Dearly Beloved
Know that new portals have opened and are opening within yourself, as deeper and much higher awakening now is occurring within your soul, at levels you could not access before.
You are being rejuvenated, regenerated, reborn on multiple levels now, as the highest Christ Consciousness now is awakening your own infinite core.
The higher heart is opening the full realization of Divine Love within you, dissolving all which is still within you, that is closed to the full experience, the expression, the loving living of omniscient, omnipresent Divine Love.
Surrender. Surrender. Surrender.
You are transfiguring into a much higher, true version, of your infinite soulself as you remember more and more, who you in truth are, Beloved.
Let go of the old personas, the acting roles which kept you from living authentically before.
Embrace your true Divinity.
You are carried on the wings of angels and assisted in ways you are not even aware of right now.
Yes, you are being raised up, so that you can be more than you ever believed you could be, Beloved.
Embrace your Divinity.
You are forever ONE with me I AM within you.
I love you.
DIVINE Father/Mother.
(Transmitted through me)
Judith Kusel