martes, agosto 16, 2016

Kryon "Externalizing God" Part I

Christine Day - Message from the Pleiadians August 2016 - August 16, 2016

As we stand at the threshold of the biggest and most momentous shift in the history of humankind, the Pleiadians have some very important information to share with us about this time, which they refer to as “The New Dawning.”

Their urgent message is that there is a mutual birthing taking place within the Earth and within us. Now is the time to step forward and consciously participate in our own remembering and reconnection with our natural spiritual nature.

The Pleiadians remind us that we too are a part of this “New Dawning.” This new energy is birthing within our cells, even as we ourselves are birthing into a new consciousness.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Raphael - August 4, 2016

Dear One,

Every time you purposely offer your breath into the heart, it is a divine opening to Archangel Raphael and the legions of healing angels. Simply breathing purposefully is an action that awakens this connection.

Whenever you are touched by sweetness or beauty in your world, it is an opening into the realm of Archangel Raphael. Whenever your heart is in pain from the suffering of the world, it is an opening into the realms of Archangel Raphael.

Whenever you touch your heart and breathe into this center, you are connected to the realms of Archangel Raphael.

Call on this blessing to help you see new levels of Truth. Open to Love in all that you do and say. Allow yourself to soften so you can just BE love. Be the Breath. Be the Hope. Be the connection. Be the Love.

With these simple truths, let a new level of opening come to you that exposes your vulnerable heart, and allows the strength of Divine Love to empower you. There is no more powerful force in the Universe than Divine Love. As you strengthen your connection to your Heart Chakra, the Anahata acts as a radiant self-generating force that gets stronger with use.

Sheldan Nidle - August 16, 2016

6 Kan, 1 Uo, 13 Caban

Dratzo! Amazing events are on the near horizon. Those individuals who are diligently making possible your new reality are winding up the final details needed for success. These actions are to authorize an extended series of funds to be formally transferred. We are waiting for these transfers to be approved and formally accounted for. The dark is in the throes of being defeated. The next exchanges are to put a nail in the coffin of those who so arrogantly ruled over you. These defeated ones are presently being closely watched. Once the first funds are exchanged, the dark is to be fully isolated from each of you. Over the last few decades, these horrid ones nearly stole your souls. Heaven intervened and we are here as instruments of change. Many incredible people working under the auspices of the Ascended Masters have been secretly working to end this threat to surface humanity. Consequently, you are on the cusp of a new, free and prosperous era! The rise of NESARA and new governance is just one sign of this wondrous time.

Sarah Varcas - Living Life On Purpose - August 16, 2016


Living Life On Purpose
Sarah Varcas

Occurring a day before the next eclipse season begins (19th August – 23rd September), this Full Moon is an ‘almost-but-not-quite’ lunar eclipse, giving it greater influence and a stronger ‘edge’ against which to hone our awareness. Eclipse seasons are powerful things, to be honoured with our full attention, deepest respect and steadfast commitment to respond to their gifts and graces, challenges and obstacles. They kick-start otherwise lagging change, up-turn certainties and awaken issues and themes which shape the following six months. If we pay attention during these times we may well discover the deepest truths of our lives and receive the most influential and personal guidance. Think of them as a cosmic crash course in what our life is really about, minus all the fluff and bluster we add to it on a daily basis! For this reason, a Full Moon occurring just prior to the beginning of an eclipse season is of particular note, for it comes as a wake-up call that something of great import is in the air. If this Full Moon closely aspects a natal planet we may well experience it as carrying much of the power and potential of an eclipse even though it doesn’t quite ‘make the grade’ in that respect. In any event, this Full Moon raises issues which will impact the coming eclipse season and offers guidance to bear in mind throughout the coming weeks.

lunes, agosto 15, 2016

Steve Rother - Take Responsibility Happiness - 15 August, 2016

Greetings Dear Ones.

Spread your wings, even when you are tired.
We are that wind beneath your wings.

You know, each and every one of you have these beautiful opportunities to both be a support and to be supported. We see you as these beautiful birds with outstretched wings, flying and sharing the most incredible energies, enjoying the world in this way. There comes a time when your wings become tired and you must rest. So, the way to do that is to stop flying, take a break and to release. Or, you can have these beautiful angels come up under your wings to assist when you are weary. Each and every one of you has these contracts that are activated at the perfect times.— this can be an animal, a person, or even energy. However, many of you have not felt that support beneath your wings and wonder if you may be doing something wrong and you must adjust in some way. We ask you, dear ones, to lean on us when that happens. We are very strong and can hold you until you re-member your own strength and vibration, that beautiful tone which is uniquely yours. You have come to planet Earth with a very specific purpose that is not yet complete or you would not be here right now. The reality is, you have all done incredible work to be here and invested in the Earth and humanity many times. You have that opportunity now to dare to spread your wings, even though you may be tired, making space for those energies to assist in helping you hold your light, energy, and love.

Jennifer Hoffman - Past, Present and Intuition - 15 August, 2016

It would be nice if we could erase the past and start over without any trace of the pain or memories to remind us of that part of our life. But we know that life doesn’t happen that way. And even when we have dealt with something in what we thought was a decisive way, the past has a way of showing up when we don’t want it to. Why is that? Because the past serves a useful purpose in the present and we need this information to make our choices if we want to avoid repeating the past. Without the lessons of the past, we wouldn’t know the best course to follow today.
When we are in a transition space or at a crossroads the past becomes our best friend because it often reminds us of what we do not want to choose now. While we think that these reminders of the past arise just to show us how we failed or made the wrong choices, at the time, they felt like the only right or best choices we could make. It’s only after we have lived with them and are now at the end of their ‘energy road’ that we want other options. Rather than see this as a failure, we can see it as a reminder of the path which is best left to the past and seek other options.
But if we judge our past as one big failure because we are not happy, rich, and successful today then we are not using the past and its information effectively. We need to look at the energy frequency of our choices, our own vibration, our level of fear, and how clear and confident we were in the past. We also need to look at our expectations of the outcomes and results and what we were willing tolerate or settle for because that is how we made the final decision about our past choices. And we can view our intuition, our internal guidance system, the link between our will, divine will, and spirit, as the bridge that will help us plot the course to a more fulfilling, joyful life than we had in the past.
On an energetic level, the past sets the energetic frequency baseline for the present, this is the point at which we do not want to go ‘backwards’ or repeat what we experienced in the past. Thus our past is a great starting point for what we wish to create in the present and it also reminds us of what we want to change. Think of something you ‘never want to do again’ and that sets an energetic line in the sand, so to speak, that you know you want to rise above and not cross again by repeating that experience.
And we need to look at our intuition and how we were using it in the past. This is our inner guidance system, that small voice we so often overlook when it says ‘no, don’t do that’ or ‘that is probably not your most powerful choice’.  Have you ever tried to make a choice and kept getting blocked in every direction? Did you have to try really hard to do it anyway? What did you think of your results? That was your intuition in action, trying to guide your choices into a higher aspect but if we don’t listen to it, we’ll get different results than we could have.When we listen to our intuition we engage our most powerful spiritual connection and begin the process of expanding into new potentials for our life. But if we don’t trust ourselves, if we judge our abilities (and our results from the past), and if we limit our expansion, then rather than a trusted guide, our intuition becomes a nagging voice that tries to stop us from doing what we want.  This is another thing we need to look at very honestly when we’re looking at the past – did we ignore our intuition and do something else? Were we so focused on going our own way that we ignored all other possibilities?  We can also invite our intuition to help us assess our present choices to help us find new avenues of potential and avoid repeating the past we don’t want to repeat.
When we use the combination of the results from the past, the potential for the future and our intuition as our guide to the highest and best outcomes, we have a recipe for manifestation that will help us make more powerful choices. So rather than regretting the past, we can put it to work for us as a benchmark for what we may want to avoid in the present. And that allows us to set the energetic vibration for our next set of choices so the past is not repeated in the present.
Copyright (c) 2016 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved.  You may quote, translate, reprint or refer to this message if you mention the author name and include a working link to

Lena Stevens - Full Moon Update - 8-18-16

Dear Friends,

Full Moon is Thursday, August 18 at 3:26 AM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT)

This is a good day for spontaneity, flexibility in your schedule, and being social with old friends or new ones. Do something different and say yes to some eccentric opportunity that may show up for you. If you have been working hard, take a break today. If you have been overly serious in your efforts to heal, balance, get your life on track and organize your work and your environment, take a break and focus on play for a change.

A full moon is always good time to honor and celebrate what you have achieved and what you have received and to focus on the fullness of life rather than any lack. Let go of any attachment you may have to the struggles of the past and your belief of how hard you have to work to accomplish good things in your life. It is time to dream a more expansive dream and to trust that spirit is always there to support you.



Brenda Hoffman - 5D Love is a Larger Experience - August 15, 2016

Dear Ones,

Feelings of love are starting to radiate from your being as well as others. Even though you expected such a shift, this new sensation is different from what you anticipated. For you were anticipating the love you experienced in 3D instead of the more global love you are beginning to sense and address.

Perhaps your heart melts a bit as you focus on baby humans and animals. Or you feel something warm and loving for another race you previously had not accepted. Or your worldview is shifting politically, economically or environmentally. It does not matter for all are indicators of your new love.

Some of you are concerned because you are not experiencing all the pieces just addressed. Such is so for a reason. Your heart is opening first to those pieces that are of your path. Other pieces will fall into place eventually.

You are focussing on your mission, your development at this time. For you to pretend you are concerned about issues that you are not is to return to 3D living.

Benjamin Fulford 8-15-16… “Economic and demographic data make it clear it is game over for the Khazarian mafia”

Notice to readers: Due to our annual holiday’s this week’s newsletter has been written in advance with non-time sensitive content

Recently, the Chinese government’s Xinhua news service reported that developing and emerging countries combined (the BRICS alliance) control 85% of the world’s population, 60% of its GDP and account for 80% of economic growth. In other words, the Khazarian mafia controlled countries have lost the battle both economically and demographically. Furthermore, the more time passes, the weaker their position gets.

If you look at World Bank data on real GDP (Purchasing Power Parity) you see that the members of the OECD’s (the rich countries club) total GDP is 50.9 trillion dollars while the rest of the world’s GDP is 127.3 trillion dollars. That means that even if all the rich countries allied themselves with the Khazarian faction ruling the US, they would have less than half the economic power of the BRICS alliance.

Selacia - Break Free at Full Moon -Steps to More Empowerment- - August 15, 2016

If you have been feeling like you want to break free of the status quo, this could be your week to act on those feelings. With Thursday's Aquarius Full Moon and some other helpful energy in the air, it could be easier to take some new and bolder steps. In this article I provide suggested actions that could shift you out of neutral and into forward.

For most people, this has not been an easy or simple year. It's been common to have unexpected delays and confusing moments. So much is going on and many more in-the-background factors influenced progress.

domingo, agosto 14, 2016

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - El Espíritu de la Princesa del Agua - Agosto 2016

ALOHA. Yo soy el Espíritu de la Princesa del Agua, de la tierra de Hawái. Vengo como se me solicitó para posicionarme dentro de tu corazón mientras sientes la flor del hibisco y la orquídea en tu ser. A medida que sientes el verde de los altos picos de las islas, a medida que sientes los deseos ardientes del cuerpo de la Madre Tierra en forma de lava, a medida que sientes la brisa tropical por dentro y por fuera.

Durante muchos años, antes de que yo fuese dada a luz plenamente en espíritu, me enojé mucho con los que desfiguraban la tierra sagrada. Estaba enojada por la forma en que cambiaron la tierra y el paisaje de mi futuro, el futuro de mis hijos y el futuro de los hijos de mis hijos. Yo conocía, al igual que mis pueblos, la sacralidad de todo, de cada guijarro, de cada conchilla, de cada gránulo de arena, de cada partícula de tierra. Todo estaba vivo y me hablaba mientras caminaba a través de mi día. Oía el llamado de los pájaros, de las abejas, de los insectos, de los animales, y todos estaban en paz consigo mismos. Y luego, nació el progreso. El progreso que rechazó todo lo que yo consideraba sagrado. El progreso que ha devastado la tierra, la gente y las antiguas costumbres.

Steve Rother - El Grupo - Resumen del Seminario No Más Secretos

El Grupo nos ha pedido a quienes hemos asistido al seminario No más secretos que divulguemos lo que nos revelaron para que ustedes lo compartan y comenten. Cuando algo se expone a la luz, deja de ser secreto y es más fácil revertirlo. De nosotros depende.

Recibido y traducido por Susana Peralta


Esto no es sobre la economía sino sobre la vida diaria. Nos sentimos frustrados, sentimos que no controlamos las cosas y eso lleva a la ira y el único problema acerca de la ira y la frustración general que todos están sintiendo en este momento es que tiene que tener una salida. Podemos empoderar a las personas, educarlas, amarlas y todo lo que demos volverá de algún modo, generalmente multiplicado.

El crecimiento entusiasma a todos, pero si les decimos que su crecimiento estuvo relacionado con la inflación, entonces entenderán las cosas de otro modo, dice el Grupo. Siempre se consideró que había que crecer o desaparecer, muy simple. Pero quieren que veamos el panorama mayor. En el 2008 hubiera habido un colapso completo, se hubiera pasado por una recesión, luego inflación y luego se hubiera comenzado a construir sobre terreno sólido. Pero se siguió con las viejas reglas y quienes lo causaron siguen en sus puestos. Se ha recreado la situación aunque con algunas leyes y supervisión.

Brenda Hoffman - ¿Tienes Miedo de Ti Mismo? - 9 de Agosto 2016

Traducción: Fara González

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora


Muchos de ustedes temen regresar a su ser 3D a partir de sus altibajos emocionales. Por el contrario, están reclamándose a sí mismos.

Han terminado con sus lecciones de terror. Aunque pudieran deslizarse hacia el temor de vez en cuando, ese temor no es abrumador ni permanente. Los temores que ahora experimentan se refieren a no ser lo suficientemente buenos, completamente buenos o inteligentes para cumplir su misión en la tierra en esta vida.

Estos temores de auto estima también desaparecerán. No porque tengan que clarificar más partes de sí mismos sino porque conocen a lo profundo su conjunto de valores – y eso los atemoriza.

Esto es de esperar. Al igual que cuando comenzaron su empleo en 3D con preocupaciones de poder completar las tareas exigidas por su jefe y que acordaron cumplir durante su entrevista.

Jennifer Hoffman - La Intuición: El Puente de 4d Para la Vida de 5d - 10 de Agosto 2016

Traducción: Rosa García
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Cuando oímos la palabra intuición pensamos quizás en algún psíquico que puede leer la energía del futuro y decirnos lo que va pasar a continuación, o en una voz interior que nos dirá cuál es el siguiente paso que debemos dar. Aunque hay personas que tienen un nivel de intuición que les permite ejercer como recurso intuitivo para otros (algo que yo puedo hacer, y muchos de ustedes también), esa es tan sólo una pequeña parcela de la intuición. Ni siquiera es su mejor forma de expresión, especialmente en el contexto de la transición de 3D a 5D que estamos atravesando. La intuición es el puente entre la 3D y las dimensiones más elevadas; cuando mejor funciona es cuando la utilizamos para explorar nuestro potencial expandido. Por lo tanto, tenemos que redefinir el concepto de intuición y ampliarlo para poder usarlo en todo lo referente nuestras nuevas realidades de 5D.

Marlene Swetlishoff - Mensaje Semanal del Maestro Ascendido Hilarión - Del 14 al 21 de Agosto, 2016

Traducción: Esther Abreu


Confíen en que todos los cambios que ocurren ESTAN realmente ocurriendo. Estos cambios comienzan primero en los niveles etéricos y se filtran hacia el plano material de la existencia. Los niveles más altos están activos y el proceso se ha puesto en marcha y continuará hasta que la ascensión se lleve a cabo. Nada ni nadie ha sido olvidado. Entendemos que esto es algo que es difícil de aceptar para muchos de ustedes dada la apariencia de su vida del día a día en la Tierra. Les pedimos que miren más allá de las apariencias, porque son ilusiones, ilusiones que se han perpetuado desde hace miles de años y ahora estas ilusiones se están resquebrajando, se han ido eliminando de modo que lo que aparece en su lugar es el verdadero estado de ser, el verdadera estado de las cosas en el planeta y en los reinos superiores.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - THE QUANTUM AWAKENING - AUGUST 2016

***Thoth the Atlantean
*** The Self Censors Our Deepest Desires Creating A Puddle To Splash In, Instead Of An Ocean To Swim In.
***This year of time asks one to get down to the business of picking up the shattered glass, and like Alice go into all fractures of self.
*** You cannot worry and believe in the same point of time

From your Hostess of Light; Gillian

This month has been one portal after another, some days I could not find my way back from all that was revealed. In the past year or so many have lost their personal glitter and hope for the future. Most days it looks if we live in the comedy zone dimension filled with scary clowns. We pray with all out heart that what we see before us will not become our true reality. We want to just leave the planet being embarrassed to our souls at such actions of humans In every arena.

We are ashamed for the actions of our species. Whether you believe you are from earth or not we are still caretakers at this timeline and planet. Many on earth at this time are from various systems of life and light.

As I have been taught by the light masters earth is a big ole mothership and every species from many star systems come to together on this blue green sphere to learn how to exist in harmony. Yes we are all different but we are all here to learn to live peace. That peace starts inside each one of us. Invite in the presence of peace every morning like clockwork.

Almighty Indwelling God/Goddess Be Filled With Peace
Instantly And Perfectly, Filled With Peace
I command this body mind and spirit to be filled with Peace.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - There has never been a time when you were alone, no matter how you felt - August 14, 2016

Dear One,

If you only knew how much you are loved and cared for, you would see your life in a different light. There are Angels who have been with you since your birth, and some from before your birth who have been with you for eons of time. These Angels are here to bless you, to protect you, to care for you, and to love you as you walk your earthly journey.

You have only to turn within and you will find us. You have only to look around you, and you will find Angels manifested in different forms everywhere, giving love to you.

Open your mind and heart to receive this love and you will find miracles manifesting in your life. It is this willingness to receive that allows miracles to occur for you.

Marlene Swetlishoff - Hilarion - August 14 – 21, 2016

Beloved Ones,

Trust that all the changes taking place ARE taking place. These changes begin first on the etheric levels and filter down to the material plane of existence. The higher levels are active and the process has been set in motion and will continue until the ascension takes place. Nothing and no one has been forgotten. We understand that this is something that is difficult for many of you to accept given the appearance of your day to day life on Earth. We ask that you look past the appearances, for they are illusions, illusions that have been perpetuated for thousands of years and now these illusions are being broken, are being dismantled so that what appears in its stead is the true state of being, the true state of affairs upon the planet and in the higher realms.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - “El Campo” Parte 2 - Anchorage, Alaska - el 7 de agosto de 2016

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Mi socio se hace a un lado literalmente; su consciencia se divide. Cada vez que lo hace, es nuevo. Él sabe qué esperar, pero cada vez es ligeramente distinto. Queridos, esto es la canalización según él la hace. Y como dijimos antes, no hay una forma genérica de canalizar. Los seres humanos se abren y puede surgir como canción. Los más grandiosos cuadros que alguna vez hayan visto, y experimentado y sentido la alegría, han sido canalizados. Las melodías más grandiosas del planeta, canalizadas. Las bellas esculturas que ustedes ven y que les hablan, han sido canalizadas. De manera que surge de muchas maneras distintas, pero incluso aquellos que hacen esto que ustedes oyen ahora, son distintos uno de otro. Algunos humanos tienen que literalmente salirse de su consciencia, de modo que no recuerdan nada. Luego está mi socio, que solicitó permanecer, y como así lo hizo, le llevó más tiempo comprender qué se le dice, y reconocer, y comprobar su integridad.

Queridos, esta mañana di un mensaje y debo contar a quienes no lo oyeron, por qué no lo oyeron. El mensaje era para los presentes en el salón. Algunos de ellos ya habían decidido eso y el porqué, y en ello hay cierta verdad. Digamos solamente que se entregaron mensajes personales, de maneras que fueron aceptadas y comprendidas. No era necesario grabarlos. Pero se presentaron algunos principios que deseamos repasar para quienes están oyendo este mensaje. Es un principio del que muchos no se enteraron, y quiero agregarle algo.