jueves, diciembre 05, 2024

Valerie Donner - Mira from the Pleiadian High Council - December 5, 2024

A Transmission from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council Through Valerie Donner, December 5, 2024

Greetings: I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council.

I am pleased to speak with you today to share heartfelt words of commendations to our ground crew. We are amazed at what you have been able to accomplish. Your thoughts and actions are the accumulation of the trajectory for the New Earth. We wish we could show you exactly how important you are. Your work has been impeccable. We are experts on the ascension process and that is why I have been on the Earth Council for all these many years working full-time.

The results of your labor are beginning to come forth. Everything is ready for your highest good and is ready to be released. This is the Ascension Program. This is how you learn to live in the Golden Age in the fifth dimension. You walk away from the past, and instead, you stand in the truth and the light of your future self and who you are now!

Can you feel the power within when I remind you of

this dawning of the New Age? Can you use your inner microscope to see and feel the explosive light in your heart. This explosion of light has a huge rippling effect on the transformation of the Earth.

It is “The Dawning of the Age of Aquarius.” As this channel Valerie reminds you, in 1969 “The 5th Dimension” sang this song:

This time was predicted a long time ago. It has been mentioned throughout history. It was even sung about 55 years ago in the musical “Hair.” It has all been in preparation for November 20, 2024 when Earth and Pluto and Jupiter moved into the Age of Aquarius for the next 20 years.

You can expect many positive incremental changes that will build upon each other so you can live in the Golden Age. Expect only the best and receive only the best. The light is upon you and the Earth. The gratitude for you and the Earth is amazing.

We love you into eternity.

I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council.