Unlike January, February begins with no retrograde planets, a rather unusual but very welcome occurrence as we move into a new energy space after a very long month. February’s energy feels fresh, new, and clear and that’s partly because we began 2017 while still closing out 2016 and we can officially begin this year’s energy now, free of the last year’s lessons and burdens. February brings lots of opportunities for love, in ways we may not expect and we’re going to be processing more energy as we continue down the 3D/5D integration path. One of the big issues in February is the release of the Atlantean Paradigm, which we will experience with the divine masculine/feminine awakening energies, and the release of our Atlantean guilt, which is what has limited our ability to fully accept love and to love ourselves. Our movement to Divine Congruence is in full acceleration now, our intuition is our navigator, our intention is our roadmap, and the destination is whatever brings us greater fulfillment and joy.
February’s major lessons revolve around love and the divine masculine and divine feminine awakening. This month is about love and I’m not talking about Valentine’s Day on the 14th. I am talking about the self love that is free of guilt, judgment, and criticism, the unconditional acceptance that we need to give ourselves first in order to have all of the love, validation, approval, and acceptance that we want from others. Our desire for love is supported by a Mars/Venus conjunction, in Aries, all month which is the first zodiac sign, Mars’ rulership, and Venus 12th house and how we manage it is challenged all month by the ongoing Saturn/Chiron square, Uranus/Eris conjunction, Jupiter in Libra for balance, and Pluto overseeing all of those aspects with its reminder that transformation is the name of this game.
Mars rules Aries, so it is feeling right at home here and the desire for action is strong. But Venus is not at home in Aries so its energy is more subdued here although it will take on a more spiritual energy which will give it a more understanding outlook. This is going to help the feminine in us be less demanding of the masculine and less powerless in the feminine, to meet our needs and give this awakening the time it needs. Venus will be in shadow or direct retrograde from January 28 through May 19, holding the energetic space for this month’s transformation, which includes an Atlantean component. I have found that Venus retrograde brings relationship issues to the forefront, including issues around self love and how we relate to others.
The Atlantean energy undercurrents are strong now, and they are one of the dominant energies of the month. In my book ‘The Atlantis Legacy’, which you
The Atlantean Guilt is the one big obstacle to this and it is what has also created the Martyred Healer paradigm, in which we attempt to atone for the wrongs we believe we have created for others. This represents our guilt over how we contributed to Atlantis’ fall, whether directly or indirectly, through misplaced trust or belief, and destroyed the earth and a vast majority of its people.
We have atoned for our actions by being healers and taking on ‘the sins of the world’, believing ourselves to be unworthy of the peace, love, and joy that we try so hard to create for others but deny for ourselves. And we have denied ourselves access to the positive contributions that the feminine energy can make to the world by allowing this energy to be repressed, suppressed, ignored, and trivialized. But in order to achieve this year’s theme of Congruent Harmony, we need both energies, masculine and feminine, in their divine form, to be equally balanced in us and in the world. And we can start that now.
True congruence and harmony between the male and female energies requires equal partnership, shared respect, and a congruent vision for balance
We have two eclipses in February, which are always harbingers of greater energy flows. On February 10th it’s a full moon on the Leo/Aquarius axis at 22 degrees and with the Sun (Leo’s ruler) in Aquarius, Uranus (Aquarius’ ruler) in Aries, Mars in Aries and Saturn, Aquarius’ traditional ruler, in Sagittarius, we have a lot of supportive energy to create endings so new beginnings can occur. Every beginning requires an ending as its starting point, as endings free up energy space for what we want to create next. This full moon eclipse also activates the Uranus/Eris conjunction, Chiron (the Wounded Healer), and the Saturn/Chiron square, three of the year’s major themes.
Jupiter starts its annual retrograde in February’s first week and goes direct in May. All of the relationship lessons we have learned since it entered Libra in September 2016 are now coming around again so we can make choices around them. While we tend to think of Libra as the relationship area and then we think of love and romance, this sign is really about balance (its glyph is the scales). Where are we balanced in our giving and receiving in all of our relationships, not just the romantic ones? Are we open to receiving love now in a balanced, congruent, and harmonious way? Do we feel worthy of having loving relationships with everyone in our life? We can think about that during Jupiter’s retrograde. It’s also going to square Pluto in Capricorn two more times this year, so we’ll have some more opportunities to consider our relationship balance and make appropriate changes and choices.
On the 26th we have a new moon eclipse in Pisces, which is exactly conjunct Neptune, the planet that represents illusion, deception, and spirituality. This will be a predominant theme all year, separating reality from illusion and finding the truth in the deception. In our individual lives, this will show us where we have created false congruence, where we make things work and hope everything turns out for the best, rather than true congruence, which is the harmonious flow of creation and expansion. With false congruence we do what we believe is necessary, including ignoring our unhappiness, to make us feel good. With true congruence we have a life that feels good and we are truly happy and fulfilled.
We can’t push this integration to move any more quickly than it is although we believe that if it went faster we would not have so many problems, but that
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Copyright (c) 2017 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved. You may quote, copy, translate and link to this article, in its entirety, on free, non-donation based websites only, as long as you include the author name and a working link back to this website. All other uses are strictly prohibited.
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