I witnessed the full activation of the New Golden Age, last night, even as the sun flares are releasing immense powerful sun disc which work with the crystal pyramids and the new white golden crystalline energy grids of the New Earth.
Greetings Beloved Ones,
WE ARE Archangels Amethyst and Zadkiel, and we greet you with Love. Today, we wish to discuss defining your personal qualities.
Your personal qualities define who you are. They are the way you see yourself, the way you present yourself to the world, and the way others see you.
Dear Ones,
You do not believe all is well in your world or life. That something will shift your life from bad to worse, as has happened time after time for the eons you have been preparing for this transition.
We of the Universes reassure you that the small blips of light you have experienced the past few days are merely precursors to your new reality.
Be willing to face the fears of the past and move into new dimensions of Love.
Dear One,
You have come to a time when you know that the way you have always perceived your world may seem like it is no longer working. It may even feel as though your childhood traumas or other things from your past that you are not proud of are crowding into your present awareness.
Archangel Michael:
"Greetings, Beloved Ones.
We are sending you blessings of Love and Light, in this Now Moment, and we are inviting you to open your heart to our message for you...
Handling Relationships on Earth: Relationships and How They Are Leaning Us All Towards Enlightenment
Those who are seeking enlightenment and spiritual growth know the importance of relationships.
All relationships are important, and all have their place in our lives. It is not just romantic relationships that provide us with spiritual growth opportunities. Every single relationship we encounter has the potential to teach us something about ourselves if we are open and willing to reflect on them.
In 2023 all of my channeled information pointed to a great shift in 2024 unprecedented events as Earthly and stellar signs and events would become living cyphers in the fullness of time. As I stand in December 2024 I look back and see with wide- clear eyes, and all I can say is ‘Holy Moly’, enjoy the trip!
December 22, 2024
Dear Readers,
Because today’s message comes at a time of holiday activity and guests, we wish to once again (as in previous years) explain the symbolism of the Christmas story in this message. The narrative everyone is familiar with is so much more than the story of one man born 2000 years ago because it is every man and woman’s story.
When you connect deeply within to your enlightened state of mind, there is an expanded perception of the world you inhabit and any question can be answered.
Dear One,
You have within you an enlightened state of mind where Truth prevails and Divine Love empowers you, filling all the dark places. Give yourself the gift of finding this place, and become so familiar with it that you are able to connect there with a breath and a thought.
The Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light:
"We are here now.
We love you.
We are you, from your future, to assist you on your path.
A Message From The Galactic Federation
Dearest, beloved souls of light!
The love of the Galactic Federation is unlimited, and they wish to reach out to every person on Earth. They wish to share their love with you, and their wisdom comes from a place of loving-kindness and respect for all life.
Beloved Ones,
We prepare for the Golden Solstice's passage, which is strongly felt now. As ascending souls, our task is to always remain in the Truth of who we are and our personal SOLar Ankh Temple, our Divine Template, restoring and reclaiming our freedom and true identity as Divine Sovereign beings.
Ascension Portal
We are now moving into a huge ascension portal as from the 21rst and this will escalate in 2025 and even more so, in five and ten years.
It is imperative that you keep your thoughts, your focus, your attention, your words, and your actions aligned and concentrate on what you truly wish to create from the heart and soul, in the highest and best ways possible, for the highest good of all. This is your own responsibility.
The Galactic Federation:
Messengers of Light Preparing Humanity for the Shift
For decades, humanity has yearned for answers about our place in the cosmos. The increasing presence of UFO sightings across the globe is no coincidence. These sightings are not random events or deceptive illusions—they are part of a divine plan led by the Galactic Federation, peaceful beings of immense power and love, working to guide humanity through an extraordinary transformation known as the Shift.
Messengers of Light: The Role of the Pleiadians
The Pleiadians, members of the Galactic Federation, have long been the unseen hands guiding humanity. Known as the "messengers of light," they have walked among us as friends and teachers, illuminating truths about our divine potential. They are not strangers but our true spiritual parents, whose teachings have often been obscured by religious doctrine. Their mission aligns with that of Jesus Christ, a Pleiadian soul who came to Earth to awaken us to our divinity, redemption through morality, and ascension to a higher state of existence—a place "prepared for us."
The Pleiadians’ message has always been consistent: we are not alone, and we have the power to rise above fear, deception, and limitation to embrace the light of truth.
Sightings and Disclosure: A Gradual Awakening
As humanity inches closer to the Shift, sightings of Galactic Federation crafts have been increasing exponentially. These sightings are not random occurrences but intentional and peaceful displays designed to awaken us. Notably, these crafts are often seen near military bases, such as the recent "drones" over the Ramstein base in Germany, as well as in the UK and US. These sightings are carefully orchestrated to challenge narratives of fear and deception while preparing humanity for greater contact.
The Galactic Federation, with its advanced technology, can cloak, uncloak, and shape-shift their crafts to ensure humanity sees only what it is ready to perceive. The presence of these crafts is a message: there is no danger. There is no trick. This is really happening.
Overcoming Fear and Deception
Unfortunately, not all humans understand the significance of these events. Misguided individuals, often under the influence of religious dogma, conspiracy theories, or entertainment-driven fears, label these sightings as dangerous, deceptive, or even demonic. This fear is perpetuated by dark forces—the "demons" hidden behind Earth’s institutions—who rely on lies and manipulation to maintain control.
Logically, if these sightings were part of a "fake alien invasion," wouldn’t the crafts resemble traditional "flying saucers" and involve aggression? Instead, the Galactic Federation’s peaceful displays use what appear to be "drones" to gauge humanity’s reactions. They allow us the time and space to discern the truth for ourselves. The Federation’s actions are a direct challenge to the cabal’s narratives, forcing them to exhaust their false theories and paving the way for humanity’s awakening.
The Role of Discernment
Now, more than ever, discernment is key. While some humans with bad intentions may try to create confusion by mimicking these sightings, it’s crucial to recognize that Galactic Federation crafts are unlike anything humans can replicate. Their technology is impervious to any earthly attempt to harm or stop them. Simple trickery does not equal a "fake alien invasion," and fear-based reactions only serve the cabal's agenda.
Instead, we must rise above fear and analyze events with calm rationality. The Galactic Federation’s presence is a test—a chance for humanity to shed false beliefs and awaken to the truth. Sightings will continue to increase, gradually eroding doubt and fear until the Shift becomes undeniable.
The Shift: A Divine Plan in Motion
As we approach the culmination of this process, reactions to these sightings are being carefully observed. Each response helps determine how quickly humanity is ready to move forward. While some will resist due to rigid belief systems, many are awakening to the realization that these beings are here to help us, not harm us.
For over a decade, it has been foretold that sightings would increase as we near the Shift. The Galactic Federation is here to prepare us for an extraordinary new chapter. When the time comes, full disclosure and open contact will reveal truths that many have long awaited.
Hope for the Future
It’s natural for some to feel fear or doubt during such a pivotal time. However, the Galactic Federation is not deterred by skepticism. They have always known that humanity’s awakening would be gradual and sometimes met with resistance. Despite this, their mission remains unwavering: to guide us toward a future of peace, unity, and enlightenment.
As more sightings appear in our night skies, remember this: everything is happening exactly as it should. There is no danger. There is no deception. This is a divine plan unfolding before our eyes. Those who are ready will soon experience more than they ever dreamed possible.
A Final Message of Reassurance
Humanity is not alone, and we are not without guidance. The Galactic Federation, Pleiadians, and other star families have come to support us during this transformative time. Their presence is a gift—a reminder of our potential and the extraordinary future awaiting us.
Stay calm, stay discerning, and trust in the process. The Shift is near, and the truth will soon be known. All is well. Do not fear. Instead, embrace the light and prepare for a world filled with hope, love, and infinite possibility.
We love you dearly,
We are here with you,
We are your family of light,
We are the Galactic Federation.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
Copyright 2024 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.
The Lightness of Being.
The true state of the soul is that of love, joy, and the Lightness of Being.
Add to this inner peace and serenity.
This comes when the heart and mind are in balance, and when every breathing moment brings a sense of wonder and awe.
We find it so difficult in this world to maintain such a state, mainly because we tend to get ourselves easily distracted, or pulled off kilter, and get involved in other people’s energies and dramas which are not our own.