The Year of Amplification (according to Areon, the Lyran Council of Time) is flowing along. This lunar eclipse on 1/31 is a powerhouse. It seems the eclipse energies have been impacting us early! I have felt the intensity of it since about mid-January.
January’s energy of Heart Amplification stirred up a lot of healing. 2017 had the effect of much collective movement, which had the effect of personal change. The two are always inter-related. 2018 will call you more to your inner realm to use your power more directly in your life.
Follow Your Heart
Boundaries, personal will and creative focus, relaxing and nurturing yourself in healthy ways—these themes may come up repeatedly in 2018 depending on what applies to you. It is a year where there is less collective focus, more personal focus. This is, of course, what creates the collective experience.
In essence, it is a year where you enact the new desires and focuses the collective movement of 2017 stirred within you.
January asked you, what does your heart want? 2018 asks you to live it.
The universe—our living, responsive universe—is shaping you and you are shaping it. January’s intensity, whether it has felt wonderful or challenging to you, is a reminder to focus on your heart. You are worth the effort of healing, you are worth the joy of dreaming a new you. A new Earth. This brings us to February Energies…
February Energies - Looking Back
This was a curious topic for the Monthly Energies. Wallowing in the past doesn’t seem helpful. What about the power of the present moment? Being in the Now? Focusing on the positive? Areon is nothing if not consistent—still it is about our empowerment!
Heal the Past
The current energies strongly support letting go of the challenges from the past and enhancing the positives of the past. The two are always reflexive energies. If you release a challenge, you activate it's opposite. If you enhance a positive, you release any discordant vibrational information.
Duality isn’t just a limitation to be moved beyond, it is an engine of Life’s continuance. On this path of Ascension, we are learning to use it in a powerful and helpful way as we integrate it into connection, thereby expanding our potential. Evolution speeds.
February is often a month of much movement. This month has a partial solar eclipse and Valentine’s Day (a total eclipse of the heart?), so there is a lot of movement to stir your thoughts and emotions.
Enhance the Present
When you use these energies to observe with detached compassion, you actually get into a healthy habit of “speaking to the moment.”

Looking Back is a wonderful utilization of your beautiful mind flow. The linearity of the mind uses known information to categorize, analyzes and assess (among other things) so that you are safe in the moment.
The mind is survival-based when it works alone, it is based in thriving when it follows the impulses of the heart, your connection and compassion.
In February, you are supported in using your beautiful mind to empower your compassionate heart.
This is natural to you, as Love is your core. There is a simple exercise in the monthly video to amplify this. There is a difference between wallowing in the past, and observing it to empower your present—just as there are those that only want to complain rather than release and redefine.
You are learning to release the binds of the past that keep you unconsciously interacting from pain, fear, trauma or misunderstanding. You are using the subtle nature of Time to shift your present moment. This also strengthens your empirical understanding of the subtle nature of Time, a 4th dimensional expression.
Form the Future
Your past influences the physical, present moment. When you utilize your subtle bridge (your thoughts and emotions) to redefine your past, you are adjusting your physical present moment, even if it takes Time to manifest. ;o) The future is formed.
In this Year of Amplification, your clarity in the present moment, your empowerment within, and your optimism for the future are powerful catalysts to transform your life. And ultimately the human experience. This is the quantum nature of our holo-fractal universe in action. Within you, of course.
Happy February!