Dearly Beloved
Know that new portals have opened and are opening within yourself, as deeper and much higher awakening now is occurring within your soul, at levels you could not access before.
Dearly Beloved
Know that new portals have opened and are opening within yourself, as deeper and much higher awakening now is occurring within your soul, at levels you could not access before.
Dear children on earth, we are your Divine Mother Father God. we come today to share news.
As the planet enters in the Aquarian Age, the Golden Age of Christ Consciousness, there will be a lot of changes and the Divine principles will be implemented on the planet earth. Humanity will be in a brand new epic, the new Era that has been prophesied over thousands of years. And of today, that new Epic, the brand new Golden Age, has started. We are the Divinely designed parents of the planet and we are here with you, and together, we usher in the new Golden Age.