viernes, junio 12, 2015

Natalie Glasson ~ ¨Peace of mind ~Vywumus - Jun 12, 2015

Peace of mind is an aspect of ascension which many strive to achieve wishing to bring stillness and quietness to their thought forms with a presence of peace emanating from their mental bodies. Peace of mind is a state of being which indicates a greater connection and resonance with the Creator due to the mind’s inability, when in this state, to be distracted or confused. To many existing upon the Earth experiencing peace and stillness within their minds is a luxury which seems unobtainable and imaginary, yet such a state within your mental body is already present within your being and simply requires your focus and acceptance.

Crop circles 2015 - Dondukovskoy, Adygea, Russia - 7 June

7 June 2015 crop circle: Pontecurone, Alessandria, Italy

Suzanne Lie - All That Is Within The NOW!

Love Song from Venus/Heart Healing~Shekina Rose Singing the Angelic language

The Pleiadian Network - Leave Fear Behind - June 12, 2015

Good morning, we are here, give us a moment. It is June 12, 2015, Mercury going Direct. Let us begin.
We have not had many opportunities to chat with you lately, partly this has been designed because of the Mercury Retrograde, but also it has been designed to give you time to experience. When we come in with our point of view, with our take on things, sometimes it can prevent you or take away from an experience.
You know when you teach someone to ride a bicycle, there is times when you are very close, you hover, and you are holding onto the bicycling, and you’re helping the person pedal and stuff, but then there comes a time when you must let go and let that person pedal and ride the bicycle themselves. And maybe you can come back in and help them if they try to turn and it’s difficult to turn, but eventually they will get to a point where you can let them go on the bicycle on their own, and this was that kind of time.

Caroline Oceana Ryan - A Message to Lightworkers – June 12, 2015

A Message to Lightworkers – June 12, 2015
The latest guidance for Lightworkers, from our friends, the fifth and sixth dimensional beings known as the Collective:
Greetings! We are glad to have this opportunity to speak with you in this astounding and joyful time upon the Earth.
We are aware that much appears to be in disorder.
We have spoken before of the negative slant of the news media and the entertainment media.
Yes, there is still a glorification of war on many levels, and a glorification, among individuals and communities, of a twisted sense of masculinity—that which deals in defensive, egoic posturing and threats, if not outright violence.
And we would say, that you are living in the very last moments of this patriarchal, unequal and unjust world, and that there is so much to celebrate now, that you would not believe us if we listed all of the blessings and good will being poured out upon you.

Abraham Hicks ~ You are closer to a breakthrough than you think

jueves, junio 11, 2015


Basado en el libro de Fritz Springmeier "Linajes de los Illuminati", con agregados actuales

La siguiente familia en nuestra serie de artículos de las principales 13 familias Illuminati es la familia Collins. Las primeras dos han sido la familia Astor y la familia Bundy. En cuanto a la investigación sobre la familia Collins a partir de una escala de 0 a 100, yo llego a las 10. Hay fuertes conexiones que serán presentadas junto con conexiones débiles. Joan Collins es lo que yo llamo una conexión débil. Ella ha sido asociada con una larga lista de hombres clave de los Illuminati, y al menos, algunos pocos satanistas. Pero esta es la más ligera de las cuotas de lo que ella tendría que ver con los Illuminati. Permítanme darles algunas conexiones duras primero.

La siguiente es una descripción de una junta satánica de alto nivel altamente secreta. Viene vía una ex-insider que se ha convertido ahora al Cristianismo. Si hay otra persona que fue miembro de la jerarquía y que esté leyendo esto, probablemente esto le traerá recuerdos. Esta experiencia data desde 1955, se trata de una reunión que se celebra dos veces al año, a la que asisten los Rothschild y todas las familias-madre. La junta se da en el interior de un gran cuarto, y la Gran Madre sentada en el trono era una Collins. La familia Collins se ha mantenido fuera de los reflectores porque poseen más poder oculto que los Rothschilds y que los Rockefeller.

Crop Circles 2015 - Republic of Adygea, Russia - 9th june 2015 - UFO 2015 Russia

Crop Circles 2015 - Rauwiller, Alsace, France - 11th june 2015 - UFO 2015 France

Suzanne Lie - Arcturian Message and Gaia Speaks for Her Third Chakra 6-11-15



I am Gaia, returned to be your guide as you merge your chakras with mine in the blending of person with planet. I invite you now to my Third Chakra. I welcome you into my planetary body just as you are in the process of welcoming me into your human body. The Third Chakra is a masculine/outflow polarity, which represents the outflow of our personal power.

The challenge of this chakra is to find your own inner light and share it with the world by projecting your Inner Power in an out-flowing manner. Often, when my people are unable to discover their inner power, they become fearful and try to steal another’s power through domination and control.

UFO CIGAR INVISIBLE Over Castle Ruins Tulum, Mexico, May 2015

2015 crop circles near Berlin, Germany 8 June

Ron Head - It is you and the time is now.- The Council - June 11, 2015

The Council
We seem to have struck a chord! We see that the quote from our former message which is titled ‘Your Divine Nature’ has resonated well with many readers. We have decided, therefore, to expand a little upon that subject. It is time to do this now, as many more of you are becoming open to possibilities of the truth of your being that you would not have been receptive to not so long ago.
Now, lest we awaken your egos to their feelings of importance, let us remind you that everything you see around you is created of divine stuff. So don’t get too puffed up. Your house pet is a divine being, too.
The problem is that you have allowed yourselves to believe the fiction that you are not. And then you even embellish upon that. You are too this, too that, and not enough of the other. And your belief in those things actually produces what you picture. You might say that your DNA and your cells say, “OK. We can make that for you.” Quite a remarkable endorsement for your co-creativeness, wouldn’t you say? But perhaps a teensy bit off in its usage.

Marlene Swetlishoff - Archangel Gabriel - June 11, 2015

Beloved Ones,
I would like to have discourse on the quality of love that is known as enlightenment. An enlightened person knows that all of Earth’s inhabitants depend on each other for their survival. This individual sees the interconnected nature of all existence and knows their own place in the universe. They are loving, compassionate, kind, and genuinely care about other people. An enlightened person remains spiritually open to everyone, understanding that other people give them spiritual nourishment, meaning, sustenance and growth. They are insightful, and see the world with a clarity of vision and no longer have a need for the power struggles that humanity currently still engages in. These individuals have learned healthy and positive ways of relating with other people and are connected with their own Divine guidance and inner strength. They have met the challenges of becoming an aware and enlightened person, knowing that it requires the letting go of many things previously held dear to them. These individuals are aware that they are already on their most perfect spiritual path and follow their greatest passion towards the realization of their dreams.

Suzanne Lie - Becoming ONE-People and Planet "Blog-a-thon" - 6-11-15

Welcome to our Becoming ONE-People and Planet


Today, we will present the information about our Third Chakra
and tomorrow we will hear from Gaia and Her Third Chakra



LOCATION: The third chakra is located between the sternum bone and the navel.

PETALS: There are ten petals in the third chakra which, when spinning, may appear like a vortex. In numerology, the number 10 is reduced to the number 1. Number one symbolizes the beginning, as “In the beginning there was the word,” and every word begins with a thought. Even if it is unconscious, thought precedes communication. The third chakra also represents our communication with the fourth dimensional astral world, which is too often unconscious.

Kara Schallock - Flexibilidad, Nacimiento y Libertad - 9 de Junio 2015
9 de Junio 2015

Traducción: Fara González

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Desde la Luna Llena hemos estado elevando la vibración, preparándonos para un enorme impulso de avance en el Solsticio de Verano/Invierno. Probablemente ustedes sintieron la intensidad. Noto que primero siento las energías físicamente, especialmente después de haber liberado tanto…..y lo mismo puede ser cierto con ustedes. Estos últimos días han sacado mucha de la desesperación y preocupación respecto a sí hemos cambiado verdaderamente. Puede sentirse como si estuviésemos esperando por algo. Confíen en que hemos cambiado y que la espera no es tal. Es un conocimiento de que estamos avanzando e integrando en maneras fenomenales. Todo sucede en Orden Divino y Momento Divino, así que si se sienten como si estuviesen esperando, confíen en que todo está ocurriendo perfectamente. Queremos acelerar las cosas y no obstante no hay manera de hacerlo. Debemos ser pacientes y muy perceptivos de lo que la vida nos muestra. Seguimos liberando y para mantenernos en Observación es mejor no apegarnos a las viejas energías que surgen, enfocándonos más bien en cómo nos sentimos. Analizarlo todo no da resultado, sólo importa el sentimiento. Al sentir tenemos mayor Claridad, al pensar aumenta la confusión. Y sin embargo en estos tiempos es posible que ni sepamos lo que sentimos. De ser así enfóquense en cómo y que quieren sentir. Esto los ayuda a avanzar a través de cualquier impasse percibido.

Bye Bye Oxygen Tanks: Aquaman Crystal To Help Humans Breathe Underwater

 Bye Bye Oxygen Tanks: Aquaman Crystal To Help Humans Breathe Underwater

June 3rd, 2015 | by Vandita

This is a great piece of news for scuba divers, swimmers, as well as non-swimmers – basically anyone who wants to go underwater, stay submerged and breathe as a fish. Scientists from the University of Southern Denmark and the University of Sydney, recently developed an oxygen absorbing crystal, Aquaman Crystal, or “[{(bpbp)Co2II(NO3)}2(NH2bdc)](NO3)2 * 2H2O” capable of pulling oxygen out of both air and water. The crystalline material can bind and store oxygen in high concentrations. The stored oxygen can be released again when and where it is needed.

The study, by Professor Christine McKenzie and Jonas Sundberg, showed that approximately 10 liters of microscopic crystal grains, could be enough to completely suck the oxygen out of a room.

“This could be valuable for lung patients who today must carry heavy oxygen tanks with them. But also divers may one day be able to leave the oxygen tanks at home and instead get oxygen from this material as it “filters” and concentrates oxygen from surrounding air or water. A few grains contain enough oxygen for one breath, and as the material can absorb oxygen from the water around the diver and supply the diver with it, the diver will not need to bring more than these few grains,” McKenzie said.

5 Alien Species in Contact With Earth Right Now

Do you believe in Extraterrestrial Intelligence? What about the idea that not only do they exist, but that they are in contact with the Earth currently?

All of the evidence I’ve seen has pointed to this being true, and if you have seen some of the information out there, I’m sure this idea doesn’t come as being far fetched to you.  This article will expose the undercover story, and introduce you to the species you can make direct contact with right now.

Humans have already discovered 2,000 exoplanets in our Universe, with over 500 discovered this year alone. These planets are potentially suitable for life and have the right conditions to support it, including perhaps oxygen, carbon, and water.

Our continued study of space has only led us to realize that it is very likely that the Universe is absolutely teeming with life, especially when you take into account that there are an estimated 100 billion galaxies in our Universe.

Some people may think it’s impossible that aliens would be able to exist, and doubly impossible that they would be able to travel light years to visit us.  But think about this:

Our earth is only 4 billion years old in a universe that is 14 billion years old.  What could a species learn, create, and do that has a 2 or 3 billion year head start on us?

Proven contact

Humans who act as Spiritual Channels have been pushing up against mainstream consensus for years, sharing that they have directly had contact with extraterrestrials. 

Abductees, military personnel, whistleblowers, even reputable scientists have been thoroughly tested by a vast range of neurologists, hypnotists, psychologists, etc., proving undisputedly that these people have had contact with ETs, some of which is reported to be both positive and negative.

Questions for Jim - How Do I Clear Energy Out of My Third Chakra?

Best UFO Sighting News Amazing Videos May 2015

Benjamin Fulford - June 8, 2015: G7 helpless in the face of mathematically certain bankruptcy

The leaders of the Group of Seven Industrialized Nations or G7 are holding an emergency meeting in Germany in a futile attempt to avoid their inevitable bankruptcy. The leaders talk about Greece, the Ukraine, China, the Middle East and other matters as if somehow they are still in control. The leaders need to understand that there is a thing out there called reality and, no matter how long you try to avoid it, it has a way of catching up to you. The fact is that, with the exceptions of Canada, Japan and Germany, the G7 nations and their allied Western states have been running a deficit with the rest of the world for the past 40 years. The elephant in the room that nobody talks about is the fact the biggest debtor of all is the Corporate United States.

The rest of the world has made a collective decision to stop financing these Western governments until they stop their constant war-mongering and resource stealing. Since the rest of the world controls most of the real money (i.e. money connected to physical objects) they control the underlying reality. You can eat bread but you cannot eat derivatives or dollar bills. You can trade real things like cars or oil for rice or wheat but if you lose trust, nobody will trade your IOUs for real things. The G7 countries, especially the Corporate United States (as opposed to the Republic of the United States), have managed to postpone the inevitable with fraudulent economic data, offshore slush funds, and derivatives theoretically worth astronomical amounts.

miércoles, junio 10, 2015


channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
A man can impossibly sit on two horses or tauten two bows: 
Mt 6:24 (Jesus says): „No one can serve two masters. Either 
you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted
to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God 
and money.“ How to understand this?
Beloved Ones,
The path into the Light is predestined for every human Being 
and it is only a question of the right hour, when a human Being 
decides to enter onto the path of the Light and to lift his life out 
of darkness, in order to fulfill it in God’s Light. As soon as this 
occurs a human Being begins to unconditionally accept everything 
that is. Human Beings cease to hate the one and to love the other; 
also they no longer will frame anybody, because in the process of 
perfection they gradually discard all imaginations. 
Human Beings begin to honor all Life and to accept all aspects 
of the Creator. Nothing will be dismissed, one begins to see, to 
understand and to recognize that everything is a living part of 
Creation, above as well as below, light as well as shadows, 
love and hate.
This access to one’s all-knowing consciousness slowly opens 
in an awakened human Being, because it is one thing to rebuff 
darkness and evil and it is an entirely different thing to respect 
this reality and to accept it in love, in order to dissolve it in this 
love, no matter how much effort it may require.
Such a human Being rebuffs the “lords of darkness”, yet recognizes 
their existence as reality, as a reality, wherefrom a light warrior 
can no longer be reached or captured at the end of time.

Wholly accepting Life 
The words from Jesus state, to accept life in its totality, 
and not to deny any side of the medal, to decline nothing, 
even if it is rejected, not to deny anything, also if the dark 
lords are never invited into the house. 

This is the way in order to overcome the polar world and 
in order to become one with All-That-Is. This is the path 
whereupon life is experienced in its totality.
The possibility of a choice only means that on a certain 
level of life Light or darkness will be rejected, in order to 
gain certain experiences, yet on a higher level of consciousness, 
all is one – one in God. 
It is a question of consciousness, as far as a human Being 
in this seeming contradiction withdraws from the dark on 
the one hand, and yet accepts it on the other hand, 
recognizing its All-That-Is reality. 
Widen your consciousness for this truth, because at the end 
of time all opposites are suspended and all contradictions 
cease to exist.  
I am amongst you, at all times and in Eternity.
I am the servant of all Life.

The Biography of Jesus, Part I (digital) – JAHN J KASSL: 

Suzanne Lie: The Arcturians – Climbing the Stairway - June 10, 2015

Beloved Ones,
You are ALL creating your New Home on New Earth. Your new home may be on New Earth, your new Starship assignment, and/or your new Lightbody. In fact, you are all building your NEW LIFE thought-by-thought and emotion-by-emotion.
Within this NOW, your consciousness is continuing to expand into higher and higher frequencies and dimensions. Hence, your expanded powers of Multidimensional manifestation are coming online. Therefore, as you continue to download and integrate the return to your fifth dimensional SELF, you must especially be aware of your every thought and emotion.
When you were resonating to a lower frequency of Light, it took a long “time” for your conscious and un-conscious Self to manifest the thought-forms that you consciously, or unconsciously, created. It took more “time” for your thought-forms to manifest because they were created within time.
Now, your super-conscious thoughts and Multidimensional emotions are seeping into your 3D brain. Therefore, your thought-forms are immediately returning to you in various stages of manifestation. The term, “what you think about, you bring about,” will exponentially expand.

The Pleiadian Network - Writing Anew the Story of Earth - March 23, 2015

Good afternoon, we are here give us a moment. It is Sunday, the 22 March 2015, you are on the heels of a New Moon and a solar eclipse, super moon at that, and you have now come out of a very important astrological alignment, the Square.
Now, where to begin? First let us say, as we said last time we believe, that you are moving, you were moving through a very, very dense pressure in the last few weeks, and maybe even in the last few moons, and this pressure was culminating like what would happen if you were being squeezed in a – one of those cake pattern makers, whatever they are called, the thing you write on the cake with. You know how you put everything in there and someone squeezes it and you finally find your way out of the nozzle. And from our perspective you have now gone through and come out the nozzle and so the pressure is going to really drop.
Now, it’s going to take a little time for you to accept the fact that the pressure has dropped because things have changed. You will feel new pressures about the changes but it won’t be the pressures of the past, it won’t be the things that were pressuring you prior to this point. There are new things because we would say it’s more like stress. You’re going to fill a little bit of stress over changes but as you begin to identify the changes, really look at them from an energetic standpoint, you will begin to discover that they are actually changes for the better, whether they are at work, at home, in relationships, relationships between peoples.

Worldwide Online Event: Witness the Ratification of the ITNJ | An Overview of the ITNJ

An Overview of the ITNJ as it Relates to Current Jurisprudence

Written by Justin Deschamps
Edited by Julian Robles & Aaron Meileiac
Stillness in the Storm
Event found @ 
WESTMINSTER HALL — Following the issue of the letters patent on the 14th Feb 2015 this ceremonial seating is ratifying and confirming the ITNJ. Where the program in relation to the hearing of cases and applications will be announced.
What is Justice? What is fairness? What is the rule of law? When in the course of our lives we discover that we have been harmed by another, by what process do we seek to correct this harm, and ensure no other is also harmed? Justice is the answer to these questions, but what is Justice?
Some of the most fundamental questions every human being invariably asks themselves is how do we deal with crime, lawlessness and injustice. Who is responsible for making iright, and how do we know that it is within the rule of law; truly the right thing to do? The answer to these questions is crucial to understanding who we are, and what role we must play in ensuring that our world is fair and sustainable for ourselves and future generations. We cannot delegate this task to others, for if it is to be a true and honorable form of Justice, it must be understood completely.

Marlene Swetlishoff - Mensaje Semanal del Maestro Ascendido Hilarión Del 7 al 14 de Junio, 2015

por Marlene Swetlishoff

Traducción: Esther Abreu


A medida que avanzan los días seguirán generándose más anomalías climáticas mientras la Tierra se esfuerza por lograr su equilibrio interno. Hay muchas energías antiguas que fueron enterradas en el pasado y que ahora están surgiendo a la superficie. Estas son reconocidas como sentimientos de tristeza, ansiedad y preocupación, ya que en el pasado, muchas fueron las personas que vivían con temor constante, porque sus vidas no les pertenecían. Ellos fueron subyugados y literalmente eran propiedad de otras personas que controlaban su vida cotidiana con puño de hierro. No hubo empatía o respeto por la santidad de sus vidas y las mismas podían ser destruidas en cualquier momento.

martes, junio 09, 2015

Kara Schallock ~ Flexibility, Birth & Freedom - 09-Jun-2015


Since the Full Moon, we have been rising in vibration, preparing for a huge burst forward on the Summer/Winter Solstice. You most likely have felt the intensity. I have noticed I feel the energies physically first, especially since I have released so much…and the same may very well be true for you too. These past several days have brought up much exasperation and wondering if indeed we have changed at all. It may feel as though we are waiting for something. Trust that we have changed and the waiting isn’t really waiting at all. it is a knowing that we are all moving and integrating in phenomenal ways. Everything happens in Divine Order and Divine Time, so if you feel like you’re waiting, trust that all is occurring perfectly. We want to hurry things along and yet there is no “pushing the river.” We must be patient and ever-vigilant with what our lives are showing us. We keep releasing and to remain in Observance is best so that we don’t attach to the old energies bubbling up and focus, instead, on how we feel. Analyzing everything does nothing. only feeling matters. As we feel, we have more Clarity. as we think, there is confusion. And still, in these times, we might not even know what we feel. If this is the case, be patient and focus on how and what you want to feel. This helps move you through any perceived impasse.

Suzanne Lie - Becoming ONE - People and Planet - Second Chakra - 6-9-15

Welcome to our Becoming ONE-People and Planet
Today, we will present the information about our Second Chakra, 
and tomorrow we will hear from Gaia and Her Second Chakra.


LOCATION: The second chakra is located at the navel. The navel was once our umbilical cord that was our attachment to our first physical home, our mother, and the nurturing that she provided. The second chakra also represents our attachment to Mother Earth as well as all the plants and creatures that call Her home.

PETALS: This chakra has six petals or spokes. In numerology, six is the number that represents responsibility and nurturing for family and community as well as finding balance and harmony with our environment.

NOTE & MANTRA: The note for this chakra is D and the mantra is “vam” or “o” as in home. Chanting these mantras in the key of D while focusing our attention on this area of our body can enable us to more consciously access the second chakra.

COLOR: The color of this chakra is orange. Orange is the color of emotion. In the Hindu chakra system, the color orange is associated with death of the old. This “death” refers not only to physical death, but also to death, or total liberation, of painful emotions that have been repressed. This “death” also refers to the discharge of the defense mechanisms that were created in order to survive those emotions, as well as the situations that caused them.
RULES: The second chakra rules our VITAL, SENSUAL body. This chakra governs sexuality, reproduction, emotions, instincts, food, and general communication of the body with the consciousness that lives inside it. The second chakra rules the feminine component of sexuality, whereas the first chakra rules the masculine component of sexuality. The second/navel chakra is more sensual than sexual. It tells us how we feel about sex and having children, whereas the first chakra rules sex that is for enjoyment, power, and/or procreation.

Besides reproduction, the second chakra also governs other kinds of creativity. Swimming, hiking, and gardening make use of the second chakra’s connection to nature. Sculpting and carving use materials and objects of nature as a medium, and nature is often the “subject” of painters and photographers. With dancing and martial arts, the navel area is seen as the base, the Hara Center, the area to be kept in alignment with the earth so that perfect balance can be maintained.

Benjamín Fulford - 09-06-2015. El G7 está indefenso frente a una quiebra matemáticamente segura

09 jun
Fuente y comentarios en inglés:
bancarrota irlanda
Los líderes del Grupo de los Siete países industrializados o G7 están celebrando una reunión de emergencia en Alemania en un vano intento de evitar su quiebra inevitable. Los líderes hablan de Grecia, Ucrania, China, Oriente Medio y otros asuntos, como si de alguna manera todavía tuviesen el control. Los líderes tienen que entender que hay algo ahí fuera llamada realidad y que, no importa cuánto tiempo intenten evitarla, consiguie alcanzarles. El hecho es que, con la excepción de Canadá, Japón y Alemania, los países del G7 y sus estados occidentales aliados han estado arrastrando un déficit con el resto del mundo durante los últimos 40 años. El hecho de el mayor deudor de todos sea la Corporación de los Estados Unidos es el elefante en la habitación del que nadie habla.
El resto del mundo ha tomado una decisión colectiva de detener la financiación de estos gobiernos occidentales hasta que paren sus constantes llamadas al belicismo y su robo de recursos. Dado que el resto del mundo controla la mayor parte del dinero real (es decir, dinero conectado a objetos físicos) que controlan la realidad subyacente. Se puede comer pan, pero no se puede comer derivados o billetes de un dólar. Puedes intercambiar cosas reales como los coches o el aceite por arroz o trigo, pero si pierden la confianza de los demás, nadie va a cambiar sus pagarés por cosas reales. Los países del G-7, especialmente la Corporación de los Estados Unidos (en oposición a la República de los Estados Unidos), han logrado posponer lo inevitable con datos económicos fraudulentos, fondos para sobornos en paraísos fiscales y derivados que teóricamente valen cantidades astronómicas.

Sheldan Nidle's Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy -

Your time in the dark is over! You need to establish in your mind just how wonderfully powerful you are! Many miracles are to come!


from Planetary Activation Organization

Ummac Dan ~ Galactic Federation Symbol For The Sirian Star System

4 Ahau, 18 Pax, 11 Ik

Dratzo! We come today knowing what is happening here. A movement is rapidly growing around this globe. This movement has permitted a new financial system to be born and the former great powers of your globe to bow before it. At present, this reality is not yet fully public because a number of legal processes need to be completed. These final processes are to take time. However, be advised that these last formal documents are not delaying the transfer of the first monies for the numerous humanitarian projects. These are expected to arrive shortly. The dark cabal knows deeply what all of this truly means. Its long time for unfettered power is coming to an end. Soon, it is to be possible for the new NESARA governance to take power. When this finally happens, it can permit the debt forgiveness to be formally declared and the long UFO cover up to be concluded. Hence, you are to have a number of huge debt burdens removed and a repayment of all funds illegally taken from you to be restored to you. This is to be one of the ways in which your general prosperity can begin.

lunes, junio 08, 2015


Affirmation and Outlook 
Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
Translated by Franz
Beloved Ones,
This message from the year 2011 (Bodhisattva: is today and herewith affirmed! 
Fulfill your assignments on earth, each one where he stands, 
where Heaven has placed him and in a manner and with the 
talents, which he possesses.

6/08/2015 -- 85+ Volcanic Blasts in ONE DAY! Mt. Sakurajima in Japan -- Major Activity

Shekina Rose / Blue Ray - The Venus Heart DNA Love Codes Awakening the Galactic Star Human 333 - June 8, 2015

Love from your Star Family
Number sequences that appear embedded in this channel are given to Shekina Rose by Spirit to activate this transmission.
Venus is shining brightly to see in the night sky through her heart awakening of love at a higher spiritual level, enhancing many areas of all life, including relationships, healing, beauty and creations. The Venusians’ Love energies are also activating your cosmic cellular memories of your true galactic status, reuniting of partnership with Earth, celestial bodies and the Universe. 444
The Venus Love DNA human template contains codes of unity and harmonics through the extra sensory awareness of sensitivity and empathy. The blue rays and starseeds with super sensitive awareness and empathy have a deep connection to each other, doorways to other worlds and higher consciousness. The yearning though your intuitive presence of empathy is leading you to know where you are from and who you are in the Universe.

Nancy Tate - Wake up Call: Hatonn, June 08, 2015

I am here this day to bring you a long-lost message. It is one that has been in hiding for sometime and is ready now to come forth to you all. I am Hatonn, and I speak through this one with the utmost respect and consideration for what I am about to share with you all.

It is time for you all to come into a consciousness that you all planned for in the times before coming to this planet. It was something that was seen to be needed in the outbreak for what some consider to be measles, or some other bodily outbreak that brings about utter discomfort. The difference in these times is that it will not be in a physical way as much as it will be in an emotional and subconscious manner.

Barbara Marciniak - The Pleiadians - Pedophilia and Sex


Basado en el libro de Fritz Springmeier "Linajes de los Illuminati", con agregados actuales

   En la década de 1980, uno de los criminales más famosos fue el asesino en serie llamado TED (THEODORE) BUNDY. No es del conocimiento público el porqué asesinó a tantas víctimas. Ted Bundy le dijo a su novia que "la fuerza" hacía que el matara. La confesión de Bundy a ella fue hecha en su arresto final en Florida. Elizabeth anotó su confesión cuando él se la dio por teléfono. Ted dijo: "Yo no tengo una personalidad dividida, no tengo amnesia ni desmayos, recuerdo todo lo que he hecho. Como cuando fuimos al lago Sammamish, y nos dirigimos hacia Farrels por helados después de haber comido muchas hamburguesas. No era como si lo hubiera olvidado o no pudiera recordarlo, pero se había ido, había terminado, la fuerza ya no se encontraba ahí. No lo comprendo, la fuerza simplemente me consume". (Kendall, Elizabeth. The Phantom Prince My Life with Ted Bundy. Seattle: Madrona Publishers, 1981, p.176).
   "La Fuerza" es el término esotérico que satanistas de alto perfil usan para describir el poder en el que ellos creen, que ellos piensan que puede ser usado tanto para el bien como para el mal. La película de Star Wars sorpendentemente usa el término "La fuerza", pues se sabe que la agenda Illuminati trata de insertar el ocultismo en la población de manera generalizada para llevar a la brujeria como la religión numero uno del mundo y como parte esencial de un Nuevo Orden Mundial.

[WOW] Giant Structure Standing Up On The Moon - Vehicle Tracks - NASA Alien Coverup 2015

Brenda Hoffman - Gloriously Bright Stars – Not Missionaries - June 8, 2015

cart_headerLife Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photo

Dear Ones,
You pondered and pined for new you as soon as that title became part of your vocabulary. Now you are starting to truly experience new you in all it’s fullness, including feeling differently towards those who once made you angry or frightened. The same is happening to many who have no idea they are part of New Earth.
You assumed that only those who understood or pined for new you/New Earth/New Age would shift during this time. That even though you were a beacon, it would take generations for the person down the street, who makes you furious, to become a loving part of New Earth.
You sense that New Earth is happening – resulting in a sort of heaven on earth. But most certainly that heaven on earth cannot include those so unlike you. A thought little different from the religious groupings many of you find abhorrent.

Take Cover! Meteor Fireballs Rain Down Across Brazil & Arietid Daylight Meteor Outburst

domingo, junio 07, 2015


   Antes de entrar directamente en el libro de Fritz Springmeier (que iremos subiendo por capítulos, y trataremos de ampliar con datos extra actualizados), veremos aquí una breve reseña acerca de cada una de las dinastías Illuminati.

      8. DINASTÍA LI (PARTE 1)
      16. DINASTÍA ROCKEFELLER 5 - El Control de la Religión
      20. Familias de la Realeza Europea: Los Merovingios
      21. Algunas Familias Interconectadas



Heidi Klum, presentadora alemana, el nuevo rostro de la línea de cosméticos Astor. Ella no pertenece a la familia, es sólo una esclava más.

   Los Astor son (al igual que la mayoría de familias Illuminati) de ascendencia judía. Sus raíces se remontan posiblemente a la familia real Astorg del siglo XVII. El nombre Astor proviene de la  palabra Astarté o Ashtaroth, una antigua diosa de los fenicios y pareja de Baal (a quien la Biblia relaciona con el demonio), también es curioso que dentro de la demonología Ashtaroth es un comandante maligno del infierno; tal etimología del apellido nos da una pista sobre el ámbito esotérico y ocultista que rodea siempre a las dinastías de los iluminados.
   En 1890 los inspectores de inmuebles calcularon que cada vigésima propiedad de New York pertenecía a los Astor y actualmente su fortuna se estima en cuarenta mil millones de dólares. Toda esta exuberante fortuna se consiguió a través del tráfico de droga, especialmente el opio, que es una de las principales fuentes de ingresos de los Illuminati.

   Los miembros de la familia Astor tienen una larga línea de pertenecer a sociedades secretas y subórdenes ocultistas entre las que se encuentran Ordo Saturnus y el Club Hell Fire (Club Fuego Infernal), una cofradía satánica que tenía vínculos con la francmasonería.

Shanta Gabriel ~ AA Gabriel ~ Gratitude opens the door to feeling God's Love. - June 7, 2015

Dear One,

When you feel God's love, there is a sense of peace and harmony within you. This feeling allows you to step back from the drama in your life, and to let the love of God flow into every situation. When Divine Love is flowing freely through you, miraculous healings occur.

Suzanne Lie - Becoming ONE-First Chakra - People and Planet - 6-7-15

Welcome to our Becoming ONE-People and Planet "Blog-a-thon!"
Today, we will present the information about our First Chakra
and tomorrow we will hear from Gaia and Her First Chakra.

First Chakra

LOCATION: The first chakra is located at the base of the spine.
PETALS: This chakra rules the lowest vibration of our body and has the slowest wavelength. There are four spokes, or petals. Four is the number of the square and foundations. The square is related to being honest, or giving a “square deal, the four energies of earth–earth, air, fire, and water, and the four directions. Four walls, four legs, or four wheels represent a strong foundation.

NOTE & MANTRA: The note for this chakra is C and the mantra is “lam” or “e” as in red. Chanting these mantras in the key of D while focusing our attention on this area of our body can enable us to more consciously access the first chakra.
COLOR: The color for this chakra is red, which is the lowest frequency of human’s visible light spectrum. Red is the color of anger and/or vitality.
RULES: The first chakra rules our PHYSICAL energies. Also known as the root chakra, it governs our vigor, heredity, survival, security, passion, money, job, and home. This chakra aids us in our everyday survival.
SENSE: The sense of smell is related to this chakra. Our sense of smell is our most primitive sense, and is the first sense that awakens upon our physical birth. The receptors for smell are located at the base of our brain and feeds directly into our limbic system, which is the area of memory and emotion. Therefore, aromas can immediately access emotional memories stored in our unconscious.


Basado en el libro de Fritz Springmeier "Linajes de los Illuminati", con agregados actuales

   El fundador original de la fortuna Astor fue John Jacob Astor, (1763-1884). John Jacob Astor nació en Waldorf, ducado de Baden, (Alemania), y era descendiente de un linaje judío. Sus orígenes judíos se han mantenido escondidos, y se han sugerido diferentes versiones para el patrimonio de los Astor, puestas en circulación por los propios Astor. John Jacob Astor era carnicero en Waldorf, y en 1784 vino a América, después de una breve estancia en Londres, Inglaterra.
   A pesar de que la historia cuenta que vino a América sin un centavo, pronto se unió a la logia masónica, y después de dos o tres años se convirtió en el maestro de la logia holandesa nº 8 de la ciudad de Nueva York. (Esta logia holandesa es una de las tantas que tiene buenas conexiones con los altos rangos de la élite Illuminati). Un ejemplo de miembro de la logia holandesa n° 8 es Archibald Russell, (1811-1871), cuyo padre fue presidente de un semillero real de mucha acción de la élite Illuminati, (la Sociedad Real de Edimburgo). Para 1778, Astor era ya el maestro de la logia masónica nº 8. Esto es muy interesante, considerando que Astor no sabía hablar inglés a su llegada a América, y supuestamente era muy pobre.

Karen Downing - Own Your Energy, Own Your Power - June 7, 2015

People often ask, “What is the best way to move into a higher state of vibration?” The simplest answer is to take ownership of your personal power, how you use it, where you give energy to and how you facilitate your emotional state.
One of the most common ways in which power is given away is through fear. Whenever you fear something happening/not happening you are in fact giving energy and power to the very outcome you do not wish for. It is extremely challenging to be the master over your fear, as humanity has been taught for eons to listen to it.
Fear comes from the Ego telling you that it does not feel in control of a given situation. That situation could be health, money, relationships, government, etc. Look at the areas of your life where you feel fear and anxiety. Ask yourself, why do I feel fear when it comes to my family, but not for my health? Or, why do I feel fear when it comes to my money, but not my relationships? Your answer, while you may think it is mere logic, is rooted in your past life history, and what you as a soul have personally experienced before.