domingo, enero 24, 2016

Marlene Swetlishoff - HILARION - January 24-31, 2016

January 24-31, 2016
Beloved Ones,
As the energy influx continues, your human operating systems are receiving downloads of information that relates to you personally on your spiritual journey of life. There is a direct interaction that is beginning to take place with your Divine Essence and it comes softly at unexpected times and places. As you begin to pay more attention to these communication attempts, you will be establishing a stronger connection to this higher aspect of yourselves. This will take a bit of time so practice being patient with this process. We are making this known so that you are aware and can be observant to this process.
There is much work ahead for those who have been prepared and you will be guided to those actions and activities which will require your participation and assistance in the days ahead. This work will involve working with the higher realms in order to accomplish certain tasks to help the planet stay stabilized and able to receive the higher cosmic energies. This work involves utilizing your energy, for you are now moving from the task of increasing your energy to the next step, which is maintaining and using your energy. This is wonderful to see from our perspective and we applaud each and every one of you for the gains that have been made! Well done!

Judith Kusel - She has returned - January 24, 2016

She came to Atlantis at the specific request of the Intergalactic Counsel, the Federation thereof to establish the White Flame into the planet once more, and then to be the custodian and guardian of this.

So she left the beloved shores of her home in Andromeda and she came and she did what she could in the Golden Age of Atlantis. She was then the Guardian, the Keeper, the Custodian, and the High Priestess of the White Flame. She stood there in her own powers, in that which made her woman she was and the temple stood in its Glory and Magnificence.

Kryon begins 2016 with a Sisterhood Channel

Kryon "The basics of Belief" 2016

Kryon "Communications w/Spirit" 2016

Kryon "What You Don't Know" 2016

Aisha North - Water Speaks - 24/1/16

Aisha North series 97 - 3

sábado, enero 23, 2016

John Smallman - Saul - You have what it takes to assist in humanity’s awakening process.- 01/23/2016

Much is happening now that will delight you!  Truly, enormous changes are taking place that will permanently alter the illusory world in which you experience being human.  And these changes are for the good of all on Earth, yes, even those who appear to be wedded to the dark.  You have been praying for this and intending for it to happen, your collective intent has now become unalterable, and it will be maintained.

Lena Stevens y Patricia Liles - Actualización de Luna Llena – 23/1/2016 - 21 de Enero 2016

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Queridos amigos,
La Luna Llena es el sábado, 23 de enero a las 6:46 pm Horario de las Montañas (HEM)

Esta es una luna que apoya la expresión personal y una experiencia de poder personal. Reconozcan lo que ustedes han logrado en este mes en términos de REINICIO y celebren sus propios talentos, habilidades únicas y poder personal. Si se sienten abrumados respecto a lo que está llegando a su vida, tomen una respiración profunda, pidan claridad y estén dispuestos a permitir que aquello que no les sirva se vaya, dejando espacio para lo que quiera manifestarse.

Este es un buen día para estar en comunidad y para inspirarse mutuamente con nuevas ideas y posibilidades. Es tiempo de soñar en grande y pensar ‘fuera de la caja’. También es una buena luna para anclar nuevas asociaciones y comprometerse en nuevas relaciones, proyectos, viajes y algo que siempre han querido pero nunca pensaron que pudiesen. Lo que pongan en movimiento durante esta luna tendrá un gran motor de combustible energético y altamente centrado tras de sí para manifestar en el futuro. ¡Utilícenlo bien!

Alcyon Pléyades 34-2ª: Clones humanos, robots y seres sintéticos avanzados, Posthumano, Inmortalidad

viernes, enero 22, 2016

Jim Self - Actualización Planetaria - Enero 2016

Traducción Audio: Fernando Pachacama
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo


Soy Jim Self.

Bienvenidos a la Actualización Planetaria para un nuevo calendario 2016 completo. Algo así como un nuevo capítulo en la evolución en la cual estamos participando. El mes pasado recibí un par de correos electrónicos que eran muy interesantes, uno de ellos decía: ¿Porque no hablas más acerca de los “Sin Hogar” y de la “Gente Pobre”? ¿Cómo solucionar su situación?

Se hizo muy claro para mí que no he hablado acerca de por qué hacemos la Actualización Planetaria. En la actualidad hay entre 18.000 y 25.000 personas que abren la Actualización Planetaria cada mes, lo cual por sí solo es felizmente alucinante. El propósito de la Actualización Planetaria fue proveerlos en Mastering Alchemy con una consciencia de cómo ésta Transición Espiritual está siendo jugada en la Tercera Dimensión física mundial. La Transición Espiritual está alterando el Status Quo diciéndoles frecuentemente que no pueden llevar su equipaje con ustedes en este viaje.

Shanta Gabriel - Space ~ The New Frontier - 22 January, 2016

Allowing Spaciousness to Nourish Your Heart
Illuminating your consciousness and lighting up your path is the nurturing presence of Divine Light, a very bright blessing in this new year.
Life is calling you. Feel the unfolding of Divine Energy as it moves through your being. Do you feel a tug on your heart? Does your inner restlessness have a hidden passion waiting to come into your awareness? There is within you a core of Love — a deep abiding place where the Divine dwells in Harmony and Goodness. From this place you can respond to Life with integrity from your most Divine Self.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Cinco en un Círculo Introducción - Phoenix, Arizona, el 16 de enero de 2016

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Para quienes está aquí y no han visto esto antes - y son muchos - al ver esto con su consciencia 3D tal vez no les resulte lo que esperaban. Mi socio hablará sobre el estudio de la realidad y la probabilidad, y yo les diré: "No saben lo que no saben," y nada tendrá sentido si ustedes vienen con la idea de que saben y han visto todo. Digo esto en cada oportunidad para los que son nuevos, tanto aquí como escuchando. Un ser humano se sienta en la silla, aparentemente con su consciencia, su lenguaje y su voz, y ustedes oyen mensajes desde el otro lado. Y para muchos es difícil de aceptar, realmente difícil. Para mi socio lo fue, porque él había sido educado en lo que es absoluto, educado en una realidad tridimensional dentro de una caja, y todo lo que estuviera fuera de la caja de lo que le enseñaron no era real.

Entonces, para llegar a ustedes al menos, a quienes vienen así, decimos lo que siempre decimos: ¿Por qué estás aquí? ¿Es en serio? Tal vez hay algunos escuchando este mensaje por primera vez pero en otro marco de tiempo. Los veo; sé que para ustedes la realidad es lo que sucede en el tiempo en que les está sucediendo. Para nosotros la realidad son potenciales de ustedes estando allí, escuchando, ¡y lo están! Yo los conozco, los veo, ¡conozco lo que están pensando! Y ustedes dirán: "¿Cómo puedes hacer esto? ¿Realmente puedes ver el futuro?" Y la respuesta es: No realmente; vemos los potenciales que están a su alrededor incluso antes de que se sienten a escuchar esto, vemos qué lo provocó, ¡vemos todo! Porque los potenciales son nuestra realidad; nosotros no tenemos reloj (N.T. se refiere a tiempo lineal); ¡porque el reloj del Espíritu es la energía!

Jennifer Hoffman - Propongan Desde la Mente, Elijan Desde el Espíritu - 18 de Enero 2016

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Cada uno de ustedes es una combinación perfecta de mente y espíritu, trabajando en armonía para expandir la energía en la tierra. El espíritu elije lo que desea crear según el camino que el alma haya determinado para esta vida. El espíritu se propone la sanación y la transformación y aunque estas son sus elecciones para cada vida, es lo que la mente se propone lo que determina el resultado. Si la elección es propuesta desde el espíritu entonces la mente tiene un camino claro y poderoso para su elección. De lo contrario, la mente hace sus propias elecciones.

La mente está limitada a su experiencia de vida, la recopilación de emociones, creencias y pensamiento que siempre ha creado. Este es el camino de cada vida. Pero el propósito de cada vida es el de integrar la mente y el espíritu, para que el propósito de la mente pueda trabajar con las elecciones del espíritu para la transformación, en lugar de un camino destinado de temor. La integración se crea al equilibrar la mente y el espíritu, liberando el temor y permitiendo que entre a la realidad de la mente una vibración superior.

John Smallman - Jesus - You have no need of fear, or of defenses - January 22, 2016

Here in the spiritual realms, where all of you truly reside in every moment of your eternal existence, we watch with joy as you resolve and intend to move ever more fully into your natural state as beings of Love. It is a state you have never left, and never could leave, but you have – through your choice to experience as real as possible a state of separation from God, and therefore from each other – hidden from yourselves your divine and eternal connection to Source. Consequently you feel alone, small, and insignificant in the vast universe in which it seems humanity’s planet, Earth, although large in relation to each of you, is itself utterly insignificant. A planet that could itself be instantly destroyed by collision with some rogue and wandering celestial body. Your security as humans on the planet truly appears unsustainable due to many factors that are beyond your control and beyond your knowledge.

Often it seems that those who are searching for God, a Prime Source, a Supreme Intelligence, or who believe in one are merely hiding from the truth of your inevitable and eventual death in whatever form it strikes you. It is an issue far too fearful to address consciously – unconsciously it creates great emotional stress and pressure that needs to be relieved – and so you hide from reality by imagining and hoping for a divine deliverance from your eventual and inescapable extinction. Others strive for material wealth and military security for the very same reason – an intense fear of death. That is the game of separation that you chose to build and engage with. And it always ends in death!

Mike Quinsey. - 22nd. January 2016

You are learning how quickly matters can change, and in but a short time suddenly the future does not look as encouraging as it was recently. Fear has entered some people’s minds as big business falters and is losing confidence in monetary values. Behind the scenes much is being directed by those in positions of power, with the aim of pulling away from the American Dollar. In such times there is little stability and you are at the mercy of those who control the world markets. Inevitably it will get worse before matters are sorted out and the money markets calm down. Much can happen so quickly and there is little that can be done to change the outcome. Be assured however that greater powers than those on Earth, are playing their part to ensure that it is eventually to your liking.
Many pathways are leading to a satisfactory conclusion for many changes that are gradually taking shape. The dark Ones may still have influence but their power to dictate your future is rapidly diminishing. Many countries are coming together to present a solid front and disclosure and the revaluation of your most important currencies is becoming more likely. All is planned far in advance and it will come to be for the betterment of the people of your world. Opposition to it is weakening and nothing will prevent the eventual desired changes from coming about. It is the first steps that seem to take so long to be achieved, but revaluation and the distribution of funds around the world are going ahead. In fact it has already commenced although it has not been acknowledged so far.

Lena Stevens -Patricia Liles - Leo Full Moon Update - Jan 21, 2016

Dear Friends,

Full Moon is Saturday, January 23 at 6:46PM Mountain Time (MST).

This is a moon that supports personal expression and an experience of personal power. Acknowledge what you have accomplished this month in terms of RESET and celebrate your own your talents, unique capabilities and personal power. If you feel overwhelmed about what is coming into your life, take a deep breath, ask for clarity, and be willing to allow that which does not serve you to be gone, making room for what wants to manifest.

This is a good day to be in community and to inspire each other with new ideas and possibilities. It is time to dream big and do your thinking outside the box. It is also a good moon to anchor new partnerships and commit to new relationships, projects, travel and something you have always wanted to do but never thought you could. What you put into motion during this moon will have a great engine of energetic and higher centered fuel behind it for manifesting in the future. Use it well!

jueves, enero 21, 2016

Marlene Swetlishoff - ANGEL AURORA: LOOK FOR THE RAINBOWS - January 21, 2016

ANGEL AURORA: LOOK FOR THE                                      RAINBOWS

Beloved Ones,
I greet you this day with a message of Love and Peace for all upon your beautiful Planet Earth. As the changes continue to take place upon the surface of the Earth and within the atmosphere around the Earth, that which has been unseen will now become visible to your physical eyes. All around you there are a multitude of Beings, entities and consciousness working for your highest good and the highest good of the entire Planet. As your sight is restored to you of all that really is, you will experience a feeling of wonder and delight at what you behold, for there IS wonder and magic all about you.
We are working in unison with all the Devic kingdoms to restore the life force of all the plants and trees upon the Earth. This is done through alchemical knowledge given by Divine Creator. All are busy at work restoring, rejuvenating and regenerating all of Nature according to the will of the Creator and the Divine Plan. This is a work of Love and Joy for all of us and we sing with joy and love and praise as we do our work. There are many angelic choirs that you might hear in the gentle breezes of the wind that blows softly through the leaves on the trees. All is in the process of Awakening to the original blueprint.

Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden - Accepting Oneness Through Responsibility - Jan 21, 2016

Machu Picchu Shamballa 1_800_457
This is the transcription of the visit to the Golden City of SHAMBALLA which resides in the 5th dimensional New Earth over Machu Picchu that took place on January 13, 2016.  
Lord Melchizdek, Lord Metatron, and the Mahatma are the Overlighting Beings for this City which represents THE MAGNETISM OF ONE UNIVERSAL BEING. It represents the 16th Ray in the color of White Violet Light.
Lord Adama brings forth the energetic exchange to travel to the Golden Etheric City of Shamballa located in the 5th Dimensional Earth over Macchu Picchu.
Let us now ignite those Merkabah Vehicles in preparation to travel to the Golden Etheric City of Shamballa. We center upon the Violet White Light. The mixture of Light Violet White spinning within you and around you igniting your Merkabah Vehicle allowing the extension to go beyond your physical existence. Breathing deeply, breathing deeply as you arise out of your physical body feeling those beautiful essences as you move up to the 5th dimensional frequency of light. We call upon the White Violet light feeling the vortex of energy as you spin through this spectrum of light, it takes you to the Golden Etheric City of Shamballa over Macchu Picchu.
You feel the magnificence of this geographic location that it represents. You feel the power of the Spiritual Self, of the Masters all in one consciousness as this energy represents the Inner Earth, above the Earth and beyond the Earth. We feel that existence moving through the entire being with your breath as you are twisting and turning as you are moving through the vortex of energy. You find yourself now at the beautiful gateway of this city.
There are magnificent lights around this city. You see the mountain ranges and beyond. You feel the exquisite essence of spiritual devotion as we walk through the gateway; there is a calmness that occurs within you. You start to feel the existence of all love, all light of your purest consciousness within your I AM Presence to be fully with you.

Aisha North - Water Speaks - 21/01/16

miércoles, enero 20, 2016

The Great Planetary Alignment of 2016,Jan 20:5 Planets are visible at the same time

Ron Head - The Council - The Dike Sprung A Leak – Jan 20, 2016

The Council

The dike has sprung a leak. And there is no little boy to put his thumb in the hole until help comes.

This was a children’s tale not long ago. It is not so often read anymore, but it applies to the situation your world finds itself in at this time. The great majority of people are still blissfully unaware of what is going on, or perhaps not so blissfully since to them the chaos seems overwhelming. But for those who read our messages, and who have access to what is now being called alternate sources of information, there are numerous hints appearing every day that indicate a growing stream of new information. As these stories continue to unfold, they will form a new tapestry of understanding, and its pattern will soon show your long awaited new world society in its infancy. Take heart. You all must remember how rapidly infants tend to grow.

Questions for Jim - Everyone is Feeling the Changes - Waking Up

Kryon "Five in a Circle" 2016

Kryon "The basics of Belief" 2016

Sheldan Nidle - Update from the Galactic Federation of Light and the Spiritual Hierarchy - Jan 20, 2016

from Planetary Activation Organization
What we ask of you is to remain positively supportive of what our allies are working so diligently to achieve. A new financial system that fully supports a state of permanent prosperity is now practically in effect...
Thus, dear Hearts, your time to shine is finally upon you. Be wise in your decisions and brilliant in your actions.

Ummac Dan ~ Galactic Federation Symbol For The Sirian Star System

Selamat Jalwa! All is well and wonderful with Gaia! Those who are designated to deliver your goodies are poised to complete this grand task! The delay, which overtook these valiant warriors, is over. The operation to take down the dark oligarchy is resuming. In addition, the process to install new governance is waiting in full anticipation for the deliveries to reach the previously agreed upon magic numbers. At that point, the pro-cabal governments are to fall and be swiftly followed by the new designated governments. These new rulers are to dissolve the legislature and the courts and begin a process that is to greatly alter how these bodies are presently constructed. New rules on elections and general guidelines for procedures are to be built into these public organizations. This is to allow these organs of governance to truly be made of conscious legislators and judges who willingly follow the honest dictates of Common Law. This is formally to signal that your freedom from the tyranny of the bankers and their many allies is now over.

All Five Visible Planets are About to Align - 'Fab Five' Make Rare Appearance Before Dawn

Kara Schallock - All of Life is in Divine Order - January 20, 2016

We continue to receive great Light. Those who are especially sensitive may feel it especially in their physical bodies in the form of back pain and nausea; of course, there may be other manifestations depending on what is most important for you to experience for your evolution. While we focus on what the Light is sharing with us, we expand into New perspectives while we go ever deeper into old beliefs. Many of these deeper beliefs have been anchored in many lifetimes.

martes, enero 19, 2016

John Smallman - Saul - All the debt in the world could be instantly abolished - Jan 19, 2016

Humanity’s moment of awakening is very close. So much information has been revealed by alternate sources about corruption in high places that the mainstream media is having to take note and start at least acknowledging the fact that enormous changes are occurring on the international political front as well as reporting on some of the corruption in the international corporate world.
The world is an illusory place, nevertheless, human activities within it have been the cause of much pain and suffering over the eons as small but powerful cliques have done their utmost to control and use humanity at large for their various nefarious self-centered agendas, which they have always insisted are for the greater good of humanity. And for eons humanity has effectively been enslaved by these powerful and corrupt elites. Now, as their secretive real intentions are being revealed by whistle blowers all across the planet, and are being reported on alternate but honest Internet news sites, their power and influence is collapsing. The forces of corruption can only work when they are hidden from view. As they are revealed in all their knavery their power dissolves as those who supported them flee in disarray.

Benjamín Fulford - 19-01-16. La revolución continúa con la congelación del tráfico naviero, la caída de las bolsas, el hundimiento del dólar, el petróleo a 20 dólares, los ataques a las minas de oro y más

(Traducción del cartel, de Chus: falsificaciones chinas de productos occidentales, etc.)
Fuente y comentarios en inglés:

Hay un esfuerzo sistemático en marcha para eliminar todo el fraude del sistema financiero mundial. Esta campaña está llegando al punto en que algunas de las principales instituciones financieras y los países, incluido el gobierno corporativo de Estados Unidos, están a punto de ir a la quiebra. Todo esto es parte de una guerra híbrida que incluye el sistema financiero, superordenadores, operaciones de las fuerzas especiales, noticias, propaganda, asesinatos selectivos y más.

Quizás la noticia más dramática y poco reportada de este nuevo tipo de lucha constante ha sido la congelación del tráfico naviero mundial. Para confirmar los informes en Internet de una congelación de esa navegación, este escritor llamó a los teléfonos de NYK, una firma internacional importante de envíos marítimos, y se le dijo que “no podemos hablar por todo el mundo, pero, por lo que nuestra empresa se refiere, con los precios de envío actuales perderemos dinero cada vez que enviamos un barco, por lo que hemos parado”. Fuentes gubernamentales chinas dijeron a este boletín que las compañías navieras exigen ahora que se les pague en yuanes chinos y no en dólares y que es una de las principales razones para la congelación de los envíos de todo el mundo. Si esto sigue así, dará lugar a estanterías vacías en los supermercados y malestar social, especialmente en los EE.UU.. El anuncio de la semana pasada por parte de Walmart de que van a cerrar 269 tiendas es sólo el comienzo.

Anna Merkaba - Disclosure – Babies – Fertility – Kwan Yin – Ancient Discoveries – The Council of 12 - January 19, 2016

Greetings everyone before I begin this channeling I would like to add a personal, totally unrelated note to this channeling. A few days ago I was visited by the Goddess Kwan Yin, and whilst I’ve never “officially” met her and knew little about her, I was beyond excited to be in her presence. She introduced herself as Kwan Yin and it was later that I have looked her up.

Kwan Yin has shared some incredibly exciting news with me, that this particular year 2016 is going to be an incredibly fertile year! Both in terms of actually having babies for those who have been anxiously trying to conceive, and birthing of new ideas, new opportunities, new creative ways of assisting humanity and earth. This year truly is about creation, new beginnings and of course endings. Keep this in mind as you see some doors close for you, remember that as one door closes another one is waiting to be opened. Be open to various opportunities presenting themselves to you and allow this beautiful energy to permeate your whole being and help you to birth that which you truly wish!


Channeled by Jahn J Kassl

Translated by Franz

Beloved Ones,

Create inner calm, go into inner silence, center yourself

in the realm of peace that expands in your soul and only
waits for you to come in.

The outer world gets increasingly restless, because the world

is lifted out of its hinges, the events gain in power and begin
to condense; rarely a day, when massive steps toward
transformation do not occur, rarely an hour that is free
of reflections and rarely a moment which lets you come
to peace in the outer.

lunes, enero 18, 2016

Jennifer Hoffman - Archangel Uriel - Intend from Mind, Choose from Spirit - 18 January, 2016

Each of you is a perfect combination of mind and spirit, working in harmony to expand energy on the earth. Spirit chooses what it wishes to create according to the path the soul has determined for the lifetime. Spirit intends healing and transformation and while those are its choices for each lifetime, it is what the mind intends that determines the outcome. If the choice is set from spirit then the mind has a powerful and clear path for its choosing. Otherwise, the mind makes its own choices.
The mind is limited to its experience of life, the collection of emotions, beliefs and thinking that it has always used to create. This is its path for each lifetime. But the purpose of every lifetime is to integrate mind and spirit, so that the mind’s intention can work with spirit’s choices for transformation, instead of its destined path of fear. Integration is created by balancing mind and spirit, releasing fear and allowing a higher vibration to enter the mind’s reality.

Suzanne Lie - Unconditional Love for Your Self - Chakra Three -- 1-18-16

Unconditional Love for Your Self - Chakra Three --Suzanne Lie

Did you miss our Unconditional Love webinar? 


Listen to the Meditation of Unconditional Love 
for your Third Chakra

Download the Meditation of Unconditional Love 
for your Third Chakra


Blessings, we will now share the third meditation for your third Chakra. 

Align yourself for this meditation by taking a long slow deep breath. 
In fact, take a moment to close your eyes and breathe in one, two, three, four –-- hold, hold that inner Light.
Slowly breathe out –-- one, two, three, four, five, six –-- and relax.
Feel how your Solar Plexus, your third Chakra expands up with your in breath
and relaxes down as you exhale that breath. 
Let us do that one more time. Breathe in –-- one, two, three, four --- hold, hold
that breath, and hold that Unconditional Love that flows with that breath.

Benjamín Fulford - The revolution continues with shipping freeze, stock plunge, US dollar dumping, $20 oil, attacks on gold mines and more - January 19, 2016

There is a systematic effort underway to remove all fraud from the world’s financial system. This campaign is now getting to the point where some major financial institutions and countries, including the US corporate government, are about to go bankrupt. This is all part of a hybrid war involving finance, super-computers, special forces operations, news, propaganda, pin-point assassinations and more.

Perhaps the most dramatic, and under-reported, new aspect of this ongoing struggle has been the freeze on global shipping. To confirm reports on the internet of a shipping freeze, this writer called NYK lines, a major international shipping firm, and was told “we cannot speak for the whole world but, as far as our company is concerned, with current shipping prices we will lose money every time we send a ship so we have stopped.” Chinese government sources told this newsletter shipping companies are now demanding to be paid in Chinese yuan and not dollars and that is a major reason for the freeze in shipping worldwide. If this continues, it will lead to empty super-market shelves and social unrest, especially in the US. The announcement last week by Walmart that it is closing 269 stores is just the beginning.

Brenda Hoffman - Claim Yourself! - Jan 18, 2016

Dear Ones,

Many of you wish to transition more rapidly than your physicality will allow. When you were a youngster, you wanted to be a teen. And when you were in your teens, you wanted to be an adult.  So it is now.
You wish to fly through the dimensions even though you have not yet created your earth dream. There is indeed a time for you to fly, but only after you have completed the preparatory step of creating your earth dream. And so you shall – at the time correct for you. A time that is hours, days or weeks from now.
For you to fly into the dimensions without the security of your earth dream is similar to you leaving your home of earth origin to live in the work-a-day world at age 12. Altering your earth life in so many ways because you did not have the freedom to discover yourself as is paramount in your teen years.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Lo que No Sabes - Introducción - Mini-Canalización - Boulder, Colorado, el 9 de enero de 2016

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Siempre hay una pequeña pausa. Mi socio y todo lo que hay de humano en él da un paso a un lado, literalmente, tanto como le es posible, para permitirme hablar como lo hago. Sin embargo al mismo tiempo debe usarse el lenguaje, el intelecto, todo lo que el humano ha aprendido y está presente; no obstante lo que es mi socio, el que ustedes conocen como personalidad, no está. Se hace a un lado. Le ha llevado años saber y aprender a hacerlo, porque tenía miedo. Y era miedo al cambio, a la pérdida del control, tenía que ver con la percepción, con todo lo que estamos enseñando hoy.

Ron Head ~ The council ~ Unconscious Beliefs - Jan 18, 2016

We will speak today of unconscious beliefs. In our last message we used the words deserve and worthy. We used the word unworthy. This was in the context of a discourse on the illusion of separation. We would like to expand on those terms today.

We understand, and we stated that mankind is in the process of bringing the illusion of separation to an end. Seen from your vantage point, it will be obvious that everyone is not at the same point in the process. And the ideas of unworthiness and being undeserving are an unconscious anchor holding many in place where they are. As is the idea that it is not possible to be at one with the divine. There are even those, and not a few, who would be afraid to achieve that oneness. So we have here a few serious things to discuss.

Brenda Hoffman - Los Sueños de la Tierra Requieren Dedicación al Auto Amor - 11 de Enero 2016


Traducción: Fara González

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo


Así es que se preparan para abrir su ser a la próxima fase de transición. Muchos se preocupan porque no han creado todavía su sueño de seguridad en la tierra. Lo hará. Porque es tiempo de avanzar.

No se trata de disminuir su sueño de seguridad en la tierra, sino de informarles que han avanzado más allá de la tierra en muchas formas. Ustedes se informarán a sí mismos de esa verdad una vez que celebren su graduación terrenal con la creación de su sueño de seguridad en la tierra.

Lisa Transcendence Brown - The Galactic StarBEing Awakening In A Human Body: DNA Adapts, Forms, ShapeShifts According to Consciousness - 1/18/2016

When a StarBeing awakens in a human body, into a human reality, it is a startling and confusing experience. This brings much confusion, anger and inner pain ... the separation from the feeling and knowing of "HOME" within. For each it shall be different as to how one chooses to enter/re-enter this human experience and awaken fully again. For the context of this writing, we shall unify the separated terms of Galactics, Celestials and StarBEings to be the same, as they are. Different aspects, we shall identify all by StarBEing here.

Marlene Swetlishoff - Mensaje Semanal del Maestro Ascendido Hilarión - Del 17 al 24 de enero, 2016

Traducción: Esther Abreu

Parte 3 (Continuación del mensaje de la semana anterior- 10 al 17 de enero, 2016)


Ustedes se preguntan ¿qué más se podría hacer, qué más debería hacerse? Los problemas que surgen en el tiempo se gestan y toman forma, se ocultan al principio, no se ven, son provocados por la codicia del hombre, permitido ser por la ignorancia del hombree, no se puede resolver en cuestión de días, minutos u horas, ni siquiera por las fuerzas de los propios milagros en sí mismos - es el tiempo y la persistencia los que permitirán ganar la guerra. Ustedes deben seguir alentando a la gente a enfocarse en sus pensamientos amorosos, en enfocar sus pensamientos de Luz sobre el mundo, todos los días, esto es lo que se debe hacer. ¡El mundo debe ser bombardeado constantemente con amor! Las personas no deben crecer con un corazón débil creyendo que eso no funciona; las personas deben reconocer, deben ver que esas fuerzas construirán poco a poco con el tiempo, que esas fuerzas deben ser aplicadas de manera consistente, si se quiere que tengan efecto; que esas fuerzas deben provenir de una legión de personas unidas y enfocadas que crean, confían y conocen la verdad.

domingo, enero 17, 2016

Selacia - Actualización para Mediados de Enero del 2016 - Enero 14, 2016

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Hay algunas energías más ligeras en el aire a medida que avanzamos hacia mediados de enero. Siempre es útil conocer tales tendencias para poder aprovecharlas. Aunque estamos todavía experimentando los altibajos del 2015 y continuamos con el Retrógrado de Mercurio hasta el 25 de junio, existen otros factores energéticos que pueden ayudar a impulsar su ánimo y su productividad. En este artículo describo cómo aprovechar esto.
Actualicen su Visión del 2016
A veces cuando un año comienza con un Retrógrado de Mercurio y sus demoras inherentes, hay una tendencia a enmarañarse en los detalles olvidando la perspectiva más amplia. Si esto les ha sucedido a ustedes o simplemente no son su típico yo alegre de año nuevo, sigan leyendo.

Marlene Swetlishoff/ - Hilarion – January 17, 2016

Part 3 – (cont’d)

You ask what more could be done, what more should be done. Problems that emerge over time gestate and form, hidden at first, unseen, brought about by mans greed, allowed to be by mans ignorance, cannot be resolved within days or minutes or hours, not even by the forces of miracles themselves – it is time and persistency that will win the war. You must continue to encourage people to focus their loving thoughts, to focus their thoughts of Light upon the world, each and every day, this must be done. The world must be consistently bombarded with love! People must not grow faint hearted believing that it is not working; people must acknowledge, must see that such forces will need to build slowly over time, that such forces need to be consistently applied, if they are to have effect; that such forces must come from a united and focused legion of people who believe, trust and know the truth.

Shanta Gabriel - AA Gabriel - Learning to Trust Your Own Answers - January 17, 2016

Learning to Trust Your Own Answers

We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives. For this week's issue, the message from Archangel Gabriel is assisting us to learn how to trust our deepest wisdom.

The Gabriel Message card for this week

Strengthen your conscious awareness of other states beyond the physical, communicate deeply within yourself and learn to trust in your own answers.

Everywhere I turn now it seems I am being confronted with the need to be aware of other states beyond the physical. In fact, much of my life at this point seems to be about working beyond 3D and more about learning to live in the higher frequencies of the 5D world we have moved into.

sábado, enero 16, 2016

Jahn J Kassl - PRINCIPLE OF CREATION, BABAJI - January 16, 2016

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
Translated by Franz

Where do your thoughts point to and how do you think?
This is a question we would now like to turn to.


Beloved One,

Time, at the end of time, brings forth everything and
the illusions get stronger before they dissolve.

How can you face this process, where should you
direct your consciousness and your mindfulness?

Aisha North - Water Speaks - 16/01/16

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - EL DESPERTAR CUÁNTICO - Enero 2016

*** El 2016 y todos sus dones

*** La esencia de todas las verdades es no sectaria, simultánea y multidimensional

*** Pliegues de tiempo

El 2016 y todos sus dones

Por Gillian Macbeth-Louthan

publicado en el Sedona Journal

A medida que las líneas ley celestiales adentro y afuera, arriba y abajo, se reajustan para los aterrizajes de iluminación entrantes, todos se sentirán desparramados y desconcertados por un inesperado y travieso torbellino de interferencia. Golpes y roces durante estos acontecimientos celestes pueden sacudir los patrones humanos lineales de pensamiento el tiempo suficiente para que penetre algo de iluminación. Como quien está empapado por una lluvia primaveral inesperada, no hay forma de evitar la completa saturación, con y sin el paraguas cósmico. Está teniendo lugar una profunda sanación con o sin su permiso.

Blossom Goodchild - January 16, 2016

Here we are again. I look forward to seeing what you may care to speak of today.
Welcome to Each One. It is fitting that we encompass that which benefits the whole. Therefore, this day we have chosen to speak to you of something a little different, as was suggested. We would care to speak to you of … worm holes.
Really? Struth! That took me completely by surprise. Be my guest.
It is complimentary to both ourselves and those of your planet to discuss such matters in these new times. Yet, it wouldn’t be correct to say that these worm holes are something that have just arrived.
I am surprised you are calling them 'worm holes'. I thought ‘portal’ or ‘vortex’ would befit you more.
It matters not which technical term is used. The fact remains that we wish to speak about them.

James Tyberonn - Arcángel Metatrón - Puntos De Infinito El Señor Miguel y la Dama de los Lagos

Saludos, Maestros Yo soy Metatrón, Ángel de Luz. Se une a mí Tyberonn del Servicio Cristalino, y los saludamos en un vector de amor incondicional.

Y entonces hablaremos de la frecuencia vibratoria exquisita y de la asombrosa grandiosidad visual del Portal del Vórtice de Miguel en Banff. Ahora bien, existen muchos aspectos singulares y no reconocidos en la región de los parques nacionales de Banff y Yoho en las montañas, ríos, valles y aguas verdaderamente espectaculares de esta cadena montañosa singular de Canadá occidental. Debido a sus anomalías gravitacionales, su tectónica, su equilibrio electromagnético, su mineralogía y su ubicación de latitud y longitud, existen campos plásmicos benévolos que permiten una interfaz más tangible con los reinos divinos.

Emmanuel Dagher ~ The Year of Miracles - January 2016

My soul friend,

Happy New Year! Before we catch up on the blessings 2016 has in store, let’s reflect a moment on the gifts the past year brought us.

What a ride 2015 took us on! If the highs and lows felt extreme for you, know that you are not alone.

If I could sum up this past year in two words, they would be “awakening” and “abundance.”

When most of us think of these two words, we often associate them with fluffy new age concepts that may seem out of reach for most people.

viernes, enero 15, 2016

Karen Downing - Question Everything - 15 January, 2016

One of the questions I am often asked is, “Do you ever question how you get your information?” My answer. Yes. In fact, I feel that taking regular time to question the process of your intuition keeps you in check, out of the Ego, and even more importantly, away from the influence of malevolent beings.
This is not a question of protection. If you wish to be protected, and ask for protection, you are protected. But, what if you have been unknowingly asking for protection from beings who have not been honest with you? How do you learn to discern the difference between your Higher Self and the Ego? Between malevolent beings, here to disempower, and benevolent beings, here to assist?

Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden - Becoming One in the Golden City of Shamballa – Decree - Jan 15, 2016

The Golden Earth City of Shamballa is within the 5th Dimensional Earth which we call Terra Christa. It represents the 16th Ray “Magnetism Created to Reflect the One Universal Being.”

The special city of light, “Shamballa” is located over Maccu Picchu along with an Inner Earth City below Machu Picchu. Machu Picchu is situated above a loop of the Urubamba River, which surrounds the site on three sides, with cliffs dropping vertically for 450 metres (1,480 ft) to the river at their base. The area is subject to morning mists rising from the river. (

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - 2016 and All Her Gifts - 15 January, 2016

As the celestial leylines within and without, above and below, re-adjust themselves for incoming landings of illumination, all will feel strewn about and discombobulated by an unexpected mischievous dust devil of interference. Bumps and grinds during these sky-lined events may shake up the human linear patterns of thinking just long enough for some enlightment to get thru. Like one that is drenched by an unexpected spring shower, there is no way to avoid complete saturation, with or without cosmic umbrella. A deep healing is occurring with or without your permission.
The cells of Earth have their encoded orders and know what to do; they march forward at a steady pace never missing a beat. Each pain within your body is a cry for help, a stuck fear, trauma or memory, literally a pain from the past. 2016 is about ‘promises and completion’, Cosmic and Personal completion. Humanity is asked nicely to enter the next level of love, of heart, of soul and service to the Universe.

Natalie Glasson - Archangel Michael - Bursting Your Perspective Bubble - 15th January 2016

Sacred School of OmNa
With great volumes of love anchoring into your world from such sources as Venus, many powerful awakenings are dawning. Love has the power to clear out old stagnant energies as well as all forms of resistance to acceptance of the Creator. While love supports cleansing and purification within your being, love also
encourages empowerment and manifestation of your dreams and soul aligned desires.

Steve Rother - El Grupo - Llenando la vacante de luz - Un tiempo de ESPERANZA - 16 de diciembre de 2015

Un saludo a todos, yo soy Elrah del Servicio Rítmico.

Quise participar un momento porque también estoy celebrando un cumpleaños. En realidad, celebro mi cumpleaños todos los meses, pero no se lo he dicho a nadie porque ustedes no cuentan con suficientes números para llegar a la sumatoria de mi cumpleaños. No, ya superamos la marca de los 200.000 y, a partir de ahí, tendemos a olvidarlo. Sin embargo, quise celebrarlo con todos ustedes porque comprenden lo que está sucediendo en el Planeta Tierra y que se está volviendo hermoso.

Diane Canfield - Ascension Update~Current Energies Flowing IN - January 15, 2016

Light Pillars – Light Map In The Sky Taken by Mia Heikkilä on January 12, 2016 @ Kauttua, Eura, Finland

Ascension Update~Current Energies Flowing IN

By Diane Canfield

Today we are experienced extreme crown chakra activations which changes and transforms our DNA through upgrades to our LIGHT BODY. You may experience tingles and the feeling of helmet head, which is pressure around all sides of the head. I came up with this term a year or so ago to describe the feeling that happens when the Ascension waves come in and what it feels like around the head with crown chakra activations.

Dr. Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - Unconditionally Love Yourself ~ Second Chakra

Meditation for Chakra Two

As I focus on my second chakra between my waist and the base of my spine, I feel a rush of emotion from a long forgotten childhood and early life. I embrace these emotions with the power of my Unconditional Love.

With the power of my Unconditional Love, I can Unconditionally Forgive myself for whatever I thought I might have done wrong. I can also Unconditionally Accept that I wrote those episodes of life into my birth plan.