miércoles, enero 24, 2018
Selacia - Prepare for Full Moon Eclipse -Time to Energize a New Path Forward- - Jan 24, 2018
Prepare for Full Moon Eclipse
-Time to Energize a New Path Forward-
by Selacia
Relationships and life goals will be front-and-center issues this next week ahead of the supermoon with lunar eclipse January 31. For sensitives, this can be a week of both intensity and abundant opportunities to energize a new path forward. Continue reading for some tips on how to prepare for these energies.
With the spotlight now on relationships, this is a good time to assess your own relationships. If heart healing is needed in a key relationship, the eclipse gateway energies can provide the needed catalyst and support.
A significant breakthrough can occur, in fact, when you focus on a key relationship over the coming days - inviting insights about what's out of balance and what needs to shift for more heart-centered relating. The heart is key. Consider what your heart needs from the other person. Likewise, invite a knowing of what the other person's heart needs from you.
The heart is the essence of all love bonds. It must be the driving force in your relationships, guiding you and teaching you about how to be increasingly more loving and kind.
The solar eclipse of August 21 also had a focus on love and heart healing. This current eclipse gateway will illuminate your progress and help you discover current obstacles to love.
Life Goals
Life goals can receive a substantial energizing at this eclipse too. Knowing that, take time over the coming week to hone in on specific goals you want to energize. Invite a knowing of brand-new ways to approach your life and your path forward. Consider that what you envisioned last year may need to be updated to reflect your current energy and potentials.
As a divine changemaker, you are in a continual process of change and growth. There is an accelerating pace involved with this process during these pivotal years. In 2018, in particular, you will be experiencing an amplified level of insights about your path and sometimes sudden changes in what you consider important.
Trust your inner wisdom. Allow it to lead you into a brighter and more abundant future.
Copyright 2018 by Selacia
- a globally known writer, DNA intuitive healer, spiritual teacher, and the creator of The Divine Changemakers * All Rights Reserved * http://selacia.com * Feel free to share these articles with your friends and post to your blog or website as long as you include this entire copyright notice, with link back to website, and the full article text.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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