As we head into the Soulstice, realize it is big and will affect everyone. We are ending much duality and separation and preparing to fully embrace Unity and our sovereignty. Every year we have taken a step forward and are more than ready to fully step into our mastery. It is a sacred and powerful time. Step by step we have seen what does not serve us and have released it; thereby integrating more Light and Love into our being. We will continue to refine, continue to release and continue to evolve. We have an opportunity to ground our New Selves, leaving behind much disorientation, confusion and physical rearranging. So continue to keep your thoughts and feelings high and focused on being Love. We will also see a resurgence of creating anew our visions and purpose.
2016 has done a lot for us; even when it felt as if we were in such darkness and chaos. We now have an opportunity to bring to completion all that we have been working on. Still, it is important not to have wishes, expectations or attachments as to how it should look. Instead, stay in the Moment while you continue to take just one step at a time. In this way, you are guided. Do not project your desires onto the future, but allow it to unfold by itself. Besides, anything you project is based on past experiences or from your intellect and is always limited. Divine Order knows what it's doing. This may feel so different from the past, where we controlled, made things happen and did not trust ourselves to be carried forward (as in advertising or marketing). As each of us commits and trusts Divine Order, we allow the miracles to occur. This is true Faith. This is Surrender to what is, which always heightens our consciousness and creates our life. Observe and take a step toward that which is joyful and easy. Continue to release the past, so the New can take its place in your life. Release your comfort zone and allow yourself to be uncomfortable. Discomfort is because we are trying to hold onto the past or project our past into our future instead of trusting the process. If you feel unmotivated, discouraged or tired, realize that this is preparing you for what's ahead. What's ahead is what you create.
Many of us cannot relate to who we used to be. This is an indication that we have stepped more securely into the New Now and have let go of much of the old. We may still have more to release and transform, so continue to be patient and observe. Observing helps us detach from the old and trust in the New as it unfolds uniquely for each of us. Release all judgment (and there is plenty to judge) and fill the empty space with Love. Know that within everyone and in every circumstance, there is Love.
So much is occurring in this month alone. There are continual downloads of Light pouring into us, activating dormant codes of Light, bringing forth new DNA and activating our New blueprints, which helps us to eventually see and experience new ways of being and new pathways for expressing our Soul. If we are willing, we can more fully release the old stories that have anchored us to the old. We can release old traumas and we can choose to only embrace possibilities, depending on if you desire that or not. What essence do you choose to feel? How we feel is what dictates how our new experiences are created. If you stay focused on how you choose to feel, you cannot create anything that is not aligned with that feeling/essence. You can review your beliefs; yet do not create new beliefs, for they will only create another stopping point. Instead, realize that all shifts. Perceptions shift as consciousness shifts. So it is best to choose how you want to feel. If you want to feel free, focus on Freedom. If you want to feel joyous, focus on Joy. If you want to experience more love, focus on Love. This is Soul/Source living as us. This is the purpose of be fully immersed in Soul and Soul in us; as us. To receive these downloads, you need not do anything; simply intend to receive.
In this entire year much has unfolded very quickly. Much is coming to light, for Truth cannot be hidden in the New. Those fully anchored in the New see through others and circumstances. They do this dispassionately, often simply nodding their head. Much remains below the surface and yet, if you go beneath anyone or any circumstance you can see the Truth or un-truth of it. This helps to free you. One cannot be held in slavery if one sees the Truth.
There is a strong desire to change things in one's life. Ignore nothing. As one stays in the Moment, they can clearly see what illusions there are and what choices they are guided to make. Some will see the truth of something and yet choose not to take any action, and this is, of course, just fine. They still see the Truth and remain strong in their own Truth, while honoring others who still play in the old game. An example of this could be how folks celebrate Christmas or other religious holidays. One may know the Truth and still stay in the game. The important thing is to see the Truth beneath the illusion. And some are choosing not to partake in these old traditions at all. It is all one's choice. Just stay awake no matter what you choose. Whatever you choose, each has their own path as guided by Soul.
As we become more Love, we become more inclusive and compassionate. We see the duality of governments, religions, races and all those institutions that separate, rather than join as one voice and one Heart. We see the divisiveness of politics and choose not to take part in anything that perpetuates division and duality. In Oneness, there are no enemies; there is no-one to fear, for the Truth is Love and Love has no division. This is true also for the animals, plants and insects. Each one has a gift; nothing is better or less than the other. As we integrate Love into our every choice, we honor all of life. We honor the ant, the spider, the bee, the bird, the tree, the flower and the weed. We honor the rock, the dirt and the mountain. We honor the sea, the stream and the waters that run beneath the Earth. We are all One. We each are unique, yet connected through Love. As Souls, we honor all diversity and uniqueness. As Love, we give thanks for all of life.
Traditionally, the Winter Soulstice (for those of us living in the northern hemisphere) is the return of Light. I would say it is the further Empowerment of Light. As we open up to being more Light and therefore, more Love, we further anchor the New in our lives. As we end 2016 (in Truth, there is no beginning or end), we continue to evolve seamlessly. We continue to transform the old into the New and the only way to do this is to pay attention in each Moment. Then you can see clearly where you are sleeping and what step you can take to be more. Allow yourself to be simple and flow, rather than get caught up in the flurry of busy-ness that so many seem to be absorbed by. Remember that the New is about ease and flow. Gone is the old way of being swallowed up by expectations, “supposed-to's” and going to sleep, allowing old ways to drag you along in your slumber. When awake, you choose. You choose by detaching from what others say you must do and be and from all the hype. By staying awake, you not only see things as they truly are, but you choose your pathway through the illusion.
The Soulstice is an Opportunity to further empower your Divine Masculine, whether you are male or female. The Divine Masculine is the creator and supporter of your dreams. It supports your Divine Feminine. When you meditate, place your right hand under your left hand with palms up. This is the physical expression of the support the Divine Masculine offers the Divine Feminine. As we awaken more to the Wonder of who we are and all the wondrous gifts of life, we recognize that there is much more than the sensate, physical world. We are the Divine Light and the prime creators of our lives. The Divine Masculine supports the manifestation of our dreams. The song, “The Impossible dream the impossible dream, to go where the brave dare to follow that star, no matter how hopeless, no matter how far” is our quest. We are on our noble quest. Our Light ignites us toward our dreams and we embrace the higher meaning of why we are here on Earth. We shine for others and as we raise our own consciousness, we raise the consciousness of all beings and that of Earth.
We are anchoring the New; therefore, we must live who and what we say we are. This takes as long as we choose. The Light of the Soulstice supports us in our quest.
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If so guided, your continued tithes are graciously and gratefully accepted. And thank you to those of you who consistently tithe to support this body of work. Tithing is giving from the Heart; creating a consciousness of Prosperity. I am blessed and grateful for each of you!