lunes, septiembre 09, 2013

Drunvalo Melchizedek- Ultimate Love Story (Creation)

Julie Miller – Melchizedek: Collaborate and Listen while Communicating with Others - Weekly Message ~ September 08 – 15, 2013

Good communication is required in all areas that you are part of, effective communication dear ones has no discrimination, all ages, all background and cultures and situations that are being faced achieve a better outcome when you have been able to communicate clearly and effectively. Remember dear ones, not everyone are exact mind readers, whomever you are speaking with, even in writing are not necessarily aware of what is going on inside of your head. If you want to express yourself in a clear and concise manner you will have to step out of self-created comfort zones, find a little confidence and share what you feel as being valid and important. 

domingo, septiembre 08, 2013

Your key to the heart – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn September 08, 2013

(Translated from original language german)
Another important reason for your presence on earth is your love. The substance you are made of. You open with it the hearts of your fellow men when you let if flow free and unconditional. Humanity needs so much love and you have volunteered with pleasure for this mission, out of your love to Gaia and the people. So many people have locked up their hearts so firmly and buried the key to it. With your love you open every heart because your love is the key to it. ~
Your Divine Mother
Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given.

Lord Metatron Channel 2014: The Eagle, Condor & Return of Dharma - Tyberron (Earth Keeper) - 8 September 2013

Greetings! I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and I greet you! We welcome you here at
this moment in your space and time. We send each of your Beingness an exquisite
ray of supreme love. Oh Dear Human - Feel the love we send, for it is sent in real
time to each of you 'NOW" , in a brilliant beam from a vector of nonlinear dimension
in a wave that embraces each of you as you read these words. Close your eyes for
a moment and receive this energy ! Masters, Can you feel it ? It is unconditional
love and it charges your field, heals your heart and reminds each of YOU of your
true home, your source !

Real Angels, Light Beings in the sky of Montreal 2012

Hidden Planet Found/Next to Earth!

Has The Earths Axial Tilt Shifted Causing An Out Of Place Sunrise & Sunset 09-08-2013

TheOne-DreamDreamer - The Blessing of loosing everything - Sep 8, 2013

What better way to find a new road but by loosing the old one?
Is there any other way to change the old furniture but by getting rid of the one we had?
Can we drive a new car if we don’t get out of the one we’re used to?
Can we Be in Love again if we hold on to the illusion that we’re already in love?
Can we reach out for more if we think we have all there is to have?
For to get into a new room one has to cross the door that is between where one is and where one wants to be.
It all depends on what one wants. Stay with the known old or move on to explore the new. The illusion of control or the surrender to change. For change happens anyway: the car will eventually break, the furniture will eventually fall apart, the road will end and love for it’s own nature will hit again the deepest of the Heart.
Loose it… let it go… allow your soul to talk to you and tell you what it’s time to leave behind, allow yourself to loose whatever there is to loose and swim in the blessing of change. Allow your Soul, God, to be your map of surrender and flow into His embrace as no thing that comes from Him can be of any harm for you as you are but his deepest Love and expression.
Challenges only come from resistance. Flow comes from acceptance and surrender. Not to any outside force trying to control you but to your True Soul that knows a lot better than you. The more life seems a mess the more your Soul is trying to whisper: “let it go, I’m taking care of your steps, allow me to guide you into the path of your self“.
And the Sun will rise again brighter than it was before. Learn your path and be blessed by the strength of your Soul’s whispers.
Love, you.

sábado, septiembre 07, 2013

Papa Francisco: "¡Que se levante fuerte en toda la Tierra el grito de la paz!" - Sept 7, 2013 -

El Santo Padre volvió a oponerse a una intervención militar en Siria, en su primera audiencia general tras el receso estival

CIUDAD DEL VATICANO.- "¡Que se eleve fuerte en toda la Tierra el grito de la paz!", exclamó el papa Francisco esta mañana, en la primera audiencia general tras el receso estival, en un nuevo pedido de evitar cualquier acción militar en Siria.
El papa argentino reiteró su invitación a participar en la jornada de oración y ayuno para la paz en Siria y en todo el mundo que ha convocado para el próximo sábado. "También [oraremos] por la paz en nuestros corazones. Porque la paz empieza en el corazón", dijo Francisco.
"Exhorto en particular a los fieles romanos y a los peregrinos a participar en la vigilia de oración", expresó, y los invitó "a vivir intensamente este día".

Andy Bojarski - My Conscious Time Travel Experience Last Night – WOW - Sep 7, 2013

Time TravelHello everyone.  I wanted to share with you what happened to me last night.  It was really amazing.  I actually time travelled in my conscious state.  So here is what happened.
I was asleep in my bedroom (we will call this bedroom #1 – you will see later why this is important) at night and all of a sudden I am awoken by a loud knock (4 knocks to be exact), like someone is knocking on the door.  But there was nobody at the door as our door is downstairs and far away from the bedroom.
This knock was very loud and in my ear and woke me right up.  I smiled and said “Who is it?”  HAHA.  As I am now full awake, pondering and tuning into this knock, my 9-year-old son, about 15 minutes later, starts to come into my bedroom from his bedroom as he could not sleep.  So he is lying next to me and he becomes really restless.