted on 5/1.
Have a great week ahead friends! Please do keep a good thought and love in your hearts for our Nepalese brothers and sisters. Thank you.