Huge shifts are happening which are unprecedented.
I have had the most amazing downloads today, as well as huge energetic shifts, one of them in the Giza pyramid, the chamber above the King's Chamber, where I was shown what is opening now: -The High Order of Melchizedek, as well as the original Melchizedek pyramid temples in ancient Jerusalem always had a powerful lineage of women High Priestesses, the Seraph. It was Lord
Melchizedek who later established the Essenes Mystery school many thousands years before the Great Flood and the Fall of Atlantis, and here the High Priestesses served alongside their male counterparts. They later changed their names from Seraph, to Miriam, the Mary, meaning "The Anointed Sacred One". A title, not a name.
The women have served through many lifetimes and as patriarchy took control, so often faced severe persecution.
All these ancient lineages have fully returned and now, through this immense shift, being actvated to remember and to now fully stand in their truth and power and to serve with great love and joy, through the sacred chalice of the wide open sacred hearts and souls.
This is bringing in greater balance, harmony and the full sacred conception of the New Golden Age.
Judith Kusel