Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Anrita Melchizedek. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Anrita Melchizedek. Mostrar todas las entradas

sábado, diciembre 11, 2021

Anrita Melchizedek - The 12:12 Gateway Activation ~ Integrating the Christed Heart - Dec 11, 2021

The 12:12 Gateway Activation ~ Integrating the Christed Heart

With Anrita Melchizedek


Join us beloved hearts as we come together as One Unified Christed Heart through the 12:12 Gateway of Divine Love and One Unity Consciousness. As we experience this sacred gateway, we are taken deeper into the Golden Light of Christ Consciousness which activates within the heart and thymus chakras of all Humanity.

miércoles, septiembre 01, 2021

Anrita Melchizedek - Healing Invocation - Sept 1, 2021

Healing Invocation

All my cells and organs function perfectly.

Each cell in my body is an expression of perfect health, vitality and well-being.

Each cell in my body is replenishing, repairing and replacing according to the perfection

of my original divine eight-cell blueprint and Beloved I Am Presence.

Each organ in my body functions at peak efficacy taking me deeper into Divine Love,

miércoles, septiembre 09, 2020

Anrita Melchizedek - 09-09 Gateway - September 9, 2020

Beloved hearts,

Blessings for the 09-09 Gateway. This gateway amplifies through the ninth ray of Highest Potentials and the Overlighting of the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light.

The ninth ray of Highest Potentials is one of the more prominent rays connected to our Service work, and has the most influence on our original Divine eight-cell blueprint, and our etheric, emotional and mental bodies. It is the ray that focuses most on the probability of achieving our Highest Potential as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love through purpose, passion, joy and Divine Love.

viernes, mayo 01, 2020

Anrita Melchizedek - May 1st Blessings - May 1, 2020

No hay ninguna descripción de la foto disponible.

Beloved hearts,

Welcome to May Day, also called the Festival of Beltane, which celebrates a return to outdoor gatherings, love for nature and the warmth and joy added to our lives through the energy of the sun, and our heartfelt connection to one another. Beltane is also a time to birth new projects as we deepen into new ambassadorial and service roles upon this sacred earth.

miércoles, abril 22, 2020

Anrita Melchizedek - The 12 Pleiadian activated 5D Gamma Rays and Liquid Light Plasma Portals Telewebinar - April 22, 2020

 Beloved hearts,

Today is another powerful 444-portal activation day (04-22-2020). The high frequency gamma ray energy and liquid light plasma that spirals forth through these celestial gateways deepens the frequency of what the number 444 represents as well as our ability to connect to the many Illumined Beings of Light from On High and our Beloved I Am Presence. Additionally, these portal frequencies spiral onto this sacred earth and into

domingo, abril 12, 2020

Anrita Melchizedek - The Easter Resurrection Codes of the I Am Avatar Consciousness of Light - April 12, 2020

The Easter Resurrection Codes of the I Am Avatar Consciousness of Light


Beloved hearts,

As Light workers, wayshowers and Flames of Divinity, we have all experienced many ascension codes activating for this sacred earth over the years, starting with our own awakening process, igniting into the dormant DNA and the creation of our I Am Avatar Blueprints or Light Bodies, as well as the activation of our own Merkaba fields taking us into the fifth dimensional New Earth Templatings and beyond.

jueves, diciembre 20, 2018

Anrita Melchizedek - The Activation of the Planetary Goddess and the Healing Symbols of Isis Solstice Transmission - Dec 20, 2018

The Activation of the Planetary Goddess and the Healing Symbols of Isis
Solstice transmission by Anrita Melchizedek

As the Flames of Divinity and the awakened Souls upon this sacred earth, we release the vestiges of our human mis-creations through loving our inner family; our hurts, betrayals, disappointments and pain whilst holding the Flame of Divine Love within our loving hearts. Embraced within our Divine Presence, we deepen into the sovereignty, magnificence and sweetness of our Soul Light. We are here, we are present, sharing our Light, no longer hiding and no longer suppressing. The Planetary Goddess ignites her Flame of Divine Love as we expand our Heart Flames and integrate and

viernes, noviembre 09, 2018

The 11-11-11 Gateway ~ Actualization of the Diamond Flame of Purity and Innocence and the Diamond Solar-Plasma Light DNA Upgrades

The 11-11-11 Gateway of Divine Love ~ Actualization of the Diamond Flame of Purity and Innocence and the Diamond Solar-Plasma Light DNA Upgrades
You Tube
By Anrita Melchizedek

One of the most powerful gateways being experienced in this sacred year of 2018 is the 11-11-11 Gateway of Divine Love. Through this gateway we experience the next level of Light codes pouring forth from the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God, the activation of the Diamond Heart of Purity and Innocence through our loving hearts andthe Diamond Solar-Plasma Light DNA Upgrades.

viernes, diciembre 15, 2017

Anrita Melchizedek - The Resurrection Codes of the I Am Avatar Consciousness of Light -

The Resurrection Codes of the I Am Avatar Consciousness of Light

Welcome precious hearts, this is Anrita Melchizedek and I would like to welcome you to this December Solstice transmission, in which we experience the Resurrection Codes of the I Am Avatar Consciousness of Light coming online.  As Light workers, wayshowers and Flames of Divinity, we have all experienced many ascension codes activating for this sacred earth over the years, starting with our own awakening process, igniting into the dormant DNA and the creation of our I Am Avatar Blueprints or Light Bodies, as well as the activation of our own Merkaba fields taking us into the fifth dimensional New Earth Templatings and beyond.

jueves, septiembre 14, 2017

Anrita Melchizedek - The Elders September Equinox Transmission ~ The Temple of Transfiguration -September 2017

Elders Transmission ~ September 2017

The Temple of Transfiguration ~ The Elders September Equinox Transmission
Welcome sweet ones, it gives us great pleasure to be with you in this month of September, as you continue to deepen into the next level of your Soul’s blossoming and heart’s dreaming as the way showers and spiritual facilitators, Light workers and star seeds upon this sacred earth. Through the powerful and unprecedented August Stargates sweet ones, you experienced a deepening sense of your service work through the Temple of Service and the codes of Galactic Christ Consciousness as you increased your Light Quotient through the Solar flares, photonic rays, ray frequencies and new Earth Templates. And now sweet ones, as timelines

sábado, agosto 12, 2017

Anrita Melchizedek - Elders Transmission ~ The Temple of Truth ~ The Solar Eclipse energies and World Service Activation - August 2017

The Temple of Truth ~ The Solar Eclipse energies and World Service Activation


You Tube

Mp3 download

Welcome sweet ones, it gives us great pleasure to be with you in this month of August as you move into the Solar Eclipse passage on August 21st. Having passed through the 08-08 Lion’s Gateway and received the deepest levels of Divine Love through the Vortex of the Goddess that you are able to feel and experience in this Now, you are ready to accelerate your service work, your mission upon this sacred earth. The Sirian Stargate of the Heart sweet ones, aligned you to Galactic Christ Consciousness in Divine Love through a toroidal field of Light as well as activating the sacred geometry of the star tetrahedron through the heart chakra. This geometric configuration was further seen through one of your recent crop circles on July 18th, in Wiltshire, England.

sábado, julio 22, 2017

Anrita Melchizedek - Elders Transmission ~ The Temple of Truth and the Sirius Stargate of the Heart - July 2017

The Temple of Truth and the Sirius Stargate of the Heart

You Tube

Mp3 download

Welcome sweet ones, it gives us great pleasure to be with you in this month of July as you deepen into the merging timelines of Unity Consciousness and the expansion of Christ Light upon this sacred earth and through the Unity Grid of Divine Love.

The expansion of Cosmic Christ Consciousness sweet ones, taking you deeper into the next level of your Soul’s blossoming and Light, is greatly amplified through the Stargate of the Goddess – the Stargate of Sirius, which commences July 23rd with the Rise of Sirius. This is the day when Sirius rises on your horizon just before the Sun. The Rise of Sirius begins a 55-day cycle, from July 23 to September 15, when the Sirian Stargate is opened and activated more widely than at other times; the portal through which the energy of the Goddess enters, aligning you to the Galactic Center and Overlighted by the Sirian Archangelic Leagues of Light and the many Illumined Beings of Light from On High. As you receive this amplified energy of Divine Unconditional Love through your Christed Hearts and upon this sacred earth, sweet ones, you are able to deepen the connection to your Beloved I Am Presence and the multidimensional timelines of your Highest Potential as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love.

sábado, junio 10, 2017

Anrita Melchizedek - The Temple of Higher Perspectives ~ Elders June Solstice Transmission - June 10, 2017

The Temple of Higher Perspectives ~ Elders June Solstice Transmission
You Tube Video
Welcome, sweet ones, it gives us great pleasure to be with you in this month of June, as you experience the Solstice energies, and move deeper into the merging timelines of Unity Consciousness. What is further being experienced sweet ones, through the higher dimensional fields of consciousness is the collapsing and speeding up of time and space, as you deepen into the every present Continuum or Zero Point. These “future” time-space fields of Light are assisting you to access and anchor the higher dimensional templatings and dimensional octaves, as you merge with your “future” selves, your multidimensional selves and your Beloved I Am Presence, as well as experiencing a deeper sense of the collective I AM Avatar Consciousness along with Light Body And DNA activations and recalibrations. You have experienced this too sweet ones, through the Schumann Resonance field of Mother Earth accelerating, “the heartbeat of Mother Earth”, recently peaking to frequencies of 36 plus, way above its usual 7.83 Hz frequency, reflecting the Cosmic Consciousness of awakened Souls upon this sacred earth.

lunes, abril 17, 2017

Anrita Melchizedek - The Temple of Equilibrium ~ Teachings of the Eye of Horus - April 17, 2017

The Temple of Equilibrium ~ Teachings of the Eye of Horus
Elders April Transmission through Anrita Melchizedek

Mp3 download
You Tube

Welcome sweet ones. It gives us great pleasure to be with you in the month of April as you deepen into your Christed Hearts supported by the realms of Illumined Truth walking the Path of Divine Love.

Sweet ones, in this transmission with you we invite you into the Temple of Equilibrium Overlighted by Archangel Michael, Archangel Raphael and the Order of Melchizedek. The Temple of Equilibrium is brought into being through the Fifth Ray of Concrete Knowledge and Splendor (Hod) on Jacob's Ladder. Wrapped in a beautiful Orange Flame of Knowledge, a Blue-Green Flame of Equilibrium and Inner Strength and the Diamond Flame of Melchizedek Consciousness, you are offered the opportunity to experience a renewed equilibrium and balance in your everyday lives through the balancing of polarities. Through this Temple you have the ability to activate more deeply your own inner strength in determination, compassion and commitment to the Divine, while purifying on all levels of your beingness as you come into the stillness of your Christed Hearts and into greater levels of appreciation and gratitude for yourselves and others. Additionally sweet ones, you experience a greater level of conscious communication in your relationships and a deeper sense of your heart's joy that may manifest through additional studies or areas of interest.

martes, abril 04, 2017

Anrita Melchizedek - Elders Transmission ~ April 2017

The Temple of Magnetic Resonance


You Tube video
Mp3 download

As we deepen into this Year of Wisdom and the pathway of Divine Love, the Trinity Lords come forward with their Shield of Light as a spinning disc to activate and open the Seals of Magnetic Resonance through the chakras and energy bodies, as we travel in soul consciousness into the Temple of Magnetic Resonance. Once activated, the magnetic resonance of these seals acts as Light waves of Crystalline Consciousness, as we transmit and receive as conduits of Divine Light through the Unity Grid of Divine Love, amplifying and increasing the field of magnetism for ourselves and all Life upon this sacred Earth. Additionally entrainment of lower frequency vibrations occurs as we transmute all misaligned energies and imbalances back to Love, harmony and the perfect frequency for our own unique energy and the collective consciousness of Mother Earth.