miércoles, mayo 31, 2023
Aurora Ray - The Revolution Of Light Is upon Us Now - May 31, 2023

The Revolution Of Light Is upon Us Now
I am so thrilled to share this information with all of you who have been willing to deal with the deep and dark issues that have been left to fester in the shadows for far too long. I am sharing this message with you all in this way because I believe that you are the leaders in this mass ascension process. You are showing us all how we can evolve into beings who live our lives loving each other and loving ourselves.
The light is shining down on you and loving every bit of who you are. You are a way-shower, and you are shining your light in the world, allowing that light to shine upon others and inspire them to do the same. You are bringing about a revolution of light, a grand change in human consciousness that will reverberate throughout the Universe for millennia to come.

James McConnell - St. Germain and OWS - Leaving The Ilusionary Energy Behind - May 28, 2023
SAINT GERMAIN (Channeled by James McConnell)
I am Saint Germain. I come to be with you at this time in these great times of change, in this time of the Great Awakening which was spoken of earlier in your discussion. The Great Awakening that is indeed upon you now, upon all of you now.
But it is not only the Earth. It is not only Gaia that is in this great awakening, but it is the entire solar system, and even out into the galaxy that is in this awakening process, this ascension process.
You are all moving through it at your own various paces, some faster, some slower. But you are all gaining momentum as you continue to move on, move on leaving the third-dimensional illusionary expression behind. And that’s what this time is all about, this time of great change, and the changeover that is occurring, as you move through this transition more and more.
And yes, indeed, it can look like it is difficult times ahead. And if you see it that way, you will create it that way. But if you see the beauty in front of you, if you see Gaia in all of her pristine glory moving into the fifth-dimensional empire, and all of the people that are ready to move along with her. If you see it that way, then that is the way it shall be for you. And if it is that way for you and many, many more of you, then it becomes that way for the collective consciousness as well. So more and more will become a part of this great awakening. If they haven’t already, they are destined to become a part of it.
And yes, indeed, there will be some that will refuse this, or that will not accept the light. And as you have heard many times, those that shall not accept the light will be consumed by the light. And that is their choice. And it is not for you to be concerned about. You be concerned about yourself in your own great awakening, and your own personal ascension. And again, it’s you are concerned about your own personal ascension. Then the collective consciousness becomes the part of that. But one leads to the other, and to the other, and to the other, and so on, and so on, until higher consciousness has spread completely across the planet. The old programming, the old memories that are no longer needed or forgotten, and you can move on beyond the veil, the veil of forgetfulness, but to forget no longer.
For you shall remember. You shall remember fully who you are and why you are here, and what this is all about.
Your questions shall be answered, as you are ready to receive those answers. So always, whenever you are in the process of the question, ask the question. Do not hold back, ask and you shall receive. That is the way it works. If you do not ask, you do not receive. If you do not ask to have our presence, then you do not receive our presence. But, if you do ask to receive our presence, then we are here with you, just as your I AM Presence is always with you when you are aware of it. So practice that. Practice that each and every day, each and every moment that you think about it, about the I Am Presence within you. That it is the awakening that is happening within you, as consciousness continues to spread within yourself and throughout others. And the consciousness that is connecting, not only you with another human beings, but you with the animals and the plants, and the valleys, and the rivers, and the oceans connecting all the mountains, connecting all as one. For it is indeed, all is one, and one is all. Always remember that as the ascension process kicks into higher gear now as you are moving forward. And freedom, freedom is within your grasp, again, individually and as a collective.
So reach out, my brothers, my sisters, reach out for that freedom, that sovereignty that is a part of your expression, a part of your life, if you allow it to be. You are born free. You are meant to live free. So be that freedom within you. And trust, trust in the plan as it continues to weave its way through the many different detours that it finds along the way. Freedom indeed is there in front of you. And you all shall be free.
I am Saint Germain. I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness. And, as always, that the Violet Flame continues to purge out the old programming. And remember: forgive, forget, and move on.
ONE WHO SERVES (Channeled by James McConnell)
Om, mani, padme, hum; om, mani, padme, hum; hum, hum. Greetings to you! One Who Serves here. And it is just we, the One Who Serves, here this time, without Shoshanna. But we will do our best to answer your questions if you have them. And we would ask that if you do have questions, to please ask them. Because when you ask a question that you are wondering about, you are answering a question that another is also wondering about and is afraid, or has a tendency to hold back on asking that question. Please understand, we do not bite. We are very much here to be of service as we can be. So do you have questions here for One Who Serves?
Guest: I have a question.
OWS: Yes?
Guest: Yesterday, when I listened to Blossom Goodchild’s channel, White Cloud, he said at this juncture it’s going to get worse. Those are the words he said. This will get worse, but you cane here to experience this transition, and you are a part of it. And I wonder if you are allowed to say what else are we supposed to prepare for here in terms of it getting worse?
OWS: We have to help you understand that if you are going to have a new age, a New Golden Age, and move beyond the third-dimensional expression, then the third-dimensional expression needs to fall away completely. And in order for that to happen, there is this great transition that is occurring now. And in order to bring about transition, it is necessary to have those things that were hidden in the shadows for so long to come into the light, into the light of day for more and more to become aware of this. And as this is happening, this is what is causing the turmoil and the despair, and those things that are creating what would be considered a rocky time here. And that, as we can see, is likely to continue for a bit, a year longer. And may indeed become just a bit more rocky as you move along. But as we have been saying for some time, and other sources have been saying this as well, ‘keep your seat-belts fastened,’ because even if it is somewhat rocky, you will be able to move through it and safely move through it, we will say here. Not that there is a need to be of fear, though. That is what we are attempting to assist you in letting go of completely. There is no reason to be of fear here. Only know that the changes are necessary to bring about the new transition and the new dawn that is approaching rapidly here. The new dawn of great change and awakening. Okay?
Guest: Thank you very much.
OWS: Would there be other questions here?
Guest: I have a question.
OWS: Yes?
Guest: I guess there are at least a couple schools of thought on this, but do you foresee still a big flash of light and energy positively?
OWS: You are speaking of the Great Event, or the Great Flash of Light?
Guest: Yes, that’s right.
OWS: That many name the Solar Flash that it has been called? Yes, indeed, that is still in process here of coming to the Earth. We cannot say, of course, when or how it will be, or any of this. But we can tell you that it is part of your destiny to experience this great transition which will precede—we say now, precede—the Great Solar Flash. Okay?
Guest: Okay, great. Um, as a second part to that, people who may be under the influence of alcohol or something strong, would they be affected by this, generally speaking? I mean everybody will be affected, but will that help wake them up? Or is that on a case-by-case basis?
OWS: It is, as you say, the last, on a case-by-case basis. Everyone is different. Everyone will experience the Great Solar Flash differently. But understand, in order for the Great Solar Flash to happen here, there must first have been this transition that you are moving through. So that many, man more, when the flash comes, they will be more ready for it here. Okay?
Guest: Okay. Thank you.
OWS: Would there be any other further questions here?
Guest: I have one.
OWS: Yes?
Guest: Before you became an ascended master, did you go through this process also that we are going through at this time?
OWS: We can answer this in this way: before this time period that you are in now, whenever there was an extension process, it was an individual ascension which normally occurred after great amounts of meditation and working with the light, and working with raising your vibrational frequency within you through meditation, through chanting, through whatever tool that was needed to do so. We are speaking in terms of mostly in the Eastern tradition here, which you in the Western culture are not meant to go through this type of intense, intense training. You are not meant to go through this type of intense, intense training. You are not meant to sit in a cave for hours, and hours, and hours, even days at a time and be meditating that entire time. Your central nervous system and your consciousness are not able to handle that. But understand that everything that is happening in this Western culture is a part of this great transition, and we are helping you move through this transition, and therefore helping you move through your ascension process in the way that your central nervous system and consciousness is able to handle here. Okay?
Guest: Okay.
OWS: Would there be any other further questions?
Guest: Yes, I have a question, please.
OWS: Yes?
Guest: My question is about ancient records. I have recently become aware that underneath the right paw, I believe, of the Sphinx, the records that were there have been moved or have been gathered by perhaps the Egyptian government, perhaps by Lightworkers, and I’m wondering if it will soon be time for other ancient records to be released into humanity? Thank you.
OWS: We will answer very much in the affirmative on that. But again, it must come after the transition has occurred when all of the dark side have left this planet in various ways that they will be leaving. It cannot happen until this.
And those secrets that you speak of? Yes, indeed, many of them have been unearthed and rediscovered, and are being held back from the general public until the time is right. Okay?
Guest: Yes. Thank you.
OWS: Any further questions before we release channel?
Guest: Yes. Who is the entity named Baal that the dark side on this planet worship with human sacrifices. Is he the devil? Is he the yin-yang, the native end of the pole, would you say?
OWS: We will say here that that is a title of the dark side, a title. Just as there is the Christ title, and the Buddha title. On the Forces of Light side there are those various titles attributed to those on the dark side: Satan, the devil, Lucifer, Baal, whatever it might be. You See? So it is all the same, just on the other side here. As to whether it is an actual entity? No, it is not. But it is a title that has moved from various ones to another throughout the many, many thousands and even millions of years here, and throughout the system as well. Okay?
Guest: Okay. Thank you, thank you.
OWS: Any further question? We need to release channel here. Then we are ready to release.
Then we just simply do that with the understanding that you continue to move on. But as you move on, make sure that you are in the moment as much as you possibly can. As always, find the joy within the moment. And when you find that joy within the moment, you will find that you are more and more akin to being in the moment more and more walk.
Shanti. Peace be with you. Be the one.
Channeled by James McConnell

Emmanuel Dagher - Graduation Day – June 2023 - May 31, 2023

Hi, my friend,
During this time of year, new graduates across the world have the chance to celebrate their academic achievements with a graduation ceremony.
Graduation usually brings up a multitude of feelings. For some, these feelings may include a sense of accomplishment for what they have achieved. For others, it may bring up a little sadness, because it signals the end of one chapter of their lives.
Yet that moment can also bring great joy, excitement, nervousness, hesitation, and anticipation about what the future holds, as a new chapter begins.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - The June 2023 Energies - May 31, 2023
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very happy to report to all of you that no matter where you are on your journey there on planet Earth, these June energies are going to help you go further and deeper, because they are all about you all accessing more of your spiritual gifts and abilities. For those of you who already have gifts, you will be going deeper and further with them. For those of you who have yet to tap in to your gifts, you will be getting exactly what you need to do so. Now, here comes the tricky part. Once you do access a spiritual gift or an ability, your work is not done.

martes, mayo 30, 2023
Aurora Ray - The Dark Forces Have Been Defeated -

Greetings and a good day to you, my beloved friends. I surely care about you because, despite what you may believe, we are all connected.
There is a legitimate explanation for some of the unfavorable events that occur on our planet. Can you accept that current happenings in the world are the result of the collective mind of the (most) people on the planet's negative thoughts? But it is true.

Jennifer Hoffman - Manifestation Fact and Fiction - May 30, 2023
Manifestation Fact and Fiction
Manifestation is a big buzzword. Everyone wants to know how to create their reality, to become an alchemist and turn the dense lead of their unhappiness into golden joy. Ever since the book ‘The Secret’ came out, manifestation books, coaching, and training have become popular things and manifestation coaches and teachers are a dime a dozen, you can find one on every street corner.

James & JoAnna McConnell - AA Michael, OWS, Shoshanna - The Un-programmed Jesus - May 21, 2023
ARCHANGEL MICHAEL (Channeled by James McConnell)
I am Archangel Michael. I come to be with you at this time, in these moments of joy.
And that is the way you need to continue to focus in your life. In the moments of joy that are all around you and within you. Do not focus on what is not beauty. Focus on what is beauty. Focus on what is real, not what is unreal. Focus beyond the illusion at all times whenever you think about it. Know that the illusion is just that.

Linda M. Robinson - Archangel Zadkiel - ATTUNING TO THE HIGHER REALMS - June 2023
Greetings Beloved Ones,
WE ARE Archangels Amethyst and Zadkiel, and we greet you with Love. Today, we wish to discuss attuning to the Higher Realms.
Higher frequency energy is reaching your earth and bathing it in beautiful Light. It is inviting you to attune to the Higher Realms.
This Light is available to everyone who wishes to move higher on the spiral of ascension. It can assist you in raising your frequency and rising to a higher level of consciousness.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Tuesday May 30, 2023
Dear Ones, you can’t expect joy and happiness to hunt you down and jump on your lap if you are hiding behind a veil of inauthenticity. That amounts to standing behind a locked door and wondering why no one hugs you. You must have the courage to open yourself up to all that is truly possible for you by being willing to show the world who you really are which allows the universe to respond to you in kind. Yes, in kind. Much kinder than the experiences you’ve had before because these matches have been seeking the real you and harmonize beautifully with your true vibration. All you need to do is allow yourself to be seen. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Better Ways of Working with 5D Energies - May 30, 2023
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very fortunate to be able to reach so many of you there on Earth at this time, because we know that this is a two-way street. We receive so much from those of you who connect with us, and we are forever grateful for the opportunity to connect. We see you all as being filled with so much potential, and as we strive to assist you in tapping in to that potential, we also understand better how to tap in to our own. We are not a completed work of art, floating up in the sky somewhere, but rather, we are works in progress just like you.

lunes, mayo 29, 2023
Aurora Ray - What You Seek Is Seeking You - May 29, 2023

Dear beloved ones,
The word "problem" comes from Greek, meaning "to seek." The word was used by Plato in the sense of "search for the truth.
The word "problem" is used not only for the search for the truth but also for a situation that is disagreeable or unpleasant and where a solution is required.
Problems are not a curse. They are part of life because we are living beings, and living beings will face problems in their lives.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Lightworkers: This is Your Purpose - May 29, 2023
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have attained so much wisdom throughout our existence, and we know that the wisdom we impart to all of you helps you to lead better lives, but we also know that wisdom is derived life experience. We want you to understand that you are meant to have all of the life experiences you are having. These experiences are not meant just for your spiritual evolution, but rather, you are meant to access the wisdom from those experiences and use that in order to help others who are going through something similar. Something else that experience gives you that nothing else can is your ability to feel compassion for another who is going through that same experience.

James & JoAnna McConnell - Sananda, OWS, Shoshanna - Continue To Choose - May 14, 2023

SANANDA (Channeled by James McConnell)
I am Sananda. I am to be with you at this time, in these special times. These times that are coming more and more to you of choice.
Choice. Freedom of choice. You were born with freedom of choice. And to this day, you have freedom of choice. It has never been taken from you unless you have given it away. So hold on to that always, no matter what happens in your world, in your third-dimensional realm. Know that you always have freedom of choice.

Natalia Alba - During this harmonic phase of our ascension journey - May 29, 2023
Beloved Ones,
During this harmonic phase of our ascension journey, many of us are going to be immersed in a phase of planetary restoration and clearing. The energies from the 6/6 portal, will assist us in the planetary gridwork that we are accomplishing, at this time, and that requires all of our energy and devotion. Energies that represent the opening and stabilization that many of the Earth's portals, pillars, and fabrics are having at this time.

Judith Kusel - The dawning of the New Golden Age - May 29, 2023
The dawning of the New Golden Age.
Huge breakthroughs are happening on all fronts!
It is time to step up in soul mission and purpose in the highest degrees, fully embracing and being the Power of Love.
We are being gifted with the greatest ever of Divine blessings: The birth of new life and life more abundently, in the New Golden Age!
What a gift of Divine Love!

Brenda Hoffman - Your Framework Phase - May 29, 2023
Dear Ones,
The changes or shifts you are undergoing are not necessarily easy. Not because the changes are wrong but because they are outside your comfort zone.
Throughout your life, you had expectations of what you should achieve or aspire to achieve and when. But this change, this shift, does not follow a 3D pattern or any pattern you have yet conceived of. A change that likely feels right sometimes and very wrong at other times. The phrase, “What am I doing?” probably pops into your thoughts daily.

domingo, mayo 28, 2023
Alcyon Pleiades Special 45: Murder of Dr R Buttar, Zelenko, Gariaev, Kagansky, Montagnier and others
With this video, we would like to pay tribute to the courageous physicians, scientists, geneticists, biologists, virologists and chemists who gave their life for the truth. They have been unjustly assassinated, when all they were trying to do is help humanity wake up by alerting us of the grave dangers associated with lethal vaccines, warning us of the genocidal agenda’s manipulation, as they fought for the sake of human health and freedom.
Physicians and scientists like Rashid Buttar, Vladimir Zelenko, Peter Gariaev, Alexander “Sasha” Kagansky, Kary Mullis, Luc Montagnier, Franco Trinca and Domenico Biscardi, in addition to presidents like Jovenel Moise of Haiti, John Magufuli of Tanzania, Kenneth Kaunda of Zambia and Pierre Nkurunziza of Burundi have died or ‘committed suicide’ in the last three years, since the beginning of the fake pandemic. Furthermore, others have suffered accidents or received threats, including doctors Carrie Madej, Joseph Mercola, Peter McCullough, Sucharit Bhakdi or US lawyer Robert Kennedy Jr.
The global elite do not allow for opposition against the establishment of their Agenda 2030, and they aim to destroy humanity. However, thanks to people like those mentioned here – who are an example of courage and integrity – a large segment of the population is gradually waking up. All the darkness is being exposed, in this silent global spiritual war, until, ultimately, the Light triumphs.
Video by Alcyon Pleiades

Con este video queremos hacer un homenaje a esos valientes médicos, científicos, genetistas, biólogos, virólogos, químicos que dieron su vida por la verdad, fueron injustamente asesinados, cuando ellos solo buscaban ayudar al despertar de la humanidad, alertar de los graves peligros de las vacunas mortales y de la manipulación de las agendas genocidas, luchando en bien de la salud y la libertad humana.
Médicos y científicos como Rashid Buttar, Vladimir Zelenko, Peter Gariaev, Alexander “Sasha” Kagansky, Kary Mullis, Luc Montagnier, Franco Trinca, Domenico Biscardi, también presidentes como Jovenel Moise de Haití, John Magufuli de Tanzania, o Kenneth Kaunda de Zambia, Pierre Nkurunziza de Burundi, fueron muertos o “suicidados” en estos tres últimos años, desde el inicio de la falsa pandemia.
Y otros que han sufrido accidentes o han sido amenazados, como los doctores Carrie Madej, Joseph Mercola, Peter McCullough, Sucharit Bhakdi o el abogado estadounidense Robert Kennedy Jr.
La élite mundial no admite oposición al establecimiento de su Agenda 2030, quieren acabar con la humanidad, pero gracias a personas como estas mencionadas, que son un ejemplo de valentía e integridad, una gran parte de la población está despertando y poco a poco, toda la oscuridad está quedando expuesta, en esta guerra espiritual silenciosa mundial, hasta el triunfo de la Luz.
Video realizado por Alcyon Pléyades

Aurora Ray - The Medical Pods -Ascension Of Earth And All Life Forms Is Imminent - May 28, 2023

The cradle of humanity is about to come into alignment with the Cosmic Central Sun, and all life as we know it will be forever changed.
We will be able to employ numerous advanced technologies that the Galactic Federation will share after rising into 5D. We're going to talk about one of them today.

Natalia Alba - During this harmonic month of June - May 28, 2023
Beloved Ones,
During this harmonic month of June, Guides emphasize the importance of assisting in repairing the Earth's 3D grids, for those who have this as a personal mission or are stepping into it. We are having important openings in certain planetary locations that need to be cleared, restored, and stabilized, at this time.

John Smallman - Jesus - Life is Love, you are Love, and Love is boundless - May 28, 2023
There is only God, with Whom each and everyone of you is eternally at One. To understand that, as you live your lives in human bodies experiencing their limitations, is impossible, and you tend to find yourselves undergoing enormous mood swings that severely undermine the true joy of life, even if in the present moment all your needs are being met. It is very confusing and unsettling for you, and as you are almost constantly being fed the drama of worldly events of a very unhappy and fearful nature, it is very difficult for you be relaxed and at peace for more than a few minutes at a time, as your egos keep presenting you with personally worrying ‘what if’ thoughts.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - Feeling free to be yourself is the greatest gift you can give - May 28, 2023
Dear One,
In your heart, you are free. This energy of freedom can be expressed in your daily life as well as kept as a sacred trust within you. This energy is God working through you and encouraging you to let your light shine.
When you are feeling free to be yourself, that is the time your light shines the brightest. That is when you are most relaxed and happy, which is the way your Spirit intended you to live.

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - May 28, 2023
MAY 28, 2023
Welcome dear readers. Always know that these message hold the intention of guiding readers toward a higher understanding and awareness of what is taking place both within and without. These are times of intense clearings because all old energy that has been stored and carried from past lives must be cleared in order to align with the higher frequencies of spiritual ascension.

Sandra Walter - Muerte, Disolución, y Sensaciones de los Reinos Superiores

Bendiciones Amados ~
Las energías de abrir el corazón de este Portal hasta el 29 de mayo también están amplificando la muerte de viejos constructos. Sensaciones de libertad, disociación, muerte, disolución o desaparición están muy extendidas.
La semana pasada vi a miles de Almas tomando un punto de elección más elevado en este momento. Muchos se están transportando a sí mismos a los Nuevos Reinos de conciencia en vibrantes columnas de Ascensión llenas de ADN Cristalino.

Natalia Alba - We are entering into a new month of profound soul retrieval - May 28, 2023
Beloved Ones,
We are entering into a new month of profound soul retrieval, stabilization, and liberation. An inner process required for us to be able to see, from a more illumined perspective, what we have to release, transform or let go, in our ascension path. A month that will serve us to restore our energetic bodies, for when we enter deeper into the summer, we will be immersed in another potent restorative, and expansive wave.

Crop Circle - Broad Hinton - 28/05/23

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - We Are Awakening Your Immortality - May 28,2023
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are awakening within your consciousness and within your cellular memory the awareness that you have been able to live much longer lives in your human physical bodies. There have been humans who lived for hundreds of years in your ancient past, and they were not being kept alive by machines and drugs. You need to have those memories awakened within you in order to take the leap forward that you are taking, and we are referring to the leap from having a mortal, carbon-based vehicle to an immortal, crystalline-based vehicle.

sábado, mayo 27, 2023
Natalia Alba - The Energies of June 2023 ~ Retrieving & Anchoring Harmony
June is a month for personal transformation, healing, and resting if we have previously done this inner work, and hence illumination if we are willing to go into the depths of our being, where we can do all the necessary changes required for us to be more unified. 13 is the number of transformation, which simply means to move from a state of being to another, a more peaceful one represented by its reduced number 4. What determines our new state of being is our conscious choice to move from separation to unity, for all is a matter of choice after all.

Aurora Ray - Where Is The 5th Dimension? - May 27, 2023

Dear family of light,
The fifth dimension is not a place you go to; it is the quality of consciousness you bring to wherever you are. It is the open heart that welcomes all things, both good and bad, with love. It is the complete acceptance of reality as it is, without judgment. It is perfect peace and joy within the moment because you have recognized a greater presence within yourself than your ego.

Asara Adams - The Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light - Energy Report - May 27, 2023
The Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light:
"We are here now.
We love you.
We are you, from your future, to assist you on your path.
Beloved One, as you are on your Ascension journey, things are changing very rapidly.

Celia Fenn - Supernova explosiva envía ondas de energía a la Tierra - May 27, 2023
Supernova explosiva envía ondas de energía a la Tierra
El tsunami de energía que hemos recibido después de que la luna llena y el eclipse 5/5 haya sido amplificado por una supernova explotando en la galaxia molinete cerca de la Osa Mayor/Ursa Mayor.
Esta supernova está lo suficientemente cerca y brillante como para ser fotografiada por astrónomos del patio trasero en la Tierra. Lo que significa que su luz y energía están llegando a nosotros.

Celia Fenn - Exploding Supernova sends waves of energy to Earth - May 27, 2023
Exploding Supernova sends waves of energy to Earth
The energy tsunami we have received after the 5 /5 Full Moon and Eclipse has been amplified by an exploding Supernova in the Pinwheel Galaxy near the Big Dipper/Ursa Major.
This Supernova is close and bright enough to be photographed by backyard astronomers on Earth. Which means its light and energy are reaching us.

Judith Kusel - We are being freed on multiple levels now - May 27, 2023
We are being freed on multiple levels now, deeply subconscious programming, cords, attachments to the old matrix of the 3D.
I was shown this a few days ago profoundly.
The cosmic energies now pouring in and directed by the company of heavens and the Golden Rainbow Fires are sweeping through our heads dismantling all which has ever been programned in there, or put in there, or attrached itself there without our permission throughout all lifetimes on earth.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - New Heart Chakra Upgrades & Their Effects on You - May 27, 2023
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very pleased to give you this transmission because we know that this is one many of you will be happy to hear. You have been given a series of upgrades to your heart chakras that are going to make it a lot easier for you to move through any blockages and any pent up emotional energies that you have stuck there in your hearts, around your hearts, and particularly within your heart chakras. These upgrades have been given to you by your guides while you are asleep, and they have been uniquely tailored to each and every one of you. We are speaking now to the entire human collective, not just those of you who are awake. We also want you to know that these upgrades help you to go deeper within your own heart chakras, and will make it easier for you to access the multidimensional portal that exists at the center of your heart.

viernes, mayo 26, 2023
Aurora Ray - What Are Frequencies/Dimensions? - May 26, 2023

Greetings, friends!
We have been experiencing level after level of the process of ascension over many lifetimes. During this time, the Creator has been moving from a state of absolute unity into a state of relative separation so that it can experience itself through its own creative thought process. Through a process called evolution, we have been consciously changing from a state of being unconscious in our essence as pure spirit into conscious embodiments of spirit.
When referring to frequencies, we mean oscillations per second or hertz (Hz). We are vibrating beings that are affected by everything around us—from electrical appliances to electromagnetic fields created by power lines, cell phone towers, and high tension wires.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - How to Avoid the Label of ‘Sheep’ - May 26, 2023
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are so very happy with your progress, as we witness you putting aside your differences a little more often these days in an effort to live in greater harmony with one another. Some of you know that you are going to disagree with your neighbor, your co-worker, or your family member on certain topics, and rather than trying to convince the other person that you are right and they are wrong, we’ve seen an uptick in the number of opportunities taken for peace rather than going to battle.

jueves, mayo 25, 2023
Aurora Ray - You Have Arrived - May 25, 2023

I am certain that the idea that we should become something is totally wrong. The idea itself is the problem. The desire that you are not what you are is the cause of suffering. And if you desire to be something else, then you have to look into the future, which is never going to happen.
Realize that you have arrived! That's the first step. You have come here and dropped down in this body, this mind, this consciousness – this is your arrival.

Jamye Price - June Ascension Energies - Unknowns and Opposites - May 25, 2023

You are always creating a Connection of the self and All Life within your being. Key to that is your Awareness.
Unknown Awareness
Your Awareness is the point of Connection that offers conscious choice. It is the point of Connection to what was and is into what will be. It is the Connection of Unknowns and Opposites with your Love, your desires, your dreams, your fears, your self.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Thursday May 25, 2023

Today we would like to ask you if you spend as much time being on the lookout for joy as you do for less pleasant experiences and emotions? If you are going to be in trouble-shooting mode a lot of the time, does it not make sense to balance it by being in treasure finding mode, too?
You are doing yourself a great disservice if you are only recognizing the unwanted and ignoring the blessings. The blessings in your life abound when you have the eyes to see, and when you allow yourself to feel the good as well as the bad, you will realize that acknowledging the blessings and deciding to have the full experience of them opens the door to feeling wonder and joy.

Sandra Walter - Dealing with Death & Dissolving - May 25, 2023
Blessings Beloveds ~
The heart-opening energies of this Gateway (open through May 29th) are also amplifying death of old constructs. Sensations of freedom, dissociation, death, dissolving, or disappearing are widespread.
Last week I saw thousands of Souls making a higher choice-point right now. Many are transporting themselves to the New Realms of consciousness in vibrant Ascension columns filled with Crystalline DNA.

Judith Kusel - It is time to expand in all directions - May 25, 2023
I was in the midst of my early morning quiet time, and with all which is happening now, was truly wondering where all this would lead to, when suddenly the guidance I received was crystal clear: “Step out of all boxes of who you ever believed yourself to be. It is time to expand in all directions, beyond anything which was before. There is so much more you can grow into and so much more you can be, as you step further into the truth of who and what you in truth are, at soul level.”

Jennifer Hoffman - And the fast moving... - May 25, 2023

And the fast moving, laser focused energy of this week continues, as does the high solar flares. We are averaging 5 or more M-class solar flares a day, that's quite a lot. You're going to feel the energy so be aware especially those of you who are very sensitive to energy shifts and movement.
I have noticed we are doing a lot of multi-dimensional work right now and that requires a lot of focus so if you have been staying at home or feeling quiet, you're working hard. Get the rest you need and don't feel obligated to be social - people would probably ignore you since we tend to be less available on the material plane when we're doing multi-dimensional work.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - A Call to All Healers, Channels, Psychics & Coaches - May 25, 2023
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have so much respect for those of you who are willing to put yourselves out there and help other people with your gifts. We know that so many of you who are interested in us and in our messages have already accessed your spiritual gifts, and we know that some of you are a bit reluctant to put yourselves out there as a helper, a healer, a guide, a channel, and we want you to know how much support there is coming from the nonphysical for you to do just that. We are not attempting to nudge you in that direction because of our own agenda, but rather, we are doing so because we know how good it is for you to do what you are feeling called to do.

miércoles, mayo 24, 2023
James Gilliland - ECETI News - Contact Happening Now - May 25, 2023
Contact Happening Now
They’re here, they have always been here but they are now ready for contact. For those who have an open mind, loving heart and pure intent they are a thought away. There have been sightings around military bases increasing exponentially. It is part of a multidimensional plan to liberate Earth. There are forces seen and unseen involved beyond our ability to remove, that have been at war with humanity for thousands of years. They have been behind every war, every plague, every economic collapse, they thrive on the pain and suffering of humanity. They are involved in everything from drug, child, and sex trafficking to human sacrifice. They are now trying to bring us to WW3. It’s time to grow up. You no longer have the luxury of denial. Whistleblowers are coming forward in every agency including SSP Secret Space Fleet speaking about harvesting humans and abducting them as slaves. This is also replete within the upper echelons of many of your institutions. Most people cannot handle the depth of corruption and depravity. Satanic/Luciferian forces within the global elite have taken control of almost every institution. This is being rectified with help on high.
The reason everything is looking like theater is because it is. Many of these leaders have already been dealt with. What you are seeing are actors, masks and CGI for the most part in an attempt to wake up the socially engineered brain washed masses. Many of the socially engineered lack critical thinking, base logic and are research impaired. They suffer from cognitive dissonance while others are morally impaired to the point they are no longer redeemable. Some very hard lessons are coming for them.
Universal Law is coming, Gesara what was once Nesara is being enforced. It was always in play since the Clinton Era yet now it will be implemented. There will be some chaos during this process, prepare for it. The Sun governs the evolution of Earth, all Suns are connected. The consciousness and energy of God/Creator/Great Spirit flows through the Suns and is vibrationally lifting the entire galaxy including the Earth and all its inhabitants. It is part of the awakening and healing process some call the planetary liberation from darker forces that have made Earth their home since time began.
It is not just Satan/Lucifer, demons and wayward discarnate spirits it is also serpent beings, Reptilians, Tall Greys and a host of others. The Orion Grey Alliance is one group that consists of many negative ETs which are in the process of being removed. They are not to be confused with the Orion Council of Light. Just as there are dark alliances there are light alliances. The Beautiful Many Saints, Sages, Ascended Masters, Archangels and a host of Spiritually and Technologically Advanced civilizations are coming to the aid of humanity. The ground crew is known as the White Hats, leaders and generals around the world gathered together to end the tyranny once and for all. Watch who the mainstream media demonizes if you want to know who the good guys are. Nothing is as it seems.
The Sons of Arcturus, the sweet energies of the Pleiades as mentioned in your bible and other sacred texts are part of this endeavor. There is the Orion Council of Light, Andromedan Council, Sirian Council, Pleiadian Council, and a host of others joining those on Earth desiring to end the tyranny and planetary enslavement. This also includes those within the Inner Earth, the Alantians, Lemurians and a host of other races living on your interior. Many escaped the floods and catastrophes by going within. They did not have to start over as primitives as the suface dwellers on numerous occasions. The legends of Elves and Fairies are real. Some are 6th dimensional and they control the doors to the interior. Your Bermuda Triangle is one of the larger doors, there are many others.
The enslavement through dependency is coming to an end. Most of your plagues and diseases will also come to an end. Longevity will increase and the Earth will prosper. Tyranny and all of it’s networks are coming to an end. Universal Law will prevail. We are in the birthing process of a whole new world. Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing will be hidden, the true nature and character of everyone will be made known. Action/Reaction will be accelerated along with what many refer to as Karma. Those aligned with self-service at the expense of humanity and the Earth will not fare well in the days to come. Those that serve the network of tyranny will also not fare well. It is time to rise up, take back your power, be of service to humanity and the Earth. Love, the ultimate power of the Universe is what is coming. Those who cannot rise to the occasion will not be frequency specific to the shift that is upon us. Our highest suggestion is surrender to the God within, see the Creator within all Creation, release the past and do not comply with anything that is not aligned with Universal Law. Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All is Universal Law.
I was told contact with the leaders and masses is happening now, the Pleiadians, founders of Atlantis and Lemuria due to their extensive Tera forming on Earth along with the fact they have more genetic stock than any other race are in charge of the planetary liberation. The Ancient Lyrans (Annunaki) after their fall also have a karmic duty to set things right. The benevolent ones are returning and you will see them in your skies globally. If you ask where Jesus fits into all of this. It is part two and he is not alone. His prayer was that the beloved Father let them become one as we are one. There is no exclusivity on God. There are many mansions, many dimensions. Masters were sent to every culture. Now their true message will be heard. Things will move very fast from here on out. Focus on creating Heaven on Earth and again do not participate in anything outside of Universal Law.
Be well,
James Gilliland
ECETI Stargate Radio, Rumble, You Tube, Viemo,
ECETI Stargate TV

Aurora Ray - A Transmission From The Galactic Federation - May 24, 2023

Dear ones,
The Galactic Federation is a group of extraterrestrial civilizations existing outside of our Milky Way galaxy. These beings or groups possess advanced technologies that allow them to travel intergalactic distances. They are part of a federation comprising multiple races, and their leader is known as the Supreme Commander. The Federation works in conjunction with another group called the Ashtar Command.
I'm delighted to share with you today an important message from the Galactic Federation:

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Wednesday May 24, 2023

Many of you have shied away from feeling your emotions because you have been afraid of being overwhelmed by them. The problem with not wanting to feel emotions is you just don’t block out the unpleasant ones, you also block out the joy of the human experience.
Many of you have rolled up your sleeves and decided that you were going to feel your emotions and embarked on your shadow work/healing journeys. But that also can become just being focused on what you perceive as being wrong and not acknowledging the many wonderful feelings that are part of the human experience.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Before You Return to the Chaotic Outside World - May 24, 2023
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been accumulating so much data through our observation of you and through our interactions with you, and we want you to know that the energies that we have been co-creating with others for you are uniquely tailored to bring you exactly what you need to move to that next level of consciousness. You are all taking steps forward in your spiritual evolution, no matter how it might look in your day-to-day lives, and every once in a while you feel that you are ready to go to another level that will enable you to access different entities and different experiences. You are also always seeking to access more of your true and whole selves. As many of you know, you do that by going within, but going within ultimately must result in you also going outside and interacting with the quote/unquote ‘real world.’

martes, mayo 23, 2023
John Smallman - Jesus - God is Love and Joy creating more of Itself endlessly - May 23, 2023

Love is the medium in which every sentient being exists and interacts with itself, with God, and with all other sentient beings constantly. It is the environment that provides the means for all interactions throughout all of creation. There is nothing outside of it or beyond it, it just IS, and many names or labels have been chosen over the eons in multitudes of human cultures by which to identify it – God, Infinite Supreme Intelligence, Divine Wisdom, All That Is, Source, and many other variations – and none of them even comes close to the Reality of it. So here, just for convenience, I will use the word God.