Dear Ones, sometimes you will experience an obstacle that was unexpected. We understand this can be very frustrating for you! What we want you to know is that if you come upon a blockage it is because the energy is being rerouted for you for your highest good.
Sometimes it is simply about timing. The timing is not right or fully supportive of that energetic path, so you experience delays. It may be that more things need to come together, behind the scenes if you will, for the highest result which will always be worth waiting for. It may be that there is a completely different road that is much better for you, that will lead you to much more satisfying experiences. It may be that staying put for the moment gives you an opportunity to develop skills and traits that will serve you in the future.
You may know why things unfolded the way they did in time, or you may never know. But what we want to impress upon you is that you are being lovingly guided, always. The universe is always leading you to your next soul desired experience and seeking to bring you your best energetic matches that allow your growth and expansion. It is acceptance and surrendering into the unfoldment of the flow with faith and trust that will allow you to redirect with the greatest amount of grace and ease possible into your next highest experience. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young