As is usually the case I need, and very much prefer, to live something myself first and long enough to finally be able to See (clairvoyantly) and/or Know
(claircognizant Higher Awareness) what the latest Ascension Process
changes actually are. Once I’ve done that, then I’ll write about what I know is happening based on what I’ve already lived and still am living and further discovering.
This is the reason I’ve been gone or not present energetically since January 1, 2014. Those of you that are highly sensitive have felt that I’ve been gone sporadically
since 1-1-14, and I wanted you all to know some of the whys behind it.
So much positive change arrived with 1-1-14, and from my perspective,
not a bit of it has slowed down for a moment since!
So far the differences between January and February of 2013, and January and February of 2014
is mind-boggling in a really wonderful, progressive, forward-moving way
I mean. I realize that not everyone is experiencing this yet due to
those always present Stair-steps, but you will too eventually as I finally am. This 2014 shift into accelerated changes (and please understand that by changes I
mean both pleasant and unpleasant) can easily be seen on the nightly
local and world TV news… if you dare to watch the escalating daily
insanity, chaos, imbalance, murders, weather anomalies, and
disintegrating patriarchy and patriarchal structures. Everything has
booster rockets on it this year, propelling humanity into greater and
greater change — ready or not — “pleasant” and “unpleasant”.
We’ve all known for many years that once we finally got beyond the 2012 Expiration Dates of the old Evolutionary Cycle; cleared whatever we needed to during the first Nine Months period of 2013;
the Sun completed its casting-off of the remaining dredges of the old
blueprints pole shift to fully embody the NEW energies of the NEW
Evolutionary Cycle at the end of December 2013; we knew that “reality” was going to shift into greatly accelerated changes as we exited 2013 and entered 2014. We’ve
all known this for years, and yet, as you and I both know, knowing
something is radically different from actually living it! And so, here
we all are… living it finally.
Before I go any further with this, I want you to know that to me “unpleasant” things, events, changes etc. are not
“negative”. To me those “unpleasant” things and events unfolding now in
2014 faster than ever before, are blessed physical indicators revealing
that we have fully entered the NEW Evolutionary Cycle with its NEW
energetic blueprints. As should be obvious by now, living through this
grand shift automatically causes the old patriarchal structures to more
quickly fall apart and go extinct. Light Mission accomplished in other
words! However, to the masses around the world, these and all other
related events, weather changes etc. are highly “unpleasant”. To me they are “pleasant” because I know–just as you know–what they really indicate because we’re existing, functioning and creating on slightly higher Stair-steps than the masses.
The current weather anomalies alone here
in the USA, the UK and elsewhere will directly affect crops, food
supplies, food costs etc. throughout 2014 and beyond. These extreme 2014
weather anomalies will no doubt impact much more than just foods and
food prices so take note and be ready if you feel you need to
physically. Also, never forget that you can and should always put your
Divine two cents worth into
the Divine voting box. We’ve entered a NEW level of learning how to,
once again, be Conscious Creators and take full individual
responsibility for what we want, what we’re available for, and what
we’re not available for in this physical world. In other words, I know that I won’t and don’t have any soul need
to experience certain “unpleasant” events, hardships, extreme
difficulties etc. in 2014 or beyond. Hell, my sixty-two years up to this
point has been all that already! From here on out it’s going to be very
much more “pleasant” in all ways. Use the energies, take full
responsibility consciously, take the power and consciously,
intentionally design your life now with these NEW energies and
blueprints and don’t mentally or emotionally focus much on what is and
will be falling apart that is of the old and absolutely must leave our
NEW Earth reality now. Let the “pleasant” and “unpleasant” changes
unfold because they must, while you Consciously Create and exist within
your protected space right next door to it all. We’ve lived like this
for many years already, but now that we’re in 2014, it’s going to
amplify and accelerate and that’s a highly “positive”, “pleasant” thing
for All down the road. Get yourself in your High Heart space and
heartmind awareness and spend very little or no time in the old lower
frequency left brained intellect. Fear, distortions and limited ego
consciousness exist down there and that’s a bad combo with these
amplified changes. You know what I’m saying and why.
Speaking of these sorts of 2014 things…
in April 2014 we’ve got the 5th of 7 Uranus/Pluto Cardinal Squares/Grand
Squares happening. The majority of April (and beyond) is going to be
epic because this upcoming April Square happens at 13° Cancer which just so happens to be exactly where the USA’s natal Sun is located!
This April Uranus/Pluto Square (there are
more planets involved with this square than just Uranus and Pluto) is
going to energetically impact the USA (and consequently other countries
too) in ways the previous 4 Uranus/Pluto Squares did not. This is just
another heads-up about what’s most likely going to be
escalating “unpleasant” events and changes within the old patriarchal
systems and structures. Like I said, this is actually a very “good” sign
that the shift into the NEW has happened within this physical dimension
and world. Be glad, be oh so very glad.
Another important change I wanted to
mention now that I’m positive about it from multiple contacts and direct
communications, is that my previous Ascension Process etheric entourage has changed… again. I know this is happening for some others too now that we’re in 2014, or soon will be for more and more Forerunners.
Over the decades of this life I’ve repeatedly experienced these amazing change-outs of my higher dimensional Ascension Process entourage of
“Guides” in the early years and stages, to “Advisors” further along in
it, to “Ascension Assistants” deeper into this process, to what I’ve
perceived in January 2014 to be pretty straight forward “Buddies from
Home”. Throughout my life they’ve all always been buddies from Home, but
this NEW 1-2014 small etheric Crew assigned to me during this stage of
the Ascension Process are different. This is really fun and another
important indicator of those “pleasant” changes finally able to begin
for growing numbers of us.
My NEW 2014 higher dimensional etheric
Crew have much fewer restrictions placed on them in regards to how and
what they can communicate to me and more directly interact with me and
this NEW reality. So far this has been a really “pleasant” side
effect from the previous Ascension related work I’ve done in this
life/body/timeline. So far the main change that I’m happy about–plus
tells me huge positive changes have been reached now in 2014–is that
this NEW Crew assigned to me can more openly communicate with me because
I’ve completed all aspects of all earlier stages and levels of my
Ascension Process Soul Contract within this physical dimension.
I’ve mentioned over the years at
TRANSITIONS that I was fully aware of when specific higher information
was being deliberately withheld from me by my “Ascension Assistants” or
“Guides” etc. and my own Higher Self. This will continue to happen until
I can cope with full awareness, which will take a lot more time and
development on my part!
Our “Guides” and “Ascension Assistants”
and spiritual “Advisors” etc. all withhold certain information from us
because we’re not ready to embody it and co-exist with it in these
bodies and consciousness. The second we are, we receive it, or as much
of it as we can safely cope with at that time and level of development
within physicality. Stair-steps always. But, when we can safely embody
and cope with another larger chunk of Light/Information/Higher
Awareness/Energetic Embodiment etc., our etheric entourage is
changed to match our current level of energetic being and awareness
etc. Think of this just like graduating one grade in school and leaving
that grade, that teacher, that classroom and progressing to the next
grade with its teacher and classroom etc. This is the same process, just
Since 1-1-14, I’ve suddenly been switched into what feels to me like finally being released from two decades in prison! Seriously! Those old ‘sequestration’ restrictions and isolation I had to live under for the past ten years, and the thirteen before that, have suddenly disintegrated and I’ve been released back into the world. The
glorious part is that it’s the NEW world with NEW rules, NEW blueprints
etc. so the entire business has, is and will continue to IMPROVE
DRAMATICALLY despite the simultaneous chaotic breakdown of the old
patriarchy and structures.
And because of my sudden release out of
the last stage/phase/level of the Ascension Process, I of course want to
run immediately instead of walk out of that old prison! My NEW Crew
watched me run around for most of January 2014, exhausting myself before
they intervened and told me to ‘Chill out wild woman and take it a
little slower. We know you’re ecstatic to finally reach this point
within the Process but slow down because your body and nervous systems
are already on overload with the NEW energies.’ They didn’t use those words but translated, that was their message to me.
I was like, and who are you guys? and in the next second I knew who
they were, why they were assigned to me at the start of 2014, and why
my old Crew was gone. NEW cycle, NEW blueprints, NEW Crew, NEW Mission
work within the Ascension Process, and it’s going to be a walk in the
park compared to what we’ve done already. Truly.
High Heart Hugs,
February 12, 2014
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