martes, mayo 05, 2020

Celia Fenn - 5/5 Star Gate - May 5, 2020

5/5 Star Gate.

Today we transit the 5/5 Portal.

We call this the Taurus Gate as the Sun is in Taurus and we are crossing the area of the Galaxy that contains Sirius, Orion and the Pleaides.

The Seven Sisters...the energy of the Divine Feminine and of Love, Joy, Creativity and Compassion.

The energy of Mother Mary.

Yeshua and Mary Magdalene.

The Buddha and Kwan Yin.

Energies swirling and shifting into balance as we are given the opportunity to raise frequency and consciousness on our timeline.

We are given the opportunity to choose the New Earth timeline.

It is a time of great change, and a time when we need to come together with our Angelic and Galactic Families to return Earth to her original purpose as a Sacred Planet and a Garden of Peace and Love.

Dear Friends...please join with me on this day to confirm your commitment to the New Earth and the New Dream.

To Love, Peace, Joy, Harmony and Freedom for All.

On this 5/5 Bridge of Light this is a powerful Dream and a powerful Act for each one of us!