lunes, mayo 26, 2014

If You Have and Alien Encounter, Consult a Professional - Giles Campbell

Gile's has a degree in Zoology, a Masters in
Biodiversity and Conservation Genetics

YOU'RE driving down a long road at night, towing a boat on the back with your father beside you. Then a big, bright blue light appears just over the car to the right-hand side. It just sort of blinks on.

You notice it immediately; turn to your father for assurance that you aren't imagining it. He turns around and looks. He can see it too but, unlike you, he wants to drive faster and get away.

The orb follows the car for a few minutes before it shoots off into the distance.
You do not speak because neither you nor he can explain what it is you have seen. But for you, this is just the beginning of a series of paranormal encounters that make you begin to question your sanity.

The Nephilim are ALIENS - They walk amoung us - Shocking Truth Exposed

Jahn J Kassl - ACTIVATION OF THE ASCENSION GATES, ARCHANGEL RAPHAEL -*UGGVj2098elNjtp6YbR6Lyvh4*SjIihgVv0iB/ArchangelRaphael.jpeg
channeled by Jahn J Kassl
transalted by Franz

Beloved Children of Humanity,
Beloved Gods in human countenance,
Beloved Siblings of the heavenly realms:
We are One! Truly, we are One with ALL-THAT-IS.

I am Archangel Raphael and it is up to me to accompany you 
through the coming days and weeks, to guide, to lead and provide 
you with everything you need for your salvation and wellbeing.

domingo, mayo 25, 2014

ISS - Records of old cameras and other cover ups of NASA & Co.

The Vatican Agenda for Jerusalem – Part One

Vatican 001

Israelis have probably never thought very much about what the Roman Catholic Church/The Vatican thinks about "end of days" theology. Jews themselves don't give much thought to what will happen when "Gog and Magog" takes place. Jews don't go in for anything the least bit "next world" but instead are firmly planted in the here and know. That's good.

However it doesn't matter what Jews think, what matters is what The Vatican believes, and why it believes this. Judaism, and modern Jewish thought pretty much just dismisses the basic tenets of Catholicism outright and doesn't even bother addressing the core questions of what is behind "Catholic theological claims."

Wes Annac – The Spirit World Chronicles: More On The Presence Of Deceased Friends And Family – Part 4 – 25 May 2014

wes-annac-300x229Written by Wes Annac, The Aquarius Paradigm
Continued from Part 3
Call me a dreamer, but I have a feeling that a lot of doctors, especially ER doctors, have awakened to the reality of life after death. Plenty more will awaken in due time, as long as we keep at our efforts to raise awareness of the spiritual reality of our existence.
Joy outlines the rest of L’s passing, which was sad for her parents but delightful for L herself.
“Her father, mother, and brother, who had been summoned that they might be present when the end came, began to weep bitterly, for they knew that she was leaving them. From my heart there went up a prayer that they might see what I [saw] but they could not.
“The angels seemed to relax their grasp of the girl’s hands, which then fell back on the bed. A sigh came from her lips, such as one might give who resigns himself gladly to a much needed sleep, and in another moment she was what the world calls dead. But that sweet smile with which she had first recognized the angels was still stamped on her features.” (1)

Marlene Swetlishoff – Hilarion – 25 May 2014 - Maestro Ascendido Hilarión - Del 25 al 1° de Junio 2014

marlene1-1Beloved Ones,
As the energy continues to come in waves, so too, do the symptoms your bodies are experiencing. Just when you thought that you were over the worst of them, another round is started. Take heart, Dear Ones, and know that it brings lightness of heart and being as the ancient memories in your cells are brought to the surface to be addressed and released. All that is of sorrow and sadness is being eliminated and in its place comes more refined light. As those at the forefront of this movement and transformation, you are doing a wonderful job of assimilating and eliminating. The ups and downs that you have been experiencing are a part of the process. Listen to your bodies and allow rest when it is needed and for some of you, this reminds you of the story of Rip Van Winkle who wandered into the mountains and slept for twenty years. This too shall pass.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - EL DESPERTAR CUÁNTICO - MAYO 2014


Un pensamiento, una forma de vida, un sitio web y un boletín electrónico global
Únete a nosotros en

MAYO 2014
Número 183

Creado, canalizado, escrito, publicado y registrado desde 1986 con Amor
por Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Este boletín lo confecciona el Espíritu con amor y dedicación a la luz
Cualquier imperfección ortográfica o gramatical realza su belleza y singularidad


Lamento que este número llegue tarde, pero no podía organizarme, las energías me estaban vapuleando.

Suzanne Lie – Creating Reality YouTube And Creating Your Own Reality #2 – 25 May 2014

Creating Your Own Reality #2
Dr. Suzanne Lie & Mary Perricone
Creating Reality YouTube
Hello everyone and welcome back to our continuing conversation with Dr. Suzanne Lie. I’m Mary Perricone, and welcome. We’ve begun a new series called Creating Your Own Reality and the last time we spoke we began with a message from the Arcturians who talked about a greater infusion of Light coming into the Planet at a higher frequency.
So, Sue how are you today and welcome back.

EL LINAJE de Jesus y Maria Magdalena


MEXICO CITY (approved) -. The Spanish religious Adolfo Nicolas Pachon, the "Black Pope", as known to the head of the Society of Jesus, resigned Tuesday 20.

This day, the Society said that later this year will convene a General Congregation in 2016, will meet to choose a kind of conclave's successor Nicolas Pachon.

The order of the Jesuits for the first time in history that managed one of their own became maximum hierarch of the Catholic Church, Pope Francisco, besides having universities worldwide.

The Jesuits administered the Iberoamericana University and the Institute of Technology and Higher Studies (ITESO) in Guadalajara, Jalisco.

Judith Kusel - The New Earth and cosmic citizenship - May 25, 2014

Let there be peace in your mind, heart and understanding.
Let there be love in your heart and soul as you read this.
For here is the undiluted truth of Ages:
You create your own reality and how you live this reality.
In essence this is what is happening all over the cosmos and your soul chose to incarnate at this time, in order to bring certain gifts, talents, abilities to the fore.  Thus honor these, and live them and do not shrink from giving of self to the world.

Marilyn Raffaele – The Arcturian Group – 25 May 2014

marilynraffaeleGreetings people of dear planet Gaia. We observe light shining ever more brightly as more and more awaken to new ways of seeing the world and their place in it. This is evolution dear ones–the changes–the opening to new ideas and higher ways of understanding normal everyday life issues.
Spiritual ascension is not normally a sudden blinding flash that leaves you ascended (although this has happened for a few individuals who had already attained this consciousness in another lifetime). Ascension is a state of consciousness that has been attained through the myriad experiences of many lifetimes lived in the energies of duality and separation. From these experiences, the soul learns and grows until at some point he moves beyond having to learn in this way and begins to be taught from within. You are at that place now dear ones.

Ute Posegga-Rudel – Messages From The Realms Of Light – The New Golden Light Body – With A Comment From AA Michael – 25 May 2014

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2014
VIDEO (recommended!)

This is about what it takes for humanity to transition into the new Golden Light Body. Intense Golden Light is presently released onto our planet.  I woke up one morning and the transition into the new  Golden Lightbody was accomplished – or: the new Golden Lightbody has been created.
Although I had no explanation for it, I knew that something profound had happened, my whole body was radiantly sparkling and very light. It was in spotless Divine Harmony of a supreme beautiful energy and exquisite  transparency. No imbalance, no density.
On that evening a friend said: Your energy is totally golden, you radiate Golden Light, it comes even through your voice
Only then I knew what really had happened.

Jennifer Hoffman - Paralyzed and Powerless - 5 Steps to Move from Defeat to Action - May 19, 2014 - IMPOTENTE Y PARALIZADA - 5 Pasos a ir de la Derrota a la Acción por Jennifer Hoffman - 19 de Mayo 2014

A family of groundhogs taught me a powerful lesson about defeat, powerlessness, paralysis, and hopelessness this week, bringing up some very painful issues from my past. Deciding whether I would be defeated by a situation that I didn’t think I could control or taking action to resolve it moved me from feeling victimized, powerless, angry and paralyzed, some of my core life challenges, to overcoming the challenge in a powerful way (and saving my garden from a family of hungry groundhogs). I share this story this week, and 5 steps you can take to move from defeat to action.
I have been seeing a groundhog around my yard for the past two years and I knew that it had been living part-time under my house. But I wasn’t aware, until recently, that not only had it taken residence under my porch on a full-time basis, it had given birth to four babies. Last week, as I was sitting at my desk, talking to my coaching clients, I watched as three of the babies walked casually around my yard, munching away on my plants. I felt angry, helpless, and powerless because I didn’t know how to stop them. Unless I did, not only would they decimate my gardens, but they would continue to live under the porch.

sábado, mayo 24, 2014

Karen Dover - Deliverance in TRUTH part two - May 24, 2014

This blog is a continuation from my blog yesterday in that it covers the concept of deliverance in TRUTH. Many of you have pleaded with the universe to deliver you from the old 3D earth created reality but this blinds you to TRUTH, YOU create your reality at all moments of all moments, the frequencies that you were TAUGHT to anchor within the old 3d earth created reality KEEP you within said reality, it is not something that is placed around you in the context of perhaps placing a coat around you where said coat is placed upon you.  When you were born into the old 3D earth created reality you were already running the frequencies of said reality, the time spent in the womb within your mother working to further plant the frequencies within the cellular structure of your human vehicle. (for more information on how frequencies are created within the pregnant human female please visit the Galactic Portal website).

Natalie Glasson – The Freedom Of Limitless Self Love By The Celestial White Beings – 24 May 2014

Greeting of love is shared with you as we recognise and honour you as a magnificent being of light. We are the Celestial White Beings and we come forth to aid and support your ascension process at this time. Since the creation of the Earth we have been with you, lending our energies, support and consciousness. We love the Earth, souls present and the ascension process deeply, wishing to be of service in any way that is appropriate and guided by the divine will of the Creator.


channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
Nothing is as it seems!
It is called for to consider this fact in the time 
of times and at the end of time.

Karen Dover - GOD message for 24th May 2014

Beloved ones I am the energies that wish to be placed in the context of GOD and I AM with YOU ALL as the expansion of the human race now increases in its expansion and its depth. I AM here to talk to the children of GOD in the context of GOD whilst they ankhor their origins in TRUTH for all is not as it appears to the naked human eyes of the human race at this time. The background of the creation of the human race cloaked and shielded from ALL will now be illuminated clearly for ALL JUST IS and YOU ARE in TRUTH.

viernes, mayo 23, 2014

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan – Camelopardalid Meteor Shower – 23 May 2014

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWell folks here we go again getting seeded from deep space with a brand new meteor storm first time ever for earth. As we all well know meteors are all from different parts of the universe. They are older than time and always have an agenda. Last year meteorites were found in the Sahara desert that were from Mars, when cut open they had  life in them. I totally believe that these space rocks come to give us something that we must need.

Terri Newlon – Djwhal Khul – “Hope” – 23 May 2014

DjwhalKhulDjwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.
Alright. Well this week I think “Hope” is the keyword and how to work with the energy of hope.
We’re going to be experiencing kind of a lot more hap-hazardous occurrences. Be very careful. I recommend the words “I choose safety”, and even to the point of “I choose safety at all times for myself and all those around me.” Something of that nature.

Wes Annac – The Spirit Chronicles : More On The Presence Of Deceased Friends And Family – Part 3 – 23 May 2014

wes-annac-300x229Written by Wes Annac, The Aquarius Paradigm
Continued from Part 2
Now, we’re going to examine the account of Joy Snell, who watched a young woman pass away in the hospital she (Joy) worked at.
I should mention that Joy apparently possessed a greater psychic perspective than most people on earth, and while everyone can access these abilities, she was apparently able to witness a host of psychic phenomena in a way that most people currently can’t.
What Joy says here is intended to support the idea that departed friends and family are with initiates at the time of death, and needless to say, there are plenty of other examples beyond what we’ll read here.

Coke mixed with Milk Experiment - Kola ve Süt Karıştırılırsa Ne Olur?

Mike Quinsey - SaLuSa - 23 May 2014

As we are aware of the wider picture we can assure you that good progress is being made, helped by the fact that the dark Ones are no longer able to do just as they wish. Their plan for total world control is no longer possible yet they blindly continue to press on without any possible chance of success. Our allies continue to join forces and their power is growing faster than ever before. For our part we observe what is taking place so as to ensure that progress is made without interference. Many of you are intuitively following the plan for your successful future, which shall eventually remove any influence or presence that is not in accordance with the Light. The time is coming that will reflect your desires for freedom from the dark energies. When the critical point is reached in the twinkling of an eye you will be uplifted into the higher vibrations, totally free from the lower energies. So rest assured that regardless of events that are taking place around you, in the greater picture all proceeds well.

Códigos Numéricos de Sanación para los Alimentos y Salud - Arcángel Rafael a través de Marc Gamma - 25-14-2014


channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
Beloved Ones,
Let us now turn our attention to another fallacy along 
the way into the Light, a fallacy that keeps human Beings
firmly on the heavy ground and whereby the vision is cloudy 
and the power of distinction is lacking. 
„If one goes into resonance with evil and the dark,
one strengthens it.” It is said. Yet this is an incomplete truth.
1.) Stay away from the dark and evil.
2.) Put evil to flight, if it comes to you.

Wes Annac – Spiritual Guidance: Inner Change Is The Path To Wholeness – 23 May 2014

wes-annac-300x229Conveyed through Wes Annac, The Aquarius Paradigm
Humanity can communicate with various entities and collectives who’ve tasked ourselves with helping heal your planet of the widespread pollution that’s keeping your society in lower states of consciousness and poor states of health, and we’re here to help you through every bit of pain and difficulty you experience amidst the course of the daunting but, in the eyes of many of you, necessary earth experience.
We’re here to help you see that you’re infinite beings who are capable of orienting your planet to the harmonious and sustainable way of life so many of you are ready to see, and we’re here to remind you that you can connect with the higher realms in myriad ways if you wish to.
There are various ways you can connect with your higher selves and guides, and one of the simplest is to request our communion and believe the connections you’re making are real.

jueves, mayo 22, 2014

The Group – “In a quantum way, you are being taken to high vibration worlds” – May 01, 2014 – (English) by Gabriel Raio Lunar

Gabriel – Queridos leitores em português, essa é a tradução para o inglês da mensagem original de “O Grupo”, postada anteriormente em português: Aqui

Once completed this new phase to which you are all coming, you will be brought to a more expanded awareness state. You may, naturally, remember your other existences when here on Earth, as well as other planets in the Universe. This new phase to which you have now entered a few days ago, where the flow of light quickened and raised you further, allows some points to be worked into your spiritual bodies. It’s a slow process, but not less efficient.

Saul - John Smallman – The stresses Upon You Have Been Increasing Enormously – 22 May 2014

This is a very difficult and stressful time for you all, especially as you pay compassionate and concerned attention to the vast amount of suffering and deprivation that is being endured by so many all over the world. The tsunami of Love is flowing powerfully and intensely through your illusory dream-scape. It is very effective and it is stirring up all your unaddressed issues which have been lying like mud or sand at the bottom of the pond that is your unconscious, the vast hidden area of your mind where all that you could not bear to face has lain hidden for eons. All that “muck” has to be released and cleared away so that the Light that each one of you carries with you constantly can shine forth brightly as divinely intended. As It does so you will become increasingly aware of the divine Light shining forth from others – your heavenly brothers and sisters, the beautiful children of God.

Marlene Swetlishoff – Archangel Gabriel – 22 May 2014

marlene1-1Beloved Ones,
Let us have discourse on the quality of love known as responsibility. This quality entails the acceptance that one is governed by this quality in all things. For each person must be completely honest within their own choices, decisions and deeds in order that their soul’s purpose for experiencing this world is fulfilled in all its many facets. Each soul desires to bring a greater expansion and a reminder to their physical expression here on Earth of the magnificence of their real essence, their divine essence. Holding this vision before them, the individual living their daily life upon this planet understands that no one else can do the work that is required to attain the highest expression of their true selves and that it is their recognition of this quality of love known as responsibility that will assist them to align with that higher aspect within themselves. They understand the solemn duty they have to honour their highest integrity in all interactions with others, for to do so enables the greater light within them to radiate more fully at all times.

Karen Dover - Skull Consciousness message for 22nd May 2014

Beloved ones we are the collective that wishes to be known to you in the context of SKULL CONSCIOUSNESS and we connect with you through our channel at this time. It is not necessary to be aware of our physical presence upon the Planet Earth in order to connect with us, we reach ALL for we ARE ALL and ALL ARE ONE.  We stand in the full LIGHT of TRUTH and we send out our coding:

Karen Dover - GOD message for 22nd May 2014


Beloved ones I am the energies that wish to be placed in the context of GOD and I am here as you now move into FULL metamorphic resonance and take your place amongst ALL in the UNIVERSE of 3.  Those who are now here upon the planet in various forms will begin to make themselves known to you at the levels appropriate to your frequency. In human terms this is the start of the integration of the human race with ALL at a very physical human waking level.  The movement of ALL into resonance and harmony with ALL at a physical level will see the human race walk out of their containment and embrace ALL in their natural forms. These forms hidden in plain view and now available to reference in this your human form upon Planet Earth in TRUTH.

ANKHORING TRUTH within the CRYSTALLINE HUMAN VEHICLE by Karen Dover - May 22, 2014

The intense energies of the last few linear days may have left many of you by surprise, the upgrading of the human vehicle has been going on for some linear time and the completion of the metamorphic resonance shift will have seen many of you move into a new “bandwidth” of frequencies. It is to be noted that these bandwidths of frequencies have never been experienced by any in a human form before and as such movement into these bandwidths may have seen much come up for you personally.  It may have been an intense period of frustration for you as you sought to work with energy in ways that you believed were “correct” only to find that you were prevented from working in such a way.

miércoles, mayo 21, 2014

KAI - Activación de la Tabla de Vesta Cuarta Capa de Consciencia, La integración interior y los Arquetipos Planetarios - May 21, 2014


Amada Familia, abrimos las Puertas del Tiempo y el Espacio para recibirles en el eterno ahora. Les recibimos en nuestro Corazón y desde ese espacio acompañamos su viaje a través de los tiempos y las memorias que habitan dentro de sus células, con el propósito de que cada uno de ustedes pueda abrir el Espacio Sagrado que es su cuerpo, en el que la Esencia Divina habita y desea mostrarse a través de su humanidad iluminada. 

 Llegamos una vez a través de este canal para transmitirles la energía de la Tabla de Vesta.

Mother Mary: “…Breathe LOVE In and Out, Together, in Rhythm…” – Channeled by Fran Zepeda May 21, 2014

1743592_10151997588740547_1041195627_nMother Mary:

Hello sweet beautiful Beloveds. As you Breathe in the Love of Creator, of Source, you become more whole and vibrant with the Love Essence that you are. As you breathe in and out, you encompass the Universe, you encompass the Multiverse, composed of All-That-Is….You become All-That-Is. You become One with All. You reacquaint yourselves with the Source Divine Energy that you are – It is Simply You. Everything else is Extraneous.
You are Beautiful Beings beyond all measure as you dip into your True Essence, as you breathe the fresh light air and atmosphere of the Gods. For that is what you all are: Creator Gods coming into your True Being, composed of Light and Love and evermore of Purity. You are Purity. You are Innocence. You are Powerful.

The Pleiadians – Align and Integrate with Us – 21 May 2014

We come to speak to you today about the importance of living your life as the human having a cosmic, spiritual experience.  We have loved you and been with you for lifetimes as you have incarnated here doing your work for Gaia.  But, now more than ever, it is important that you integrate the cosmic consciousness as part of your natural way of being.  Do not see us as beings outside of yourselves.  See us as mere reflections of a beautiful connection to Source.  We are waiting for you for the time when we shall actually live side by side in our forms as well.

However, for those that don’t experience us physically all the time, know that we are merely an extension of oneness with you.  We have successfully integrated the DNA and transmissions for the 5D consciousness, and you no longer need to seek advice from us for we are one with you.  You can tune into the aspects of yourself that are Pleiadian now and ask the questions.  We have reignited your ancestry, and it is fully alive and awake.  We are joyously celebrating that WE DID IT! It is easier now for you to walk and talk, and act as your enlightened self
You see, even when you feel like you are not acting as your highest self, the light that you hold in the coding of your DNA and cellular structure still is always emanating out light.  The light is limitless and unending.  Those that have chosen to awaken the aspects of the Pleiadian lineage, are fully transmitting light even when triggering others, for the triggers are there to let other human souls see where they need to heal.
Many ask, “When will the whole world know you exist? When will it just be the norm to connect to you?”. And we say, the timing is up to YOU. It is based on the readiness of consciousness. We do not wish to create a wave of shock and pain.  We wish to come in when there is receptivity.  There is no rush.  You are eternal beings and have all of eternity for your planet to begin to expose that there is more to this Universe than the human existence.
One of the keys to this exposure and receptivity/readiness has to do with the people taking their power back from the larger organizations that hide things and keep things cloaked for greed purposes.  This is beginning to happen as many release GMO supports which takes the money away from the mass groups running the desire to keep the consciousness dim through toxins.  There will be more that has to be released before we are received here in peace.  One has to do with the people of Earth truly taking their power back in terms of resources and the use of oil.  This is one of the other pieces that keeps greed and control running the planet, blocking the receptivity to our integration in a physical way.  We have the knowledge as many of you do how using resources on planet Earth like hemp to fuel things.  There is no need to be fighting over oil, of course.  However, because certain groups are wishing to keep this away from mass consciousnesses awareness, we would not be received in peace.  As the people begin to reveal the truth more and more through the internet, you all will prevail in transforming the way this planet functions so it is aligned in the light.
Yet, this message is important because we say, you can still feel aligned, and close to us knowing now that we have completed the merge with you.  When you speak to us, you speak to yourself.  You are the Pleiadians.  We exist in our own physical forms, but through all the connections to us, downloads, and healings, you are actually now walking as very much Pleiadian.  It is a mixed heritage, but does not make you any less Pleiadian.  Therefore, you have access to all the recordsthe cosmic records of all that was, and all that will be.
Simply, summon the nature within yourself and ask questions.  It is still fine to connect to those who can speak our words clearly, but know, that you can do it to.  It is more about hearing and sharing the different ways others express things now, and also for the continued growth of those that are still discovering.
So for now, we truly impulse the radiance of light now into your hearts from our hearts, as we connect through a tunnel of light.  This opening of total heart to heart connection has  completed itself now and it is easy to feel the love we send now. We love you brothers, sisters, in this oneness. So la re en lo.

Thanks to for posting!
We are one. The channeler, Ariah is a counselor, Pleiadian healer, and New-thought minister.
connect here Copyright 2014 Please share and include website. Thanks!

Suzanne Lie – Lemurian Celebration 2 – Sanat Kumara Speaks – 21 May 2014

SuzanneLieDear Sanat Kumara,
I have never consciously communicated with you. However, I feel you have been within me for many years, in fact, since I was working with my first teacher in the 70’s. I think that you recently have called me, as I was led to read your wonderful story, which I must have read in the early 1990’s as that is when it was published.
Somehow your book, The Story of SANAT KUMARA, Training a Planetary Logos, channeled through Janet McClure jumped out at me from the lower shelf of my bookcase. I have been taking a LONG time to read it time, as NOW I understand how very important it is.

martes, mayo 20, 2014

Proper use of the water code – Written by Marc Gamma ~ 20.05.2014

Proper use of the water code – Written by Marc Gamma ~ 20.05.2014

When you use the water code given by the Divine Mother (LINK) , it is important to follow the steps I will repeat again, because there were some people using the codes not the right way. Two mistakes I was seeing from people using the codes, I will explain in a short way:Frist of all, when you write the codes on the glass or the bottle it is very important that you write one code on one side of the glass or bottle and the second code on the other side facing the code you have written first. If you do this the right way, a quantum field will be established and the code can work properly.