January started with a strong Full Moon and ends with another potent Full Moon which is also a Blue Moon. These Full Moons serve as bookends for the entire month and bring powerful energy of change. They form energetic Portals on both sides of the month through which we must pass with openness, honesty and Trueness. And on the far side of these portals, the True Year of 2018 begins....
From the very beginning, January definitely feels different. There's the sense of arriving at the shore of a new land with a sense of wonder that we made it this far. At the beginning of a New Year, we are always presented with a blank canvas. This is when it's better to carefully feel things out, rather than rush into action. We are sensing where we are now, while still in the midst of a somewhat messy mixture containing the residue of our old, duality-based ways of being mixed with Who We Really Are ~ our emerging Authentic Self.
A deep shift is taking place within the planetary platelets. It's similar to the movement of ice shelves that break free of their old positions and move to a new position. While this is happening, there are many things that we cannot yet see. This is why we have to wait for more elements to move into their True Positions. Only then, will we be able to see our New Landscape clearly enough so we can move deeper into it..
This January is like ice skating on a blank canvas. We are gliding along with grace and confidence and then suddenly hit a patch of rough ice and lose our balance. We never know when we'll slip or slide or crash hard onto the ice. Balance is more important than ever. Or we may unexpectedly encounter a section of very smooth ice and zoom forward when we least expect it.
Underneath the ice we can sense that there are patterns in brilliant colors. We can almost see them, but even though they're not quite visible, we know that they are there. They will start appearing around the middle of January and this will bring us a new clarity as to where we are going and what we need to do next. As these colorful new patterns emerge, the True parts of us will become ever more visible.
While we are traveling through the two Full Moon Portals of January, it would be the perfect time to release our attachment to the feeling that we need continual healing. Healing can be surprisingly addictive. It's like the constant quest for more educational degrees, more new clothes, more money, more credentials, more workshops. Only now, we continually seek out more healing as we feel that we have never received enough. We need more plant medicine sessions, more healing ceremonies, more Reiki, more massages, more Tantra, more shamanism and more healing modalities. This is when "healing" can become a self indulgent distraction.
When do we declare ourselves healed? If these forms of healing are so effective, then why are we still needing more? Why aren't we already healed? When does our healing process end and when can we turn our attention to something much larger and more important?
Yes, we have all experienced broken hearts, deep wounds and disappointments. We have all been shattered and broken. But when do we realize that all of this only happened to a small fragment of Who We Are Now? When will we turn our attention from our small selves to our Vaster True Being and start serving the planet? When we do, we might find that serving with our mastery is exactly what heals us.
I'm not talking about TRUE HEALING which is much needed at this time. TRUE HEALING is far different from the endless search to constantly heal ourselves through numerous techniques. TRUE HEALING takes place when we live True Lives as a True One. This is what brings TRUE HEALING to the entire planet and is so greatly needed.
The energies around us right now are like giant waves. These huge waves travel great distances. They travel beyond Time and Space. They fold themselves around us and embrace us. And they bring to us many new elements which we have long awaited.
During January some lost components of our beings are being folded back into us. We don't need to go looking for them, for they will naturally come to us. Some of these lost components come from people and places that we have deep connections to, while others originate in the Beyond the Beyond. The huge waves are also bringing to us people from our past, as well as people from our future. Embedded in these waves is New information which will enable us to align more deeply with our True Direction.
January is the time to commit ourselves in every way possible to Living our Mastery in the New Reality. The Sacred Pause gives us the space to release our internal hindrances, let go of our ties to limiting beliefs and excuses and to stop trying to cross the raging current with our feet in two different boats! We need to plant both feet on the ground, taking full responsibility to change the paradigm.
Let's get ready for a momentous year!
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This is a small fragment of Solara's complete JANUARY 2018 SURF REPORT. The Full JANUARY Surf Report contains lengthy sections on: Review of December 2017, Ice Skating on a Blank Canvas, Inside the Pressure Cooker, When the "healing" ends, the True Healing begins!, The Final Call of the Fire Rooster, Folding Waves upon Waves, and the JANUARY 2018 Overview.
Solara's Surf Report and Weekly Updates are available by subscription for $11 per month in English, German, Russian and Spanish at the Nvisible Mercado: NVISIBLE MERCADO.