viernes, mayo 08, 2020
Linda Li - Mother Divine - The planet wide ascension has been going well. - May 8, 2020
Dear angels on earth, I am your Mother God, the Mother of all creation. I come today to share news with you. The planet wide ascension has been going well. Souls are ascending nicely. Souls are going upward in wave after wave. The entire human race has basically ascended.
Now, we, the Divine and the company of heaven, will let the ascension portal open for the time being even though most of the souls, whose destiny is the 5th dimension, have ascended. However, we, the Divine want to make sure that all souls who are at the 5th dimension, are the ones who are destined to be ascended.
As you know, souls have contracts before birth. Although some souls have changed their contracts for whatever reason while on the planet, at end of the day, all souls who were designed to experience the ascension have ascended. And that is the great accomplishment. We, the Divine are very pleased and we celebrate the victory. As of today, and as I speak, most souls have settled in the new realm. Some may take a little longer but that is only a tiny adjustment needed here or there.
Souls who have not ascended and decided not to experience this physical ascension are the ones that have to leave the planet earth in the next few years or so. Some may depart quicker than others. Nevertheless, their time on earth is due. It is a soul decision as to whether a soul participates in this ascension or not. Some souls may have changed their contract and decided to give it a try. These souls are still in the process of ascending. If things go well, and their body cooperates, these souls have a good chance to make it. There are also souls who have decided to give up the opportunity even though their soul design was to ascend. The reason that these souls have given up the opportunity is mainly because their body conditions are no longer suitable for ascension. They have tried and their soul knows that they have no chance to make it. And now is the time to give it up. These souls are in the category of front runners, meaning they have been on the path for quite some time but are not able to totally ascend to the 5th dimension. Their physical body has eventually said it is enough. If the physical body does not work with the ascension energies, then the soul has no choice but to give up. Now is the time for these souls to depart. They have had a good run. Their soul is satisfied. And their ascension journey has come to an end.
There are a small number of souls on the planet, and their ascension journey is also coming to an end. These souls are various in age groups. The reason for their departure is because these souls are the great leaders in the next phase. We need their specialties. They are the leaders and healers for the generations to come. They will be severely in demand when they reincarnate again. Now is their time to go home and have some rest and training. When the time comes, they will return to the new Earth as great leaders and educators. These souls are the advanced souls. They are always in the front of the line when the Divine has a need for their expertise. Their service is unique and their contributions are paramount. I understand that for humans, asking souls to go home is a sad thing. But energetically, in the higher realm, souls are proud when the Divine needs them. It doesn’t matter what the tasks are. As long as there is a call, souls are eager to respond and feel a great honor to fulfill Divine’s mission.
Lastly, we, the Divine also have decided to bring some souls home simply because these souls are not performing their Divine duties. The ones who have neglected their soul mission are being called to return home. It doesn’t matter what they think they are or how important they think they are. The point is that these souls didn’t honor their soul mission and broke their soul contract. Souls have missions when they incarnate. The point of the incarnation is to serve the Divine and perform the soul mission. Throughout time, there are souls who get into the ego game and solely focus their attention on their worldly gains. Their spiritual work becomes secondary or obsolete, Even after Divine’s intervention. Eventually, the Divine has decided to let them go. Their mission will be replaced by other souls. These souls will also depart shortly.
Now, the planet is finally ascended. Humanity, too, has ascended and settled in the higher realm. The overall Divine plan has been achieved. Yes, we do have a few things left for completion. But the big things are done. The entire human race has established their 5th dimensional existence and that is a great accomplishment. Your Father and the Divine are pleased and relaxing a bit. From this point on, the low dimension density can no longer interfere with Gaia’s ascension and next phase. Humanity no longer is susceptible to the low density. Humanity, at large, has gone up so much that the low energies cannot reach humanity, And that puts the planet in a much better and safer position. We, the Divine are extremely happy about that.
In the next few days and weeks, we, the Divine will switch the focus to Gaia’s rebuilding process. The entire rebuilding process has a lot of small parts and that is why we, the Divine, for now, just have to make sure all parts are ready and wait for the proper time to start the rebuilding phase.
I love you dear angels. I am your Mother Divine. Job well done dear ones. So it is.
Linda Li
Publicado por
Ángeles de Crystal

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El Gran Cambio,
Linda Li,
Madre Divina,
Reporte de Energías