jueves, diciembre 05, 2024

Valerie Donner - The Ground Crew - Dec 5, 2024

"Your Work, Love, Light and Prayers are making a profound difference on the Earth at this time!" 

~ Valerie Donner 

Dear Ground Crew: 

Here is the latest from Apollo: “I greet you today with brilliant love from the light. This light is seeping in everywhere and illuminating the hearts of humanity. A lot is being revealed and minds are opening along with the hearts. This is the great awakening. You are illuminators of hearts and light. What is going to follow will be grand revelations of your worth and importance to creation. What is happening now on the Earth and in creation, is a result of your energy and love. Your hearts are ablaze with the fire of creation, for anything is possible as you rise above the old third dimensional density. It is visible daily. Please take the time to look around and see the beauty and enhanced colors. Begin to feel the magnificence of the fifth dimension. It is filled with magic and miracles. Feel the love coming from the animals, plants, minerals and the waters. Your manifestation abilities are the strongest ever. It means you must be mindful of your thoughts. Stay in gratitude that you are present on the planet at this time. It is the grand revelation and the great overthrow of the darkness. If you peek into the future you will feel your destiny with the stars. The planet is Christing with unconditional love and truth. Soon it will all be revealed before your eyes.” 

Ground crew, how are you doing? We are surely going through our ups and downs. It appears that we are having new realities waved in our faces. It feels like we are being lifted out of the darkness and into the light. It's important for us to keep our focus on this and not go back to the old material world. 

The light is working diligently on the Earth and in creation. I was recently told by a reliable galactic source, that in the San Francisco Bay area one third of the population have been lifted up off the planet into the City of Light. That means that this group of people are going back-and-forth from the City of Light. They are doing this with a higher aspect of themselves. 

The City of Light was anchored on October 14, 2023 during during the solar eclipse. I was staying there at my family’s on that day and took a picture of the City of Light without even knowing it. The galactics are working with the Cities of Light that are being installed over other metropolitan areas on the planet. 

Here's a picture of the City of Light over the San Francisco Bay area that I took:


Cities of Light are highly advanced cities with a beautiful architecture and incredible technology. They are higher dimensional. They look like something you might see in an AI drawing. They live in peace and harmony, joy and community. Everyone looks out for each other and all needs are easily met. 

Most likely you know that we are greater than just a soul here inhabiting a physical body on the Earth. There are many aspects of our souls who are living dual lives on the Earth and in many other places in creation. I believe that because of the vastness of our souls we could not house our entire soul in these physical forms. That is why we express and create with other aspects of our souls elsewhere. An old teaching was that we actually had nine aspects of our souls but that is incorrect. We can have hundreds if not hundreds of thousands of aspects of our soul. Therefore, we have aspects that are star beings/galactics, etc. 

A couple of weeks ago, in the middle of the night my body felt like it was a galactic pin cushion. I had pulses of light moving throughout my body which would not allow me to go back to sleep. I began to realize this was a galactic connection. I also had some tones and ringing in my right ear that sounded like Morse code. 

I have subsequently discovered that I am working with one of my other aspects who is a fleet commander and her name is Aravella. I have known her name for about 30 years. I am deeply reconnecting with her at this time because we are working together. She is highly intelligent. 

Many galactics are here now because they are helping us prepare globally for contact. I know I have been visited in my house by some galactics and that I am also involved with some high level meetings. This is in preparation for disclosure. 

I would love to hear from you if you are having some of these types of galactic interactions. Also, if you know your galactic name and if you are a commander, that would be a wonderful connection for us to make. Please call me at 925-287-8976 if you want to talk, or email me at: vdonner99@gmail.com
