martes, diciembre 24, 2024
Judith Kusel - I am being asked by Lord Melchizedek - Dec 24, 2024
I am being asked by Lord Melchizedek to release the transcription of his transmission through me, on the 4 December 2024, during my "Cosmic Transmissions" Part 1.
It is most relevant for 2025, and this Festive season, and way beyond this, as we ascend into the New Golden Age:
"I am Melchizedek; I greet you I and am placing within your energy Fields now the great keys and codes which are the High Order of Melchizedek. These are very ancient keys and codes and are now being released to assist you with your Ascension process. They are being placed into you as each one of you is now activated to bring in the new Golden Age into all that you are and all that you project outwards. The Old Earth is no more as much as it seems it is, it's not, it's just old games that are being played out that have long lost their powers and the ability to affect you in any form or way unless you choose to buy into them. It is your own choice that.
A New Earth is already here, now gather yourself and always ask for a vision, a picture of what you want to have in that New Earth that is not only a benefit to you and a gift of love and a miracle but go and be that, yes hold it in your heart like the Divine Mother held you in her womb and nurtured you into form and being and blessed you with so much love. Take that vision in your hearts, nurture it, build it with love and hold it there and if you're an artist then go and paint it, if you are a musician go and sing it, dance it, create that music, If you are a writer then go and write it. If you are a channeler then go and channel it, if you are a transmitter go transmit it, if you are a healer go and bring the deep new healing modalities to planet Earth .
The keys and codes are going to open your visions, going to open you up to dream, greater dreams yes, even daydreaming, see yourself walking on the New Earth, it will not be walking, it will be gliding. See yourself in that new solar light body, see yourself wearing those new garments of light, leaving golden footprints wherever you go. Yes, see yourself sowing the seeds for the new plants and animals and birds and the new creation which is singing with glory in every living cell and organism every single DNA strand. Sing the songs of creation for the Creator is within every leaf of the tree, within every trunk of the tree, within the roots of the tree within every flower, every animal every bird, every rock in the waters and the Earth and the fires and in the air. It is there that you will work again with the Elementals with the Sprites, with all the Elementals and with all of life as one and as the creation rejoices, there is a song of songs that rises, the songs of the new creation.
It is already there within you, wake up. You are a new creation, forget about the Old Earth, yes there will be moments when you are pulled in again but then get out of it, dust yourself down and get on with the business of creating the New Earth and the New Year and if you need help, it's always there. It's there in all your ascended masters, it's there in the archangels, it's there in the Elohim. It is there in the angels and in the unicorns and even the dragons are here now, they return the seventh and 12th dimensional dragons, they are angelic call them in.
Yes, open that heart, yes, let that love flow through you and into all whom you meet, into all that you create, into all that you are projecting out there. You are not helpless you never were. You are a true daughter, a true son of a prime Creator perfectly buffed, perfectly formed. The divine only sees the perfection of you, loves you into the deepest depths of your soul, sees your highest potential. Oh yes and I Lord Melchizedek tell you that yes, my pyramid temples are rising again but that New Jerusalem is in your heart and in your soul and in the depths of your being, it is already there. You are that sacred temple; you are the Holies of Holies. That Temple is within you, it has always been there within you.
The more your Consciousness rises, the more you'll be able to see with new eyes, to hear with new ears to speak new words, to telepathically communicate and the communications heart to heart soul to soul. You don’t need any words for that. Heart speaks. Soul speaks, cannot be any misunderstanding when heart speaks with heart, when soul speaks with soul. There is only love because love is in truth what you are. The whole universe is ascending not only the Earth, the solar system is ascending, all is now connected to the Seven Central Sun of Illumination and my symbol is the seven and remember there will be seven, seven, seven coming up everywhere now for you. It brings in the magic of a new creation.
Yes, the new seventh root race of man, nurture those new children, the Sun children. When you see them bless them and bless their parents, it's so vitally important now you cannot ignore those children, they are the new human race. When you see them, send them the love and they will immediately respond, they do not need education systems, they do not need drugs, they do not need any chemicals or poisoned food. Go and change that world now bring in the organic food, bring in the organic medicines, the natural, the energetic healing. Those of you that are healers step out and into your highest soul self and you will discover healing abilities you've never ever even knew you've had. Yes, you are far greater and more magnificent than anything you can even think of right now. Your time of shrinking is over step into your power as a master.
I have watched over this Earth for millions and billions of years. Earth is far older than any of you can even comprehend. Many, many civilizations have come and gone and not just the ones you remember, like Atlantis and Lemuria and Elysium. There have many been before the Lion Kingdom , Elysium and even before that, but that chapter has now closed, that creation is no more, just like the old you is no more. You are new born.
Let me say that again, you are new born, that old Adam, that old Eve and that old Lilith, exist no more, the sixth root race of man is gone. Yes, beloved it feels fragile, it brings out sensitivity as the heart opens and you feel even more deeply than ever before. That's all part of the new you that is forming there. Yes, taking those leaps of faith takes courage, takes strength, but then you've got more than enough of that. You came to Earth and even to be allowed on this Earth now, you had to pass initiations that only the bravest of the brave that are here and the strongest of the strongest of old souls. From 1994 the new Souls have come in, the Rainbow children, they were the ones to prepare the way for the Sun children, help them now to stand in their power.
There will be a mass Awakening but remember you as the Elders, who were born before then, you were the ones that prepared the way, you were the road pavers, you brought in the change of consciousness, you did the spade work but now you need to see this into completion. Wake up, become the Elders of Excellence, become those wise Elders that continue paving the way, that have open hearts and open arms, that have a wisdom, the expertise gained through many many lifetimes on Earth, parallel lives and universes and existences, because you all are not of this Earth. You all come from other galaxies and star systems and constellations and some even from beyond this universe.
Yes, you came in fully equipped for this task. Come, come, gather, gather in sacred circles. You do not even need to speak, just open the heart and communicate heart to heart, soul to soul. Create those new communities of light in the here and now. Create those organic gardens, create those communities where every soul is honored in its uniqueness and everyone contributes to the hope, where those who are teachers teach, where those who are the farmers farm, where those who are the singers sing, where those that are musicians make music, where the artists create the most beautiful creations, where the wise lead or share their wisdom, where they are no leaders, yet there are always those who truly live by example and then the others follow, but as one, not one greater than the other, all is one.
Yes, and you will connect to your Intergalactic brothers and sisters again and soon they will walk between you, as they already are, they are your elder brothers and sisters, highly evolved. Yes, space travel returns, it's always been here, they never left, it's all the illusions that were spun by your governments and the lies that were told, all that dissipates now. Its time is over and I am now greeting you, but I am opening it to this transmitter, the other ascended master and Twin Flame the High Commander ASHTAR. It's my blessing. I Am Lord Melchizedek and I bless each one of you and this will continue next week. Go you. I am with you. I am holding you in my heart and I bless you."
(Transmitted through Judith Kusel by Lord Melchizedek and the High Order of Melchizedek, 4 December 2024)
Judith Kusel
Publicado por
Ángeles de Crystal

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