jueves, agosto 29, 2013

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - New Time Dialogues - 29 August, 2013

What was once sought, is now freed into expression of purpose. Truths that were once hidden unwrap themselves in the schematics of the new time dialogue. Energies that went un-harnessed now entrain themselves. Duality of purpose seeks a partner as Earth dances around with her upcoming choices. We are at a Point of No Return as one that passes through the pastures of life seeking safe haven from a world of turmoil.
We all sit at a place of less resistance as the time doors open to experience themselves in a new longitude and latitude of placement. Thy will be done, seems to be the title of upcoming events, personal and planetary. As we sit looking out our window of time, with our microscopic view at maximum clarity, we begin to truly understand, that it is not fate versus free will, it is fate and free will.

Dana Mrkich – Instant Clarity Coming Now – 29 August 2013

Dana Colour Pic NewIt feels like someone has thrown us in the middle of that card game Memory or Concentration. You know the one – where all the cards are laying face down. You pick up a card and it has a picture of an apple on the other side, then you have to remember where the matching card is among all the other cards on the table. Only this particular game of Memory has a Life Review theme, the matching cards are turning over all on their own with hardly any (or even any) effort on our part, and the cards are representing real life actual events, conversations, insights, feelings and synchronicities that are happening to us right now, especially this week and I’m feeling there will be plenty more to come.

Suzanne Lie – A Reminder Of What We Already Knew – 29 August 2013

SuzanneLieDear Readers,
I am going through the final edit for Book 2 of the Pleiadian Perceptions on Ascension. I wrote this back in February of this year. However, what was a story seven months ago is more of a reality now. Therefore, I am putting it up again as Unity Consciousness and Symptoms of Transmutation are “the order of the day.”
Book One Available in ebook form at:Pleiadian Perspective on Ascension by Suzanne Lie
Also find:
all in e-book form.
 The Temple of the Violet Fire
         When I emerged from the womb of the Mother, I knew exactly what to do. I packed a small bag, went straight to the temple in the village and told my friends what had happened. Those who I recognized from my first visit to the Mother’s core, as now I could remember all their faces, knew that they had to return with me to the site of the sacred stone. Somehow, they knew that they had volunteered to work as ONE being to raise the sacred Temple for the Violet Flame.

miércoles, agosto 28, 2013

AA Michael - ToolBox – Introduction - Marc Gamma - August 27, 2013

ToolBox – Introduction

[Original language German, translated by (Contra)Mary]
Beloved humans on Earth. This is your Heavenly Father speaking to you. And this time I am not coming with a message to you – it is these tools and some pieces of assistance that I want to submit to you. These “Tools” will not be placed to your disposal solely by myself – no, it is far more some mutual work collaborated by myself, my sons, and daughters.

It is entirely optional and up to you which tool you make use of in what sequence. The only pre-requisite for applying them is your firm belief and intention to avail yourselves of all possible options of those tools which we shall submit to you.

Méline Lafont – Series of live channeling Saint Germain ~ Serie 1 part 4 about Disclosure, where we are at the point of view of Ascension (august 1, 2013) – Part 4 And 5 – 27 August 2013

Part 4
Thank you Saint Germain.  We have about maybe 10 more minutes, so maybe this is the last question and I’d like to get your thoughts on this.  Changing topics a little bit.  The question I’d like to know and some other readers would like to know is how do you envision disclosure happening globally and who will introduce this to the mass media?  Is it going to be Lady Portia, Obama, and other leaders?
And also, where exactly are we with ascension right now at this NOW moment globally and what still needs to happen for this global ascension to occur and to move forward

Ascension starts with Love in your Hearts – Archangel Michael through Marc Gamma ~ 28.08.2013

Archangel Michael[Original language German, translated by (Contra)Mary]
My beloved Humans, this is I, Archangel Michael, speaking to you. I am back again to submit to you another Message of Love. We shall continue where we broke off last week and again I’d like to call your attention to the fact that reading this message will enable you to play a decisive part from your side.

Go forward into your heart before going on with reading my message. Be aware consciously of your inner heart and all its feelings and sensations being expressed therein. And refrain from any evaluation about what you will find there! Simply accept and perceive them. And once done so … go on reading here.

Update by Sheldan Nidle~8-27-13~~A new day, a new dawn…- August 28, 2013

3 Muluc, 12 Uo, 10 Caban
Dratzo! We come today with much to tell you! Your world continues to be a covert battlefield, with the dark cabal’s minions hanging on grimly despite the ground being gained every day by the forces of the Light. This protracted operation is somewhat discouraging to those who have committed themselves to the Light and its ultimately inevitable victory. The dark retains control of most of the international monetary system that in any way deals with the US Federal Reserve and its numerous banking allies, although this grip is no longer what it once was. However, the Federal Reserve and its criminal, destructive practices is facing its nemesis: a key moment is approaching when this ill-intentioned and bankrupt banking fraternity will be required to make a payment in actual gold bullion which it does not possess. This default is to give the forces of Light the opportunity to defrock the Federal Reserve of its powers and force a public bankruptcy and legal takeover of this highly illegal entity. This event is shortly to manifest. The fall of the Federal Reserve signals the demise of the current de facto US regime.

John Smallman – Saul: Visualize an Immense Cloud of Light Hovering Over Areas of Conflict - August 28, 2013

John Smallman
The apparently escalating conflicts at the eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea will not result in a full-scale multinational war.  The nations there in disharmony and disarray are going through a necessary cleansing, an eruption of conflicting interests and agendas which they themselves have to address honestly and transparently, and through calm and wise negotiation resolve to the satisfaction of all parties involved. Military action from within, or outside intervention would only aggravate an already tense and angry situation, and will not occur.
You, the Light-bearers and wayshowers, can best help by intending, every time you meditate or go into your quiet inner space, to send loving wisdom and emotional restraint to all those who are in any way involved or engaged in the developments occurring there.

AA Michael - You intended to change, and you are doing so. – Ron Head - August 28, 2013


This will be our last message for the month of your time known as August.  Let us speak, therefore, of your month of September.

You are already in the beginning of the energies and changes which this month will bring.  You are already feeling the significance, the flow, the shift.  You ask each other constantly if others are feeling it, as well, partly to reassure yourselves and partly to confirm it.

You are correct, dear ones.  This is another, but even more significant, month of remarkable shift which approaches at whirlwind speed.  With your improving tools of discernment, begin looking into your daily media reports for growing evidence that your world is changing for the better now.  Even when those reports seem terrible, ask yourselves how the end results might work to your favor.  We tell you now that nothing in this time will work in any other way, no matter what some may intend when they act.

Celia Fenn - Archangel Michael ~ Meditation to Accept and Balance the Shekinah Light - August 27, 2013

dolphinunionimage by Kai at www.quantumholoforms.com
Note from Editor ~ I came across this meditation received from Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn in Aug/Sept 2010 and felt intuitively guided to share it with you again today. The Shekinah Light is the most powerful Light of All That Is. We are currently in the process of receiving this powerful Shekinah light energy and the meditation will help your body be in perfect alignment to receiving this energy. ~♥ ~ Debbie ~♥~
Firstly, sit or lie in a comfortably and enter into a state of deep relaxation. Breathe deeply, and then focus your attention into your Heart Chakra and connect with the Light within your Heart, the Divine Flame of Love. Visualize a figure eight centered vertically in the Heart, Follow the energy circle down into the Earth connecting first with the Earth Star Chakra beneath your feet and then connecting with the Crystalline Heart of the Earth. Feel the Deep Love and Support, and then draw that energy back up through the Earth Star Chakra and into your Heart. Breathe Deeply. Then move the energy upwards through the Soul Star Chakra and up to the Heart of the Cosmos and the Heart of the Great Mother of All and feel the Love and Support. Now bring that energy back down into your Heart, connecting the two circles of the figure eight. Now you are connecting Heaven and Earth within your Heart and your Being.

The Official Translation Of the Motu Proprio By Pope Francis From 8 August – 28 August 2013

The promotion of integral human development at the material and moral level requires a profound reflection on the vocation of the economic and financial sectors, as well as on how they correspond with its ultimate aim of achieving the common good.

Linda Robinson – Message From Archangel Zadkiel – “Focus On The Moment For Expanded Awareness” – 28 August 2013

LindaRobinsonGreetings Beloved Ones,
This is Archangel Zadkiel along with Lady Amethyst of the Seventh Ray of Transformation and Manifestion. Today, we wish to discuss focusing on the moment.
A transformation in consciousness begins when you focus on the moment. Focus on the moment, this moment. Time, or what you perceive as time, is moving very rapidly. This seeming concept of time speeding up is bringing you closer to the concept of multi-dimensionality where everything is occurring simultaneously on all dimensions.

Natalie Glasson – Mary Magdalane: Dimensional Shifts Within the Body - August 28, 2013

natalie glasson
It is with the seeds of love of my soul that I step forth to honour your divine and sacred being, showering you in all that is your truth as you recognise it within yourself and within my presence. Your divine truth and sacred self is everywhere and can be recognised within each and every person. You are never alone nor are you separate from the Creator for not only can you see the aspect of the Creator within yourself but you can recognise it within all around you.
This recognition and familiarity brings forth the greater understanding and experience of oneness, even in a reality where separation is dominate. With the awareness and perspective of oneness, meaning the recognition of the Creator within yourself and all, you allow yourself to experience high levels of awakening and important merging with the Creator. The process and experience of merging with the Creator assists you in moving through numerous levels of activations, dimensional shifts, awakenings and releasing of old energetic patterns, thus you become and realise yourself to be the great beacon of light that you are.

Wes Annac – Astral travels : Rainbow Blessings – 28 August 2013

wes-annac-300x229The following was written for the ongoing “astral travels” section of The Aquarius Paradigm Weekly Newsletter.
Brimming ascended landscapes and perceptions are waiting for us to open up to them, and with the visualization power we’ve been practicing throughout various weeks we can access those landscapes now and amaze ourselves with our own ability to do so.
It’s being hinted to that the barriers between us and the higher dimensions have dissolved to nearly nothing, and if we make the active effort, we can reap the benefits and shatter our own perceptual barriers.

Boxes and drawers – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn August 28, 2013

(Translated from original language german)
I see, that you are still entrapped in 3D-Thinking. Stop sorting and labeling all in boxes and drawers. Oh yes, I follow your debates about Lightworkers – yes or no. I read the articles through your eyes. Important is only, that you work together with your neighbor, no matter how he wants to call himself. As long as you however think in such norms and labels, it will be hard for you to leave the illusion. No name is better and more correct than the other. Your stellan brothers and sisters would still not be united as Galactic Federation today, if they would think and act like you do. They have however learned to respect their particular natures and different reasoning and they are very successful with this. Don’t you believe, that you could do that likewise? Only united you will reach your goal. Think, act and live out of your heart and not out of a drawer, my child. ~
Your Divine Mother
Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given. http://thesilverplatinumflame.wordpress.com/

martes, agosto 27, 2013

Brenda Hoffman - Dare to Create NOW! - August 27, 2013

Life Tapestry Creations - Blog Banner LTCLife Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photo
Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com
Summary of Brenda’s August 23, 2013 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at http://www.BlogTalkRadio.com/brenda-hoffman: The energies of the next few days will help shift your personal creation perceptions. Your beliefs are that you might create after months of process. Your creations are of the future – not of the now. You can now create instantaneously – but only if you shift your belief patterns.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for  http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com: “Strut Your Stuff”
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” BlogTalkRadio.com show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled materials.
Dear Ones,
Many of you are experiencing instantaneous creation/manifestation results. You think of something large or small and it happens or appears. Others of you are not experiencing any notable results – much to your frustration. Your life is not as you want, but there seems no way out of your dilemmas.
Some of you believe all creation skills are a hoax – much as was true for those who predicted the end of earth December 21, 2012. Even though many sources informed you that such would not happen, those of you invested in that fear would not let go of that thought until December 22.

SaLuSa 27.08.2013 by MADAD


Love can be felt and be seen everywhere around you, take it inside and let it move through you and sweep away the last fragments of the old, that you know have no power over you and cannot help you anymore. We know you understand our messages, because they are sent with our love and energy within and they are helping you with your transformation. They are not just words, as words cannot fully express our desired meaning and information that we want to share with you. Therefore with every message that you read, focus also on energy that it is carrying and you will be able to understand more and “read between the lines”.

UFO Sightings Massive UFO Eyewitness Special Report Incredible UFO Video August 23, 2013

Suzanne Lie – Message From The Arcturians – Transmutation Of Form – 27 August 2013

SuzanneLieI started my day by reading a wonderful message from Dr. Bruce Lipton:
A Cosmic Joke that has the Scientists Rolling in the Aisle
As I often do, I asked the Arcturians to assist me to deeply understand this message in a manner in which I could integrate it into my daily life. Below is the message I received:
Our Dear Ascending Ones,
Your bodies are transmuting at a cellular level to resonate to a higher frequency of reality. Hence, you are remembering to recognize a higher frequency energetic reality along with your physical reality. Whenever you perceive a higher frequency reality, your body adapts to the resonance of that reality for as long as you can perceive it. Hence, whenever you experience a higher energy field of reality, your body adapts to that frequency of perception

Wes Annac - Channels and Coming Together - August 27, 2013

The awakening community as a whole is generally strong. We’ve been able to understand and expose the forces of corruption and tyranny, and we‘ve come to find expanded spiritual perceptions of the reality around us.
We’ve made significant progress and now stand at a pivotal moment in our establishing of a new paradigm in alignment with the ideals of all. Despite our progress, there seems to remain a stumbling block still in the way of achievement of our ultimate goals and ideals.
Something I think we should perhaps address is that, for the most part, we’ve remained divided into certain “camps” based on our respective beliefs and disbeliefs.