martes, mayo 20, 2014

Aisha North – A Short Update On The Energies – 20 May 2014

AishaNorthAs you have perhaps noticed, the incoming flux of energy will start to interact with your own energetic field in all sorts of ways. Some of them may be noticeable in the usual manner, such as physical reactions in varying degrees of discomfort, while others may be more subtle and not so noticeable in your everyday life. But if you take time to tune in – and we do mean that in a very literal sense, we venture to guess that you will all sense a change of tune within.

Sheldan Nidle’s Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy - May 20, 2014

The Light has won because Heaven’s desires are now to manifest.

Be ever ready to serve the divine and Be in profound Joy for what is transpiring across this blessed orb.

by PAO
9 Men, 18 Moan, 10 Caban
Selamat Jarin! We come before you with much good news! The dark cabal’s last efforts were unsuccessful. Events are now taking place that are to be the beginnings of a new reality for surface humanity. The dark realizes there are forces at work which cannot be defeated. Individuals and groups came

Number Codes for Food and Health - Archangel Raphael through Marc Gamma ~ 25/04/2014

AA Gabriel - Shanta Gabriel - May 20, 2014

It's safe to let your Light shine!

Dear One,

At the very heart of you is the pure light of God. This light has the ability to change your thinking and change your outer world. It is a light which, like a flame when fanned, can fill every cell, every fiber of your being and transform you. Fanning this flame means giving the light within you a time of focused attention.

Your imagination holds the key to transforming your life. What you believe can be achieved. Even before you believe something is true, you can allow the possibility to be there and imagine it to be true. Wherever you focus your attention, your life-force energy will follow.

JudithDagley - 5.19.14 Keep Your Eye on the Ball!

5.19.14 Keep Your Eye on the Ball!

Keep Your Eye On The BALL!
I already know that’s the whole message I’m about to write, encoded into a single… BALL, lol. Catch it and you’re good to go. No further reading required.
Otherwise, here are a few more “word images” to infuse your awareness. See, I’m getting at this very moment that “word images” will be much more accurately perceived than “explanations,” starting right NOW– and will be more empowering to the perceiver, as well. And that is because we are entering an entirely NEW “perceptual game.”
As of NOW,  relying on the linear process of stringing words together in order to comprehend meaning is obsolete, and will actually limit one’s perceptual abilities to the extreme.
As of NOW, we are moving into energy that is of a higher frequency than the brain can process in the old linear way. That, of course, is because the higher the frequency, the more rapidly it vibrates, and the more rapidly it vibrates, the more dynamic it is, and the more dynamic it is, the faster it manifests into form.  
And what that means, as of NOW, is that YOU are a pretty powerful reality creator. So it would be a very good idea to use your full perceptual abilities in order to be a responsible reality creator, don’t you agree? Otherwise… yikes. You would likely create chaos as your “perceived reality,” and fall even more deeply into the old “victim program,” rather than use the very energy that is here at your service to whisk you beyond it.
Okay, I hear you… exactly what IS  “the ball” to keep your eye on? It is your deepest felt sense of purpose, which also brings you into your highest frequency of joy. That is what you want to infuse every thought and every action with.
Regardless of current circumstances, regardless of  what others say and do, keep your eye on your ball. Do not be distracted into “reactionary mode.”
As the energies swirl around you, read them as information that will keep you alert to what your ball is passing through, so that you can keep your eye on it most effectively. If your ball is about to tumble down a waterfall of grief, for example, your focus and actions will need to be quite different than when it rolling slowly down a garden path of nourishing love and appreciation.
These “word images” I am giving you are encoded with the energies. That you can trust–and also trust that they are changing all the “time!”  Every NOW is NEW, in other words.
And, you can trust that I have a lot more to say about this, and a lot more tools to share about “how to do this,” as well. All of which I will share… just as soon as there’s an ebb in how rapidly they are coming to me, and so how fast I need to integrate each before the next one comes!
In the meantime… just by keeping your eye on your ball, you will learn quite a lot… trust me on that one, too.

Copyright(c)2014, JudithDagley-All Rights Reserved.
You may copy and redistribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice

lunes, mayo 19, 2014

AA Metatron - James Tyberonn - Consciencia Animal: La Divinidad de Gatos y Perros

Los Félidos Sagrados

Actualizado y Ampliado

Arcángel Metatrón a través de James Tyberonn
Derechos de autor reservados

Traducción: María Cristina Cáffaro
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

¡Saludos, Maestros! Yo soy Metatrón, Señor de la Luz, y en este momento los abrazo. Están conmigo las energías y la presencia del Reino Angélico, los Maestros Ascendidos del Consejo Cósmico de la Luz, y los Seres Benevolentes de la Alianza Sirio-Pleyadiana. A cada uno de ustedes les damos la bienvenida aquí, en un momento del “Ahora” de amor incondicional.

Queridos, entendiendo que ustedes están aquí para aprender, les decimos que la “Universidad de la Tierra de Polaridad” está diseñada específicamente para la evolución del alma humana.

Los contenidos a estudiar, la sede de la Tierra de Polaridad, el proceso educativo, son en realidad una versión de la Omni-Tierra que se ha creado y cocreado con Divina Inteligencia. Es una ilusión con propósito, creada por un pensamiento con propósito, y no puede destruirse. Piensen en eso. No significa que ustedes no tengan responsabilidades en el cuidado de la Tierra y sus Reinos Asistentes, porque eso es parte, ciertamente, del proceso de aprendizaje.

Karen Dover - GOD message for 19th May 2014

Beloved ones I AM the energies that wish to be known in the context of GOD and I am HERE with YOU as YOU now begin the creation of a NEW world in a NEW frequency and NEW BEGINNING.  The RESET of the human race is now under way and many of YOU at this time are reaching ZERO POINT, this is the transition point of the human vehicle from CARBON BASED to CRYSTALLINE BASED and is part of the process of being BORN ANEW in the New Earth.
Those who have taken a human form and who are here to illuminate the CREATION OF ALL will now move fully into place energetically, vibrationaly and physically. I send the coding:

Jahn J Kassl - TRANSFER OF THE WORLD, GOD - May 19, 2014 - 19. Mai 2014 ÜBERTRAGUNG DER WELT, GOTT

channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

Beloved Ones,
The planet empties, the world is being 
transferred” and new worlds are created.
The transfer of this world into new holograms, 
whereby all human Beings will find themselves wherein 
they have chosen to be, completes and thereby all healings 
for this world and for this level of Being can begin.

NESARA SERÁ ANUNCIADO EN BREVE -- Saint Germain a través de Marc Gamma -- Marzo 14, 2014


Wes Annac – Musings On Earth’s Heavenly Nature – 19 May 2014

wes-annac-300x229Written by Wes Annac, The Aquarius Paradigm
I’ve said before that I think this existence is already perfect, and beyond working to repair this planet and surface/heal our inner demons, there’s little we can do to match this already vibrant reality with the pure states of consciousness we want to reenter.
We have so much joy; so much love and beauty to feel and remember, and for the most part, we’ve been rooted too deeply in the mind to really feel them. No more, I say. Let all of humanity root themselves unflinchingly in the open heart space, because when we do, we’ll realize that this planet offers far more beauty than most of us give it credit for.

Mahala – Diagnosis vs Condition – 19 May 2014

MahalaBy Admin on behalf of Mahala, on May 18th, 2014
Guest article by Mona Delfino.
Recently I wrote an article around emotions tied in to the physical body that eventually become a “diagnosis.” I now feel it’s a good time for me to continue to share what the differences are in a diagnosis vs. a condition.

Angelic Guides via Taryn Crimi: Your World is Not Falling Apart, It is Falling into Place - May 19, 2014

believe2Angelic Guides: Your World is Not Falling Apart, It is Falling into Place, channeled through Taryn Crimi, April 27, 2014 at | Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia.
Today we would like to focus your attention upon the topic of faith. This word can evoke many different feelings, but the faith which we are referring to is not in another being but in yourself. We would say that most humans are particularly well versed in having faith in creating what they do not wish to experience, however few have mastered the true virtue of faith in their ability to create any and every wish they do want to manifest.

Interview with Victor, the Grey Alien footage Straight from Area 51

domingo, mayo 18, 2014

Méline Portia Lafont – Tsolians On Integrating The Cosmic Divine Source Of Your I AM And On Infrared Spectrum – 17 May 2014

MélineTo know more about the Tsolians and their first message:
We greet you in this day of auspicious shifts into your reality of being. We are the Tsolians of the Delta Quadrant of this Cosmic multiverse and once again we come forth with a message of peace and exhilarated energies to uplift and assist the Cosmic reawakening within the Self.
We move from consciousness to consciousness to instigate some awareness and to bring the Cosmic Source in alignment with your collective awareness, this through this communication but also through the awareness of our Cosmic Being on an energy level of consciousness. We are here to speak of the infrared spectrum and of the integration of your Cosmic Divine Self, your I AM awareness in this state of being.

Suzanne Lie – Pleiadian Perspectives, BK 4 – Lemurian Celebration, Gaia Speaks – 18 May 2014

SuzanneLieDear Arcturians,
As I come to the close of this amazing project of four books, I find that I cannot receive the ending. I know that a part of me does not want this process to end. Part of me will miss this experience forever, and another part is concerned about how life will change once I have completed it.
I know that this process has been a major initiation for me, as well as a major component of my Divine Plan. Will I have more initiations as the book completes, I ask knowing the answer is “always.”

Hilarion - Marlene Swetlishoff - Mensaje Semanal del Maestro Ascendido Hilarión Del 18 al 25 de Mayo 2014

marlene1-1Beloved Ones,
The changes taking place throughout the world are doing so at an accelerated pace. The weather extremes are affecting many people throughout the world and it is becoming clear that humanity must work together to bring assistance and resources to these affected areas and to look for solutions to these problems. The signs are clear that cooperation and good will are much needed in order for humanity to overcome these major challenges. Many people are being tested in the challenges they are being compelled to go through in their personal lives. This is a time to go within to the deepest and most spiritual connection that each individual can align with. This is the focus and the higher purpose of the tests and challenges currently being experienced. It is incumbent upon all people to employ the greatest force in the universe, the force and power of love.
It is during turbulent times that the power of faith and compassion comes into play within people’s hearts and this is what is needed during these times. The light within must be kept radiant and constant. Those who have been walking the spiritual path of maintaining and increasing the light quotient upon the planet are now being called into active service. By this we mean that each of you is asked to maintain your vision of the new Earth reality and a better way for humankind. Do not be distracted by the seeming appearances of chaos in all parts of the world, for it is during these times that the higher vision must remain constant in people’s focus and prayers. Your light is much needed and required. As you maintain and increase your own light, we of the higher dimensions magnify this light to help maintain stability and balance. We work together during these times of world transformation and transmutation.
There is a saying upon your world, “When the going gets tough, the tough get going” which means when the situation becomes difficult, the strong will work harder to meet the challenge, they do not give up, they maintain the higher vision and actively work towards it. Those of you who have already been tested are now in a position of giving hope and upliftment to a planet in the throes of extreme and accelerated change. You have many tools at your disposal and you must now employ all of them to keep your light shining bright. Maintain equilibrium and a detached perspective in the daily reports coming through your communication networks. Look for and affirm the highest outcomes in all situations that come before your awareness and work the plan, the Divine plan that you have come to bring into manifestation upon this world.
Be steadfast in your devotion to the highest outcomes for all so that your brothers and sisters can feel empowered as they meet the challenges that beset them. Use all of your God qualities as you serve the higher purpose. There is always a higher solution to every problem that comes before humanity and these higher qualities of a self realized human can bring the hope that is sorely needed by those who feel lost and alone in their struggles. Let them know that all is not lost, that at their core they are intact and as long as they remain centered in the truth of their alignment to the divine, all is well in the outer happenings that are occurring with increasing regularity. Be a shining example as a loving goodwill ambassador. If you are able, give practical and capable assistance to those in your sphere of influence.
Riding the waves of change can be exhilarating and exciting when an individual rests in the knowledge that at their core they are indestructible and inviolate. Know that you, the lightworkers of the world, are an indomitable force for good and stay true to this oneness of purpose. It requires dedication and persistence from each of you now. BE the greater light upon your planet during each and every moment. You have what it takes, each one of you.
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
©2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and websites are included.
Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.

Mensaje Semanal del Maestro Ascendido Hilarión

Del 18 al 25 de Mayo 2014
por Marlene Swetlishoff

Traducción: Esther Abreu


Los cambios que están dándose en todo el mundo se están produciendo a un ritmo acelerado. Los extremos climáticos están afectando a muchas personas en todo el mundo y se está haciendo evidente que la humanidad debe trabajar unida para llevar ayuda y recursos a las áreas afectadas y para buscar soluciones a estos problemas. Las señales son claras de que la cooperación y la buena voluntad son muy necesarias para que la humanidad supere estos grandes desafíos. Muchas personas están siendo probadas a través de los retos que se ven obligados a enfrentar en sus vidas personales. Este es un tiempo para ir hacia adentro y conectarse con lo más profundo y espiritual con lo que cada individuo pueda alinearse. Este es el enfoque y el propósito superior de las pruebas y los desafíos que se viven actualmente. Les corresponde a todos emplear la fuerza más grande en el universo, la fuerza y el poder del amor.

Es durante tiempos turbulentos que el poder de la fe y la compasión entra en juego dentro de los corazones de la gente y ello es lo que se necesita en estos tiempos. La luz interna debe mantenerse radiante y constante. Los que han estado recorriendo el camino espiritual para mantener y aumentar el cociente de luz en el planeta ahora están siendo llamados al servicio activo. Con esto queremos decir que a cada uno de ustedes se le pide que mantenga su visión de una nueva realidad en la Tierra y de una mejor manera para la humanidad. No se dejen distraer por las apariencias aparentes de caos en todas partes del mundo, ya que es en estos tiempos que la visión superior debe permanecer constante en la intención y en las oraciones de la gente. Su luz es muy necesaria y requerida. Al mantener y aumentar su propia luz, nosotros en las dimensiones superiores magnificamos esta luz para ayudar a mantener la estabilidad y el equilibrio. Trabajamos juntos en estos tiempos de transformación y transmutación del mundo.

Hay un dicho en el mundo: "Cuando las cosas se ponen duras, los duros se ponen en marcha", lo que significa que cuando la situación se pone difícil, los fuertes se esfuerzan más para cumplir con el reto, no se dan por vencidos, mantienen la visión superior y trabajan activamente hacia ella. Aquellos de ustedes que ya han sido probados están ahora en una posición de dar esperanza y de elevar a un planeta que está en pleno proceso de cambio extremo y acelerado. Tienen muchas herramientas a su disposición y ahora deben emplearlas todas para mantener su luz brillando resplandecientemente. Mantengan el equilibrio y una perspectiva desapegada de las noticias diarias que llegan a través de sus redes de comunicación. Céntrense y decreten los resultados más elevados en todas las situaciones de las que estén conscientes y trabajen el plan, el plan divino que han venido a traer a manifestación en este mundo.

Sean firmes en su dedicación hacia los resultados más elevados para todos a fin de que sus hermanos puedan sentirse empoderados cuando enfrenten los retos que les aquejan. Utilicen todas sus cualidades Divinas cuando sirvan al propósito superior. Siempre hay una solución superior para cada problema que se le presenta a la humanidad y estas cualidades superiores de un humano auto realizado pueden traer la esperanza que urgentemente necesitan aquellos que se sienten perdidos y solos en sus luchas. Hágales saber que no todo está perdido, que en su esencia están intactos y que, siempre y cuando se mantengan centrados en la verdad de su alineamiento a lo divino, todo está bien en los acontecimientos externos que se están produciendo cada vez con mayor regularidad. Sean un ejemplo brillante como amorosos embajadores de buena voluntad. Si les es posible, den asistencia práctica y capaciten a los de sus esferas de influencia.

Surcar las olas de cambio puede ser emocionante y excitante cuando un individuo se basa en el conocimiento de que en su esencia es indestructible e inviolable. Sepan que ustedes, los trabajadores de la luz del mundo, son una fuerza indomable para el bien y permanezcan fieles a esta unidad de propósito. Se requiere dedicación y persistencia de cada uno de ustedes ahora. SEAN la luz mayor en su planeta durante y en cada momento. Ustedes tienen lo que se necesita ¡cada uno de ustedes!

Hasta la próxima semana…


©2013 Marlene Swetlishoff

Se permite compartir este mensaje en otros foros, blogs, etc., siempre que el mismo se muestre en su totalidad y nada sea modificado o alterado de manera alguna, y que los créditos del autor, derecho de autor y el siguiente enlace sean incluidos.

Anna Merkaba - ~VICTORY OF LIGHT – PLEIADES~ May 18, 2014

victoryoflightaugust25“Connectedness. Openness. Success. And The Power of UNITY, all of these are the keys to the new millennia, to the new era, that has indeed opened its heavenly gates to you ALL. 

sábado, mayo 17, 2014

Karen Dover - SURFING the FLOOD of OPPORTUNITY in TRUTH - May 17, 2014

For many of you the past few linear days may have seen HUGE amounts of emotion rise to the surface of your very BEing, it may have seen you struggle to understand all that is playing out at a very human conscious waking mind level.  I talked about “completion” in my last blog and this completion was the END of the old 3D earth created reality frequencies. This reality is now no longer open to interact with and by this I mean that it is no longer possible to anchor yourself into ANY part of these old 3D earth frequencies. What may confuse your human logical mind is that the world APPEARS to look the same therefore you may be allowing your human logical mind to teach you that nothing has changed. You may also assume that other people are able to function in a world that was there before but in TRUTH there is only NOW and the frequencies are the highest they have ever reached and will continue to expand and to heighten as the entire human race now move into TRUTH.

Elizabeth Ayres Escher - Council of Nine: On Expansion of Self-Awareness - May 17, 2014

Council of Nine: On Expansion of Self-Awareness

Eagle Cap from Zumwalt PrairieThe Council of Nine: On Expansion of Self-Awareness
Channeler: Eliza Ayres (aka Tazjima Amariah Kumara)
We are the Council of Nine. We come to you today to share with you the topic of expansion of your conception of self-awareness. In short, who are you? Are you “merely” a human being or are you a spiritual being having a human experience?
Most of humanity believe what is “self” ends at their skin or if they are a little more aware, at the edge of their auric field. They have no recollections or remembrances of having lived other lives whether here or within other cultures, in a body of another gender or on another planet in a far distant star system.
And yet, a growing portion of awakened humans are beginning to have these remembrances. And with the remembrances comes a new sense of bonding with that which is both within and without. For in truth, dear ones, there is nothing that exists outside the REAL you.