Blessings Beloveds ~
Happy Full Moon, Wesak, Galactic Gateway, and Divine Mother's Day to all!
May brings Diamond-Solar focus, within and without. Solar activity returns this month and an exciting new phase for Stargate-keepers and Gridworkers begins.
Every open aligned heart is capable of calling in, directing and utilizing these waves of new light. Trinitized codes are flowing, overwriting and overriding the lower realities and lesser agendas.
Amplification across the realms intensifies with zero point dynamics. The boomerang of intention (subconscious and conscious desire) and Creation (what manifests in your reality/timeline choice) gets very clear and instantaneous as we approach the larger Gateways of the Shift.
Remember amplifications brighten everything. Freedom, revelation, resurrection, Ascension codes intensify. Hold the Light high, as BOTH the dismantling and Ascension will accelerate.
Embodiers, let us walk with Gaia. Visitation is stepping up, phenomena (intense flashing) and Solar Flash experiences (full-body Christed DNA activations) are also increasing. Get Quiet to integrate the Trinitized codes properly.
As always, we anchor these full-body Ascension experiences of the higher trajectory already in progress.
Think Quantum. Expect the higher vibration to shake loose a few more layers this month. Brotherhood and Sisterhood reps, this is a strong month to shift to the organic flows and migrate realities - for the June-July eclipse revelations.
Kindwhile - get out on the land, dear hearts. If not for you, for others who cannot. We serve as ONE collective in Unity Consciousness. Practice makes perfect!
May reveals much about our personal choices; all prep for June Embodiment , a further step in physicalization of the etheric Self.
All focus on amplifying the Crystalline, and the lower realms will dismantle more Quickly. Our ability to co-create brand new realities is returning!
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SUNday Unity Meditations
Participate and share our global SUNday Unity Meditations at 5:11AM, 8:11AM and 11:11AM Pacific Daylight Time (UTC -7).
Details, downloads and time converters at http:/
Sending everyone love, strength and higher wisdom during this unique phase of our journey. Let us show HUmanity what is possible with #Ascension!
In Love, Light and Service,