lunes, marzo 23, 2015

Lauren C. Gorgo - Doorway to Destiny: divinity made manifest - March 23, 2015

Happy Astro New Year!
We are officially inside the long awaited, supercharged portal precipitated by the equinox/new (super) moon/solar eclipse combo…what has been heralded by the star beings as THE defining moment of 2015.
On the way to this moment, so much has changed within us that it’s somewhat eerie.   We have disconnected so fully from 3D life that it’s been feeling very Sandra Bullock in Gravity lately…free floating around in our own universe, spiraling wildly out of control at times, with no concept of time/space and left only with our thoughts 8O

domingo, marzo 22, 2015

Movie Time - Tiempo de Cine - Brave New World(1980)-Full Length Movie.mp4 - Un Mundo Feliz "Brave New World" subtitulada en español CAPITULO 1 HD


Marlene Swetlishoff/ - Hilarion - March 22-29, 2015

Beloved Ones,
There is a sense of accomplishment on the inner planes as the cosmic alignments and human activities are taking place upon your planet. Your loving energies have been given and applied where it is needed the most and every particle has been utilized for the highest good of all, with loving gratitude and appreciation for your efforts. You are loved so very much by your Family of Light! Every particle of Light expands and fills all the places and spaces that are shifting as the shadows recede and in this way is growing exponentially. It is touching the hearts of all upon the planet, and even those who keep trying to douse the holy flame burning within their own heart. It is a time for deep reflection upon that which still needs to be purged and released from every person’s soul and looking deeply within self is a conscious choice that requires total honesty and courage. The fire within you demands such scrutiny and you are capable of it as you continue to follow your own star!

Diane Robbins - A Valentine’s Day Audio Gift from TELOS - Feb 12, 2015

A Valentine’s Day Audio Gift from TELOS

Sharula Aurora Dux was born in Telos in 1725, and came to the City of Mount Shasta, California, sometime in the late 1980’s as an Ambassador from Telos; and lived in Mount Shasta with her husband Shield.

The following account of life inside Telos, was written by Juliette Sweet, who Sharula and Shield lived with while in Mount Shasta. The last time I talked to Shield was in 1993, and he told me that he and Sharula were going into seclusion on the surface. I do not know where they are.

Secrets of the Subterranean Cities
by Juliette Sweet

The Agartha Network

Think of Shamballa the Lesser as the United Nations of over 100 Subterranean Cities that form the Agartha Network. It is, indeed, the seat of government for the inner world. While Shamballa the Lesser is an inner continent, its satellite colonies are smaller enclosed ecosystems located just beneath the Earth’s crust or discreetly within mountains. All cities in the Agartha Network are physical, and are of the light, meaning that they are benevolent spiritually-based societies who follow the Christic teachings of the Order of Melchizedek. Quite simply, they continue in the tradition of the great mystery schools of the surface, honoring such beings as Jesus, Buddha, Isis and Osiris…all of the Ascended Masters that we of the surface know and love, in addition to spiritual teachers of their own longstanding heritage.

GLOBE LIGHT fixed beside the moon to the first quarter at 7,15 pm-March 22,2015

Ute Posegga-Rudel – Update: What And Who We Are – 22 March 2015

[BT+10a.jpg]My dear friends,
thank you – all of you so much, who responded to my situation – for your kind and heart-felt support! Thank you for your love and your light and your blessings! I have read all your comments and appreciations for my work with joy and gratitude!
And I am proud of you who suggested that I look at the profound loss from a spiritual point of view, namely that this time is about loosing an identity that is perhaps  still bound to this dimension and to assume Christ Consciousness, or however we want to call it.
I am not able to reply to you inividually, my smartphone does not allow it.
So I try to answer here as good as I can.
Now – the following is not what you think it would be. But I need to paint the whole picture, so that you can SEE what we are made of. Look at my “case” as an example that applies to all of us. Although we live on so called quarantine Earth, although we live on a prison planet, we are FREE! Although there is misery for the overwhelming majority of humanity, we are in Truth all Happy.
And here it begins:

Méline Portia Lafont – My Solar Eclipse Experience – 22 March 2015

The Solar eclipse was a Breathtaking event !! The energies that are accompanied with this beautiful moment is just amazing and profound.  It really enters your heart and it has touched so many souls!  I woke up with a huge headache the same morning, finding myself trying to come back into this body and reality.  I went to see outside and saw nothing but clouds.  The Eclipse would start at 9.30 AM my time (CET) and would be at the fullest around 10.35 AM.  Yet, no sun was there to see because of the clouds!
I got this strong message to not only meditate but too that it is extremely important to go outside and look at it!  I was told that the codes of this massive energetic event would then be integrated through the third eye to enter the pineal gland.  So I was guided to go outside and look at it. Since we could not see anything here due to the clouds, I picked up my friend and we drove until we could see the sun.  I asked Spirit to guide us to the right spot!  So after driving 30 minutes East we finally could see the Sun taking a peek behind that endless cloudy deck.  We drove off the Highway and placed ourselves at a parking space next to the highway between some trees.

Ann Albers – Messages From Ann And The Angels – 22 March 2015

My dear friends, we love you so very much,
Let there be a sparkle in your eyes and a gladness in your heart! You are alive! Life is on earth is a gift, a blessing, a precious opportunity to grow in your awareness and ability to connect with love. The planet herself is a miraculous being, a wonderful and loving soul who permits you, as any good mother does, to learn your lessons, make your choices, and grow in your awareness of love.
This week we encourage you to thank your Mother Earth – the soul of the planet upon which you reside. She is indeed a spirit incarnate. She feels you walking up her. She loves when you get along with one another. She feels your appreciation, your love, and even your concerns. She gladly takes the energies you wish to discard and gives you life affirming energy to sustain your human body.
Dear ones, your planet loves you very much. This week take some time to sit or stand upon the earth. Feel your feet deeply rooted into her soil, if only in your imagination. Feel her energy running up from the soles of your feet or coming up through the base of your spine, nourishing your spirit and giving your body life affirming energies. Take the time to connect with her spirit and thank her for all she gives you. Then take a breath and feel her love coming back into your heart. Breathe in her love and breathe out yours.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan – Time Doors Swing Both Ways – 22 March 2015

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAas received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
As the memory of what was, seems to drift like a piece of lost wood in an ocean of confusion, we continue to move quickly down the corridor of time. We are being ushered into time doors that swing both ways. Down hallways that never end into a place that has not been created yet.
All of us have seen and felt the difference and the trail of chaos it leaves behind. Time is like a wild horse that bucks the 24 hr system and continues to look for a way out of the dimensional corral.  We all run like hamsters in a clear ball bumping into walls paddling our little feet as fast as we can. Not getting anywhere and exhausted by all the energy it took just to get this far. Time brushes past us like a gust of wind, not asking our permission to do what it was born to do.
Life pushes us harder into a corner of limited choices or so it seems, but it is us that has painted ourselves into that corner by our limited thinking. We can just as easily paint a way out if we choose.  Time has shifted. It has quickened its pace, and all past promises have shifted as well. Longitudes and latitudes dance to a new beat. Leylines and time markers are off line, sacred geometries are reset. An actual cog in time has been felt as the worlds walk into a new wavelength of Light.
We still biologically walk to the beat of the old drum when the band plays on in a different octave of time and light. Our perceptions are enhanced and we see in and out of time but are still not sure where to place each thought. Seeing between the worlds is not a place for those weak of purpose. One must hold tightly to the tight wire as time doors are opened and possibilities present themselves in a new array of colors. The unexpected is to be expected on a daily basis. People do there best to hide what ails them but actions are louder than any words.
This year of time asks one to get down to the business of picking up the shattered glass of this past year.
Seeing into the future is not a place for those weak of heart or knee. As one walks thru the time doors many trap doors make themselves know. Dimensional black holes to other places of parallel time loops can create a dizzying effect in most unexpected places.. Time doors open and close faster than the bat of an eye. Truth and time are adjustable in nature.
That which has appeared emptied now becomes full, freeing itself from  previous definition.  A shift of light realm awakens from a long sleep to escort you into the cornerstone where time and space meet. All limitations are transformed in this expanded view.  Do you have the courage to take an open-eyed leap of faith into this fluid point of possibility? Your vessel of perpetual self is being purified for the expanded energies and truths of the upcoming shifts.
You are an instrument of light that is being fine-tuned to play a new song. Relax into the Shifts; look at them eye to I, seeing with the wisdom of a thousand years!  See beyond what you deem humanly possible. Each situation has a million outcomes. It is up to the individual to pick the reaction  which then opens the door to a matching experience. / link to original article

Interview with the enlightened master about the current situation by/the blue Flare on 22nd of March 2015

More clarification about the current situation:
Q/BF: People need to know more details about the current situation of the Cosmic Anomaly & the Chimera Group...Specially; after the last update of Cobra and your last update.., as people understand from Cobra’s update that the cosmic anomaly is not healed yet, and you mentioned in your last update that the cosmic anomaly is completely healed…can you explain that?
A/ E.M: People should know that each of us is responsible for his update, and that none of us is responsible for the other updates
Q/BF: Could you please explain to us from your point of view about what Cobra mentioned in his last update regarding the anomalies?
A/E.M: Cobra mentioned an amazing information about  the history of the anomaly in general, of all its kinds, but not the current situation of the cosmic anomaly, he mentioned the current situation of the network of plasma implants ,, that’s why people were confused, because they didn’t pay attention to what he said..