Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta 12:12. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta 12:12. Mostrar todas las entradas

martes, diciembre 12, 2023

Natalia Alba - Today's 12:12 passage - Dec 12, 2023


Beloved Ones,

Today's 12:12 passage represents the peak of the energies that we have been working with, since the beginning of December. Energies that bring unification where separation is still present. At a personal level, Guides invite us to work on the unification of our heart and mind, so both work in perfect unison with our soul's Will, bringing more love into our hearts and All who need it, at this transitional time.

domingo, diciembre 10, 2023

Natalia Alba - We are entering into the Golden Portal - Dec 10, 2023

Beloved Ones,

We are entering into the Golden Portal. A passage that begins with the 12/12 portal this year, and that will be for us to begin working on our 12th-dimensional light body template, for many are starting to reclaim their 12th-dimensional or Christos template.

Guides invite us to align with these energies now, at this moment, for they are already available to us, as this date is simply the peak of what we are already receiving.

sábado, diciembre 09, 2023

Natalia Alba - As we traverse this last month of the year - Dec 9, 2023


Beloved Ones,

As we traverse this last month of the year, we are approaching the Golden Portal, for it is how Guides name the passage that we are already feeling, introduced by the Sagittatian energies that surround us, the 12/12 portal, and that will culminate with the Solstice. A plasma-crystalline frequency that already bathes our planet and that is supported by the joyful and passionate Sagittarian New Moon, that will too square Neptune, already direct. Sagittarius represents the Golden frequency that we are immersed in, transmuting Fire into the Light of who we are.

sábado, diciembre 02, 2023

Patricia Cota-Robles - TIME TO FOCUS OUR ATTENTION - Dec 1, 2023



Patricia Cota-Robles

December 1, 2023


The Company of Heaven is reminding us that we are in the midst of a 40-day intensified assimilation of Light that is more powerful that anything we have ever experienced. That means that every thought, feeling, word and action we express is being amplified in ways we have not previously known.

During the month of November, in order to remind us once again that we are Cocreating our Earthly experiences, we at Era of Peace were asked by the Beings of Light to replay Vlogs 10, 11, 12 and 13 from our Bigger Picture series. These Vlogs clearly describe how our thoughts, feelings, words, actions, memories and beliefs have caused the good as well as the painful things we are witnessing and experiencing at this time. The Vlogs also reveal what we can do to change the things we want to improve.

viernes, diciembre 01, 2023

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - The Quantum Awakening - December 12:12, 2023



From your Hostess of Light with Love♥

The Soul Precipice

From finite to Infinite


From your Hostess of Light with Love♥ Let The True Light of the Season Radiate thru your every Act of Kindness. Do Not Doubt or Fear or Allow the external hectic energies to control your every emotion. This is your time of Light; this is a time of Miracles, participate, wear it well. Become the master of your fate by making higher choices that move you into a space of true freedom and liberty. Be thankful for all that is you and all that is about you, for you are the creator of that universe as well. Let your soul and self-point you in a new direction that will support and enable you to be all that you can be. Stop fighting the currents of your life and drifting from drama to drama. Spend your time and energy wisely in your creational mode which runs full speed ahead all the time.

jueves, noviembre 30, 2023

Natalia Alba - 12/12 Portal ~ Light Body Alignment - Nov 30, 2023


12/12 Portal ~ Light Body Alignment

Beloved Ones,

As we head into the 12/12 portal, the energies that are already descending upon our planet will intensify. As you know, this month brings very important energies outside of our planetary astrological events. As always, we are not only immersed within our earthly confines, for we are too deeply impacted by what is taking place outside of our universe.

domingo, diciembre 12, 2021

Sandra Walter - El 12.12.21: Compleción, Unidad y Co-Creación - Diciembre 9, 2021

Traducción: Margarita López
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora
Síguenos Por el Canal "Despertando Conciencia" de TELEGRAM:
Síguenos Por el Canal "El Manantial del Caduceo - Kryon" Únicamente KRYON:
Síguenos Ahora en MeWe

Bendiciones, Amados ~

El Portal 12.12 es un auspicioso y poderoso componente de este pasaje sagrado de diciembre a enero.

Energías de Ascensión únicas inundan el planeta y abrimos nuestros corazones y las Puertas Estelares Cósmicas para recibir, anclar, activar y transmitir estas frecuencias Divinas en nombre de todos.

Este año se sincroniza con el 12.12.12 original, cuando se alinearon las Puertas Estelares Cósmicas, los corazones en servicio llevaron la nueva luz al núcleo Cristalino, y Gaia reveló sus reinos Ascendidos a muchos.

sábado, diciembre 11, 2021

Diane Canfield - Galactic Portal Opening -December 12th Through December 21st - Dec 11, 2021


Blessings Everyone,


Full moon on December 19th
December 12/12 portal opening 3/3/3
Meteor shower December 13th and 14th
New GALACTIC Timelines Appearing
December 21st Solstice Portal Opening 3/3/3

We are right in the middle now of a new timeline opening and a new galactic portal opening. The last time we had this amount of heightened energy was in 2012 when we entered a new timeline. We are now entering a new timeline again. The galactics are very much involved in the raising of these timelines and bringing in new energy.

Anrita Melchizedek - The 12:12 Gateway Activation ~ Integrating the Christed Heart - Dec 11, 2021

The 12:12 Gateway Activation ~ Integrating the Christed Heart

With Anrita Melchizedek


Join us beloved hearts as we come together as One Unified Christed Heart through the 12:12 Gateway of Divine Love and One Unity Consciousness. As we experience this sacred gateway, we are taken deeper into the Golden Light of Christ Consciousness which activates within the heart and thymus chakras of all Humanity.

Aisha North - 12/12 message - December 11, 2021

12/12 message


In this glittering silence,

you can hear the sound

of millions of crystals

being activated,

shimmering like a snow drift

in the winter sun.

viernes, diciembre 10, 2021

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Uriel - 12:12 – Sacred Transmissions of Unconditional Love - Dec 10, 2021

At the moment of 12:12 on the 12th day of the 12th month, the pure golden light of Christ Consciousness ignites the sacred vessel of your high heart with compassion and love.

Divine Love is an imprint pre-encoded for your awakening consciousness. If you could only see from the Angelic viewpoint, it would appear that humans are acting as lightning rods when they receive this immense download of Christed Light that anchors Unconditional Love into the Earth.

Celia Fenn - Just 2 days out from the 12/12 Consciousness Portal - Dec 10, 2021

Just 2 days out from the 12/12 Consciousness Portal.

Another Sacred milestone as we transit towards the culmination of this Arc of Transformation at the December Solstice on the 21st December.

The energies seem calmer now, but I feel things will pick up over the week end.

The 12/12 is all about Love, Abundance and shifting perspective to a higher level of awareness.

martes, diciembre 07, 2021


La Compañía del Cielo nos ha estado guiando a través de un proceso de purga planetaria de 40 días sin precedentes. Nos revelaron que con los cambios monumentales de energía, vibración y conciencia que han tenido lugar dentro de las experiencias terrenales de la Humanidad, el Reino Elemental y la Madre Tierra en lo que va del 2021, se despejó el camino para una purga enormemente acelerada de las dolorosas creaciones erróneas de la Humanidad.

miércoles, diciembre 16, 2020

Celia Fenn - Upcoming Solstice Solar Energy Portal - Dec 16, 2020

Dear Friends

After a very challenging year of 2020 we have arrived at the closing weeks. I am sure most of you have been affected by the Covid pandemic in some way, with our lives being changed by lockdowns and curfews, as I have experienced here in Cape Town. But it is good that we understand these challenges as part of a major shift and transition in our lives and on our planet.

domingo, diciembre 13, 2020

Celia Fenn - So we are through the 12/12 Portal! - Dec 13, 2020

So we are through the 12/12 Portal!

Take a deep breath!

Prepare for the Total Solar Eclipse tomorrow.

This will be an intense moment, with the New Moon in Sagittarius and the Sun moving towards alignment with the Galactic Center/Great Central Sun.

sábado, diciembre 12, 2020

Linda Li - Special message for 12:12. Our Inner Sun has been activated - December 12, 2020

Special message for 12:12. Our Inner Sun has been activated

Happy 1212 dear beloveds, today's energy is special. And the Divine invites you all to slow down and let the energy settle and do the work.

The energies coming in at the moment are specially designed for this occasion. Especially this Christmas season. The Divine has tremendous amount of the love energies and blessings ready for the planet and humanity. True blessings indeed.

jueves, diciembre 12, 2019

awakening5dhealing - 12.12 Portal Twin Flame Vibrations Meditation and Mantras - December 12, 2019

Breathe it in cosmic surfers, celestial, LIT Twin vibrations are permeating the material plane. We can see through the mist, the path is clearing. We are moving in such profound seas of transformation, each day, each moment, each breath is dimensional realignment in the ascension field. The world is moving in a surreal, metaphysical space where atoms no longer obey the old 3d rules of play. Quantum dynamics has perforated the material plane, we are fluctuating in multiple reality portals. Our perception of reality has become a strange fusion of cybernetics, concrete and commutes.

miércoles, diciembre 11, 2019

Jenny Schiltz - 12:12 Gateway & Chaos Timeline - Dec 7, 2019

I have been asked to share an important message as we experience this very powerful month of December and particularly the 12:12 gateway. I received the message while working with a client who has a powerful ability to hold space. She is able to do it with incredible neutrality which is the necessary ingredient.