martes, febrero 07, 2017

Sandra Walter - February Gateway: Utilizing the Eclipses, DNA, Timeline Alignment -

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

We are utilizing the portals of the February eclipses (Lunar Eclipse on February 10 at 4:43pm PT and the Solar Eclipse of February 26 at 6:58 am PT) to support the February 22-25 light influx. The next two weeks provide energies which further refine the dismantling of old systems which are not in alignment with the higher trajectory created by the accelerated timelines. As always, these passages are utilized for global as well personal dismantling of that which does not serve the highest interests.

lunes, febrero 06, 2017

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Monday February 6, 2017

Dear Ones, you are on the planet during a time when there are many different people on different stages of their evolutionary process. You are also experiencing unprecedented energies.

Because of this, it is becoming more and more imperative that you listen to your own inner mastery, your own divine spark, your own innate wisdom, when it comes to navigating your path. People, by the most part, while well-meaning and trying to help, can only give advice based on what would be best for them and their own life expression. And, of course, each and every path is unique and different, with it’s own to-do list and soul agendas.

Suzanne Lie - Pleiadian, Sirian, Arcturian Council of Light Q&A through Sue Lie - 2-6-17

The Pleiadian, Sirian, and Arcturian Council of Light

Questions and Answers about Inter-Galactic Communication

Through Suzanne Lie

I first heard from this Council of Light in the early 1990’s, and have been working with them to varying degrees since then. I have written about this Galactic Group in most, if not all, of my books.

However, that which was once a “far away dream,” is getting closer with each passing day. Therefore, I am going to ask each of them, “The Pleiadian, Sirian, and Arcturian Council of Light” some questions regarding our reality within this NOW.

If you, the readers, want to ask the Council, or just the Pleiadians, Sirians, or Arcturians a question, just let me know in the Blog Comments Sections. Make sure you note to whom you are sending your question.

Kryon - The Areas lost Underwater

Anrita Melchizedek - The Temple of Contemplation ~ Teachings of the Eye of Horus

The Temple of Contemplation ~ Teachings of the Eye of Horus
Elders February Transmission by Anrita Melchizedek

You Tube video
Mp3 download

Welcome sweet ones, it gives us great pleasure to be with you in this magical month of February as you deepen into the knowing of your magnificence and Light; immeasurable and incomparable to another and what you bring and add to the collective, and the I Am Avatar Consciousness of Light.

As you anchor and hold the incoming high frequency templatings, numerologies and sacred geometries within your physical bodies sweet ones, you are experiencing many multidimensional realities converging in this Now, additionally activated through the Trinity Lords' Shield and the atomic seeds of God Consciousness, the bio-energetic matrix circuitry of the Crystalline Life-Code Seed Atoms and your Beloved I Am Presence. As an amplified frequency of the three-fold Flame of Power, Love and Wisdom, the Crystalline Life-Code Seed Atoms are the highest expression of your Divinity, bringing in the Crystalline Consciousness of all dimensions of Light and assisting in the creation of your Adam Kadmon Body of Light, your I Am Avatar Body of Light and the original Divine Blue-Print of your God Selves.

Kryon - What has changed in 4 Years? Salt Lake City 2017

Brenda Hoffman - Are You Shoulding 5D You? - February 6, 2017

Dear Ones,

The 3D world of anger, hate, and rage draw you in day after day because you are not noticing positive changes in your world. Instead, you are sensing more negative actions – in your terms – than ever in this lifetime.

All seems hopeless – creating a helpless feeling within you because of the fear and anger now seemingly rampant.

You have read and studied what is happening – that the rage and anger are clearing the last vestiges of outer-directed power. Even though you want to believe that such is true, your vision, your current world does not indicate that.

domingo, febrero 05, 2017

John Smallman - Jesus - Your welcome will commence with the most glorious of celebrations - February 5, 2017

When a human awakens into awareness of their true nature it is always an unforgettable moment. They will always remember precisely what they were doing at that moment and how sudden this awakening was. One moment everything was rolling along in their lives “normally,” the next moment they knew that they were One with Source, and all doubts and uncertainties immediately dissolved. It was a moment of intense joy.

Kryon - Divine appropriateness of humanity (San Jose 2017)

Brenda Hoffman - Cómo revisar tus acciones de la 5D - 30 de Enero 2017


Traducción: Gisela Díaz M.
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo


¿Cómo puedes observar y no participar en las turbulencias actuales de la tierra? Tus preguntas serán algo así como "¿Cómo puedo dejar de involucrarme? Siendo como soy alguien que va a la cabeza del camino, ¿no se me exige estar involucrado? "

Así es que es hora de que vayas más allá de tu necesidad de 3D de ser cuidador, de hacer del mundo un lugar mejor, o de crear un mundo de paz - sabiendo en lo profundo de ti que no puedes hacerlo solo, ni este es el momento para hacerlo.

Kryon - The good change is Coming (San Jose 2017)

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - Take time to bless that which you have and ask for what you want - February 5, 2017


Dear One,

You may be finding yourself in a time of questioning and dissatisfaction with your life. However, this is also a time of great opportunity. Every moment of your conscious awareness creates the qualities of your future moments. You can ask for those qualities you feel are missing from your life now, and they will come to you from your sincere prayer.

It is not about asking for material things. Instead, ask for those qualities of consciousness you believe you would have if you had the things you want. For example, if you want a new job, what qualities would this job give you? Abundant income? Harmonious atmosphere with co-workers? Fulfillment and joy doing that which you love? Perhaps ease in transportation?

Kara Schallock - We Are Beautiful Beings of Love - 05-Feb-2017

We are being bathed by beautiful energies of Love. This Love energy brings with it an upgrade to our Unity consciousness. As you know, Unity consciousness is Oneness. Oneness is the knowing (Heart-knowing) that all of us...human, animal, plant, insect and beyond Earth, etc...are connected by Love. If a person is not in their Integrity (the Truth of their Heart), they may speak, act and think divisively. Still, we are connected as One.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Sunday February 5, 2017
So many of you wonder if you are good enough, or smart enough, or doing enough. Dear Ones, your beingness is more than enough! There is no one else on your planet that holds the exact same energetics, talents, interests, or character traits. You came into the body with all of those things because that is how you add to the mosaic of the whole.

Never worry if you are enough, because as an individuated aspect of Source energy there is no way that you could ever not be enough. In fact, that is why we urge you to shine brightly and beautifully just as you are – because your beingness is your greatest contribution and exactly what the world has been waiting for. ~Archangel Gabriel

Aisha North - Water Speaks - February 5, 2017

Posted on February 5, 2017 by Aisha North • Bente Amundsen

sábado, febrero 04, 2017

Jennifer Hoffman - Informe de energía - Tu destino es la Divinidad - 1 de Febrero 2017
Traducción: Rosa García
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Tu destino es la Divinidad

A diferencia de Enero, el mes de Febrero comienza sin planetas retrógrados. Un hecho poco usual que nos viene muy bien tras un mes muy largo, a medida que avanzamos hacia un nuevo espacio energético. La energía de Febrero se siente nueva, fresca y clara, en parte porque empezamos 2017 teniendo que concluir todavía algunos remanentes de la energía de 2016. Ahora podemos inaugurar oficialmente la energía de este año, libres de las lecciones y cargas del año anterior. Febrero trae muchas oportunidades para el amor, que puede presentarse en formas inesperadas, y estaremos procesando más energía a medida que avancemos por el camino de integración de 3D/5D. Uno de los temas importantes del mes es la liberación del Paradigma de la Atlántida, que experimentaremos con el despertar de las energías divinas masculina y femenina, y con la liberación de la antigua culpa de la Atlántida, que limita nuestra capacidad para aceptar completamente el amor y nos impide amarnos completamente a nosotros mismos. Ahora que se acelera nuestro avance hacia la Congruencia Divina, nuestra intuición es nuestro navegador, nuestra intención es nuestro mapa de ruta, y nuestro destino es aquello que nos aporte mayor plenitud y alegría.

Kryon - The fate of Humanity (Boulder 2017)

John Smallman - Saul - But of course, life on Earth at present is far from normal - 02/04/2017

Humanity is preparing itself for a massively inspiring and uplifting occurrence, a general spiritual awakening that is available to all, offered to all, But imposed on no one! You have free will, which is an essential aspect of your divine nature, the absolute freedom to accept or reject the Love that surrounds you in every moment of your eternal existence.

Love is freely offered and bestowed upon you by God, our divine Source, the Center from which all consciousness, all awareness flows constantly and without interruption. It is the Life Force, the field in which all experience occurs. It is eternal, without beginning or end, and It is Indestructible! There is nothing beyond It, because all is contained within It, safe, secure, at peace, while beautifully and harmoniously interacting with Itself in every moment.

The - Archangel Anambriel - Part Three

Lena Stevens - "EL CAMBIO" - Febrero 2016 - 2 de Febrero 2017

Traducción: Gabriela Halblaub
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

El tema principal para Febrero es "EL CAMBIO".

Este es el mes de aceptar el cambio, permitir el cambio, promocionar el cambio, elegir el cambio, y ser el cambio.

El cambio saca a relucir la necesidad de tener seguridad. También resalta el obstáculo de la Terquedad como reacción. El cambio remueve los puntos usuales de referencia. El cambio da miedo. El cambio alberga lo desconocido. El cambio es excitante, impredecible y dinámico. El cambio es caótico, y puede incluir destrucción y confusión. El cambio es inevitable y es una parte crucial de la evolución. Una oruga podría estar más cómoda quedándose en el comfort de su pequeño y tibio capullo, segura y dormida, pero la mariposa en la que se va a convertir destruye sin piedad la forma de ese capullo, para emerger con una nueva libertad. La incomodidad que todos sentimos es parecida a la de la oruga que puede sentir que no hay marcha atrás. El único camino es cruzar para el otro lado.

Asara - Archangel Michael - February 4, 2017

Archangel Michael:

"Greetings, Beloved Ones.

We send you blessings of Love and Light, in this Now Moment, and we invite you to open your heart for our message for you...

Dear Ones, you are powerful co-creators and the energies within your mass-consciousness are beginning to shift upwards again.

Lauren C. Gorgo - Comenzando De Nuevo: moviéndonos fuera del tiempo - 25 de Enero 2017

Traducción: Marcela Borean
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Bienvenido a todo lo nuevo! Lo bueno, lo malo, lo mágico ... es TODO nuevo y todo es TÚ.

Juntos hemos, apenas, salido de la vibración 9 que definió todos y cada unos de los matices de los últimos 12 meses ... un tono penetrante que pintó nuestras vidas y el mundo con un claro sentido de finalidad a cada paso. No hay duda de que la vida en la Tierra está/ha sido radicalmente alterada y aunque tengamos un poco de resaca del 2016, por debajo de la desorientación de una transición tan importante hay un sentido definido de "llegar a salvo" para aquellos liberándose de la dualidad.

La paradoja es que este sentido interno de seguridad en ciernes llega en un momento en que el mundo y sus contenidos son (aparentemente) los más inseguros. Y eso, para los que están “enalmando” (N. del T. opuesto a encarnando), es exactamente como debería ser ... cómo fue diseñado para ser (por nosotros, para nosotros), y bien al principio del "tiempo".

Nancy Tate - Ohmnipure & Porda - Feb 04, 2017

We are Ohmnipure and Porda, and we are here today to let you in on a little secret, for it is time for it to be a secret no more. It is all about what is going on in the background and how it is affecting the release of all that you are waiting for. It is going to be released to the freedom of being able to live as you want and give your energy to the fun and peacefulness in which you can live as you desire, and that will benefit not only you, but also all of existence. It will build a super foundation of trust and Love that will bring more and more truth to the open. This will give those who are not in the same mindset that you are the ability to see what it is that so many people have been supporting the energy of. They know on an inner level that the truth is that what is going on in the background is what has been taking all of the mistrust and storing it away in a freezer which keeps it in storage. Anyone who wonders what is behind it will seek and find it to represent what they have been being told from those outside of the freezer, and in the reserves of trust that are representing the truth.

Kryon - Seeds of the Ancient knowledge (Boulder 2017)

Judith Kusel - My soul has loved you through it all….. - February 4, 2017

True intimacy means the cleaving open of the heart and soul, into the very depths of Being: – where there are no hiding places any more.

The masks have come off.

The Pretence.

The love me.

Now all has changed.

Everything has been stripped off.

The “’I” stands bare, naked, open.

The heart is cleaved open.

One stands there vulnerable, like a little baby, new-born in the highest truth of the soul, yet in the power of the SOUL.

The SOUL itself, has been ever present, lifetime after lifetime, in all expressions of life and forms of life of the soul in the vastness of its home galaxy, in its journey across the cosmos. It is not power-less, it has infinite power.

viernes, febrero 03, 2017

Kryon - Honoring each other as Equals (Boulder 2017)

Lisa Transcendence Brown - A Message for Humanity: AS An Embodied Galactic, WE Are a Benevolent Race of ONE - 2/3/2017

PictureExquisite Art by Jean Luc @
I started writing as me, then moved into accessing a higher vibration, then back to writing as me again. I was in the middle of embodying this as I wrote it to share with you/all. I pulled away the rest of the day to complete this vast embodiment process. These integrations are beyond powerful and they move us all into a much higher frequency bandwidth existence here. These timelines not accessible before are now open for all. Today was merging/marrying/union of Galactic (Space), Holy (Heaven) and Earthly (Physical) planes. What comes next will be unprecedented and powerful for us all. ♥ (This is a Quantum Activation for all who desire to read and receive). 

Natalie Glasson - Venus Beings - The Second Phase of Venus Energy - 3rd February 2017

We, the Venus Beings, as one, come forth to share our essence and truth with you. We are always honoured to be in your presence and to recognise the truth your essence embodies. We are now bringing forth the second phase of the anchoring and integration of Venus energy with Mother Earth. In 2016, you, humanity and Mother Earth embodied, accepted and recognised a deepening presence of love within yourself and the world around you. Many of you worked with our energy because of your wish to exist within a reality of love and for all to experience the same. Your compassion for humanity and Mother Earth is immense, and why you are upon the Earth at this time to experience the Venus Ascension Shifts, as well as many other ascension activations which are taking place constantly due to the acceleration of vibration of all. Your natural ability to be compassionate to those around you, your wis h to help and be of service at an energetic or physical level means that your heart chakra is constantly opening, you are a conduit of light and love as well as holding the skills to support the ascension of others upon the Earth. You have so many skills and abilities which to you seem unimportant or are so much a natural aspect of your being that you do not even recognise their value. We, the Venus Beings, wish to share with you that all that you are in this moment is more than enough to assist you in being of service and supporting the ascension of the Earth and humanity. Many believe they must have fantastical spiritual skills to be of service to the Creator on the Earth and the inner planes. The truth is that you already do, it is simply that at this moment you are reluctant to recognise how well equipped you are for your journey upon the Earth.

Lisa Transcendence Brown - For Those Who Asked for "My Story", Here's a Small Portion Mixed in with this NOW and a Collective Overview Since 2012..... What's Next? - 2/3/2017


We continue huge integration and particle re-alignment today. I awoke to be called straight outside to sun charge and bring through writings to share. At first it was almost channeled, yet while writing it became me as one with all and observing my own further integration/embodiment while I wrote for all. So very cool. At the end it went into a higher frequency/channeled and then quickly moved inside, integrated and my physical body continues the vast integration process that continues even now. I'll share it in it's original form (1/2 channeled & 1/2 me to become all me by the time I completed it. From I to we to one to we. Oh yeah, I am to now start using my Galactic name more often as a part of my signature too. Ithara. How do you do!

Suzanne Lie - Preparing for First Contact-by Sharman - We Are Always With You - 2-3-17

By Sharman—Through Suzanne Lie

We Are Always With You

Greetings from Sharman,
We are so happy to meet with you again in this manner. I have been so very busy preparing for our first contact meetings that I have not communicated with you in what may appear to be a “long time.” However, we do not experience “time” in that manner that you do on third/fourth dimensional Earth.

Therefore, we, your higher expressions of SELF, wish to remind you that we are always with you. All of Gaia’s reality is in the midst of change. Unfortunately, before one can change, one must “pull up the covers” to see what is wrong. 

Dianne Robbins - The MER People - February 3, 2017

The MER People

We are the Mermaids, From ocean’s depths
We’ve been hiding so long, There’s few of us left

We went underground, So we could not be found
Our Mermen remained, To protect our domain

Our lives were merry, And filled with mirth
And during those times, We did give birth

Our offspring were awesome, And immortal as well
Until the time, Humanity fell From grace,
And destroyed our race

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Friday February 3, 2017 is a joy that comes when your faith and trust are so absolute you can embrace the unfoldment of your journey with the complete knowingness that each step is serving you. From that space your path becomes a gift, just waiting to be unwrapped to reveal its delights to you. ~Archangel Gabriel

Mahala - Planet Alert February 2017 is here already with the feeling of spring in the air; at least it feels that way here in the Pacific Northwest. It has been quite a winter for many people with an abundance of snow here on the West Coast. In fact, I think it set some records. I look forward to the early flowers starting to come up, and the dry sunny weather we usually have here in February. I also look forward to Valentine’s Day. I think we should make this into a major holiday and add unconditional love to this celebration. What could be a better holiday for the Age of Aquarius?

Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message - February 03, 2017
It need hardly be mentioned that matters on Earth are speeding up and already the coming changes are bringing out mixed reactions. Unless you can see beyond the immediate happenings it is very difficult to understand the necessity for much that is taking place. The aim is first and foremost to prepare you for Ascension, and encourage you to maintain a peaceful outlook regardless of what is happening around you. The cleansing will at times cause upheaval, but it is necessary to lead mankind to a higher level that is desirable if real progress is to be made. People are waking up to what has been happening and becoming aware of the Illuminati’s plan. The real power lies with the people and they are beginning to exert their influence, and it will make a marked difference.

jueves, febrero 02, 2017

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Welcome To The Next Space Station Fellow Star Travelers/Star System Jumpers and Galactics! - 2/2/2017

REMEMBER, when you come out on "the other side" of this and re-materialize fully (after particle re-alignment occurs inside), you will not be in the same reality (dimension, timeline, Universe and for me, as a Galactic, it's Galaxy). Which is true for you, will depend on many things (Quantum Cells, experience at Star Gate Travel, the landings once we jump/go through a wormhole/vortex/time tunnel and more).

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Energy Reports: Slamming the Star Gate Activations Today: Gamma, High Frequency Solar Photonic Winds, Asteroid, Meteor, Portals and more! Powerful Day Indeed! - 2/2/2017

Slamming energy reports on Facebook posts all throughout the day. Powerfully huge. All times are in ​(HST/GMT -10):
9am Kauai: I awoke to StarGates activating, high plasma energies and hearing/feeling a portal opening... yet we are in the "beginning" of the Gateway right now. I will try to capture it if I can and update my FB page/this post. Looks/feels to be huge. Open your hearts loves! Oh yeah, the asteroids I've been seeing all week are arriving too. I couldn't understand why I kept seeing asteroids every day. The first one, I "was there" with them. Last night we went into beyond mega high frequencies and the Energy was big time "Excitement at surprises coming" (and when I awoke too). Open up alllllllllll the wayyyyyyyy. Breathe it through you to receive! Always, expect awesome and the unexpected. You release all human limits every time you do! Have a super magical day! I love you! 

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Everything You Are Experiencing is FOR You... 2/2/2017

Whatever stories you convince yourself of will be true for you. Many are unaware that old timelines have ended. They are still carrying them on with their own mentalities and lack of power/self love from within. (A disconnect from Self As Pure/Source Light from within).

Suzanne Lie - Message from New Earth-A Greeter from New Earth - 2-1-17

Message from New Earth

A “Greeter” from New Earth

Hello, I am a greeter on New Earth. We have an agreement here that whenever a new being appears, we stop what we are doing to offer assistance. I say “being” rather than “person” because non-human life forms are also entering this higher frequency version of Earth.

In fact, many of the animals and plants that have become “extinct” on Matrix Earth are alive and well on New Earth. Since all life here is conscious and able to communicate with other life forms, we are able to assist plants, animals and elementals, as well as humans.

John Smallman - Jesus - You have always been good enough - February 1, 2017

All across the world great changes are in progress, changes that many are finding very unsettling indeed. But they are essential changes that will greatly assist in humanity’s inevitable and rapidly approaching moment of awakening. Yes, a moment of awakening, because to awaken takes but a moment once you have chosen to awaken. Many are nervous, anxious, and holding back, and one of the purposes of these enormous changes is to help you to release those doubts and anxieties so that you can wholeheartedly embrace your individual moments of awakening.

Christine Meleriessee - Decree ~Integration of the Feminine Divine ~ Etheric City of Aslaanetair

Walking Terra Christa continued the journey within the Golden Etheric City of Aslaanetair (residing over Sweden) in the 5th Dimension.

We worked with Lady Valencia of Andromeda accessing the energies of the Feminine Divine representing the 10th Ray of Pearlescent, activating the Body of Light of the Masculine and Feminine Divine Soul Merge. Both Lord Voltar and Lady Valencia are the overlighting beings of the 10th Flame along with Archangel Ariel. Their essences assist individuals within the Golden Etheric City of Aslaanetair.

Lady Master Valencia

Lady Valencia represents the Goddess energy and the Divine Feminine while being the counterpart of Lord Voltar of Andromeda. Her energy is vast and immense which radiates like the sun shining on an individual. She is very powerful but yet gentle, loving and soft. 

Sarah Varcas - Eclipses and their Seasons - February 2, 2017

Eclipses and their Seasons

Eclipses occur in groups of two or three within an eclipse season which lasts for 36 days. During this time any full or new moons occur as Lunar and Solar Eclipses respectively, although there can be a grey area at the very edge of an eclipse season when a ‘not quite an eclipse’ new or full moon occurs. An eclipse season occurs while the Sun is within eighteen degrees of one of the Moon’s Nodes, that is the points on the Moon’s orbital path where it crosses the path of the Sun. Eclipse seasons arise every six months.

Eclipses are us!

Generally speaking, eclipses get a bad rap, no doubt due to the fear they provoked in days gone by when total eclipses plunged people into blackness and the life-sustaining light was eradicated by a seemingly all powerful force. These days we are better informed of the cosmic mechanics of an eclipse. We know the light, be it solar or lunar, will return, and we can marvel at the event if we are lucky enough to experience it, without fearing for our very lives in the process. But still within the collective psyche lies the fear of eclipses and all that they may bring to our door.

Valerie Donner - Mira from the Pleiadian High Council - February 2, 2017

Greetings I am Mira. I am here to speak with you today to point out matters of importance. The Earth Council, of which I am a member, wants to assure you that you are in good hands. We are not going to let the earth be destroyed. You have gone too far in your ascension process to turn back. This simply will not happen.

What is happening right now is that the old vestiges of power through patriarchy, domination, military, war, self-interest, greed and abuse are coming to the forefront. This contaminating energy is in the process of being halted. So you are seeing the final stages of the dark dysfunctional system coming to a close. Please do not be afraid that those who are wielding false power will be able to prevent those who are ready to rise in higher consciousness.

Jamye Price - February Ascension Energies – 2017

January Review

January had an interesting pace and some emotional undertones to it. At times there was a sense of fast movement and forward flow, then it would seem to stop or slow (especially for some emotions to flow). In general, this year of new beginnings (2+0+1+7=1 in numerology) will have a lot of catalyzing energy for change.

Those on the path of Ascension are being called to a new level of internal empowerment, as we begin to have more energetic support to create the new. There will be a lot of change in this year. Look beyond the obvious and the negative opposition into the loving potentials that are calling for your focus and action. It will be an interesting time indeed. 

Blossom Goodchild - Enero 30, 2017

Blossom: ¡Hola a los Fuera de este Mundo! En primer lugar, permítanme decir que el tema que me gustaría hablar no se debe a que esté deprimida. No lo estoy. Sin embargo, a veces… y he escuchado a otros expresar esto también, ¡todo parece un poco inútil! SÉ que estamos aquí para Amar y elevar nuestra Vibración y la del Planeta, pero AÚN… las conversaciones cotidianas, etc. … sólo parecen tan triviales, cuando se tiene en consideración para lo que estamos aquí por hacer. ¿Algún consejo?

Federación de la Luz: Que tenga un buen día. Gracias por su coherencia en generar pensamientos que muchos seres humanos tienen sobre su Planeta. No podríamos dejar de considerar tal pensamiento, porque nada de lo que hagamos, pensemos o expresemos, sería de ninguna manera considerado mundano o inútil.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Thursday February 2, 2017
In challenging times or energies, it can be very helpful to bring things back to basics. One of the simplest tools we know of is the one word affirmation. Simply choose the word that embodies the energy or feeling you would like to experience more of and make it your mantra for the day.

If you are feeling great anxiety, you might use the word calm or peace. If you are uncomfortable, you might choose the word comfort or ease. If you feel like you need extra nurturing, you might use the word love. If you feel like you need more strength, you might use the word strong, or capable, or empowered.

Feel it, say it, imagine your word written all over you energetically! It is an instant adjustment that you use any time you like. Feel free to try on many words until you find the one that gives you the relief you seek.

Working with energy doesn’t need to be complex at all, Dear Ones. It is merely finding the right tool that is easily accessible and effective enough that you will want to use it when you need it. ~Archangel Gabriel

Marlene Swetlishoff - La Conexión Hilarión - Mensaje Mensual - Febrero 2017


¡Vengo en las alas del amor! Están ocurriendo grandes cambios radicales sobre este planeta. Y muchos están encontrando estos cambios desafiantes, inaceptables y supresores de los derechos de la gente. Y les decimos, cualquier cambio repentino siempre tendrá un elemento de shock detrás de sí, pero lo que les pedimos a los Trabajadores de la Luz es que recuerden que ustedes han estado visualizando y pidiendo ayuda para crear cambios positivos. Para que los cambios positivos ocurran, muchas de las cosas que han prohibido la libertad de las personas en el planeta necesitan ser desmontadas.

Valerie Donner - A Message from Mother Mary - February 2, 2017

A Message from Mother Mary

“Beloved children. I am with you. Take heart! I know that you are going through challenging times. We are with you. Like you, we are involved with the ascension of the earth. We know that is going on within you and we understand how upsetting life is for many of you right now. The turmoil that you are experiencing is necessary so that the old third dimensional Earth can collapse and rise into higher dimensional consciousness. This is why the separation between the old third dimension and the higher consciousness appears so shocking. Right now it is as if you are looking through a microscope where everything is expanded 1 million times. This is necessary so that you can see, feel and know exactly how dark it has been on the planet. This close encounter of the darkest kind permits the hearts’ resolve to create unity and love.

Judith Kusel - La Nueva Frontera: La Madurez - 28 de enero del 2017

Se nos está pidiendo ahora recordar que sea lo que fuere lo que ha venido antes, eso ha sido un inmenso aprendizaje para toda la humanidad; que si uno no honra lo más elevado dentro de sí mismo, esa infinita Uni-dad con la Divinidad, entonces esa persona se va a autosabotear de alguna manera y terminará hundiéndose aún más en el mar del olvido pues habrá cortado esa conexión íntima con la Divinidad.

Dentro de la programación inconsciente de la humanidad yace el temor del abandono, el dolor infinito de la separación de la Divinidad que fue causada por la elección misma de la humanidad de ir contra las Leyes Divinas, y luego crear tozudamente fuera de estas leyes. Con eso crearon entonces caos y autodestrucción, guerras continuas y la consiguiente profunda desconfianza de unos para con otros, e inclusive una desconfianza de la Divinidad y sus intenciones.

miércoles, febrero 01, 2017

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Wednesday February 1, 2017 all have your own spiritual connection, your own innate knowingness, that can lead you to the right decision for you one Now moment at a time. Never doubt your ability to navigate your own life journey, for your heart and your soul are always beckoning you to your next grand expression of self. Give yourself permission to acknowledge and listen to your own mastery and step forward as your own empowered leader, and you will seamlessly lead yourself to every last thing you need to experience and wish to create. ~Archangel Gabriel

Lisa Transcendence Brown - As The Old Matrix Unravels ... NEW Earth Replaces the Old... - 2/1/2017

When we said that the gridwork/framework for the old physical realities had dissolved, this is what we meant. What is occurring right now for each still living beneath/in the unconscious matrix program. This unraveling is necessary to bring all things into light. Out there and inside, for both are the same.

Photonic light amplifies, distorts and brings through "bizarre". For each dimension it is different though. Bizarre is the appearance as photons distort one's current reality, leaving the old matrix program and entering into a higher dimensional reality now. Once on the other side, the bizarreness only exists when observing that which is still asleep. This is foreign (alien) to us, for it's not reality here. It's a program that continues to play itself out in those timelines/dimensions with those who are not fully awake yet. The bizarreness of the unconscious realms shall continue to increase, to amplify distortions to become visible and to awaken each faster to what's not in-alignment with the PURITY of a UNIFIED/LOVE existence here.

These Galactic Holy frequencies (yes they are both, not just one now) continue to increase substantially to make all visible so that each will CHOOSE TO PULL OUT OF THOSE SYSTEMS while they still have choice. Where one waits until there is no choice, then realities appear to be harsher. They are not harsher, they are what each require to wake up, as unconscious timelines continue to collapse and conscious ones converge, all in the same space in "time" now. Time = vibration. Humans exist in time. We exist vibrationally and time ceases to exist. We are aware of it "out there", yet we do not function within the constraints of anything here. Time is relative to the amount of separation or unity one exists from. A fully Unified Light BEing functions vibrationally and as Energy in form here. We just focus on the energy and that which we transmit/create vibrationally, which takes form for us. It's just one of our highest mastery skills here.

The reason all of this is happening, is because all who still hold separation inside, all who are not ready to unite through love and work together for what has already been created and is already stable and in-place, will continue to experience realities to clear all of that separation energy until it is all gone, until the only option is to leave the old unconscious realities behind and come on-board with those who are already doing/holding NEW EARTH REALITIES in place, continually creating, continually uniting, continually SHOWING THE WAY. Until one is ready, they remain in the old matrix realities. Our "job", if you will, is to explain this so each can see that waiting until there is no other choice is what creates suffering ....

We are observing the dismantling of the old and the reconstruction all in a shorter time-frame, if you will. These highest frequencies speed evolution up. Observe on a grander scale to truly see, yet if you only look at the lower dimensional timelines, all you will see is collapse. You must look beyond that, and include the higher dimensions and all of the beings that are here in the physical, look for that which creates polarity to push up separation and where beings unite and work together for our "future", if you will. If you really open up to see, you will see that not all is hopeless. That is a limited perception. Widen your view. Look for higher existences already working. This will show you what is not only possible, but is already working and in-place. It is you that were asleep, could not yet see, because your heart-mind was closed or focused on the old instead of the new/what is already out there. It is you that has to come on-board... it is you who must choose, do the work and physically invest and support. You do not get a new existence handed to you. You have to do the work, just like everyone else does and many have done. Open your heart and your inner eye will open too, you will finally hear what has been being spoken all along.... as a guideline for "now".

In 2012, the Crystalline Matrix Grid activated for NEW Earth and has grown substantially, stronger and stronger by the moment where magical heavenly realities are more solid, because each who signed on for this huge task  to "lead the way", stood up and embraced their missions, working on themselves and honoring their own Galactic Soul Embodiment Evolutionary phases. They unraveled and decoded the matrix from inside and went on to CREATE a whole new existence here. They/WE focused on our contribution to Humanity and knew why we were here. For all of us, for this time (vibration) that we are always now in.

This is an unlearning of everything one thought they knew and a surrendering to a higher existence as love, peace, unity and a deep inner profound connection to all as ONE again. This is a REMEMBERING that goes so far beyond human existences and this is an evolutionary process to becoming a Quantum Light BEing here. This unlearning and relearning takes our openess to "go back to school" if you will. An openness and readiness to really want to know. A desire to embrace a higher dimensional existence and to do the work required. There is much to do by each and where there is resistance, this disrupts the flow that must occur...

There is a trust factor involved, one the human aspect does not have. Old unconscious realities destroyed this, because trust is different here. It's not a trust in anything outside, it's a trust and honor from within. It's a feeling, a knowing and our ability to truly listen and see what isn't visible yet.

Quantum Existence is very different and human's have a hard time with this, because their human'ness is the issue. It's a dissolving and resolving process where each must see their own human'ness and transcend this from within. It's a continual process of listening to your feelings over what your ears/eyes show you. You used your inner gauge for what is really true and if something presents in your own reality world that is not totally in alignment with your highest aspect reality/you, then you have to choose. Choosing the highest path always will resolve any barriers for you and open up realities you do desire to experience here. Any struggle inside will show you things are off. Alignment is achieved when you are at total peace and one inside (unified). This is a process of learning how all of this goes. The human doesn't want to know. It will wait until it is forced. The old 3D/4D matrix has no stability because it is not supposed it. It was built on unconscious programs, because each incarnating here chose that experience to transcend, to awaken to the untruths to point each inward to learn to love themselves, to learn to respect themselves, to learn to honor themselves and each cannot do this if they continue to compromise and play in the old realities. Each must choose a higher existence, one of love and unity with/as all from within. Each must embrace a higher existence, by choosing to live this from within. Each must apply the absolute highest consciousness to their own lives if they desire to exit the matrix and move to one of Divinity, Peace and Love, one where unity is the foundation and everything is FOR US ALL.

Here there is no polarity, no duality anymore. Where polarity becomes visible, it is used as a navigational/mastery tool. Human aspects need polarity, as it's what causes them to go in a different direction. They need that opposing force to make them see what they would not see/listen to before. We use polarity to see and not require it in our world. We do not need a polarized experience. Humans do. Experience is what teaches us. Eventually, each tune-in to the energy of all. When one is fully in-tune, the answers are very clear. Here we tune realities by intentionally changing the vibration of them. We tune all to love and we start from there. This is where each's power comes from, their own love as a SOUL. NEW Earth is Souls existing in unison. Human's cannot exist here, because there is still too much separation, resistance and opposition inside of them. They still operate from obsolete programs and beliefs that are no longer true. The ways of the old must be let go for the new to come through.

Relinquish your struggle, fight and need to control, need to scream to hear you, need to resist anything at all. Surrender to the love and magnificence that you already are. Embrace that pure place inside of you to open those portals and walk through them as love. It's the only way to get to the other side and walk in the higher reams. The lower density programs cannot come with you. You must release them if you desire to walk in the new. The unknown is scary to your human, exciting to your highest aspect you. You must choose which existence you desire ... one of unity and love or one of chaos, confusion and loss. Loss is only the old going so you can move on. When your heart is open you do not lose anything at all. You are ready for the next vibrational reality to unfold. You greet it with anticipation of the awesomeness that it brings forth. You let go of the fear, as that was an old matrix illusion program that you held within. It will release from the cells of your body (conflict, chaos and victim mentalities will too). You will realize that all just waits for you to reach up, open up and embrace your highest aspect you and all of the realities that come with this.

See the outside and let it show you what you hold. If it's distorted, then that's good, as it shows you whats true and not true for you. Resolve inner conflict, raise your vibration as high as you can. Keep it there, all of the time and observe what happens each time you do. Your physical body vibration will lower each time something is ready to release. Honor this process, for once you've released the energy/program/mentality/belief, your body will raise it's vibration higher, you will be lighter and experience more love and peace. The outside will be re-aligning for you, as you hold your highest realities in place. With your thoughts, with your words, with your actions. You are Love and this is the most powerful force there is. Everything else must align fully with this. ♥

From my soul to yours.... see what's happening to bring you into your highest consciousness existence here. Becoming Quantum will challenge your human. That's the point. Leaving an entire existence and embracing and energetic one where you see all energetically/holographically before, intentionally jump timelines and move through portals and StarGates is not "typical" human anything. It's not supposed to be. You are to go beyond your human existence for one that's beyond magical, amazing and derived from the foundation of unity first. You/WE are all to come together to hold the HIGHEST VIBRATIONAL REALITIES in place... for us all.

There is an entire network of us who have already done this and continue to do this in every moment of every day. We do not compromise integrity, love, unity, honor, respect or sacred anything for unconscious realities and we uplift, inspire and work with those ready to do this too. If you really want to know, if you are really really truly ready, then you will open up, you will look, you will do the research, you will commit your RESOURCES to support, you will support, become a part our THE NEW EARTH TEAM that already exists, is solid and growing exponentially in every nano-second here. No one is asking you to, because it's already occurred. Your soul will prompt you, urge you, nudge you from within. You will have to determine which aspect you are being. Your Higher Self You or your human. The one you allow dictates the reality you experience here. ♥ All options are available. You have to see them, desire them and commit to you/your existence from within. ♥

Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼
Galactic Guardian of NEW Earth. I speak AS the Galactic High Council and Heavens on High, fully embodied and here to hold the highest realities in place... all of the time. As we all are. ♥

Lena Stevens - February 2017 Monthly Forecast - CHANGE - February 1, 2017

The main theme for February is “CHANGE”.

This is the month of accepting change, allowing change, promoting change, choosing change and being the change.

Change brings out the need for security. It also brings out the obstacle of Stubbornness as a reaction. Change removes the usual points of reference. Change is scary. Change harbors the unknown. Change is exciting, unpredictable and dynamic. Change is chaotic, and can include destruction and confusion. Change is inevitable and a crucial part of evolution. A caterpillar may be more comfortable staying in the comfort of its warm little cocoon safe and asleep but the butterfly it is to become ruthlessly destroys its form in order to emerge with a new freedom. The discomfort we all feel is akin to the caterpillar who can sense that there is no going back. The only way is through to the other side.

Jennifer Hoffman - February 2017 Energy Report - Feb 1, 2017

Unlike January, February begins with no retrograde planets, a rather unusual but very welcome occurrence as we move into a new energy space after a very long month. February’s energy feels fresh, new, and clear and that’s partly because we began 2017 while still closing out 2016 and we can officially begin this year’s energy now, free of the last year’s lessons and burdens. February brings lots of opportunities for love, in ways we may not expect and we’re going to be processing more energy as we continue down the 3D/5D integration path. One of the big issues in February is the release of the Atlantean Paradigm, which we will experience with the divine masculine/feminine awakening energies, and the release of our Atlantean guilt, which is what has limited our ability to fully accept love and to love ourselves. Our movement to Divine Congruence is in full acceleration now, our intuition is our navigator, our intention is our roadmap, and the destination is whatever brings us greater fulfillment and joy.

Marilyn Raffaele - El Grupo Arcturiano - 29-01-17

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Queridos, en estos tiempos de estrés y conflicto globales os recordamos la verdad, que todo va bien y procediendo según el plan. Sabed que sois actores en una gran producción teatral escrita y dirigida por vosotros. La tercera dimensión no es vuestro hogar verdadero, y cuando estéis otra vez de vuelta en vuestro auténtico hogar miraréis a estos tiempos como poderosas creaciones necesarias para impulsar a la consciencia de la humanidad a recordar.

Resistid la tentación de añadir más energía negativa a las condiciones del mundo, al contrario, dejad que fluya el amor hacia ellas a pesar de lo que estéis viendo. El amor es todo lo que existe, y por tanto es la clave y el pegamento para cualquier solución. Las condiciones externas están llevando rápidamente a muchos al descubrimiento de que el amor es el único poder y por eso la única solución a cualquier situación. Muchos que nunca antes habían considerado el amor más allá de su sentido humano están despertando.

Court of Merlin (Meditation for Manifestation)

martes, enero 31, 2017



Beloved masters, the winds of change are blowing strongly within your inner and outer worlds, and you often feel you are being tumbled about by the winds of fate. You are being bombarded with so much new information that your body and brain are in overload. Everything is changing so rapidly in your world that you can no longer depend on what was considered to be the norm, and there is such a plethora of new information that it is difficult to know what to believe. Old concepts are being updated and the philosophies of the Eastern and Western worlds are blending as higher expanded truths are being presented for your learning as humanity strives to become spiritual adults and masters of their destiny.

59º ALCYON PLÉYADES - NOTICIAS 2017: Gobierno Trump, México, Noticias falsas, Conspiración, OVNI