lunes, diciembre 19, 2016

Suzanne Lie - Preparing 4 First Contact - Chapter 31 - The Return - 12-19-16



By The Ascending Ones-Through Suzanne Lie

Chapter 31
The Return

We are the Ascending Ones. We are HERE within your NOW to share how our journey to New Earth has taken us into an unexpected experience.

While we were traveling away from third dimensional Earth within our fifth dimensional consciousness, we met with several Starships from The Ashtar Command. The members of these Starships were able to perceive our consciousness via their fifth dimensional consciousness and welcomed us onboard their Ships.

Pleiadian Broadcast December 2016

Marilyn Raffaele - El Grupo Arcturiano - 4 de diciembre del 2016

Saludos, queridos míos. Nos reunimos de nuevo con amor y comprensión, y con el deseo mutuo por la verdad. Cada día se vuelve uno nuevo a medida que la conciencia global e individual crece pues al desplegarse y expandirse la conciencia también lo hacen las expresiones externas.

Muchos de ustedes están empezando a tener experiencias de sincronicidad durante su día. Soluciones parecen aparecerse ahora con mayor facilidad, y las cosas que antes los angustiaban o preocupaban ya no se sienten ser importantes. Estos son los frutos de su conciencia expandida, una que se está alineando con la armonía y la gracia de la verdad.

Las experiencias de la Gracia seguirán incrementando a medida que ustedes viven a partir de su nivel más alto de conciencia, permitiendo que la verdad que saben fluya a y a través de todas sus actividades diarias. A medida que permiten a su verdad fluir más al exterior, más se les proporcionará..

La evolución es un viaje interminable a la conciencia espiritual, pues la Conciencia Divina es infinita.

12/19/2016 -- Large wave of energy from unknown source hitting Earth now - Possible effects?

domingo, diciembre 18, 2016

Suzanne Lie - Conversations With The Arcturians Part 2 - 12-17-16

Part TWO

Shawnna and The Arcturians through Sue Lie

SD:  I think that’s an interesting perspective to imagine that the internet allowed this collective unity as well as uniqueness.  And, I’ve always felt that the activity streaming each day – the thoughts, the feelings, the viewpoints – everything that comes into our awareness, which is definitely a broad range of frequency of information.

It is woven to together to create this collective consciousness.  So I think it’s an interesting point that you’ve mentioned because we don’t recognize that this is what it is sometimes.  But, it is.

Mike Quinsey - De su Ser Superior - 16-12-16 puedes ver y entender la actual situación en la Tierra, el camino hacia delante es evidente y está indicado por el colapso del control de los Illuminati sobre los acontecimientos que están sucediendo. Los asuntos están cambiando incluso aunque ellos intenten mantener algún tipo de control que no servirá de nada. Hay un mayor plan en marcha que a pesar de las acciones de los que a intentan imponerse no se podrá evitar una conclusión exitosa que conduce a la Ascensión. Así que no estéis abatidos a pesar de cómo veáis funcionar los acontecimientos, porque todo está bien. Pueden oírse los jadeos de los que se enfrentan a la derrota, y ya hay muchos que huyen para evitar tener que responder por sus acciones contra la humanidad. No pueden evitar tener que enfrentarse al resultado de sus actos, porque no hay lugar adonde puedan escapar y llegará el día de la justicia. No estéis preocupados por su futuro porque recogerán lo que han sembrado, y como todas las demás almas serán ayudados de todas formas tan pronto como vuelvan a la Luz.

Kryon - The mathematics of Consciousness

Blossom Goodchild. A White Cloud Christmas message.

Polarity, Language of Light and Sacred Geometry (Blue Star Solstice series PART 7)

John Smallman - Saul - God is within you, period - 12/18/201

There is no reason to be in fear. Fear is of the illusion, unreal, a reaction to uncertainty which just drains your energy, because it focuses on the future, distracting you from living in this now moment which is the only time that exists. Now is where you need to focus your attention and your feelings, and through doing that be fully aware of your state of presence right now. Intend to maintain this constant state of present awareness so that you are fully alive and alert, and then you are open to the intuitive nudges, the wise guidance from those watching over you from the spiritual realms.

You are constantly being watched over by those who would assist you immediately if you call on them. You are never alone or unsupported, but you do need to pay attention in order to access what is offered. Frequently you have strong expectations of what your guidance should offer you, and so you often miss what is actually being offered. Relax, allow, receive, and enjoy the guidance that then arises, miraculously!

Lithosphere emitting "alien signal" | Detected around the world

Maryann Rada - Anica, with Pleiadians of Alcyone - Now Becomes Memory, as the Future Arrives - December 18, 2016
Now Becomes Memory, as the Future Arrives: Anica, with Pleiadians of Alcyone

This is the second communication from the Pleiadians of Alcyone through this contact via the League of Light, and it comes at a time when the collective breath of humanity is caught in a buildup of tension. You are all ready to exhale into a sigh of relief and see the reality of peaceful, free, and sovereign living come into being. The people of the worlds whose sun is near the central star of Pleaides, Alcyone, reveal more of their history, and some insights into the reality you can bring about on Earth. — Anica of the League of Light

Fran Zepeda - Illumination and Inspiration from Mother Mary on Divine Grace - December 18, 2016

Mother Mary:

Divine Grace is infinitely bestowed on all who hold this beautiful divine quality within their hearts and minds in purification and with Love for all within you and without you. My dear beloveds, I embrace you all with my Love and Grace and walk with you further into the beautiful 5th dimensional Light.

Behold the exquisite colors and ambiance of this sparkling 5th dimension as you adapt and nestle into it as your pervading truth. I AM your escort and support in this, dear ones. Walk with confidence and know that you are clearing all that no longer resonates with this beautiful new precious reality that you are entering into with each breath of Love and Grace you allow to sustain you.

Ron Head - The Council - The end of your current trip around your star - December 18, 2016

We have come to the end of your current trip around your star, what you call 2016. Actually, you do not make trips around your star. You chase it in a spiraling pattern. But your current mental picture is functional, and so there is no real reason to change it at this time.

Asara - Adama: The December Energy Portals - December 18, 2016
 are most joyous to connect with you here, today, and we send you our utmost Love from the heart of Telos.

The vibrational frequencies on your planet are increasing, as you are approaching the Winter Solstice and your Holidays.

Dear Ones, this is the time to focus your attention to what you wish to create in your life.

The love energies within your being are intensifying in December and with it, your connection to the higher realms will become stronger.

When you create from Love, you are able to receive much support and assistance from your Higher Self, The Angels, Ascended Masters, The Galactic Families of Light and your Telosian Families.

Lisa Transcendence Brown - BEcoming Pure SOURCE Light ~ Huge Transformation & Re-evolution Process ~ Dec. 18, 2016

As you become PURE SOURCE LIGHT, your entire body goes through a huge transformation and upgrade/re-evolution process that continues forever…

This is your evolving back, back into all that you forgot yourself to be. This is a process, many of them, continually, and increasing vibrationally substantially.

Your carbon-based human body was not built/constructed originally for this, therefore it will go through many phases to accomplish this. Returning to purity, to BEing a Light BEing, a Creator, an Alchemist, a Christed BEing, with Crystals throughout your body and an intelligent living bio-organism is an intricate process that was separated/broken down over your separation of time. As you hold more light, this process will increase, as you cease to exist within this separation inside. Your abilities enormous, your love, your gifts and powers are too.

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - 12/18/16
DECEMBER 18, 2016

Dear ones, again this year we wish to bring to you the deeper meanings of Christmas, the ones in which you do not simply celebrate people and events of 2000 years ago but personally experience.

The story of the birth of Jesus/Jeshua who became the Christ is every man's story. Jesus was already an ascended master when born into one of his many earthly incarnations 2000 years ago. His intent was to bring truth and Light to a world enmeshed in density and illusion.

Very few at that time were able to grasp the depth of his teachings. The masses were not yet spiritually evolved enough to fully comprehend the truths he taught and so instead, pinned truth to him personally, making him a "god" . The un-evolved third dimensional mindset of separation interpreted the words "I AM" as referring only to the messenger.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - Allow the grace of the Angels to work in everyday functions - December 18, 2016

Dear One,

The Angels are always available. Their presence is blessing all that you do and say. Their intention is toward Peace, Harmony and Divine Order. When you call upon the grace of the Angels, all situations are blessed with their intentional energy. This is a very powerful tool to use in daily life.

Do you want order in your workplace so that all your work is done quickly and easily, so that all you need is available, and all your words and actions are guided? If so, call the Angels into your workplace. Ask for their blessings and know divine order will be the result. Allow the Angels to intervene on your behalf even with the smallest details that you feel you should take care of by yourself. You will find your work flowing more easily and smoothly. Even more, Creative Solutions will abound.

Ute Posegga-Rudel - HAPPY CELEBRATIONS & A BLESSED 2017! - 18 Dec 2016

VIDEO (recommended)

Dearest Friends,

You might experience this as well:

There are periods of intense speechlessness. That's where I am at this time.

The plates clear everyday more deeply and there is nothing to say, nothing to do, but just to BE. But it is a paradox.

Having that said: I wonder whether anything is true other than the very present moment. Is this the sign of a dying year 2016 that holds the breath to be rebirthed into a new beginning?

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Sunday December 18, 2016

Any situation in your life can be turned into a meditation or a holy experience, simply by choosing to align with Source and connect with your guides, angels, masters and helpers, and every single time you choose to do this you become a beautiful bridge between heaven and earth.

sábado, diciembre 17, 2016

Lisa Transcendence Brown - 12/12 Gateway: Extreme of Extremes as the Influx of Divine Masculine Continues to "Stir It Up Huge" and Activate Higher Mind Consciousness, Inner Integrity, Inner Power, Inner Strength, Inner Responsibility, Inner Accountability, Inner Duality & More...- 12/17/2016

This evolution process is a huge one and the more WE Embody all of our Higher/Soul aspects, the easier the physical becomes. We do not participate, allow or call forth unconscious anything anymore. The moment this presents, WE know how to deal appropriately (and how much "force" to exert energetically to each energy/aspect that presents). This is where Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine are necessary, and balance within is required. Any imbalance will activate distortions/old programs to play out for purification/cleansing of the emotional/physical/mental bodies and simultaneously the phyical reality too....

Many have worked for years to hold Divine Feminine energies, re-birthed their inner child to play in the bliss & magic (to move into "growing up phase" and "get out there phase"). The "younger aspects" living in bliss and magic say "I don't want to know how it all works, I just want to live in bliss, magic and happy". Well, that's awesome, yet we only get to live in bliss for awhile, then you bring that bliss along and it's time to STEP UP and into Creator/Power/Source roles, totally accountable, totally responsible for everything transmitted out, every program that runs in within a reality.... no more unconscious, turn a blind eye, pretend anymore, taking the "easy way" for humans...

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Saturday December 17, 2016
Dear Ones, love is always the highest choice that is available to you. The more you stay in your alignment with Source, the easier it is to remember that love is your lineage and what is natural to you. The more you come to accept that love is who you are, the more it becomes your go-to response, and reactions that are not of love become less and less.


Kara Schallock - Winter Soulstice 2016 - 17-Dec-2016

As we head into the Soulstice, realize it is big and will affect everyone. We are ending much duality and separation and preparing to fully embrace Unity and our sovereignty. Every year we have taken a step forward and are more than ready to fully step into our mastery. It is a sacred and powerful time. Step by step we have seen what does not serve us and have released it; thereby integrating more Light and Love into our being. We will continue to refine, continue to release and continue to evolve. We have an opportunity to ground our New Selves, leaving behind much disorientation, confusion and physical rearranging. So continue to keep your thoughts and feelings high and focused on being Love. We will also see a resurgence of creating anew our visions and purpose.

viernes, diciembre 16, 2016

Natalie Glasson - The Andromedans - Fulfilling Your Needs with the Intentions of Your Soul - 16th December 2016

Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

We, the Andromedans, come forth as a reflection of the truth that exists within your being. We honour your existence upon the Earth, wishing to add our energy and support to all that you create. Allow yourself to accept our light as it flows forth to you with love and blessings.

Caroline Oceana Ryan - The Collective A Message to Lightworkers – December 16, 2016

The latest guidance from the Galactics, Earth Elementals, Ascended Masters, Faery Elders, and Angelic Beings known as the Collective:

Greetings, Light Bringers!

We are glad to have this opportunity to speak with you today.

We see many things occurring in your world that indicate not the closing of doors, but the opening of them—doors long shut and hidden from view.

You may feel that once again, the Truth of the matter has not had its day, whether it is one catastrophe or historic event or another, or something you yourself are experiencing.

Yet we are able to assure you that the Spirit of Truth has arrived upon the planet, and that the current astrological alignments, Galactic presence, and rising consciousness of Gaia and Her people, are all lining up unprecedented change and renewal, worldwide.

58º ALCYON PLÉYADES - VIDEO NOTICIAS 2016: Guerra Siria, Muerte Fidel Castro, Conspiración, OVNI

Aisha North - Water Speaks - December 16, 2016


Mike Quinsey – Channeling his Higher Self – 16th December 2016

When you can see and understand the current situation on Earth, the way forward is apparent and indicated by the collapse of the Illuminati’s control over the events taking place. Matters are changing even as they try to maintain some kind of control to no avail. There is a greater plan in place that regardless of the actions of those who instead try to impose their will cannot prevent a successful conclusion leading to Ascension. So do not be dismayed regardless of how you see events working out as all is well. The last gasps of those who face defeat can be heard, and many now flee to avoid having to answer for their actions against Humanity. They cannot avoid having to face the result of their actions, as there is no hiding place that will enable them to escape and justice will have its day. Do not be concerned with their future as they will reap what they have sown, and like all souls will nevertheless be assisted as soon as they turn to the Light.

jueves, diciembre 15, 2016

Suzanne Lie - Being an Agent for Change--through Sue Lie - 12-14-16

Being An Agent for Change

By “We The People”
Through Suzanne Lie

In numerology, 2016 is a “9” year. The number 9 represents endings, conclusions, and the completion of a cycle. 2017 is a “1” year. The number 1 represents a new start, a re-birth, and new beginnings.

I spent this morning reading several articles from my favorite writers on the web. The consensus was that we are, indeed, moving beyond a long 71-year cycle that began around the time of World War II. In numerology, the number 71 is reduced to the number 8. Number 8 represents a continual cycle.

Without being an expert on numerology, what I deduced is that 2016 represents a cycle that is coming to its conclusion, to be followed by 2017, which represents a year of new beginnings. Of course, I am very happy about this deduction, but I am also skeptical about easy answers to very complicated questions.

Jamye Price - Weekly LightBlast: Allowing Love - 15 December, 2016

Love is Like Oxygen by Jamye Price
Blessed Being, you are creative by nature, and therefore it is natural to you to actively create. You desire, you pursue, you continue. Allowing seems opposite to this.
Many understand Allowing on an intellectual level, but to live it requires a patience and trust that is not often taught. In fact, most are taught that patience and trust are only a powerless response to ineffective action or control. This is a fear response displaced onto outer circumstances and often the future.
What you are learning is to harness the natural flow of Life in its fullest experience.

Dreamweaver's Web (Blue Star Solstice series PART 6)

Blossom Goodchild - Dec 15th.2016. my friends. T’is Christmas time here on Planet Earth as you know, and I feel this might be our last channelling of the year due to commitments and time allocation! So, may I take this opportunity to thank you for all you have brought through throughout this year and for assisting so many of us in raising our Vibration.

Dear Souls who reside, as chosen, on Planet Earth at this invaluable season. It is of the greatest pleasure to bring to you words … which then can be FELT IN FULLNESS BY SELF … that enhance and uplift.

The word ‘speculate’ keeps popping in my head. Yet, isn’t fitting in a sentence.

Sheldan Nidle - Actualización de la Federación Galáctica y Jerarquía Espiritual - 13-12-16

10 Caban, 0 Mol, 13 Caban

¡Dratzo! Los acontecimientos siguen avanzando. El desembolso más importante de la RV ya está preparado. Esto significa que los repartos de los fondos de prosperidad están muy cerca de suceder. Esperamos que este proceso conduzca al final al anuncio formal de NESARA y de la nueva República Americana. Esta serie de operaciones va a seguir un conjunto de secuencias y cierto número de decisiones legales conjuntas que van a asegurar que se lleven a cabo rápida y eficazmente. Así que prevemos que numerosas acciones van a seguirse unas a otras para que esta realidad pueda manifestarse apropiadamente. ¡Estas secuencias van a ser seguidas rápidamente por la plena revelación de nuestra benévola existencia! En ese momento, como hemos apuntado anteriormente, vamos a difundir un breve resumen de las posibles acciones que nos van a llevar al momento potencial de los aterrizajes en masa. Cada uno de estos acontecimientos está ligado a los demás. Una larga serie de encuentros implicando a las diferentes facciones han contribuido a un calendario muy complejo. ¡Este proceso ha llevado a unirse a varios equipos que nos ayudan a avanzar! De ahí que os pidamos paciencia, porque estos calendarios conjuntos están sucediendo.

John Smallman - Jesus - You are love and nothing else – 12-15-16 
The Oneness that is God, Source, the Supreme Intelligence, the Great Wisdom, is, as you have so often been told, L O V E ! There is only Love. Open your hearts to It. The only reason you do not feel and experience It is because you are closed down in fear. You get impressions of It, momentary sensations that feel very good, but you still keep shutting down as the distractions of the illusion grab your fearful attention. Please, OPEN YOUR HEARTS! Your trust in the divine plan is essential! Basically, deep within yourselves you do trust, but you keep delaying your awareness of it. Humanity’s awakening is inevitable, unavoidable, divinely assured, and is taking place right now!

What you Light workers, bearers, and holders need to do is NOTHING! Just ALLOW the Love burning powerfully within you all to FLOW through you, without restriction, and out to interact, as It most certainly will, with all with whom you meet and interact!

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Thursday December 15, 2016

Dear Ones, so many of you are afraid of change. Yet your heartfelt manifestations can only come to you through change. So you are wanting change, yet blocking it at the same time by seeking to remain the same. No wonder so many of you are feeling discomfort!

You have developed a belief that change is bad or unwanted. But you must understand that healing is a change, a new job is a change, moving into your highest service is a change, birth is a change, experiencing deeper love is a change. If you don't have enough money, abundance is a change. Growth is a change. World peace is a change. Unity consciousness and acceptance is a change. The entire ascension process is change - the profound shift from victim consciousness to authentic power, from stagnation to creation. Evolution, by its very nature is change. Do you see?

Perhaps, just perhaps, it isn't change you should be afraid of at all. If you really wish to be afraid of something, we would suggest it be fear of staying the same, because it isn't change that is the hard part. The really painful struggle is the discomfort of resistance, and trying to stay in energies that no longer support you.

So thrive, Dear Ones! Surrender. Flow. Shine. Understand movement is your friend, because it is through change that we can best serve and support you, leading you always to your next perfect match and experience. ~Archangel Gabriel


miércoles, diciembre 14, 2016

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Cuando aletea la mariposa - Newport, California, 4 de diciembre 2016

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
en Newport, California, 4 de diciembre 2016

"Cuando aletea la mariposa"

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Algunos están convencidos de que el hombre en la silla simplemente canaliza a su Yo Superior. Es mucho más. Y a través de todos estos años, desde este escenario no se intentó probar que sí o que no. Y la razón es que ustedes tienen libre albedrío. Ustedes tienen libre albedrío. ¡USTEDES-TIENEN-LIBRE-ALBEDRÍO! Eso es lo que tiene este planeta, desde lo más grande a lo más pequeño, y el Espíritu no puede tocarlo. Lo que el Espíritu hace con ustedes y para ustedes, es responder a lo que ustedes le permiten hacer.

Quiero que se detengan un momento. ¿Podrían permitirse sentir al entorno que se vuelca a este lugar, por un momento? Querido humano, ¿es un esfuerzo para tu fe, pensar que hay algunos más allá de los que piensas? La misma Física de la que se habla, tal vez tiene algo que es incluso una consciencia afín. Tal vez tú no sabes todo. La caja en que reside la mayoría de los seres humanos es una protección; crees en lo que te han dicho, y también miras lo que ha ocurrido en el pasado, y ambas cosas se vuelven tu realidad para el presente y para el futuro.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Introducción a "Cuando aletea la mariposa" - Newport, California, 4 de diciembre 2016

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
en Newport, California, 4 de diciembre 2016

Introducción a : "Cuando aletea la mariposa"

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Esta reunión se llama Sala de Base (*). Hace muchos años, cuando mi socio se sentó frente a un grupo, como ahora, algunos de ustedes estaban allí; era la primera vez que él hablaba ante un grupo de este tamaño, y no fue muy lejos de aquí. Desde entonces mucho ha cambiado excepto una cosa: queridos, lo que está en ustedes, lo que cada profeta ha asegurado que está en ustedes, es tan puro como ha sido siempre. No importa qué edad tengan, no importa cómo está su salud, ahora mismo, ¿podrían suspender eso?

Quiero que pienses algo: alma antigua, estás aquí en una época auspiciosa para el planeta por una razón. No importa tu edad. Ya te dijimos que esta es la energía que has estado esperando, los antiguos la han predicho, y aquí está. Las predicciones no estuvieron solo en otros continentes y otros países, sino en este continente. Pregunten a la maestra Michelle qué significa la Roca Hopi. Y la opción está muy claramente en esa roca, entre los caminos que se podían tomar. Este planeta ha decidido cambiar de manera tan grande que literalmente todas las profecías que se han escrito sobre el futuro caerán de bruces. Bueno, esas profecías fueron escritas para otro planeta y otros tiempos; no los de ustedes, porque ustedes las cambiaron. No es por error que están aquí.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Wednesday December 14, 2016

Dear Ones, you are about to step forward into a year of creation after a year of completion. Are you ready to wrap up your completion? Are you truly ready to let the old cycle go and embrace the new?

Stepping out of completion into creation is much like wrapping up your higher education in school. You work hard towards the future goal of achieving a certain level of attainment. But eventually you will have moved through and absorbed all that particular learning phase has to offer. It will be time to leave the familiarity of school and step forth into the world in your new expression of self. At some point you must let the old phase go and transition into the new phase of creation. At some point you must move beyond the learning and step into the being.

Lena Stevens y Patricia Lilies - ACTUALIZACIÓN DE LUNA LLENA 13-12-16 - 12 de Diciembre de 2016

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Queridos amigos,

La Luna Llena es el martes, 13 de diciembre a las 5:05 PM Horario Estándar de las Montañas

Los temas para esta luna llena son la verdad, comunidad, inspiración, creación de una nueva visión y por supuesto la compasión y bondad. La paradoja es ser capaces de sostener una visión muy clara de lo que quieren crear en el futuro a la vez que mantienen una verdadera “mente de yo no sé” y de desapego tanto al proceso como al resultado.

Dediquen algún tiempo hoy a sentirse inspirados por su propia vida. Olviden lo que otros hacen por un momento y enfóquense en lo que ustedes están haciendo y en lo que quieren hacer. ¿Son leales a sí mismos, a su brújula moral y espiritual y a sus verdaderos deseos? Si no es así, ¿por qué no?

Reconozcan todas las experiencias como útles aunque sean incómodas. Ante aquellas cosas que les ocurren en sus vidas que son algo menos que “geniales” adopten la siguiente actitud: “’¿Me gusta? No, ¿se siente bien? No. ¿Es necesario? Probablemente”.

Y por sobre todo sientan gratitud por todo ello. Después de todo es un gran viaje.

Bendiciones, Lena

Suzanne Lie - Conversation With the Arcturians Part ONE - 12-12-16

Part ONE

Shawnna & The Arcturians Through Sue Lie

SL:      Hello and blessings to everyone.  We are here today to have a conversation with the Arcturians.  So, I Sue Lie, will be Sue sometimes and sometimes I will be channeling the Arcturians.  I’ll try to keep that clear so that you, the listener, will know when it’s me and when it’s the Arcturians.  So, Shawnna, why don’t you start with a question?

SD:     Yes, well thank you for taking the time to provide insight during these exciting times that we find ourselves.  We always value your information and guidance.  We were curious if there was any information you wish to share with us at this time with so many energetic fluctuations and potential realities.  We’re open to hearing what might be helpful to us.

Ailia Mira - Archangel Michael & the Council of Radiant Light - December 14, 2016

Divine Ones, we greet you in celebration!

We greet you in love but we also greet you today in celebration. The December Solstice is approaching and this time of celebration is so appropriate given your expansion and the emerging potentials for humanity!

We greet you in celebration!W are celebrating your recent shifts, your recent decisions, your choices and your focus on aligning with your own higher consciousness.

We have seen a lot of devotion around this and about this we have that to say, Bravo! Brava! We celebrate you! So much brilliant joy is surging through so many of you more often as you make these simple direct choices to be who you want to be and love yourself as you are now and feel empowered in the present, and claim your ability to choose what this moment is for you, as energy.

martes, diciembre 13, 2016

Sheldan Nidle Update ~be prepared~be patient...much is unfolding - December 13, 2016

10 Caban, 0 Mol, 13 Caban

Dratzo! Events are moving forward. The top of the RV payout is now in place. This means that the deliveries of the prosperity funds are very close to actually occurring. We expect this process ultimately to lead to the formal announcement of NESARA and the new American Republic. This series of operations is to follow in a set sequence, and a number of joint legal decisions are to ensure that it is quickly and efficiently carried out. Thus, we anticipate that numerous actions are to follow one another so this new reality can be properly manifested. These sequences are to be followed swiftly with full disclosure of our benevolent existence! At that time, as noted previously, we are to broadcast a brief outline of possible actions that are to lead to a potential time for mass landings. Each of these events is linked to the other. A long series of meetings involving the different factions has contributed to a very complex timetable. This process has brought together various teams, assisting us in moving forward! Hence, we ask for patience as these joint timetables are taking place.

L’AURA PLEIADIAN: “3D Does Not Change, it is a Dimension ~ 5th Dimensional Consciousness” - December 13, 2016

~L’Aura Pleiadian
So many are STILL attempting to view the frequency SHIFTS through the FILTER and changes viewed externally  in 3D consciousness.
3D is a DIMENSION of consciousness and will continue to exist, for those at the level in this Earth SCHOOL, that still need (as part of theirs Souls journey) to go through initiations and experiences, that ONLY exist in 3D.
We do NOT change 3D. Again, it is a DIMENSION of consciousness that is NOT a mistake. IT is a school of consciousness. 3D level of consciousness.
When you GRADUATE and are INITIATED and Activated within YOU, you shift in awareness to a higher DIMENSION.
This may be 4th or 5th. words on Earth are JUST a translation. Do not get caught up in their 3D meaning.
Again, WHEN you shift and experience initiations (and graduated, so to speak) You THEN See a different world.

Kryon "Numerology" Part II, 2016

Kryon "Numerology" Part I, 2016

Celestial Memory and DNA Light Codes

Lauren C. Gorgo - End of The END: liberation of the human slave race - December 13, 2016,h_413/b83194_b813941257374544806068f047211e35.png And so here we are. The final month of the last year spanning an uber intensive 9-year journey of remarkable (miraculous even) inner expansion and transformation.

We are at the (official) end of the end, completing the completions of quite a legendary cycle of human experience and as a result, every single one of us is being celebrated by the many enlightened beings who we have been working with us since the beginning to achieve such extraordinary aims.

The culmination of this 9 year cycle has offered each of us the ability to defragment, to unify every lost aspect of Self thru the full acceptance and integration of our shadows…those parts of us that, until now, were not fully illuminated. For those of you who have restored your vision to see every part of yourself as LOVE, you will be moving into the new creation cycle with the ability to now experience yourself as LOVE.

Huge fireball explodes over Norway on December 6, 2016 turning night into day