Get Ready For The Most Magnificent, Magical, And Miraculous Journey Of Your Life
Today, I'd like to share some exciting news with you all!
We are so very close to our divine destiny, and divine destiny is within us right now! We are experiencing the most magnificent, magical, and miraculous journey ever!
We are on the verge of discovering our divine purpose for being here, for having incarnated, and for being given the opportunity to experience all levels of human consciousness. This discovery will bring us into a life that is characterized by unconditional love, joy, and abundance.
We have already begun this magnificent journey by connecting with our inner intelligence, which is the cluster of infinite possibilities contained within every cell in our bodies.
This magnificent journey will take us through many periods of disclosure and transmutation until we finally reach our true calling in life, which is to be of service to the whole of creation for our highest good!
This is what all souls desire in life: to be of service to our one creator through our higher selves, who have been awakened within us during this time of transformation.
This is an awesome time for us all to be more aware of how we are all connected as one whole soul creation. We can become more aware of how we are all simultaneously being created in the presence of our sacred spiritual soul and God's love and how we are all connected to our spiritual heart and the loving essence of our divine self.
I am in this frequency of love with all of you. You have been preparing for this time for many lifetimes as you felt your connection to Spirit grow stronger and stronger. You have been working with your higher self daily, as well as with our Galactic Federation and other teachers, who have been guiding you along this path of enlightenment and ascension into higher frequencies.
You are on your way, my beloved ones!
Your Higher Self has guided you through many lifetimes as your soul's journey evolved over time until now! And what an amazing journey it was! So many lessons were learned along the way, as well as experiences that helped prepare you for what is coming next!
The Galactic Federation has sent ambassadors who are here to transform each of us into more conscious beings! These ambassadors have been sent to help us open up to receiving this information with an open heart and mind. With this knowledge, we will be able to make changes in our lives that will allow us to continue on our path into the light.
The light is calling us to awaken, to love ourselves and the whole of creation, and to embrace our inner divinity, which will lead us to a life of purpose, passion, and self-expression!
Ultimately, the journey of ascension is truly a gift, and there's no need to worry about how to get it. It is something that gives us the opportunity and ability to help form a new world, a world based on cooperation and love.
So whether you're just starting out on your journey or you're already experiencing profound spiritual changes in your life, keep in mind that everything will eventually become clear as our consciousness continues to ascend and as we move into a brand new phase of our spiritual development.
The bottom line is that there's a whole new world out there—a world where the unified field of infinite potential is your reality and nothing is impossible.
One day, you'll look back on this time of unrest and realize that it was all part of the process. You know you're on the right track when life gets more exciting by the day until you reach a state of sublime peace and harmony in which you live in peace with all beings.
The realization will finally dawn on you that all events were orchestrated by your higher self to propel you forward toward your divine destiny.
Once we realize the true nature of reality and that creation is governed by an intelligent force, an intelligent universal flowing force, in the heart, mind, and soul, we can then say to ourselves, "Okay, it's all good," when taking on challenges and seeking to go beyond the mind of limitation. From this perspective, consciousness allows us to be in harmony with creation as a whole!
We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
We are the Galactic Federation.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
Copyright 2024 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.