viernes, febrero 14, 2014

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan: 2-14-2014 (Valentine’s Day) Power Day – Entering the Heart

image2-14-2014 Power Day – Entering the Heart, by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan, January, 2014 at: | Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia.
The vibration of the heart comes around the snowy peaks we are asked once again to look at our heart and see its true value. There are so many flavors of love, for love is a many splendored thing. Once love has touched you, you are forever changed. Love is movement and seeks to fly on the wind like a seed of hope seeking fertile land.
Love is constantly evolving shifting changing, never staying the same for more than a fortnight, but leaving an eternal impression that will influence a lifetime. The saying ‘that love beckons and begets love’ is true. For only when there is love in your heart can you reach out and embrace other flavors of love. Some flavors of love are only there once never to be tasted again.

jueves, febrero 13, 2014

Karen Doonan - Human Contact in TRUTH - February 13, 2014

For those of you who listened to BEYOND THE LOOKING GLASS last night (12th Feb) the “challenge” for this next few linear days is to reach out physically to those who are around you and to HUG those that you love. When was the last time you hugged someone to let them know that you cared? I am not necessarily talking about romantic relationships, indeed the old 3d earth created reality “allows” physical contact within this concept. I am talking about close friends and family. When was the last time you hugged your mother or your father or your sister or your brother?
Perhaps as you read my words you are triggered immediately and you are now “defending” the family you have incarnated into, “our family dont do this”, ” this is not tolerated in our family” etc.   I would remind you gently that YOU came here in order to BREAK THE KARMIC CHAINS and many of you incarnated into families deliberately to address issues such as these.

Judith Dagley: Love Connection - Feb 13, 2014

judith“We should take care not to make the intellect our god; it has, of course, powerful muscles, but no personality.” – Albert Einstein
Ha, I love this quote! And like everything that makes me laugh, it’s rooted in truth. After all, how could anything that’s been used to recycle old data even be expected to have “personality?”
Yet we’ve been using “3rd dimensional brain muscles” (which categorize all of our experiences, while filtering out all that do not fit into its “already known” categories) as the source of our intellect (which is defined as “the ability to think, reason, and learn”)– for aeons. Therefore, recycling the past into various repeating patterns in the present has been our illusionary and limited way of perceiving “reality!”

Nancy Tate – Wake Up Call – Avenda – 13 February 2014



I am here and I am your other self, the only other one that is with you at all times. I ask that you allow yourself to speak as you feel at whatever level you feel most appropriate. I am going to whisper a clarity into your soul and then ask that you relay it to the others that you care to share it with. It is a very simple message and it comes with the utmost love for all of mankind, all of life on earth and in our universe.

Marilyn Raffaele – Ascension Symptoms, Or “What Is Happening To Me?” – Part 1/3 – 13 February 2014

marilynraffaeleAscension Symptoms, or “What is Happening to Me?” – Part 1/3
Have you been wondering lately why you seem so tired – almost to the point of exhaustion, or feeling irritable, angry, lonely, sad, frustrated, or all of the above, and you can’t figure out why? Have you been asking yourself why you’re behaving in ways, or feeling things, that don’t seem to fit with who you know yourself to be, or that just don’t make any sense?
Or wondering why the people in your life seem to be reacting differently to you? Either they’re more excited than ever to be with you, or the complete opposite, they’re picking fights with you or being upset with you for no apparent reason?

Wes Annac – Death: A Simple And Unexpected Transition – Part 3/4 – February 13, 2014

wes-annac-300x229Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm
Continued from Part 2
As we’re told below, there’s practically no difference between a living body on earth and an etheric body in the spirit realms, beyond their respective locations and perceptual abilities.
“People [on earth] will not hear, see, or respond to him, so that even the most ignorant soul will recognize that he is not being seen or heard. He knows there’s a change, even though he, himself, sees or feels none. For he sees his etheric body just as real as the physical body. His thinking hasn’t changed. It’s just that he’s hearing people’s thoughts now and he’s seeing clearly the things which he was unable to see while in the body.” (1)

miércoles, febrero 12, 2014

Denise Le Fay - Finally, Changes - February 12, 2014

800x800 change difficult message
As is usually the case I need, and very much prefer, to live something myself first and long enough to finally be able to See (clairvoyantly) and/or Know (claircognizant Higher Awareness) what the latest Ascension Process changes actually are. Once I’ve done that, then I’ll write about what I know is happening based on what I’ve already lived and still am living and further discovering.
This is the reason I’ve been gone or not present energetically since January 1, 2014. Those of you that are highly sensitive have felt that I’ve been gone sporadically since 1-1-14, and I wanted you all to know some of the whys behind it. So much positive change arrived with 1-1-14, and from my perspective, not a bit of it has slowed down for a moment since!

Do not fight but love – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn February 12, 2014

(Translated from original language german)
My child, it is long ago that I could give you a message through my scribe. She is ready now for me, but I will not give her messages as often as in the past. I don’t want to put too much strain on her. She is not healthy and had many things to change and work up in her life and her environment.
I watch your development very carefully and I see how many times you fight against all sorts of things. Why are you doing this? The more you fight something, or despise it, the more energy you give to it and the longer this persists. Therefore look only at what doesn’t please you and take it to note that it exists. Then send it your unconditional love and let go. In this you deprive it of your energy and it must dissolve or transform.
I know you want peace and freedom in your world and in your life and that every being can lead a worthy life. You want to fight for it. I love you for your commitment, but you can do much more by simply depriving these unloved states of your energy  and by stopping to fight it. Love what you want to change and you will transform it and be successful. But NEVER by fighting, only with your unconditional love. The beings that you call the dark side or cabal are my children too, I love them because I know each single one of their souls. I can not other then love them and with that I help them the most. And just as I love them, I also love you, my child, unconditional and limitless. I wrap you in my love, can you feel it ? ~
Your Divine Mother
Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given.

Aisha North - The manuscript of survival – part 396 - Feb 12, 2014

As you have perhaps already envisaged, this period will be one of intense goings-on on all levels. Some of it has already started to surface, but as the frequencies of these incoming energies continue to heighten, so too will all of the ensuing effects from them. You see, the buttons are already being pushed, and when we say buttons, we refer of course to whatever it is that you are carrying with you. And this time, we are referring to those buttons that activate so much of your innate qualities, those that have been dormant for such a long time, but who will start to be awakened one by one as these energies come in and start to nudge them into being.

Kryon canalizado por Lee Carroll - Desmitificando La Nueva Era 3 Parte 1 – Mini Canalización - Edmonton, Alberta, Canadá – 25 de enero de 2014

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Mi socio se hace a un lado. Sigo diciendo esto para que quienes están en el salón comprendan el proceso. No es mi socio el que habla. Y les toca a ustedes discernir si eso es verdad o no. Porque no hay una prueba que vaya a descender sobre ustedes para demostrarlo, ¿o sí? De eso queremos hablarles.

Esta es una energía nueva, queridos, es un tipo de energía que permitirá que esta clase de cosas se le muestre como prueba a esa parte de ustedes que está despertando: la parte humana emocional intuitiva. Algunos la han llamado la parte del corazón y es más que eso.

The Change is coming! – Archangel Michael through Marc Gamma ~ 12.02.2014

Archangel Michael[Original language German, translated by Björn Kurt]
My beloved ones here on earth. Let me greet you and embrace you in my love and my energy. My energy shall provide you with the necessary clarity and understanding for what is now to come.
Today we announce the arrival of a large portal. This portal will be the largest portal ever which has manifested in your time and dimension. With the arrival of this portal resp. its manifestation an additional most important information is being provided.

Blossom Goodchild - Feb 12th 2014.

Hello chaps … well, seeing as I only have two more opportunities to speak with you before embarking on my tour; I thought I would see if you were about and if indeed, it is meant to be that we chat at this time? In the full understanding, that if it is not appropriate, then it simply will not take place. Many thanks. So, I wonder … is it meant to be?
Dearest Blossom … is it not that there have been interferences in our last few attempts? We must accept that this type of alarm bell was recognised with ease and therefore, known to abort the particular channel. However, we FEEL now, that we are able to misguide those missiles that are pointed in your direction, so to speak … and bring forth in Love … a communication with you once again.

Kryon - Lee Carroll - Desmitificando La Nueva Era 3 - Parte 2 – Canalización principal- Edmonton, Alberta, Canadá – 25 de enero de 2014

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Hubo una época en el proceso de canalizar, en que mi socio no se involucraba al grado que lo hace ahora. Usamos una nueva frase: “Él se hace a un lado. Todavía está aquí.” No es una posesión, y a aquellos que oyen esto y les parece raro y misterioso y espeluznante, me gustaría informarles que los indígenas del planeta lo entendían y lo hacían. Tenían nombres y ceremonias para esto y no fue hasta que ustedes se modernizaron que estas cosas se perdieron. Este proceso es natural y lo que ven aquí es que mi socio se hace a un lado para que yo pueda entregar un mensaje dirigido a muchos, pero el proceso está diseñado para uno: tú. El proceso está diseñado para que puedas abrirte y comunicarte con esa entidad que es tu Yo Superior – hablaremos de eso en un momento – y eso sería canalizar al más alto nivel

martes, febrero 11, 2014

Jahn J Kassl - THE GREAT LIGHT, ADAMA OF TELOS - Feb 11, 2014

channeled by Jahn J Kassl

translated by Franz

Today, here and now we conclude the first major ascension cycle,
that has accompanied us in times past and especially in the year
2013 and still spills into the year 2014.
Great knowledge has been anchored on earth and it penetrated
deeply into human hearts.
This knowledge surrounds you as a secure anchor in this time,
as a reliable protection and as almighty manifestation energy,
wherefrom you can infinitely create and fulfill your life.

Brenda Hoffman – You’re Sparkling In Your Life Between Lives 4D Review – 12 February 2014

Life Tapestry Creations - Blog Banner LTCLife Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photo
Summary of Brenda’s Febraury 8, 2014 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at The next few days may create physical changes as you add segments to your totality. As was true in puberty, you can’t direct these changes in terms of time or results. Perhaps you’re hoping for fewer wrinkles or a more slim figure – 3D perspectives. You’re now a Universal being and will shift accordingly.
The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for “You’re a New Kind of Star”
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.
Dear Ones,
Your new segments may magnify your memories and your being the next few days. Such is so for several reasons. Not only are you adding segments to your totality, the energies of the Universes encourage you to address issues that shift your love to fear or hate.

Nancy Tate – Wake up Call: St. Germain – 11 February 2014

NancyTate02-09-14: I received some information in my email today from Anakhanda Mushaba that he was inspired to write as he read the Wake up Call that I sent out on the 6th. As I sat down to respond to his writings St Germain came through with his responses. See the revised WUC below.
St. Germain,
Nancy: St Germain, I have been wondering since you gave the information the other day that you did, why did you give me what you did, and why the timing of it? Now I am wondering, what more, if any, is there that you would like to share with me so that I can share it with the world? I feel there must be at least a part 2 to this message.

Sheldan Nidle Update - February 11, 2014

2 Caban, 0 Zac, 10 Caban

Dratzo! The reality that you inhabit is swiftly shifting. The dark cabal realizes that its last days of control are upon it. The vast degree of daily manipulation by its subsidized media is no longer working. The major banks that this cabal operates are in crisis and a critical point is being reached. Their numerous delays can no longer affect a firm order of transformation and it is about to run them over. These scallywags have been eating at the trough of their ill-gotten gains, and their vile acts are ready to take them down. The present currency system is no longer viable and desperately needs revision. In addition, world banking and finance needs new regulation. An international monetary collapse approaches. Measures are in effect to correct this. The time for all this is near. The outcome will start a rapid deterioration of this nest of greedy vipers. World finances are in literal chaos and the current status of most surface humans is now in great jeopardy. Our several groups of earthly associates are working diligently to remedy this most precarious position.

POPE FRANCIS (Jorge Bergoglio) - What the media has hidden from you (Part2)

Suzanne Lie - Gaia Greetings 5

~ LA ENERGÍA ACOGEDORA, EL VACÍO Y REINICIAR ~ por Karen Bishop - Feb 10, 2014

.Traducción: Margarita López
.Edición: El Manantial del Caduceo


Sandra Walter - Telepathic Communication

Alien Complex Found On Mars? 2014 HD Available

Anrita Melchizedek – The Elders Transmission – February 2014 – 11 February 2014

AnritaMelchizedekThe Laws of Goodwill, Attraction and Abundance
The Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Stargate Portals of Light
Mp3 download
Welcome, sweet ones, it gives us great pleasure to be with you in this Now, as you experience this second year in this New Golden Age of Light. And in this sacred year of 2014, sweet ones, you experience the fourteenth ray of Interstellar Service Overlighted by the Pleiadian Emissaries of the Light. And as we have previously explained, this beautiful silver Flame of Light takes you deeper into your service work, through Illumination, Wisdom, Insight, and Understanding, bringing a greater sense of your Heart’s Dreaming, your Heart’s Purpose and your Heart’s Joy.

EirePort - Creation of Higher Channels for Earth Consciousness Increase has begun - Feb 11, 2014

11 Feb eireport_logo_thumb_1Sperm whale counts have increased during prior years, which has led to encapsulation of planetary efforts into sizable and manageable energetic “chunks”.
Creation of Higher Channels for Earth Consciousness Increase has begun, and will soon complete.
Prior terms of engagement have dissolved.
New possibilities for awakening are engaged.

Author, Channeler and Lecturer - Michael El Legion is interviewed

lunes, febrero 10, 2014

Aisha North – Short Update On The Energies – 10 February 2014

AishaNorthBy now, much has started to churn around because of these incoming energies, and we are of course referring to attributes that cover a wide spectrum, from both the physical planes to the more esoteric ones. Indeed, there is perhaps not a single source of information that has not reported a lot of disturbances, and we do mean this in the very best way. You see, all of these so-called disturbances are tangible proofs of the great shift you are entering, and as such, nothing will be left untouched as this phase of the operation starts to unfold in earnest.

Selacia - Benefit from February Energies - Feb 10, 2014 - Aprovechen las Energías de Febrero Por Selacia - 10 de Febrero

February is a perfect time to reassess things and put in motion a makeover designed to lift your energies higher. This month’s energies, with the Mercury Retrograde and a host of other factors, support inner reflection and establishing new foundations for your life.
You aren’t the same being you were a year ago, and you certainly won’t be the same person by the time 2014 ends!
The Power of Self-Assessment
Your power right now is to assess where you are, what needs to shift, and how you will shift it – coming up with a plan to put in motion over the coming months. When you do this assessment and planning from an optimistic, heart-centered, and spirit-focused perspective, you raise your frequency and expand your view.
Higher-frequency energies and a bigger-picture view of current and future potentials will help you get and stay in balance and in touch with your intuitive knowing. Remember that spirit knows what you need, what your blocks are, and what you need to put in place to take the next key steps.

Shanta Gabriel: Being Grateful – No Matter What - Feb 10, 2014

Our current theme for Inspiration for the Week is going back to the basics.
The Gabriel Messages book and the companion cards continue to be basic tools for me that are powerfully relevant for these challenging times. We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages now to provide insight each week as we move into the New Life that 2014 promises.
For this week’s issue, my web angel Lana chose a card about Divine Right Attitude.
The Gabriel Message card for this week Be grateful for all that you have and all that you are.
With all that is going on in the world and in our lives, it is easy to get disgruntled. Sometimes it is easier to just let our thoughts go into the negative channels, where we seem to have a habitual groove, and just ruminate on how bad things seem to be.

Jahn J Kassl - ASCENSION FLAME, SERAPIS BEY - February 10, 2014
channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

Since the downfall of Atlantis the ascension flame blazes 
incessantly! The white-golden flame of purity and of ascension 
is guarded as the eyeball of humanity. Never has this flame 
become extinct and never will this flame extinguish, because 
it serves only one purpose: That all human Beings, whichever 
path they may walk on, be anchored well protected in the fifth 
dimension of Being!

I am SERAPIS BEY, and with me a great number of Saints 
and Sages, Masters and Wise Beings have, after the events 
of Atlantis, taken on the guardianship of the ascension flame.
And this flame of eternal life was handed over to our siblings 
in Telos so that we may like an invincible unity create an 
impermeable reality for all lower aspects of life; in the 
meantime this sacred flame of love can without hindrance 
perform its service for mankind.

Karen Doonan - AA Michael’s sword of TRUTH for release - February 10, 2014


It is to be noted that AA Michael is a twin energy and that to work with this energy in TRUTH you need to invoke BOTH AA Michael and his twin Lady Faith in order to work with this energy in a balanced space.  Lady FAITH walks with ALL at this time albeit many are ignoring her whispers.  I have blogged about the manifestation of  memories, this is the way that the lower dimensional frequencies may arise within you in an attempt to hold on and to re-anchor themselves.  It may be at this moment you are being shown parts of your human life that you had all but forgotten. Some of these memories may be painful and leave you in much confusion as it may appear to the logical human mind that these memories are somehow “random”.  The old 3d earth reality will try to teach you to push these memories to one side, that as they are “past” they no longer hold any relevance and that to view them is too painful anyway. This will work against you at this time for the memories are coming up for RELEASE.

domingo, febrero 09, 2014

The Olympic Games and Our Collective Consciousness by Patricia Cota-Robles - February 2014 - Los Juegos Olímpicos y Nuestra Consciencia Colectiva Por Patricia Cota-Robles - Febrero 2014

February 2014

We are in the midst of the XXII Winter Olympic Games. These are the first Olympics since the birth of the New Earth which was God Victoriously accomplished in the Realms of Cause on December 21-22, 2012. The Olympic Games have always provided Lightworkers with a powerful opportunity to add to the Light of the World. That is due to the fact that during this global event between five and six billion people, at one time or another, turn their attention to the games. Humanity’s unified focus of attention creates a Collective Cup of Consciousness through which the Company of Heaven and every person’s I AM Presence can empower the Divine Intent of the Olympics and expand the Light of God on Earth.

A Conversation with Drunvalo Melchizedek and Adam Trombly

Ron Head –Michael with the Councils of Higher Selves - Nothing Is Really Separate From Anything Else – 9 February 2014

RonHeadMichael with the Councils of Higher Selves
We said at the end of our last message that we would continue speaking of the source of your personal power.  We shall do that.  This is a topic which could be discussed at great length, so do not be surprised if we do not finish it today.  We have decided to have you compare two different imaginary persons and let you discover for yourselves how the differences we propose would effect them.
For the purpose of this comparison we give you a personality called John and another we shall name Ray.  You will see that you know many who have similarities to John, and not so many, perhaps like Ray.

Blossom Goodchild – 9 February 2014

bloss arizona biggerYep … it’s me again!
PLEASE READ ALL THE WAY THROUGH. So much news and I am not sure what order to put it in!
So, I tried again today to channel (9th Feb … see below) … yet this time … ‘I’ stopped it … ABRUPTLY! For there were two sentences that ‘unnerved me’. The first being:
‘interferes with the master plan’ and although I was prepared to accept that as the case … the FEELING I got didn’t sit well. Plus, on reading back , noticing ‘they’ didn’t use a capitol for ‘master’, yet I did and the FOL would have certainly made me press the caps button! Only small, yet another give away. Then, as you will see at the end, I KNEW straight away I was not communicating with the FEDERATION OF LIGHT.

The Heart's Intuitive Intelligence (Subs. en Español)

Increible Ovni | Osni sale del mar en Monte Hermoso Argentina 14/1/14 UFO sightings real

UFO Follows Chem Plane

2014 Year of Emergence - Lee Harris

Kryon - Desmitificando La Nueva Era 2 - Parte 2 – canalización principal - Thousand Oaks, California – 19 de enero de 2014

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Este es un momento de celebración. Si pudieran asignarle una consciencia a eso que piensan que es Kryon, es una celebración. Es muy difícil tratar de decirles que no soy una entidad, que soy una parte de la sopa de Dios que llega y habita la consciencia de mi socio con permiso, por un rato, a fin de presentarles los mensajes de una Nueva Tierra, una Tierra que empieza a cambiar gradualmente, por sí sola, a un nuevo paradigma de energía que apenas empieza a mostrarse. ¡Es una celebración!

Valerie Donner – A Message From Mira From The Pleiadian Council – 7 February 2014

valerieDonner Greetings I am Mira:
I greet you from the Earth Council, my continual focus.
We view you today with lots of thoughts, fears, uncertainties and judgments about your lives on the Earth. The destruction is vast as it makes way for the new. Hanging onto these fears to which I am referring, does you no good. It is best for you to surrender and let go. This is the essential ingredient necessary for you to move forward with ease and grace.

Jahn J Kassl - ON GOD'S BEHEST, THE ELOHIM - February 9, 2014 by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

Indeed the actual Olympic games were supposed to be 
ended by a “great bomb” (The Elohim speak of a different 
event and do not refer to the incident of a Turkish airplane, 
which was supposed to be hijacked to Sotchi on the 7th 
of February, 2014. Remark JJK) 
This would have had enormous worldwide political 
consequences that the Light Forces did not allow to 
happen as such. Therefore the Light Forces of Heaven directly 
intervened and defeated all related processes that let the 
discharges fizzle out. This “intervention from outside” 
is possible because the light warriors of the first and last 
days who are still stationed on this earth hologram have 
mandated this.

sábado, febrero 08, 2014

Christine Meleriessee - Lord Ashtar and the Ashtar Command of the Galactic Federation of Light- Feb 08, 2014

~ Please Share These Free Teachings in Service to All ~
2014 is the year of Grounding Unity. It is at this time that those who oppose the grounding of the Higher Frequencies of Light are working extra hard to make sure they keep the global energy at a lower vibration.
Weather modification (HARRP) technology is one of the more advanced methods being used to cause fear and disharmony.

Aisha North – The Manuscript Of Survival – 8 February 2014

AishaNorthYou have all been put on the fast forward track by now dear ones, and as everything continues to speed up, your perception of the reality that surrounds you will also start to change at an ever increasing speed. You see, the veils have started to dim down now in all aspects, so what you see, will continue to magnify in all sorts of ways.

Ute Posegga-Rudel – Messages From The Realms Of Light – The Fire Of Transformation – 8 February 2014

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2014
Please Make a Monthly Subscription  and Donate!

VIDEO (recommended!)
Have you noticed how these universal cosmic currents are our liberation machine! And they are not always pleasant!
Humanity is being presented with their hidden content, now displayed in the open, so enlarged and magnified that finally nobody can ignore it anymore.
This happens on a global and on a personal level.
It is the enormous purification process, the Bulgarian Saint Peter Deunov has spoken of in his “Last Prophecy”. It is the great fire nobody  can escape, and it is dimensionally expanding every day. And only when the fire had its way the truly new world can arise.

Wes Annac – Planetary Healing: It’s Time To Care For The Planet – 8 February 2014

wes-annac-300x229The following was written by Wes Annac for the “planetary healing” section of The Aquarius Paradigm Weekly Newsletter, which is being offered for $11.11 a month. Income from the newsletter helps my family and I get by, and the option to subscribe will be given below. ( Lucas: That is at Wes his website via the original article link!)
I think it should go without saying that healing the planet requires recognizing and fixing the destructive things we’ve done to it.
It’s time for us to start caring about the condition the dear Earth is in, because we have a lot to do here and we’re being called to start the most potent of our work. Individually, we can only do so much, which makes our collective recognition of where we’ve went wrong more important.

Suzanne Lie – Pleiadian Perspectives – The Merging – Part 2 – Visiting The Mothership – 8 February 2014

I woke up this morning from a dream in which Mytria and Mytre were talking about Sandy and me going to the Mothership. I instantly woke up Sandy, who tried to push me away. Finally, she opened her eyes and with a somewhat angry voice complained,  “Why did you wake me up? I was dreaming that Mytria and Mytre were going to take us onto the Mothership.”
Sandy saw the expression on my face and said, “Did you have that dream too?”
I nodded my head yes, and we joyfully hugged.
“Well, what do we do to get ready?” asked Sandy. “Do we pack a bag?” she teased.
My only response was, “I don’t know. Maybe we should get up, get dressed, have some breakfast, and meditate?”

Denise Le Fay - From Head to Toe - February 8, 2014

Every time another large Energy Wave comes in–such as what almost all 2014 has felt like so far–my body and I go through this lightning rod-like process of embodying it and eventually grounding or anchoring it into this physical dimension and Earth. This isn’t anything new as many of us have done this for years already, but I don’t think I’ve ever written about when this head to toe process happens over multiple weeks and/or months. And as always, this isn’t only about the Ascension related aches, pains and symptoms but about why and what all is changing because of it.
Aquarius: cosmic "outflows"
Typically, these post 12-21-12 Energy Waves come in now and I (many) first feel them in our Crown chakra and very top of the physical head and skull.

Judith Kusel - The Twin Flames and the Joker….. the Challenge of the Twin flame relationship - February 8, 2014
Eye meets eye…
Soul recognizes soul…
And the eternal dance of Love is re-ignited and has come from eternity….
I have written various articles on Twin-flames on this blog, and I get letters from all over the world asking me questions regarding their twin flames, as slowly realization is dawning, that meeting the Twin Flame might be like meeting to other half or yourself, but brings with it its own challenges.
I am writing this today because of three letters I got where the person has met the Twin flame (or presumes this – for often soul mates are confused with Twin flames, or the infatuation is such that one believes this person to be a twin, when it is not so), and then finds that the sex might be great, and the communication too, but the reality is that twin is not free or cannot be fully present in the relationship,  or is behaving in a manner which is causing pain.

Natalie Glasson – Cell Purification And Cleansing By Lady Quan Yin – 8 February 2014
Dear and beloved beacons of light upon the Earth, I step forth with the goddess qualities of grace,
humility and love to greet you with tremendous respect and honour for the journey you are partaking upon the Earth. My only wish is to offer to you insights and awakening to fuel your remembrance of the Creator within your being but more importantly in this moment within the cells of your physical
The cells of your body are so magnificent at a physical level they are truly the creation of the Creator but they also hold an ability to absorb, maintain and hold vibrations of light, consciousness and energy. Your cells are your treasure chests; you could say they are like bottomless pits with the ability to hold tremendous volumes of information and energy. What makes your physical body more magnificent is that you do not simply have just one cell but multiple cells; your physical body is comprised of cells with their capacity of holding valuable knowledge and wisdom especially downloading the divine blue print within your soul and auric field. Your divine blue print is the perfection of the Creator for your physical body, a template of manifestation which allows your
physical body to exist with the magnificence you recognise now.

Desmitificando La Nueva Era – 2 - Thousand Oaks, California - 19 de enero de 2014

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético

Mi socio se hace a un lado, y yo digo eso muchas veces para que entiendan que el proceso de canalizar tal vez no sea lo que piensan. Ustedes quieren creer que hay una entidad del otro lado del velo que incluso pueden representar, y entonces mi socio se hace a un lado y entra la personalidad de alguna cosa, de otro, que les da un mensaje. Y no es así. No es así porque del otro lado del velo no tenemos la clase de compartimentación y singularidad que tienen ustedes. El otro lado del velo es lo que llamamos la sopa de Dios y todas las almas que han sido y serán alguna vez son finitas en número y conocidas. Su número nunca aumenta, nunca disminuye, están completas como son, aún antes de que se formara el universo.

viernes, febrero 07, 2014

Lauren C. Gorgo ~Breaking FREE: the call of destiny~ Feb 7, 2014

Holy crap..things are powerfully pressurized at the moment. And interestingly, I am hearing that this intensity is firing in two clear directions where some of you are experiencing enormous expansion and feelings of betterment, while others are still pretty pummelled by these new frequencies and feeling down in the dumps. Most of us I imagine, are somewhere in between on the blissed-out to bottoming-out spectrum.

Because of this, the Pleiadian High Council has asked that I address this pressure first and foremost to help alleviate any extra tension, depression, fear or anxiety that many are picking up on as these collective energies freely float around the ethers from all the explosions of new (solar) light.

Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa, February 7, 2014

Progress is still being made to bring you release from the many conditions and restrictions that have been placed upon you by the cabal. For the time being it suits our purpose to let certain restrictions remain, allowing us to work towards completely releasing you from their control. With our ability to see what is taking place we can keep one step ahead of the cabal and restrict the degree to which they can impose themselves upon you. For example in recent times many attempts have been made to start another world war. Each time we have blocked such attempts and will continue to do so. In fact we acted recently so as to stop the commencement of intended hostilities that would have led to another world war. Be assured that there is no way it would be allowed, and such commitment by us is a guarantee of eventual world peace.

Wes Annac – Unity And Awareness – 7 February 2014

wes-annac-300x229Written by Wes Annac, Conscious Oneness
As consciousness continues to rise, humanity is being drawn together like never before.
We’re starting to understand our interconnected nature and the fact that we’re meant to run this planet together in the name of harmony and progress, and even though the number of people who’ve tapped into this truth is small right now, it’s poised to grow and grow.

Blossom Goodchild – 7 February 2014

bloss arizona biggerFEB 14th (9am Brisbane time) INVOCATION DAY .
Hello Everyone.
On Thursday 6th I began a channelling. It is here below. The link was too weak and just not flowing as it should. I have learned when this happens to ‘let it go’ and try another time.
Here is what I received:
BLOSSOM. Hello my friends. Here I am, tuned in and ready to go .

EirePort - Fortification of Gaia-Cosmic Connections Currently Proceeding…

7 Feb eireport_logo_thumb_1Fortification of Gaia-Cosmic connections are now proceeding at the highest rate acceptable to all involved. Processes are native applications from Higher Cosmic Source.
Such connection fortification will continue until appropriate Cosmic disclosures have been initiated.

Pleaidian Message Regarding Access Symbols to Web of Collective Unity Consciousness - February 7, 2014

Message from Jen
Hello fellow Starseeds! A few of you are asking for clarification regarding the symbol you received from Peter to access the Web of Collective Unity Consciousness (WCUC). I knew questions would arise, so I asked Peter if I should share the symbol I received. He said no. Here is the reason: The symbol is different for each individual Starseed. I will let Peter explain the rest.
Message from Peter
Dearest Starseeds, we do apologize for any confusion regarding the access symbol. It will, indeed, be a different symbol for each individual starseed. The symbol was encoded into your DNA by your higher self for secure connection purposes. More than likely, your access symbol will be extremely familiar to you, and there is good reason for that. You have most likely found yourself attracted to this particular symbol since your awakening. The first time you ever noticed it, you were most likely fascinated by it, and began drawing it often or have purchased several items for yourself that have this symbol in it. The reason for your fixation on this particular symbol isn’t necessarily what you think it is. The reason is actually because your higher self encoded it into your DNA as your pass symbol to the Web.

Terri Newlon – Djwhal Khul – “Clarity” – 7 February 2014

DjwhalKhul(Channeling begins)
Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.
Alright. Today I want to talk about clarity. Clarity on all levels or all dimensions.
We have Mercury going retrograde in psychic Pisces, as I call it, so there’s going to be a lot of mind chatter, a lot of mixed messages and signals. People misinterpreting a look on your face, you know like you might have a dull headache and they might think you don’t like them. That kind of thing. So there’ll be a lot of miscommunication and it’s important to clarify things and use as much clarity as possible.

Live Q&A With Drunvalo Melchizedek - Episode 10

Is This The Face Of A Martian? 2014 HD Available

Jahn J Kassl - IT IS CERTAIN, LORD ASTHAR - Februar 7, 2014

channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

Beloved Ones!

There are increasing reports regarding the fact that 
Light Worlds are being made visible to all human Beings;
and great expectations are associated with them.
I say to you: 

Yes, it is true that Heaven opens up and that
for human Beings infinitely long light staircases are rolled out. 

jueves, febrero 06, 2014

Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden - Master Thoth ~ Universal Oneness for Manifestation - February 6, 2014

pink_gold-fbAbundance of Light ~ Creating Prosperity Together – with Master Toth

Master Toth represents the Unified Whole Command today; so we are just going to bring in all those 330 Rays of God.  The Flame and the Altar are going to be many multi-colors; the colors of all the Rays that we know of:  they consist of the Blues, Golds, Silvers, Platinum, Pink Orange, Pink, and Ruby Red, the higher colors of Pearlescent, the mixture of colors of Blue Gold, Violet Gold, Violet White, Golden Yellow, et cetera.  So then the additional Rays of God are a mixture of all those colors.  There may be particles of Light that are quite different, a new frequency of Light.