No distance, no time. It is all here now.
Before arriving I was sent.
Faster than the speed of light I was here.
No distance and no time exists in the union consciousness.
That union consciousness is the ascension Earthlings say they desire.
It is a letting go of all preconceived ideas and concepts of how things should be now.
It is a surrender to now and to the heart.
When you are present you know there is no distance to anything.
There is no past and no future ~ it all exists now.
I front of me is MU, in front of me is Atlantis, it is all now.
The New Earth is now.
Beloved love is now.
Your awakening is now.
All there is, is your current breath.
And it’s all now.
Accessing all parallel worlds is now.
Accessing all existences is now.
There is no distance.
There is no time.
It is already all here NOW.
Enter your heart, feel the activation of this the bridge to your full union.
It is all you desire eternally to know and be.
Your Divine Self.
Your eternal original light.
Your eternal form.
Your eternal love.
This is the heaven on Earth that all desire.
Activating you now with The Divine Council of Overseers always present and in many Universes.
All now, through love.
L'Aura Pleiadian